Merchant and doctor

Chapter 132 Bipolar Disorder

Chapter 132 Bipolar Disorder

When he fought back, he didn't think anything was wrong, as soon as he stepped into the door of the dormitory, Bian Mu immediately realized what it meant to be "undecided".

Both legs were obviously stiff, and shoulders, fingers, and knees all felt raw and painful. Bian Mu was too tense at the time, and the nerves were relaxed, causing discomfort in many places.

"I'm short-term training! I'm exhausted in the hospital all day, but my physical fitness has dropped a lot, no! I still have to keep exercising. What is the origin of those people?! Judging from the tone of the leader, I should not have misunderstood the person, So... Who did I offend? No matter how badly Vice President Cui works, he won't have any contact with those vile people, right? Not... Doctor Wu's words are still reliable, so who could it be? It's so strange !" After pondering over and over for a long time, Bian Mu still couldn't figure it out.

After resting on the sofa for a while, the symptoms on my body were much relieved.

I wanted to discuss it with someone, but I thought about it several times, but there was no suitable person around me.

"Maybe it's really a misunderstanding! Just be more careful when you go out in the future." Reassuring myself, I took a hot bath while taking a hot bath to get rid of the bad luck.

Put the changed clothes in the washing machine to soak first, and then wash them after get off work tomorrow.

Bian Mu also had a big heart, lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep...

He didn't realize at all that in a hurry, the door of the dormitory was not locked at all.


Occasionally, there will be some conflicts between doctors and patients due to some kind of misunderstanding. Bian Mu has seen it in the county hospital and "Huikang" hospital. , Generally, big things can be turned into small things, and small things can be turned into small things.

In his spare time, Bian Mu carefully sorted out the conditions of all the patients, but he never found any suspicious ones.

The next day, Bian Mu went to work as usual, and was busy until after six o'clock in the evening, and nothing happened. He thought that this matter would be over.

Just as Bian Mu returned to the dormitory, classmate Xiao He called and asked him to go out for a casual meal.

On the phone, Bian Mu briefly described the amazing scene that happened last night, and Xiao He was also shocked.

"It's safer for me to stay in the hospital recently, let's get back in touch after a while!" Bian Mu felt that it was better to be careful.

"Okay! Then be careful and make an appointment again!"

"Well! Practice your kung fu well! It still works at critical times!"

"Got it! I won't bother you anymore, let's talk later!"

"Goodbye!" After saying that, Bian Mu hung up the phone.

Taking the meal card, Bian Mu was about to go downstairs to the restaurant to eat something casually, when the phone rang again.

Zhang Assistant's phone call.

"No one is making trouble in your department today, right?" Assistant Zhang greeted with concern on the phone.

"No! What's the matter?"

"This afternoon, around three o'clock! A group of people came suddenly, maybe five or six, without any explanation, they rushed into my office without saying a word, just kept smashing things, thanks to my usual relationship with the security guards. Well done, they protected me so I didn't get hurt."

"Ah?! Is there such a thing?! Are you okay now?" On the phone, Bian Mu greeted with concern.

"I'm fine! After thinking about it, this matter probably has something to do with Mrs. Mai!"

"Mrs. Mai? Is it Mr. Luo's lover?"

"Well! It's her! Didn't Mr. Luo listen to your suggestion recently? Discuss with her about handling some real estate. I heard that she flew into a rage at that time. She had a big fight with Mr. Luo, and Mr. Luo was so angry that this paragraph I didn't go home in time, she is very smart, after a little inquiring, I knew it was your idea, and the specific person in charge must be me. Before, she just said that I have an unclear relationship with Mr. Luo, It finally subsided after a while, and it broke out again." On the phone, Assistant Zhang was very angry.

"When you say that, I think of something." While talking, Bian Mu described in detail the shocking moment late last night.

"Oh! Do you remember the license plate number?" Assistant Zhang asked on the other end of the phone.

"They came too fast, I didn't even care about it, and I quickly evacuated when I got it."

"It sounds really dangerous, but... no matter how overbearing Mrs. Mai is, she shouldn't do such an outrageous thing. Doesn't she have many friends? There are nine out of ten friends or fans around her who use the excuse to vent their anger on her! I didn't expect you to look gentle on the surface, but to be so agile, if you didn't pay attention, those people suffered a dark loss, do you remember what the troublemaker looked like?"

"All of them are quite strong. They just wanted to get away, and didn't pay much attention to what they looked like. One of them had a birthmark on his face, which should be congenital. I still have a little impression. I ran away before I started fighting with him. gone."

"Oh! Then let's check him. Wait a minute! I'll check the company's surveillance video." After finishing speaking, Assistant Zhang hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Assistant Zhang sent several surveillance videos and asked Bian Mu to identify if there were any people involved in the night attack.

Bian Mu downloaded the video from his mobile phone to his laptop, opened a video analysis software, processed the picture quality to the top and clear state, and checked it twice.

Bian Mu immediately called Assistant Zhang.

"You guessed it right. The man with the birthmark on his face also went to your office to make trouble. He didn't seem to have a positive attitude, so he dealt with it a few times and left."

"That's easy. These two things are related to Mrs. Mai. If she continues to make trouble like this, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the company anymore."

"As for?" On the other end of the phone, Bian Mu asked with concern.

"It's hard to say! I heard Mr. Luo once said that Mrs. Mai has been suffering from bipolar disorder for a long time. Judging from this posture, it should be aggravated."

"Really? Bipolar disorder is very troublesome, hasn't it been cured?"

"I heard it's not good, so I can only try not to irritate her!"

"It's a good thing I didn't call the police, otherwise, she would have to bear the legal responsibility!" For Luo Jiaming's sake, Bian Mu didn't plan to pursue the matter.

"You have just gained a firm foothold in the hospital. If those foolish people around her go to the hospital and make a scene, you will be unlucky! Maybe you will be fired."

"Ah?! It's so troublesome! Our hospital pays special attention to social image. Once she really wants to make trouble, I will definitely resign voluntarily. For nothing else, I can't explain it to Qian Xiaotong. Can we think of something? Find a way to curb the development of the situation." On the other end of the phone, Bian Mu also panicked.

"Unless...unless you can cure her bipolar disorder."

"Manic can try Qingxin Powder, but that prescription needs to be further verified, and there are flavors and risks in it, so I'm not sure."

"That's troublesome! My idea is this, instead of waiting for her to go to the hospital to make trouble, it's better for you to talk to her face to face and explain clearly. We can change from passive to active. By the way, you can also show her. If you can Treat it!"

"This is a way, but... we are just guessing right now, what if she is not behind the scenes?"

"I've checked it out. Even if she wasn't the instigator, the incident must have happened because of her. To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must be found. Finding her, and curing her bipolar disorder may be our only way. Otherwise, I will be killed. The company resigns, and you may lose your job again."

"Then... well! How to ask her out?"

"Let's pass Mr. Luo! It's fair and honest. The time and place are up to him. Mr. Luo is actually quite pitiful. For so many years, he was almost driven crazy by Mrs. Mai. Most of the diseases he had were related to Mrs. Mai. Ma'am."

"Okay! Let's do it like this. After you communicate with Mr. Luo, I will definitely go to the appointment!"

"Okay! I'll do it now!" After finishing speaking, Assistant Zhang hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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