Parking lot No. 7 is a car parking lot dedicated to the general affairs department. It is cloudy and rainy, and many vehicles have gone out for business. Naturally, there is a lot of open space in the venue.

With the help of two young male colleagues, the young female officer set up a labyrinth of complex lanes with red traffic warning ice cream cones, and asked Bian Mu to drive a gasoline van to pass with full marks. As long as he bumped any ice cream cone, Bian Mu would be considered a passer. If he failed, he could only honestly drive a new energy electric van.

After concentrating on visual inspection for a while, Bian Mu felt that these colleagues in front of him were actually quite boring.

Obviously, the various obstacles they set up are very reluctant in terms of size. Today, even veteran drivers with more than ten years of driving experience may not be able to pass 100% of the time.

Bian Mu knew very well in his heart that the group of people in front of him deliberately made things difficult for him, the specific reason!Maybe it's more or less jealous!

Bian Mu didn't appear to be in a hurry, but borrowed an ordinary women's bicycle nearby and walked along the test route composed of many ice cream cones.

fine!As long as you are careful enough, the steering wheel is turned delicately, and the throttle is controlled as finely as possible, these levels in front of you should be passed smoothly.

Taking the car keys, Bian Mu walked along the examination site made up of ice cream cones at a constant speed. Fortunately, he passed the test smoothly.

There was no way, the General Affairs finally had to agree with Bian Mu to drive away a gasoline-burning van.


Luckily, in the days to come, the weather was fine, and Bian Mu drove out to the sports car station, dock, raw material processing factory, consignment pharmacy every day... and even had to go to the auto repair shop for a while.

This afternoon, after three o'clock, it was fine just now, but suddenly it was cloudy, and Bian Mu hadn't decided whether to return to the company first or to make a return visit to a large nearby pharmacy, when it started to rain again.

I looked it up on my phone, oh!In the next four hours, the city will usher in a moderate rain.

Thinking that there are still a few hours before the official end of get off work, returning too early may cause others to comment on him, so Bian Mu drove towards Mudan Road.

When I was approaching the intersection of the post office building, I saw a lot of electric bicycles for food delivery gathered at the four intersections on the street, waiting for the green light.

Afraid of bumping into a car, once the green light was released, Bian Mu ignored the driver honking his horn to urge him, slowed down and drove towards the opposite side of the intersection.

Suddenly, a blue figure forcibly flashed past the van driven by Bian Mu. Before he could think about it, Bian Mu stepped on the brakes and stopped the van in the middle of the road. Behind him was a black car. Maybe the driver was not prepared for it, and he was in a hurry. Stop the car, and Bian Mu can see through the rearview mirror, if he is any closer, he will definitely be rear-ended.

At this moment, I heard "Boom...boom...boom..." in my ears. In the rain and fog, it seemed that two electric bicycles collided.

Bian Mu looked over intently, and found that two electric bicycles delivering food had collided directly. One of them was wearing sky blue work clothes, and seemed to be the cyclist who almost hit the van just now.

The rain tended to fall harder and harder, Bian Mu didn't dare to delay, and was going to turn right on Kaixing Street and go straight on to Mudan Road.

Suddenly, the figure shook violently, and the two takeaway boys who had a small traffic accident fought fiercely together, which made people feel a little terrified.

Bian Mu had a kind heart, and quickly drove the van to the side of the road and parked it, grabbed the raincoat on the passenger seat and put it on, and rushed towards the scene of the fight.

Bian Mu rushed to the front, and saw the figure swaying, a takeaway boy picked up the blue helmet in his hand and slammed it viciously at the other colleague in the yellow overalls. Must be a serious injury.

The courier boy in blue is ruthless and black-handed.

It was too late, but it was so fast, Bian Mu rushed forward with a lunge, pulling first, then throwing, without dodging or evading, going straight to the middle, Bian Mu stretched out his left arm to slightly block, slid sideways, right elbow Suddenly, he used a close-fitting and fierce move of "Evil Tiger Going Down the Mountain", aiming at the blue-clothed takeaway guy across the way and bumping into him...

Young and energetic, Bian Mu was annoyed that the opponent's attack was too heavy, and this move would be irreversible.

There was a loud bang, and the blue-clothed takeaway guy opposite was hit by Bian Mu and flew three to five meters straight, lying on the ground straight and motionless.

Bian Mu has his own measure in his actions, and he knows in his heart that the acupuncture points on the opponent's chest have been sealed by himself. The weather is rainy and the road is slippery, and the opponent fell to the ground largely by sliding backwards. From the perspective of the audience in the distance, they thought Bian Mu Xia killed the other party and severely injured him.

It’s also very evil to say, the takeaway brother in blue across the street fell to the ground, but the rain suddenly stopped.

Although Bian Mu said his actions were measured, the other party was lying straight on the street, not to mention that he didn't know if that guy had any serious illnesses. If he bumped into someone who was already sick, it would be a disaster for him.

Not to mention anything else, just paying for one piece of compensation is enough to drink a pot while drinking.

Walking forward quickly, Bian Mu leaned down to have a look. His heartbeat was normal, his pulse was steady, and his face looked human...but his body was splashed with mud and water, which looked a little scary.

The delivery boy in yellow who was rescued by Bian Mu was terrified. Anyway, the incident happened because of him, and the guy lying on the ground was going to have trouble, and he would never want to live in peace for the rest of his life.

Three steps and two steps in parallel, the delivery boy in yellow ran behind Bian Mu tremblingly, and asked in a crying voice, "He... is he okay?"

Bian Mu was concentrating on observing the guy lying on the ground, and didn't bother to reply him for a moment.

The takeaway boy in yellow didn't react at once, his legs gave way, and he sat down on the ground immediately, crying loudly.

"Why am I so unlucky! Two orders were complained, and seven orders were cancelled, and this happened to such an evil thing...God! It's still hard to live..." The delivery boy in yellow was a little bit overwhelmed.

"Why are you crying? He's fine! Why don't you come over and help him carry him to the opposite supermarket." After shouting a few times, Bian Mu greeted the delivery boy in yellow and prepared to lift the delivery boy in blue who was lying on the ground aside. Besides.

At this moment, a traffic policeman on duty rushed to him while trotting all the way.

"Hey! Don't move around, protect the scene! 120 will be here soon, it's better to let the doctor handle it."

"Comrade traffic police! He's fine. I'm a doctor. His acupoints are blocked. Find a warm place and he'll be fine after a little treatment."

"you sure?"

"Sure! I'm a doctor."

"Then... young man, come here and help, don't cry! You are such a big man, don't you be ashamed!" As he spoke, the traffic policeman on duty called for everyone to carry the takeaway boy in blue to the opposite supermarket and put him on the ground.

Bian Mu reached out and tapped twice on the chest of the blue-clothed delivery boy, and saw the blue-clothed delivery boy slowly opened his eyes, looked suspiciously at the audience around him, and couldn't react for a moment.

"Hey! You two are traveling together, life is not easy, why are you so ruthless?! If this kills someone, do you two regret it now?" Bian Mu reprimanded the delivery boy in blue calmly. Brother a few words.

After a moment of silence, the takeaway boy in blue didn't speak, and sat up slowly, holding his legs with his hands, without saying a word.

At this moment, two patrol officers on duty hurried over...

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