Merchant and doctor

Chapter 609 Harsh Interview

Chapter 609 Harsh Interview

So far, no one except Nurse Ye knows how much the minimum actual income of "Bian's Clinic" can be in a month. In fact, Bian Mu trusts Nurse Ye very much and never asks about this matter. In the dead of night, he doesn't think about it. Wandering around there.

Anyway, Bian Mu was sure of one thing: for the first time the clinic opened, as long as it didn't lose money.

Bian Mu believes that the top priority is to contact a large number of patients of all kinds. This is the business that a young traditional Chinese medicine practitioner like him should do most at the moment. This is also the foundation for his continuous breakthroughs and rapid advancement in medical skills in the future. Others can be achieved. It's better not to do anything, just let nature take its course.

In life, don’t dare to be too greedy!
This guy suddenly came to apply for a job, and Bian Mu really had no mental preparation. The most important logical relationship between the recruiter and the job seeker was the salary, whether to pay five insurances and one housing fund, and how to share the responsibility for medical practice in the event of a medical accident. As for other things, , Bian Mu really couldn’t think too much.

Medicine farmer Lao Pei is not an ordinary person. Since he hinted that he could have a detailed discussion with the so-called Dr. Luo in front of him, he must have been secretly thinking about this master upstairs for a long time. With the old man sitting next to him, Bian Mu suddenly changed his mind. Be confident.

From a normal logic perspective, it is indeed unwise to judge people by their appearance.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Bei met Pang Tong for the first time. Because of his ugly appearance, a small county magistrate randomly asked him to do it. As a result, he almost missed the "phoenix young" talent of the world. Less than 2000 years later, didn't he make the same mistake again? ? !
Of course, a young traditional Chinese medicine doctor from a small county town cannot be compared with Uncle Liu Huang, but... the basic principles are the same.

Seeing that the so-called Dr. Luo didn't reply, Bian Mu guessed that he didn't have any clear expectations about the specific salary estimate.

"Doctor Luo! We might as well discuss how to divide the dividends in detail. Then... it would be wiser to talk ugly up front to save everyone from making trouble in the future. Why don't we discuss how to share the medical responsibility first?" Talking to strangers , who dares to be careless, Bian Mu will naturally not be polite.

"Oh... that's right. As for me, I can do most of the massage, massage, bone setting, and partial bone setting. If you encounter a difficult or complicated disease, I won't do it. You will treat it personally. He, Li Yunhu, right? I can't do the fine finger bone setting. You are definitely a master. Everyone knows this. As for me, the most I can do is help you reduce your burden. I will earn the money to reduce your burden. I am over 30 years old. I have never been able to start a family. For nothing else, I just hope to earn more money from you. Of course, if I am not too stupid, it is best to learn a few tricks from you. When I get old in the future, I can return to the town. Yes, it shouldn't be a problem to support your own life. Don't worry, as long as it's a job I take on, if anything goes wrong, I will bear all the medical responsibilities. In this regard, we can sign a coordination agreement. I can't do anything else. , Never shirk when things happen." These words, the so-called Dr. Luo said absolutely and unambiguously.

It can be seen and heard that the so-called Dr. Luo in front of him should be a man of temperament, and he doesn't look like he is pretending.

After a slight hesitation, Bian Mu couldn't help but glance at where the medicine farmer Lao Pei was sitting.

Lao Pei smiled at him and nodded gently, which meant that there was nothing wrong with what the man named Luo said.

Unintentionally, Bian Mu discovered that Li Yunhu seemed to have some appreciation for the so-called Mr. Luo in front of him.

Bian Mu was careful and noticed that the so-called Dr. Luo seemed to know everything about Li Yunhu's injured finger. It seemed that he had done some careful homework before entering the door.

At the very least, the person in front of me is thoughtful and not the kind of person who acts recklessly.


There is another question: why did he leave the remote town, with almost no transition, and go directly to the "Bian's Clinic"?This seems a bit unusual, right? !
Can nothing happen in between? !Bian Mu didn’t believe it!

"Then... let's use an analogy. Early tomorrow morning, I will have a lumbar disc herniation. It will be 4.5 degrees. The protrusion has already compressed the nerve. It will be between fourth and fifth degrees! The male patient is about 35 years old. What a profession! The driver of a moving company. Every time they go out, there are only two of them. He is the main driver and the other one is the helper. When checking out, he gets 1800% and the other helper gets [-]%. His wife is at the vegetable market. Helping people choose dishes, which are highly processed and fine dishes, costs [-] a month, no more, no less. The couple has two children. I introduced so much just to make it clear that he clearly has this bone disease, but he still insists on it. Engaged in heavy physical work like moving, alas! You are forced by life! Can you accept this kind of patient?" Bian Mu used an analogy with a patient in his hands.

"Then you have to watch the film. Of course, I will ask for your opinion beforehand. If you don't agree to treatment such as manual reduction, I will definitely not dare to accept it!" At this point, the so-called Dr. Luo himself was happy.

Nurse Ye also smiled.

Medicine farmer Lao Pei was also happy.

Li Yunhu's brain was the slowest to respond. It took him a long time to get a taste of it, and he laughed along with Lao Pei.

"Haha... That's not the point. No matter how good the machine is, it can't show 100% of the details of the patient's lesions in front of you and me. We have both seen the film, and I also agree with you to give him physical therapy, rehabilitative physical therapy. , As a result, during the treatment process, due to unexpected reasons, of course, it was definitely not an accidental trauma, his condition worsened. As for him, he suspected that we treated him wrongly, so he went to other hospitals for follow-up examination. As a result, he encountered an unsatisfactory patient. The responsible doctor hinted to him that it was indeed us who had cured him, okay! In a rage, the man collected the relevant evidence and went directly to the relevant departments to sue us. There are all kinds of things in the world, but we just don’t understand them. , and finally the arbitration agency determined that our clinic is solely responsible. Then... when we get to that point, we will definitely have to pay compensation. How will the responsibilities be divided? Please talk about it in detail." Okay!Bian Mu directly defeated the so-called Dr. Luo's army.

After hearing this, everyone present, including Lao Pei, was stunned.

Bian Mu's thoughts were too careful, which was beyond everyone's expectation, even Lao Pei was no exception.

After hearing these words, the so-called Dr. Luo suddenly seemed a little confused. He was stunned for a long time and didn't know how to reply.

Bian Mu is really awesome.

Nurse Ye couldn't help but secretly rejoice that she was introduced by Uncle Huang, otherwise, with Bian Mu's unusual rigor, professionalism, and ruthlessness... Even if she is the best and most professional nurse in Lijin, , Bian Mu might not be able to pass this level easily.

"Then... consider me unlucky! I admit it! I am fully responsible. The clinic does not have to contribute a penny financially. As for other joint and several responsibilities that must be borne, you can't run away, and I won't be able to take care of that much. When the time comes, Let's share the trouble!" The so-called Dr. Luo still spoke with the same unambiguous energy.

"Is it okay to sign an agreement in advance?" Bian Mu continued to ask.

"No problem! If I regret it later, I will not be raised by my biological parents!" Okay!The so-called Dr. Luo was so anxious that he even swore.

Hearing this, Bian Mu couldn't help but feel happy.

(End of this chapter)

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