Merchant and doctor

Chapter 162 Stroke

Chapter 162 Stroke
The first day of the follow-up visit was much smoother than expected. At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Bian Mu had already greeted three colleagues to get off work.

At this time, Master Wu, the hospital's security guard, appeared at the door of the consultation room with two couriers. He was all smiles, but no one came in.

"Master Wu! Whose express delivery!" Bian Mu greeted with a smile.

"Both are your couriers. I took over the shift just now. I happened to see them and sent them to you." Master Wu replied with a smile, his tone full of flattery.

"Oh! It's really hard work for you!" Bian Mu rushed out to greet him while speaking.

"It's just a piggyback. You are busy first. I have to go back to work."

"Is your old lady okay recently?" Bian Mu asked with a smile.

"It's still the same. I will accompany you to show you another day."

"Saturday! On Saturday afternoon or Sunday, I'll go to the old lady's place with you. It's not a problem to be bored in the hospital all day. I'll also go out to relax." Bian Mu said very politely.

"That's not to be taken for granted! Let us come to you! Thank you, Doctor Bian! Let's talk another day!" After finishing speaking, Master Wu, the security guard, hurried towards the elevator entrance.

The male security guard, Mr. Wu, is somewhat snobbish, but in Bian Mu's view, it's human nature!Ordinary people, normal.

Downstairs next to the trash can, Bian Mu dismantled the two couriers. One was the rare edition of "Gui Zang Yi" sent by Mr. Yang from the "Hanatian Ghost Market". , is a serious modern book.

Bian Mu is an old bookworm. Looking at the binding, he knew that there should be illustrations in the book. The outer layer was wrapped in two layers of plastic, and it was probably genuine.

The other is the test report sent by my former colleague Xiao Liu from the pharmacy.

The county-level and city-level inspection reports are available. In two days, Bian Mu plans to catch a few more "Wangtianbai" and send them to the provincial inspection center. The third-level inspection report will be considered complete.

In case something happens in the future, just in case.

The test reports that Dr. Wu and Xiao Liu helped to obtain were mainly related to food safety. The medical value appraisal was just brushed aside. From Bian Mu’s point of view, the convincing power is not very strong. At most, it can prove his own diagnosis at critical times. It is also positively related to diet.

At this moment, Bian Mu has begun to pay attention, and in the future, when the opportunity arises, he plans to make several test samples and send them to a higher-level authoritative testing institution to test the medicinal value and medical clinical treatment value of "Wang Tianbai" and "Cun Dao". Implement it on the specific scientific experiment data and implement it on the authoritative test report.

Perhaps, this may still be a good business opportunity.

He also stayed in the "Huikang" hospital for a while, and got in touch with various people from all walks of life. Bian Mu deeply felt that it was difficult to make a lot of money here. In order to solve his family's predicament, he still had to find another way out.

There are no safes or other facilities in the single dormitory, tidy it up, Bian Mu plans to go to the bank to put it in the rented safe, and now it is temporarily pressed under the mattress.

I have something on my mind, so I eat a simple dinner, lock the door, and go to a small alley at the back door of the hospital. I ordered a bowl of braised noodles and three small dishes. Too much, Bian Mu didn't bother to wait any longer, so he checked out and went out.

Not far away, I saw a shop selling donkey meat. Bian Mu saw that there were not many people in line. After queuing for a while, I bought 6 of them. I couldn’t eat the rest and reheated them in the microwave for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Back in the dormitory, Bian Mu opened the book cover and casually flipped through the three volumes of "Gui Zang Yi".

"Mr. Yang really took the trouble to get such professional internal research materials. It seems that the old man is quite good! From now on, I will often buy special items, and I may have to trouble others often! The old man sent the book directly without negotiating the price, you can trust me! This relationship must be well maintained." Thinking of this, Bian Mu called old man Yang.

"Are you fully recovered?" Bian Mu greeted with concern as soon as the call was connected.

"Good morning! Is the book okay?" Mr. Yang asked with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"Pretty good! This is you. Others can't get such high-quality research materials. Thank you, thank you! How much do I have to transfer to you?"

