Chapter 167
The outer layer is burnt yellow like gold, once you bite it open, the fish inside is as fresh and tender as new. Bian Mu is a big fish eater, and he can see the extraordinaryness of this dish after only a few bites.

"Old Huang! Such a small shop actually chooses small yellow croakers of this grade. It's for your sake!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

"Expert! I know so many people, no matter how tricky their mouths are, even if they come to eat every day, no one can get to the point. You hit the point as soon as you open your mouth. It's not easy! Come on! Come on! Try that tofu." As he spoke, Huang Boxi took a few glances at the tofu dish.

He picked up a piece of tofu and tasted it.

"It's not made of ordinary soybeans, and the water quality is also very good. I guess the water source must have something to say." Bian Mu said with a smile.

"It's really yours! The tofu from Chenjiapo, the well water from the old Longjing, among other things, just this tofu, the market price is 7 yuan per catty, and you won't be able to get the tofu residue if you go there late."

"Ah?! No wonder the name of the dish has the word 'Rolling Dragon' in it. So it has a lot of origin! According to what you said, then our meal is not cheap!"

"That's not right! This table will cost 600 yuan! Don't look at the small shop as inconspicuous, but it is actually a big business."

Today's treat, Bian Mu's budget starts at 1000 yuan, it's not that he has become a big spender, it's mainly because Huang Boxi's identity is kept there.

"Zhishen Yangrong Pills" can't be prepared by ordinary people. The effectiveness of precious traditional Chinese medicines such as ganoderma lucidum and ginseng will be greatly reduced in their hands. Treating guests with some money is purely a kind of respect to Huang Boxi's superb pharmaceutical skills.

"It's not cheap! However, as long as you always eat refreshingly, it's worth it." As he spoke, Bian Mu ate up all the small yellow croakers on the plate.

Talking and laughing, the two ate happily.

In any hospital, the most valuable resources can be divided into two categories: first, specific medicines; second, possessing certain irreplaceable medical technologies.

Huang Boxi happens to have both, so naturally there are a lot of people looking for him for work. Invisibly, Huang Boxi's dedicated independent studio has become a news distribution center, and almost all the big and small things in the hospital can't be kept secret. he.

Huang Boxi knew all about what Bian Mu was up to and how he was doing recently.

Bian Mu took the initiative to alienate Dean Feng, which made Huang Boxi look at him with admiration. In his opinion, Bian Mu not only has good medical skills, but also has a bit of character in life.

As a result, Huang Boxi's attitude towards Bian Mu was naturally much more relaxed.

"Old Feng is in a hurry and suddenly asks you to come back for a follow-up visit. Don't you want to know the inside story?" Huang Boxi asked casually.

"I'm new here, and I don't know many people in total. Where can I find out!" Bian Mu lazily replied.

"Have you heard of the largest investment company in Lijin City?"

"You mean the one run by the Cao family?"

"Yes! I thought you were the kind of 'medical idiot' who didn't hear anything out of the window! I didn't expect you to know a lot! Didn't you help her brother out of trouble? To express my gratitude, his sister He used his social connections to say hello, how dare Lao Feng offend Miss Cao's family! Immediately coordinate all parties to get you back for a follow-up consultation."

"Oh! So that's what happened... It's really unintentional!" Bian Mu suddenly realized.

"Old Feng, he's not bad in nature, and he never does anything too outrageous. However, he is more utilitarian, so you should be careful when dealing with him in the future." Huang Boxi said with a smile.

Smiling, Bian Mu didn't say anything, just lowered his head and ate a piece of tofu.

"In a place like a hospital, intellectuals gather together. After all, doctors have a better face than people in other industries. For Lao Feng, you should pay more attention to etiquette." Huang Boxi continued to persuade him earnestly.

"Dean Feng entrusted Xiaoqian to send me two papers, saying that he would help me to read them. I am worried about this!" The reason why Bian Mu said this was to send a positive signal to Huang Boxi: he is very Trust Huang Boxi.

"See something?"

"I haven't got it yet!"

"How do you plan to deal with it?" Huang Boyi asked curiously.

"Let's take a look at the content first. If the difference is not too great, I will try my best to improve them. Otherwise, I will delete it directly and pretend that nothing happened." Bian Mu responded with a smile.

"Hehe...that's a bit childish! In this way, Qian Xiaotong will have to follow you in bad luck. His family has a background, so it will be nothing after the fact. You are different! Like a rootless grass, the future situation will only be I'm afraid it will get worse, patient! As long as energy allows, try to correct both articles!" It can be heard that Huang Boxi is doing it for Bian Mu's benefit.

"Listen to people's persuasion, eat enough, I will take this matter seriously, let's see what they have written! Maybe I have never been in the medical field, I want to help, then I have to know too!" Bian Mu responded.

"That's good! By the way, I heard that the medical skills of the experts in your department have deteriorated recently, and many patients have already transferred to your name?" Huang Boxi asked with a smile.

"No! I met quite a few of you today, but I can handle it, so I shouldn't cause any trouble!" Bian Mu replied truthfully.

"That's hard to say, you are now in a one-on-eight situation! Out of all kinds of suspicions about you, if they group up to deal with you alone, as long as they catch you with a real flaw, it's nothing to completely overthrow you Difficult." Huang Boxi reminded a few words worriedly.

"Then what should I do? I've been letting nature take its course. One day, if I can't get along, will I resign and get out?" Bian Mu responded with a dejected expression.

"How should I put it! In fact... everyone has weaknesses. If you want to have a special social relationship, for example, a special person who is cured by you... you might as well work on that."

Hearing this, Bian Mu didn't want to talk anymore.

Obviously, Huang Boxi was pointing himself to play the trick of fighting against the mouse in the den.

"Let's take a step at a time! By the way, I wanted to ask you just now! When you opened the clinic, didn't you act like a small shop doing big business?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"I don't have that much ability, I just make ends meet. If you ask me this way, don't you think about opening a small private clinic?" Uncle Huang asked with a smile.

"That's not true, I don't know anything yet! It's still far from the standard of a general practitioner! Let's just mess around like this for now!" Bian Mu smiled and said politely.

"Private clinics have the same difficulties as private clinics. I'm exhausted all day long! When I get up the next day, I still have to rush to the clinic to take care of the stall. This person, the things in his bones are hard to change. Just don't force yourself, once something big happens, on the one hand, you have to learn to accommodate them, on the other hand, you can't go too far against your own heart." Huang Boxi said with a smile.

Bian Mu nodded slightly, and didn't know what to say for a while, but at this time, Bian Mu had already realized a fact: Huang Boxi was definitely a very important reference for his future path.

After a while, the two of them had almost eaten, and Bian Mu got up to pay the bill.

The eldest daughter of Lao An's family gave a 300% discount. Bian Mu spent a total of more than 600 yuan, which was more than [-] yuan less than the budget. Bian Mu was quite happy.

(End of this chapter)

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