Merchant and doctor

Chapter 569 Interview Test

"Bian's Clinic" has never been well organized. According to the normal establishment of a general clinic, currently, the clinic is still short of a pharmacist and a masseur. It's not that Bian Mu doesn't want to hire people, but it really doesn't have the right manpower.

If it weren't for the special recommendation of Mr. Huang, who has some status, "Bian's Clinic" might not even have a nurse editor at present.

Bian Mu's ear power was different from ordinary people. He also heard someone taking the initiative to apply for a job. From the corner of his eye, Bian Mu noticed that the person was short and thin. He was skinny and dry. His own health could easily arouse doubts among patients. He I still want to be a masseur, but I'm afraid I'm the kind of person who just gets lucky wherever I go.

While distracted, Bian Mu accidentally noticed that his phone was vibrating.

Then she picked it up and read it. It turned out to be an apology message from Qi Yuewei. There were not many words. It meant that she had reflected on it and realized that she and her relatives had disrespected Bian Mu and asked him to forgive her.

"Tch! There's no sincerity." Thinking of this, Bian Mu threw the phone on the table and continued to treat patients.

The man in front of me is in his early thirties and works as a general accountant in a large chemical company. This man has been losing his hair recently. He has been to tertiary hospitals many times, but there is no effect. I was recommended by someone online and gave it a try. His attitude specifically called Bian Mu's number.

While "looking, smelling, asking, and feeling", Bian Mu felt that the disease of the man in front of him was quite difficult to treat.

"Do you have any other specialties? I mean specialties other than accounting computerization, and it's also the kind of salary that can be roughly equivalent to your current income in less than a year, is there any?" Bian Mu asked with a smile. road.

"No! Do you have it?!" The male patient in front of him seemed a little angry and asked Bian Mu unexpectedly.

"I'm okay! For example, when I was doing food delivery, I was relatively lucky at that time. The motorcycles were distributed by the company, and maintenance and refueling were all reimbursed. Moreover, I was lucky enough to grab a big order. If it weren't for other things I had to do, I believe that in one to three years, the money I can earn from opening a clinic will be roughly the same as mine. In addition, I have also worked in a pharmaceutical company, and my income is actually not low." As he spoke, Bian Mu took the initiative to invest six to seven million yuan. The contract was voluntarily reduced to less than 70 yuan in detail.

After hearing this story, the man fell silent.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not doubting your overall ability, I'm just advising you to change your way of life. By then, maybe you will live a better life and be happier in all aspects!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

There are some things that Bian Mu can't say clearly, and he doesn't want to say them clearly, because he has long seen that the man in front of him is actually a "mama's boy" at heart, and he is a relatively strong one.

"I'm sorry, I misunderstood you just now. Isn't my mother a celebrity? As soon as I walked in, I thought you recognized me immediately. I mistakenly thought you were mocking me for not being able to do anything but living in my parents' belt. In fact... around me Those people are all selectively blind. Didn’t I graduate from a prestigious school?! Didn’t I get my degree certificate and diploma by myself?! Who gave it to me for free?!" As he spoke, the male patient in front of him became a little angry. Big.

"I can see that you have a pretty high degree of education." Bian Mu Wuxin continued to carefully diagnose and treat him. In order to avoid causing psychological discomfort again, Bian Mu also followed the example of people in society and casually coaxed the man.

Upon hearing this, the man was really happy.

He had already inquired about it. Bian Mu is currently the most popular "Fire Doctor" in Lijin City. With his true skills, he has cured many celebrities. In fact, some of them are people his mother can't even try to curry favor with!
"That's right! I've been number one in exams since I was a kid..." Okay!As soon as the floodgates opened, the man started talking nonsense.

After listening patiently for a while, Bian Mu felt really fed up.

Due to his professional training, Bian Mu really couldn't send him away directly. That would really go against the medical ethics he had adhered to for a long time.

I had no choice but to stay with him patiently and listen to his boast.

Bian Mu is well-educated, which does not mean that everyone is like that. After another three to five minutes, a eldest sister in her early forties who was waiting behind the doctor finally couldn't hold it in any longer. "I'm telling you, young man, Dr. Bian's time is very precious. You'd better focus on what's important and don't talk about it. Wasting other people's time is the same as killing people for money, do you understand?" He stood up and scolded the man.

When the man heard this, he immediately became angry.

"Doctor Bian didn't even say anything. He wants you to talk too much and just eat carrots and worry about nothing. What the hell!" The man's words were a bit unpleasant.

"What are you talking about?! You look like a dog on the surface, but you are nothing. You are just pretending. You deserve to have to wear a wig at a young age and become bald to death!" The elder sister's words were also quite unpleasant.

The more they listened, the more outrageous they became. Nurse Ye quickly came over and persuaded the two of them to go elsewhere to mediate. Fortunately, both of them were angry for a while, so it was okay after they talked.

After such a fuss, the man temporarily lost interest in seeking medical advice. He sat back and had a few perfunctory words with Bian Mu. The man didn't let Bian Mu prescribe the medicine, got up and left.

In fact, he knew in his heart that in his current state, there was no other way out but to pay a high price for a hair transplant, so what happened to Bian Muniu?No matter how awesome you are, there are diseases that he can't see.

Bian Mu wished that he would get out of here soon, and when he saw him leaving on his own initiative, he felt much relieved.

Saying "Next one!" Bian Mu continued to treat patients.


It wasn't until almost eight o'clock in the evening that Bian Mu finished reading the patients, and the thin man who wanted to apply for the job actually came back.

"Doctor Bian! Nurse Ye didn't like me and turned me away directly. You are an expert, so let me try it out for a while first!"

After hearing this, Bian Mu said with a smile: "Then let me test you. Later, I will ask Brother Li to go to the restaurant outside to get some flour and water. Don't put anything in. Could you please give us some wonton wrappers? How about you? ? Please note that you can only use the pushing method, and you cannot use the kneading method that ordinary people use at home, otherwise, you will be considered out of the game, how about it? "

When the man heard this, he was a little frightened.

He is really a professional masseur. As soon as Bian Mu asked a question, he knew that Dr. Bian really lived up to his reputation.

After laughing for a few times, the man looked embarrassed and responded in a low voice, "Doctor Bian is really awesome. He gave me the most difficult questions as soon as he came up. Forget it, no one is left here. He has his own place to save people. Bian Doctor, no matter how high your level is, you have no tolerance for others. I'm afraid you will always be just a popular doctor in a small clinic. A flash in the pan, you may not be much better than me in the future." After that, the man turned around and raised his legs, intending to leave. go.

Upon hearing this, Bian Mu became a little unhappy. He immediately stopped the man and insisted that Li Yunhu go out to find some flour and water. He wanted to teach the man a lesson on the spot.

The basin was still borrowed, white flour, sorghum flour, and corn flour, three in one, with white flour accounting for [-]%, sorghum flour and corn flour each accounting for [-]%. Bian Mu slowly poured the water from the bowl into the basin, and the man apologized directly. .

"Doctor Bian, you are really amazing. I'm convinced! You don't have to wet your hands anymore. I will work hard in the future." After that, the man turned around and walked away.

Bian Mu did not stop kneading the wonton wrappers just because the man left. On the contrary, in front of the onlookers, he insisted on the single method of pushing with his hands, and actually kneaded out a decent eight hundred wonton wrappers. The good guy even went out of his way to Please ask a restaurant nearby to make some wontons, okay!It won’t fall apart after being put into the pot!
For a time, Bian Mu's reputation spread even further.

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