Roaming in the dark

Chapter 365 Sheng Chuncheng rushed downstairs to Xueer's company

Chapter 365 Sheng Chuncheng rushed downstairs to Xueer's company

Sheng Chuncheng rushed downstairs to Xueer's company and found that Xueer's car had started, the lights were on in the car, and Xueer was sitting in the driver's seat.

Sheng Chuncheng opened the door of the passenger seat and sat in, and said to Xue'er, "Sorry, the road is a bit far, it's in the west of the city, at the Taohuayuan."

Xueer nodded and said it's okay, I know where it is, the house I bought for my parents is also there, they don't want to live in it yet, it's empty there, and the decoration hasn't been done yet.

Xue'er started the car and left. On the road outside, she asked, "Who is it?"

Sheng Chuncheng said: "One of my clients is the former boss of Wanhui International."

Xue'er nodded: "I have been to their Wanhui Building, but I have never seen him. The person I contacted should be his daughter."

"Wan Jianfang?"

"That's right, that's her." Cher said.

"It was so sudden. After you left in the afternoon, the old man came to my shop. I gave him a massage, and we even wrestled his wrists. I lost to him. I was fine in the afternoon. Why did I go in the evening?" Sheng Chuncheng said. He kept shaking his head.

"There is nothing wrong with it usually?" Xue'er asked.


Sheng Chuncheng said.If so, that Mr. Fang, how dare he put Xiaoya and Xiaomei by his side? Wouldn't that kill him?What's more, Lao Wan's property had already been divided during the last division. What should belong to his ex-wife already belonged to her, and what belonged to Wan Jiangang and Wan Jianfang were also distributed to them. The only heir to the property is Mr. Fang.

If it wasn't like this, Lao Wan's sudden death might have caused suspicion and disputes among all parties. Now, there is no reason for it.

"It's hard for people to tell. Sometimes it's like there is a switch in the body. As long as this switch is accidentally turned off, the person will leave." Xue Er said, "If the human body has no secrets, there is no need for medical development. gone."

Sheng Chuncheng nodded, he felt that the switch that Xueer mentioned was very similar to the Achilles' heel on the human body.There are too many secrets in people, including the meridians of the human body, which are invisible and intangible. There is no conclusive evidence to prove its existence, but it exists. If it does not exist, many medical phenomena, especially Chinese medicine, cannot be explained. up.

From the east to the west of the city, they crossed the entire city of Hangzhou. They walked for nearly an hour on the road before arriving at Taohuayuan. From a distance, Sheng Chuncheng saw the brightly lit villa of Lao Wan's family, as if a hole had been scalded in the dark. .

As the car approached, a security guard came over to direct them, and entered a temporary parking lot. There were already many cars parked in the parking lot.

The two got out of the car and walked over, and saw that the entire gate of the villa was covered by a huge black cloth, and a shed was built at the gate, which was also covered by black gauze.

When they walked under the shed at the gate, they heard the sound of chanting scriptures from inside. The movement was really fast. Lao Wan's mourning hall has been set up. It is in the main hall of the Chinese-style villa. Lao Wan has been placed in the In a coffin, the face is serene.

Sheng Chuncheng saw Mr. Fang wearing a black dress, sitting on the side with his head down, and Xiaomei standing behind her.

Four monks were sitting opposite her, reciting scriptures.

Seeing Sheng Chuncheng and Xue'er arriving, Xiaoya walked over and gave each of them a stick of incense. She also looked at Xue'er curiously.

Sheng Chuncheng lit the incense, went to Lao Wan's coffin, paid homage to Lao Wan, and then put the incense into a bowl of rice with a mountain peak in front of the coffin.

Xue'er also bowed and inserted the incense.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at Lao Wan who was lying there, his eyes were red, and he said in his heart: "Old Wan, it's not mean, you just leave if you win, and you don't even give me a chance to win back."

The room next to it was noisy with people, and many people were there, keeping watch for Lao Wan.

