Merchant and doctor

Chapter 600: Only when you have liberated 7 Qi can you be considered an adult

There seems to be an unwritten professional custom in the field of traditional Chinese medicine: it is taboo to treat rich people. Moreover, the more skilled a person is, the more he or she intentionally or unintentionally avoids prescribing and dispensing medicines for wealthy people.

When I was in college, my classmates got together to discuss the causes of this kind of medical culture. At that time, everyone had different opinions and no convincing conclusion was reached.

Bian Mu believes that wealthy people have deep connections, complex and changeable social relationships, and a lot of privacy. Treating them has a lot of right and wrong, and if they are not careful, they can easily get into trouble.

The opposite is true for poor people. In any era, under normal circumstances, even if the social level of the vast majority of professional doctors is not high, they will not be reduced to the bottom of society. Poor people are sick, and when they see a doctor, they will be invisible. With a score of three points, it is basically impossible to overpower the doctor in terms of momentum.

As long as TCM doctors are qualified in their medical skills and dedicated, do not lie about the condition, do not defraud money, and do not set up traps to mislead... Poor people will only have awe of doctors deep down in their hearts, and the relationship between doctors and patients will naturally be very harmonious.

This is somewhat similar to the relationship between a teacher and a student's parents.

Today, by accident, I went to the Lu family for outpatient consultation. Bian Mu suddenly realized why the previous generations of traditional Chinese medicine doctors were reluctant to practice medicine and dispense medicines in the homes of wealthy people.

The night breeze was cool and came in a hurry. Bian Mu's coat was a little thin. The cold wind blew and his mind suddenly became clearer.

"Haha... After all, I still haven't suppressed the fire. It seems that my cultivation of 'calm energy' is still far behind!" Although he didn't feel very annoyed in his heart, he calmed down and looked at his own medical ethics. Naturally, I am still a little dissatisfied with my cultivation of medical ethics.

Nurse Ye and Li Yunhu were probably still sitting in the private kitchen waiting for tea at the moment. Bian Mu thought of meeting them, letting each other know, and taking a taxi back to their respective residences.

As for Dean Jia's lack of dignity, he doesn't care about that much at the moment.

As soon as he walked out of the Lu Family Courtyard, Dean Jia was already catching up with him.

Not to mention, Dean Jia may pay more attention to fitness, and he still has some strength under his feet. His clothes and belt are catching the wind. Dean Jia is already shoulder to shoulder with Bian Mu, and there seems to be someone behind him.

"Doctor Bian, please stay!" Bian Mu is right. Bian Mu also has nothing to ask of Dean Jia. The two of them are really going to break up today because of the Lu family matter. In the final analysis, Bian Mu really doesn't care. Dean Jia You have to be careful with your words.

In "Huikang" Hospital, below the board of directors and above everyone else, Dean Jia naturally has a strong sense of superiority. However, in the face of the Lu family's family status and Bian Mu's arrogance, he finally had to lower his profile a little.

When people hang out on the street, face is worthless, as long as they get things done, Dean Jia is naturally much more mature in this regard.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I was so impulsive... I embarrassed you..." Turning around, Bian Mu quickly apologized.

"Let's go! Let's talk in the car!" In the Lu family's one-third-acre land, it was still inconvenient to speak. Without saying much, Dean Jia cupped his hands at Bian Mu, and took the lead to lead the way towards the high-end business car just now. Walk away.

At this time, Bian Mu noticed that it was the female director of the hospital office who was following Dean Jia.

The two of them looked at each other without saying a word, and followed Dean Jia as they boarded the commercial vehicle just now.

"Is it true that the young master of the Lu family doesn't matter?" Dean Jia naturally asked the most important thing first. "It's nothing serious. It's all caused by two generations of their family! Sorry, my words are a bit extreme, I take it back! It's all the Lu family's delay." Bian Mu adjusted his mood slightly and spoke as calmly as possible. Explained.

"Oh...does the young master of the Lu family need a change of environment?" Dean Jia asked in a calm tone.

"There is no choice! This is the only prerequisite for treatment at present." Bian Mu pulled his face and warned with a serious expression.

"Then... what does Mr. Cen mean...?" Dean Jia has always had a good relationship with Cen Songxue, and has never had any doubts about the old man's medical skills.

When the illness is discussed to this extent, some words cannot be avoided.

Bian Mu smiled, and then replied: "Old Cen has a new name, just for stability! And... with the old man's experience, even if he can see through the root of the disease at a glance, is he willing to expose the scars of the Lu family in person?!"

Having said this, it would be meaningless to go on.

Dean Jia and the female director of the hospital office immediately understood.

"Then...only acupuncture treatment?" Dean Jia asked calmly.

"Acupuncture is only an auxiliary treatment. The key to current treatment is to partially restore the child's childishness. Who else in the world can do this except his biological mother?!" In response to Dean Jia's question, Bian Mu There are still some doubts in my heart.

In my usual impression, Dean Jia is well versed in traditional Chinese medicine, and his overall medical skills are well-known in the industry!Why is this... When the critical moment comes, he seems to be willing to drop his technical links.

"We are all our own people, so I naturally have nothing to avoid. In recent years, I have become more greedy in administrative management... I am indeed a lot rusty in business. What 'childishness' you just mentioned, please explain in detail. No?" With a humble attitude and a kind tone, Dean Jia still has a good way of self-restraint.

"Children's growth, of course, I am explaining from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine! 3 years old is a time slot, 7 years old is a time node, and then 12 years old and 18 years old. In line with the principle of adapting to the changes of the times, I have made some changes , we might as well take the age of 14 as the boundary. A child with physical and mental health, from birth to the day of his 14th birthday, must gradually shed the seven qi. The 'childishness' just mentioned is one of them. I will not follow the specific theory. The two of you have elaborated. We will discuss it further when we have time another day. So... if the young master of the Lu family wants to recover as soon as possible, he must live with his biological mother for at least half a year. Otherwise... he can only follow the doctor's orders given by Mr. Cen! "Bian Mu put his elbows on his knees, leaned his upper body forward, and gave the two a simple pathological analysis.

"That's not possible! How old is the child? If you take the decoction for a year, your liver and kidneys will be damaged! It's true, Mr. Cen, he dares to give such medical advice, really!" Suddenly, out of character, the hospital manager The female supervisor raised her objection directly.

Moreover, it was obvious that the words of the female director of the hospital office were filled with strong personal emotions.

Bian Mu and Dean Jia couldn't help but be stunned, and they glanced at the female director of the hospital office at the same time.

Realizing that she had lost some composure, the female director of the hospital office immediately fell silent, averted her eyes, and deliberately looked out the car window a few times to cover up.

"In that case...then...but...the specific situation of the Lu family is really special. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to implement the medical order you gave..." Dean Jia suddenly became hesitant.

No need to ask, the privacy of the Lu family must have been touched, and naturally it is "not enough for outsiders"!

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