Merchant and doctor

Chapter 510 Inspiration

Nurse Ye had obviously seen a big battle. She saw Bian Mu subduing the troublemaking big man on the spot with lightning speed. When she was shocked, she immediately shouted to Fan Sanqiao to gather all the patients together and comfort them with words. , telling everyone to be calm and not impatient.

For other idle people, whether they were residents of the community or those who came to watch the excitement after hearing the news, the two of them persuaded them, and clearly divided the chaotic flow of people in front of them into two groups, and everyone returned to their respective seats. .

Nurse Ye has quite a bit of confidence in her actions. It is a kind of self-confidence that has seen the world, experienced a lot, and is deeply cultivated. It is a kind of calmness that is not alarmed by changes, and it also reveals a sense of righteousness that is not afraid of things. In this kind of situation, it is especially This kind of confidence is needed.

Not only that, Nurse Ye was also much more energetic than the average person. She greeted loudly, reprimanded loudly, and gave kind words of advice... her voice was high and strong, and the idle people who were watching became a little discouraged after a while. Most of them I withdrew from the clinic relatively consciously.

Fan Sanqiao's performance was much worse. He was obviously flustered, somewhat at a loss, and his eyes and hands and feet were a little shaky.

Fortunately, Fan Sanqiao is as courageous as Nurse Ye and is not afraid of trouble. Wherever Nurse Ye points, he immediately follows, tugging, tugging, tugging... naturally it is inevitable.

Among the onlookers, there were also unreasonable and strong people. Most of these people completely ignored Fan Sanqiao's command. There was a person who was not very decent and even deliberately gave Fan Sanqiao a few blows. Several times, Fan Sanqiao also Making them almost stumble to the ground.

Fortunately, Bian Mu showed up in time, secretly poking, shouldering, back-bumping, elbowing, pulling or pushing... At the critical moment, he didn't dare to be polite at all. After a while, the situation quickly turned into a disaster. Much improved.

The contest between the men only lasted a few moments. In less than 10 minutes, the men and women with malicious intentions naturally retreated into the distance in anger.

However, they did not go far. They stretched their necks and looked inside, curious, surprised, confused, excited... just like a group of ordinary people looking for simple happiness.

Of course, there are also many people who enjoy others' misfortunes. They are afraid that the situation will soon subside and they will have nothing to watch. In their words, gossip, cynicism, guns and sticks... and other unclean things will be spread...

Fan Sanqiao was a scholar after all, and his mind was relatively simple. He was relieved to see that normal order inside and outside the clinic was restored.

Nurse Ye had already seen some clues. From time to time, she would make eye contact with Bian Mu and secretly remind Bian Mu to be careful.

Today, Bian Mu's experience has already improved a lot. With his smart mind and Nurse Ye reminding him, he has more or less guessed about [-] to [-]% of what it will look like.

"It's a bit strange that this man and woman came to the clinic! When the front door of the clinic is crowded, it's calm. Sometimes there's not even a sparrow to be seen three feet in front of the door. How come the number of people registering is gradually overflowing, and there are so many strange people To break in in such a strange way at this time?! If you say it's a complete coincidence, you won't believe it!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu suddenly realized that he should do something.

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion inside and outside the clinic for a while. With the clinic gate as the boundary, both sides gradually returned to calm.

Turning around, Bian Mu stared at the young victim with a cold gaze. From the corner of his eye, he kept staring at the big man half-lying on the ground in case the guy suddenly got violent. Recurrence of trouble.

The woman looked about 22-[-], a few years younger than Bian Mu, with yellowish skin, dry and matte hair, a pointed chin, big eyes, and thin eyebrows. At first glance, she looked a bit... Although she has a delicate appearance, the woman's face is pale and her nutritional status seems to be very average.

Bian Mu guessed that the woman would not be able to eat many serious meals at home throughout the year. Maybe the person in front of her was the kind of "fast-growing new human being" who grew up with fast food or simple meals 24 hours a day. "At first glance, she looks like a girl who grew up in an urban-rural area. She is neither beautiful nor ugly. She definitely has not received any formal education, but... she has a strong, persistent, and unyielding pursuit of the popular colors of contemporary life. The two are out of balance. , people like her do things without thinking, and are prone to all kinds of collisions when meeting people with evil intentions. Naturally, they are more likely to cause trouble... However, the 'heart' in her eyes has not moved, and it doesn't look like a sudden change. The person who was bullied!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

To be honest, Bian Mu couldn't stand the girl in front of him.


The so-called "Xin Miao" is a term for a certain school of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a small school of traditional Chinese medicine that is not very famous. If Bian Mu had not majored in traditional Chinese medicine at a medical school, he would never have been exposed to the teachings of that school in his life.

Later, in the process of practicing medicine, Bian Mu gained a deeper understanding of the "Xin Miao" theory of "inspection and diagnosis" of traditional Chinese medicine, and from time to time he would improve it based on medical practice.

Today, Bian Mu’s theory of “Xin Miao” has developed to varying degrees.

The "Xin Miao" that Bian Mu mastered can be vividly described as a "small psychological flame", and the two have many similarities in appearance.

A girl in her early twenties was beaten violently in broad daylight by an adult man whose height, weight, strength, arrogance, courage, shamelessness and obscenity... were all multiples of hers. Naturally, she was bound to fall into extreme fear, panic, and despair. In the psychological state of..., the "heart seedlings" should be scattered and shapeless, swaying and turbulent and may be extinguished at any time. Moreover, the "heart seedlings" should have little brightness and may become dim at any time...

However, the girl's "heart" in front of her seemed upright and calm, without any hint of the turbulence, weakness, or extinction of her career...

In other words, the panic, fear, and nervousness of the girl in front of her are displayed on her face, manifested in the twitching of the muscles on her face, and the deliberately expressed body language of her hands, shoulders, and calves.

To put it bluntly, the fear of the pretty young girl in front of her seemed to be fake.

After thinking about this, Bian Mu's suspicion naturally became heavier.

The man lying on the ground was controlled by several enthusiastic male patients. After struggling for a long time, he could not sit up.

Bian Mu guessed that this should be beyond the expectations of the person who set up the situation.

Just as Bian Mu was about to lean down and question the bastard, two men suddenly opened the door and barged in. The one on the left was in his thirties, and the one on the right was in his forties. They had a thin waist, broad shoulders, and medium height. They were both equally small. He has a crew cut and the same T-shirt lining. If there is any difference, the T-shirt lining worn by the one on the left is pure white, ironed and washed flat, and looks clean.

The one on the right is black.

Obviously, the social status of these two people must be quite close.

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