Roaming in the dark

Chapter 686 Oda Parked His Car In One Place

Chapter 686 Oda Parked His Car In One Place

Oda parked his car in a temporary parking lot rebuilt on a project land.

In the past few years, tourism real estate speculation has been very hot. Real estate developers, large and small, have come to Qiandao Lake to acquire land.

But as housing prices have fallen over the past few years, developers promised to rent back apartment buildings, and the promise fell through.The owners of the villas used for vacation found that the house by the water is very humid. The house has just been renovated. After you live in it for a few months, the walls have peeled off, and the furniture, ceilings, and footings are full of mold. Madara, the poetic imagination, has become unbearable and annoying to the reality.

In addition, the annual maintenance cost of the house is too high. On the edge of Qiandao Lake, there are many unsold projects that cannot be sold, or vacant houses that have been developed.There are also many real estate developers who took the land at a high price with great enthusiasm. Seeing that the land has become a black hole, if you invest money in it, it is very likely that you will not even hear a sound, so you dare not develop it.

The land was barren here, and soon some people developed the land into vegetable fields, and those within the urban area were converted into parking lots, which just solved the parking problem of nearby residents.

The place where Sheng Chuncheng and the others parked is just such a temporary parking lot, but it seems that it has been temporary for many years, and I don't know how many more years it will continue to be temporary.

Just like those impoverished villages, due to the limitations of objective conditions, it is easy to return to poverty.Only God knows whether those places that sell land like crazy and build cities on a large scale, when these vegetable plots and temporary projects continue to appear, will become cities without cities and villages without villages again.

Xiaotian led them to an alley. The alley was very deep and narrow, and it became deep because of its narrowness.It would be difficult for two big fat people like Mr. Zhang to intersect here. One of them needs to turn sideways, hold his breath and hold his belly, and assistively hold his belly with both hands to squeeze in, so that the other fat person can pass.

The alley looks like a dead end road. Standing at the entrance of the alley, you can see that the end of the alley is a mountain. There is a house at the foot of the mountain, which cuts off the alley horizontally. The gate is facing the alley. If you have a little strength The guy, standing at the entrance of the alley, rolled a ball hard towards the inside, and it probably rolled all the way into the door of this family.

There are low old houses on both sides of the alley. It can be seen that the old houses on both sides have added simple buildings in front of their doors like a dog's skin plaster a few years ago, which made this alley so crowded. narrow.Anyway, this kind of alley is located here, and there are few people there. It will not affect the face of the leader, nor will it affect the Chuangwei who is wasting money and money.

Even if the inspection team came, the houses in this alley did not need to be superficial like many cities, and the walls of the houses on both sides were painted to give them a new era.As long as there is a billboard at the entrance of the alley with a poster of the new era on it, the comrades of the inspection team will pass by without knowing that there is an alley behind the poster.

Therefore, this alley can still be naive, face the sky, and maintain its original dilapidated state.

"I'll go, there's a hotel here?" Standing at the entrance of the alley, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't help asking.

"That's it." Xiaotian pointed to the house at the end of the alley, and said to them, "That's the innermost one."

Oda said that Sheng Chuncheng and the others also discovered that many of the old houses on both sides of the alley were empty and unoccupied.Even if there are people living there, it seems that there are only a few lonely figures of old people and their soft voices.Only the house at the end, not only the smoke from the kitchen, but also the shadows of people inside the gate.

The four walked inside, Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaotian said: "You are amazing, I don't know how you found this place?"

"I didn't look for it, I was brought by Mr. Liu." Xiaotian said, "No matter where Mr. Liu goes, he can't stay idle and likes to wander around. The less people there are, the more he likes to sneak in and have a look. .”

Qingqing didn't know who Mr. Liu they were talking about, she said sarcastically, "Just like you, I'm also looking for a wife..."

There were still two words left, Qingqing realized that Chunni was there, and swallowed it back, Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaotian laughed knowingly, and Chunni also smiled.Even if she didn't say those two words, she knew what Qingqing was talking about, hum, you underestimate our current middle school students too much.

The four people approached and saw a wooden board hanging on the top of the gate. The words "fish first" were crookedly written on the wooden board, which was regarded as a signboard.

Walking in the door, there are three houses in a row, with a hall in the middle, a cashier counter at the bottom, and rooms on both sides, which can be regarded as two halls, with four or five tables in each, all of which are full of people.