Wan Jiangang and Wan Jianfang came over from there, saw Sheng Chuncheng and Xueer, and hurried over, Wan Jiangang shook Sheng Chuncheng's hand and said thank you.Wan Jianfang held Xue'er's hand and asked, why are you here?

Xue'er looked at Sheng Chuncheng, and Sheng Chuncheng said: "I received a call from Xiaoya, and I wanted to come here but couldn't get a taxi. Xue'er lives near me, so she sent me here."

Wan Jianfang understood, and quickly said thank you, thank you! You guys came here so late.

Wan Jian just touched Sheng Chuncheng, Sheng Chuncheng followed him out, stood in the yard outside, Wan Jianfang and Xue'er also followed.

Wan Jiangang asked, "I heard that my father went to your place this afternoon?"

Sheng Chuncheng was right. I gave him a massage, and he wrestled with me. The old man is so powerful. I lost to him twice. It's impossible to think about it.

"Yeah, no one would have thought of it." Wan Jiangang said, "By the way, did my dad say anything to you this afternoon? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else. You may be the only thing my dad said the most before he died. People who talk, we all know that when you massaged him, he talked a lot. When she came back, my dad had already fallen asleep, and they didn't talk. "

Sheng Chuncheng knew that Wan Jiangang was referring to Mr. Fang, so Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "Yes, Lao Wan did say a lot to me."

"Please tell us, okay?" Wan Jiangang said sincerely, and Wan Jianfang clapped his hands together to beg.

Sheng Chuncheng told them all what Lao Wan said to him when he was with Lao Wan in the afternoon. If one is missing, one needs to go to Longjuwu. Wan Jiangang felt sad and shouted:
"Dad, you just miss your old brothers, so don't be in such a hurry."

Wan Jianfang sighed: "Dad actually still has a premonition."

When it comes to how the company is managed, when they let them go to the grave by themselves, when they come to tell me, Wan Jianfang cried and said:
"Brother, do you hear that, Dad is watching you."

Wan Jiangang said: "I know, I know, I will make my father feel at ease."

Sheng Chuncheng also shed tears as he spoke, it was so close, the words that Lao Wan said seemed to have not disappeared, and the way he spoke, before he had time to erase it from his eyes, was already eternal. separated.

On the side, Xue'er has also been crying into tears.

They stayed there for over an hour, took their leave and came out.The car was driving on an empty street that hadn't woken up yet, and Xue'er pushed down the window a little bit to let the biting wind blow in from outside, and she woke up a lot.

Xueer said: "Mr. Wan is a legend. When we were in school, the teacher used his case as a lecture."

Sheng Chuncheng said, "Isn't it a bit worthless?"

"How to say?"

"Old Wan has struggled all his life, but his company's annual revenue is about the same as your company. I heard Mr. Zheng said a lot about him. Their generation of entrepreneurs worked too hard." Sheng Chuncheng said.

Xue'er was silent for a while, then shook her head, she said: "It's still different. Although we claim to be a new economy with fast money coming in, it's still different. Sometimes, I still envy these traditional enterprises. When a large factory is built and such a large building is built, unlike us, even the offices are rented, although the sales are very large.”

Sheng Chuncheng asked: "What is there to envy? There are still people on the Internet who are comparing, saying that all of you who do live broadcasting are worth several listed companies."

"It's different. Their business can be passed on. For example, Mr. Wan can pass it on to Mr. Wan. What about us? I never thought that if I have children in the future, they will come to live broadcast. I even myself I don't know how long I can continue to do this business. I don't know how long it will be. Live broadcasting will definitely make people tired. This year can't be compared with two years ago.

"When the live broadcast base first started, the live broadcast was very popular. Now, you can see how many people are transferring in the live broadcast base. Really, in our business, we don't know what to do, panic, just don't know When I will go, I will be similar to those traffic stars."

Xue'er was silent for a while, then sighed: "Maybe it's the mentality that makes me dare to do things like tax evasion, isn't it because I want to get a little more while I can, and end up getting myself into it?" gone."

 Thank you rainman, Knife 130, and Xpress monthly pass!Thanks for all the votes and reading!Good evening everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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