Merchant and doctor

Chapter 583 Chinese medicine is close to witchcraft

Chapter 583 Chinese medicine is close to witchcraft
Dr. Lu's Tea Shop is a chain store that takes care of Bian Mu. Qi Yuewei specially selected a branch closest to "Bian's Clinic". In the sunny room on the third floor, Qi Yuewei chose a very elegant small private room.

The soft music was a bit annoying, so Qi Yuewei asked the young waitress to turn off the music, and also asked the woman to extinguish the aromatherapy.

High-quality tea, Bian Mu accidentally glanced at the unit price, brewed by a professional tea artist, 3666 for a pot, damn!Qi Yuewei is really rich!Of course, the hospitality is also sincere. Bian Mu found that even a pot of tea costing nearly 4000 yuan was only a mid-range price here.

High-quality fruits, high-quality nuts, high-quality fine tea... A young and beautiful tea master specially came over to arrange the so-called artistic shapes for a long time. Bian Mu guessed that those were all chargeable items.

Bian Mu really doesn't understand the life of rich people.

In his opinion, 50 grams of small package, 15 yuan of green tea, some wolfberry, some rock sugar, a few slices of mountain woodland wood, three slices of American ginseng, brew a cup, and read a satisfying book against the sunlight. That guy is already enjoying the world.

Compare it with Qi Yuewei’s daily life, oh!For ten years, Bian Mu turned out to be living a beggar’s life!

The tea master and waitress quietly left, and the tea house suddenly became much quieter.

"What's going on with Xiaolu?" Qi Yuewei went straight to the point.

"The root cause of the disease lies with her brother, the biological brother who was born not long ago." Bian Mu's reply was concise and to the point.

"Ah?! A little girl has a sense of crisis? That's not true, right?! My cousin has always been a life style that values ​​girls over boys!" Qi Yuewei expressed obvious confusion.

"Haha... Those are all superficial things. In her heart, she is still a loyal follower of male chauvinists. If you don't believe it, you might as well go to her private study. You must not have entered that place a few times, right? "Bian Mu responded confidently.

"Isn't it? You can tell that she has a very important private study?! I really don't believe it!"

"I'm also making a blind guess. When we treat rich people, Chinese medicine doctors always attach great importance to 'visual examination', and we have to carefully observe the patient's 'mind'. As for her, her mind is elegant, strong, easy to rise, and formed naturally... That's... The bookishness in your bones, according to common sense, is difficult to form without a inheritance of more than ten generations. Don't be afraid of being too caring. Compared with hers, your ideas are much inferior. I say this, not to belittle you, just Emphasize that she is not simple, she has loved reading big books since she was a child, and tomes such as "Historical Records" and "History of the Ming Dynasty" may be just appetizers for her, do you understand what I mean?"

"Ah?! Is Chinese medicine really so good at treating patients?!" Qi Yuewei asked in amazement with a look of astonishment on her face.

"Absolutely, I just added more heat. Think about it, how powerful Nie Yixiong's seniors are! Let's get back to the topic, your cousin is definitely patriarchal at heart, and she suddenly got a son. There are so many unusual things deep in her heart. All the love has been released. As you said, her maternal love was suppressed and suppressed for many years before it returned. Do you understand? The effect of breaking the dam!"

After hearing these words, Qi Yuewei immediately stood there stunned.

"But Miss Xiaolu is quite similar to her. The most arrogant little princess in the family was suddenly replaced by her younger brother in her unique position of dominance. Due to her age, it was extremely difficult to accept it. However, she was born with unique ideas and her self-esteem was as high as the sky. Standing three feet tall, I will never give in to anyone, beg for mercy, please, compete for love, or get angry with anyone... OK! I got excited all of a sudden. As a result, my eyesight suddenly dropped, and I couldn't see the blackboard clearly in class. and the details of the projection. When I get anxious, my condition becomes more serious." Bian Mu explained patiently, and sipped a few sips of tea from time to time. He felt that nearly 4000 yuan for a pot seemed nothing special. .

Bian Mu guessed that high-class people like Qi Yuewei might often be deceived.

Bian Mu is different from ordinary people. In order to identify Chinese herbal medicines and distinguish the medicinal properties of Chinese herbal medicines, he has worked hard on the nose and smell. Tea is also a flavor of Chinese medicine. Bian Mu no longer understands the so-called tea ceremony and the quality of tea. In terms of smell, He can definitely defeat all the so-called tea masters, tea masters, tea masters and the like in Lijin City. "Ah?! I haven't heard her mention it! Not even once. You don't know something. I am very close to that child, and she almost never hides anything from me."

"So what's the score? There is a big difference between Chinese medicine diagnosis and Western medicine. For example, we have a unique set of theories and procedures for the development of the disease. She definitely had vision problems first, and then later. Hearing, and finally oral expression, she suddenly lost her voice. If you don’t believe it, you can secretly check her mobile phone, or ask a friend to go to a hospital where she can go. It must be a Class III A hospital. Check her medical records. The little girl is very good. Yes, isn’t her family rich? Her monthly pocket money is at least tens of thousands, right? Is it a big deal to go to an eye hospital? Check it out and be sure."

"Ah?! Why do I feel that your medical treatment is like that..." When the words came to her lips, Qi Yuewei was embarrassed to continue.

"Haha... Chinese medicine is close to witchcraft. You want to say that I am like a magic man, hahaha... right?" Bian Mu guessed with a smile.

Qi Yuewei's pretty face turned red, and she nodded gently with a smile.

"After you go back, you must not mention this matter to your cousin. You have to have a good talk with your aunt and tell her exactly what I said. Your mother's family is definitely not an ordinary family, it is a famous family! Yu! Things must be much calmer than ordinary people with flat heads. Let her investigate in secret. No matter how shrewd Xiaolu is, she is just a smart little girl. Can she be able to fight against her own grandmother? Get all the relevant medical records and qualifications, and you will understand everything. .”

"You are too amazing! No! It's too scary. Listen to what you mean, wouldn't each of us be transparent when facing you, or a master like Nie Yixiong?"

"This... how should I put it? In ancient times, every decent emperor, famous minister, powerful minister... in short, a big shot, with a name and surname in the history books, there would always be a master of traditional Chinese medicine by his side. Do you think he was just waiting to treat them? Is it so simple to treat the disease and his family? In fact... the article here is quite big. In a sense, what you just said is basically true, but... doing this kind of thing requires a huge amount of medical personnel. Your energy and mental strength cannot be used casually." Bian Mu patiently explained for a long time.

Upon hearing this, Qi Yuewei suddenly seemed a little nervous.

"Then you...see so many patients a day, will your life be shortened because of this?" At the end of the sentence, Qi Yuewei's face changed slightly. It could be seen that Qi Yuewei felt sad when she heard that he was risking his life to treat people. , Qi Yuewei was immediately worried.

"That's not to say... We are not saints. We can't devote 100% of our attention to every patient every day. If that were to happen, I would definitely not live for three years. It's just that Miss Xiaolu is still young, and she is yours. A close relative, so..." Having said this, there is no need to explain too much, it is best to stop in moderation.

"I believe you! I'll talk to my aunt later. It's not to verify whether what you said is right. I'll give it all to you for reference. So, Xiaolu is quite pitiful. You must cure her!"

"It's easy to cure! Don't worry!" As he spoke, Bian Mu pushed the tea bowl forward, not wanting to take another sip.

"What's wrong? This tea doesn't suit your taste?"

"No, this tea is fake and not worth that much money."

Upon hearing this, Qi Yuewei was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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