Roaming in the dark

Chapter 775 Three People After Breakfast Chapter Upstairs

Chapter 775 The three returned upstairs after breakfast

The three of them returned upstairs after breakfast, and Yanyan said, we should make the decision before I go to the platform.

She quickly wrote a handling decision, saying that it was because Xueer could not properly handle her personal emotional problems, which had an impact on the company's reputation and violated public order and good customs. Manager's position, deduction of all bonuses for the year.

Yanyan showed Xueer the written decision, Xueer nodded and said to send it.

Yanyan quickly sent the news through Xueyan Company, her personal Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu accounts, etc., and at the same time called August, Xiaoya Xiaomei, Mi Xueningxiang and the others, so that The personal accounts of each of their anchors also reposted the company's official news, allowing the news to spread quickly.

It was almost nine o'clock, Yanyan stood up to say goodbye to them, and she went to the platform first.Xue'er and Sheng Chuncheng haven't arrived at work yet, and they still have to sit for a while, and they won't leave until it's almost ten o'clock.

The two of them sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window facing the lake. Outside the window, there was a piece of sycamore and camphor trees that had turned from emerald green to dark green, like a thick soft green carpet, pedestrians and Vehicles are all covered under the impenetrable leaves.Because the sound insulation of the glass is very good, even the sound that is close to them seems far away to them.

As far as the West Lake.

Connecting this piece of green West Lake, the sun has already filled the lake, and there is a dazzling light spot on the lake.The cruise ships passing through seem to be locked by this spot of light, they are still, but when you look again after a while, you suddenly find that it is no longer in the original place.

Xue'er asked Sheng Chuncheng: "I am like this, do you feel sad? It also makes you... let you down?"

"It doesn't exist." Sheng Chuncheng shook his head, "I just feel it's a pity."

"What's the pity?" Cher asked.

"I'm sorry that you and Mazi didn't work harder. I always thought it should be good for the two of you to be together." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Xueer was silent, she turned her head out of the window, quietly looking at the colorful lake.

After a while, Xue'er asked, "By the way, Sheng Chuncheng, how long have we known each other?"

Sheng Chuncheng said, "It's been more than two years."

Xue'er nodded slightly, and murmured: "Yeah, it's been more than two years, how many things have happened in these two years, Sheng Chuncheng, you are no longer the original you, and I am no longer the original me "Unfortunately, we can't go back."

The two were silent, and they both turned their gazes out of the window. The green outside the window, the lake light not far away, and the mountain scenery farther away were all immersed in their eyes.Two people watching all this, they sit face to face, but seem to be far apart, both are independent individuals, it is impossible for them to eliminate the distance between them, nor can they go back to the past.

Xue'er sighed: "Actually, I also thought that it would be good for me to be with the foolish egg. I thought I had reached a place where I could finally unload the burden on my body and take a good rest. , As a result, I soon discovered that it was not, and found that the place where I was standing was not even a stop, so I had to go as soon as possible and keep going.”

Xue'er was silent at this point, which was considered to be answering Sheng Chuncheng's previous question.Sheng Chuncheng was also silent, he felt that powerless feeling again, he felt like he was talking logically, but in fact, he couldn't see Xue'er and Yu Dazi clearly, nor himself.

"I just feel that I need to go, I can't stop, I need to keep going, as if what I need is right in front, I just have to go, as long as I go, I can find it."

Xue'er continued talking, her eyes flew over the green tree tops in front of her, over the sparkling lake not far away, and even over the black mountain shadow in the distance, to a very high place, to a very far distance , flew into the blue-white sky, as if it had been going deep in, without the intention of stopping.

Xue'er sighed again, and she said: "But actually, the more I walk, the more confused I seem to be, and the more I walk, the more confused I seem to be. I always said that I got into the eyes of money, but as I walked forward, I It feels as if even the money is not so important, it becomes very light, like a flying cash register."

Xue'er inserted her hands into her hair, she held her head in both hands, and kept shaking:

"Really, really, I don't know what I want now. I see a vast expanse of whiteness in front of me, but do you know, Sheng Chuncheng, this whiteness is like a night, what I see The night is made of white, I feel like I have been dreaming in the night, and the person in the dream, you say, how can I know what I need?"

Xueer said, sobbing softly.

Sheng Chuncheng stretched out his hand, he really wanted to hug her and comfort her, but he stopped half way through.Sheng Chuncheng sighed inwardly. He felt that Xueer was right. She was no longer the Xueer she used to be, nor was she the "blind masseur". At that time, Xueer would still lean her head on him, Weeping silently, but now, they are far away.

Although they were sitting face to face, Sheng Chuncheng felt that even if he stretched out his hand, he would not be able to hold Xue'er's hand.

If you have any idea of ​​cleanliness, you must be in a clean place, and you must be clean yourself.Sheng Chuncheng felt that he was also in the dark night, but his dark night was different from Xueer's, his dark night was always dark, even if the sun was shining brightly and there was a lot of traffic around him, he was still in his own dark night.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at the time and said to Xue'er, "Let's go."

Cher said "oh".

Xue'er stood up, went to the bathroom, came out after a while, and smiled at Sheng Chuncheng, although her smile was a little pale and weak, Xue'er said:

"Let's go."

The two went downstairs and walked to Xue'er's car. Sheng Chuncheng and Xue'er said, "Shall I drive?"

Xue'er shook her head and said it's okay, I can do it, don't worry.

Along the way, neither of them spoke. When they arrived at the entrance of the Jiubao Live Broadcasting Base, the security guards stopped the car when they entered the gate. They had to check their health codes and check their body temperature.The epidemic is not serious, but it is like convulsions everywhere. The epidemic prevention measures that have been lax for a long time have suddenly begun to be strengthened again.

Although Xue'er and Sheng Chuncheng were wearing masks, the security guard who checked their forehead temperatures recognized Xue'er from the eyes on the mask, and he asked hesitantly:

"Are you Cher?"

Xue'er laughed and asked, "Why, you don't recognize the people who come in and out every day?"

(End of this chapter)

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