"500 will do."

"Leave it a little less! I took advantage of you a lot last time!"

"You are an expert, and "Gui Zang" can play its due role in your hands, and it is worth the money. I don't make money, so I have the right to do good deeds."

"I have to pay for the hard work, or I won't be ashamed to open my mouth to ask you for something next time." While talking, Bian Mu transferred 800 yuan, 500 yuan for books, and 300 yuan for hard work to Mr. Yang.

"You are always so polite! Thank you! "Gui Zang" is not easy to interpret, but with the help of the calculation chip in your hand, the interpretation may be smoother." Listening to the tone of the words, Mr. Yang seems to understand Learn about the Book of Changes.

"Thank you for your pointers. I don't have so much energy to study it in depth now. I just read a few pages to relieve boredom. In the future, if I encounter something that is difficult to understand, please give me more pointers."

"Don't dare to be, don't dare to be! I still have something to do here, keep in touch!"

"Okay! You hurry up, goodbye!" After finishing speaking, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

After that, Bian Mu went to the small kitchen to wash several kinds of fruits, made a fruit platter, sat down at the desk with peace of mind, and began to study the newly acquired "Gui Zang Yi".

This set of books is based on archaeological objects, and integrates history, archaeology, literature, philology... The research essence of hundreds of academic experts should be the most complete and authoritative research materials at present.

Bian Mu is already a bit proficient in ancient characters, and he still has the ability to read through it. As for those subtle details, it will take a lot of effort to figure it out.

As he read and read, Bian Mu gradually became fascinated, and Lao Pei's suggestion had long been forgotten by him...

After ten o'clock in the evening, a few light and crisp cell phone ringtones dragged Bian Mu back to the real world.

Doctor Yue's phone call.

Dr. Yue is the female doctor who took the lead in rescuing San Qiangzi’s father at the market last time. Whenever he encounters difficult and miscellaneous diseases, Dr. Yue always likes to ask Bian Mu for advice. The relationship between the two has gradually warmed up. .

"Doctor Yue! Hello! Call now, do you have anything to do?"

"My uncle probably didn't close the window properly when he slept at night. He had a stroke, his mouth was crooked and his eyes were slanted. He had an injection in our hospital for three days, but it didn't work. My mother was a little anxious, so I thought of you. Is it convenient tomorrow? I'll accompany him Did he go to your place for a needle?"

"It's been three days! Does that mean it's been four days since the onset of the disease?" Bian Mu asked casually on the phone.

"It's been five days! I didn't take it seriously at first, and said that it would be good to just apply some cactus liquid. In the end, the more you messed up, the worse it became. My mother was a little anxious to get angry, and I thought of you. I'm so sorry! You are causing trouble!"

"It's okay! Then what are you waiting for tomorrow! Tell me the specific address, and I'll take all the things I need to go and have a look." Bian Mu replied enthusiastically.

"That's too embarrassing! It's past ten o'clock... Is it convenient?"

"I was idle reading just now, it's okay, you can post a location!"

"Then I'll pick you up in a car! Thank you!"

"You're welcome! Which door of the hospital should I wait for you?"

"Let's go to the main entrance! It's convenient to turn around there."

"Okay! See you later!" After finishing speaking, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

Dr. Yue said it was a stroke in the face, but the actual condition may not be as they judged, so Bian Mu took everything he could carry in his first aid kit.

As soon as he got in the car, Dr. Yue said with a smile: "Your first aid kit looks exquisite!"

"Hehe... I often work in the emergency department as a voluntary duty, and Brother Liao specially gave it to me."

"Hey! What a high level of consciousness! Our hospital has never heard of anyone who volunteers to be on duty in the emergency department!"

"Hehe...I'm not here to learn more!"

"You have such a high level and are so eager to learn, those of us should just go back to school and re-study!"

"That's right...there's an electric scooter ahead, be careful!" While reminding Dr. Yue to pay attention, Bian Mu put the first aid kit away.

Along the way, Dr. Yue gave a brief introduction to her uncle's condition, and Bian Mu felt that the condition was better than he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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