Oda asked the proprietress at the cash register: "Is there any room left?"

The proprietress said, "There just happens to be one more."

After the proprietress finished speaking, she yelled, and a little girl ran out from the small door next to the cashier counter to lead them to the box.

The four people followed through the gate. Behind the gate was a yard. The yard was not small in the first place, but a piece of land was cut out at the foot of the mountain, which made it even bigger. Near the foot of the mountain, there was a pool of tens of square meters. The water in the pool, It is mountain spring water flowing down from the mountain, and the ponds are filled with silver carp and bighead carp, each weighing more than five catties.

A shed was built at the junction of the pool and the door, and seven or eight tables were placed under the shed, which were basically full.On both sides of the pool, two rows of simple rooms are built with foam color steel plates. One row is used as the hotel kitchen, and the other row is divided into five private rooms.

The four of them went to the pool first, pointed to the master, and caught a fish that weighed two to two catties.The waiter recommended to them that the organic fish head casserole is made of the fish head, and the fish body is used to make spicy fish nuggets, plus a few stir-fried dishes, and the dishes are ordered by the pool.In the evening, everyone didn't drink alcohol, so they ordered Coke and coconut water.

The four went to the private room to sit down, chatting while biting the fried soybeans given by the store, Qingqing asked Chunni when the college entrance examination was, and Chunni said it would start tomorrow.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, nervousness is your worst enemy, I'll tell you from my experience."

Qingqing and Chunni said: "When you get the test paper, you spend a few minutes to read the test paper, and then start from the easiest questions. This is the score you can get. You must get it first, and then do those questions." You are more sure about the questions, this is the point you can get as much as possible, you have to fight for it, and finally do the questions you are not sure about, that is the point you have to work hard to get, one point is one point.

"Don't just do those difficult problems at the beginning, thinking that if you do the difficult ones, the simple ones will be easy. That will make your mind confused, and you will make mistakes in the easy ones in the end. Start with the simple ones, The more you do it, the calmer your mind becomes, your brain is also developing, and your self-confidence is also gaining, and when it comes to difficult problems, haha, it seems that it is not so difficult, this step must be correct.”

When Qingqing was talking, Chunni kept nodding.

The dishes came, two stoves and two casserole pots, the steaming fish head casserole soup was milky white, like milk.And the soup with spicy fish cubes is red and bright, which makes people's taste buds open at first sight.When I started eating, I put a piece of spicy fish cubes in my mouth, full of praise, and then a spoonful of fish head soup was sent in, which was beyond words.

Sheng Chuncheng and Xiaotian said: "Sure enough, Mr. Liu, it's so delicious to find such a good place!"

Everyone had a great time eating this meal, and Qingqing felt that all the soreness and fatigue in her body were gone.Although the air conditioner was turned on in the box, everyone was sweating profusely after eating, but they didn't feel hot.When I stood up after eating and walked outside, the night was already dark, and a cool mountain breeze blew over, feeling indescribably refreshed.

Going out the gate and walking in the alley, Xiaotian and Qingqing walked in front, Sheng Chuncheng and Chunni deliberately lagged behind, Sheng Chuncheng took out his mobile phone, transferred 3000 yuan to Chunni, and said to her:

"Eat better these days, and keep up with your nutrition, you know? If you think the dormitory is too noisy at night and you can't rest and review well, you can go to the hotel next to the school and get a room. Even if it's a temporary hug, you have to hug, One point can kill thousands of people in PK, do you know that?"

Chun Ni nodded and said, "Understood, brother."

"Just do your best to cope with the exam, eat well and rest well, don't be reluctant to spend money, if you don't have enough money, tell brother, brother will transfer it to you again, do you understand?"

Chunni still said, "I see, brother."

"Well, brother is waiting for your good news in Hangcheng, and I will prepare the room for you."

Chunni nodded her head.

When she was about to reach the entrance of the alley, Chunni asked, "Brother, is that sister Qingqing the new sister-in-law?"

Sheng Chuncheng scolded: "How do you think everyone is the new sister-in-law?"

Chun Ni giggled: "I think they are all very good."

They include Sun Hong, but I don't know if they include Yanyan.

 Thank you for flipping the book every day, and rewarding two fish with one up and one down!Thank you Tianying 1978, Qing Canlan Ruohua, and Wu Yuehou for the monthly tickets!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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