Roaming in the dark

Chapter 287 I am like this, am I particularly prone to obesity?

Chapter 287 I am like this, am I particularly prone to obesity?
"I am like this, am I particularly prone to obesity?"

Lying on the massage table, Sun Hong asked Sheng Chuncheng.Sheng Chuncheng knew that what she said meant that she drank so much wine, Sheng Chuncheng said:
"Yes, drinking and living an irregular life are particularly prone to obesity."

"Oh!" Sun Hong sighed and said, "I knew it, but there is no other way. My main job is to socialize. So as soon as I saw that you have weight-loss massage here, I came here and asked me to lose weight by myself. I don't have the perseverance. By the way, let me tell you, when I was eating, guess what I was thinking?"

Sheng Chuncheng asked, "What do you think?"

Sun Hong laughed: "I've been thinking, it's over, it's over, I've massaged for nothing these two days, and if I fall off, I'm going to gain weight again. So I came here as soon as I escaped from the wine bureau. It’s called saving the mess, and in our words, it’s to make up for losses as much as possible, are you right?”

Sheng Chuncheng laughed out loud. He thought what Sun Hong said was very interesting. Sheng Chuncheng said, "Actually, you should be called temporary hugging."

Sun Hong giggled, and after she finished laughing, she suddenly said: "There are no other feet to hug."

Then, both of them were silent.Sun Hong squinted her eyes, she seemed to be awake, or she seemed to be asleep. Her breathing was sometimes light and sometimes heavy, and the smell of alcohol filled the cubicle. Sheng Chuncheng walked over and turned on the ventilation fan in the cubicle.

When he came back, he was startled. He saw that Sun Hong's eyes, which had been closed just now, were wide open, staring at him.

Sheng Chuncheng felt a little embarrassed, he wondered if he offended her by turning on the ventilator just now, making her feel that he disliked her smell of alcohol.

Sheng Chuncheng was thinking about how to explain it to her, when Sun Hong suddenly asked:

"Honestly, do I look good?"

Sheng Chuncheng nodded and said, "It's pretty."

"What's the use of looking good." Sun Hong snorted, "I don't even have a boyfriend, only a single dog."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled and said, "That's because you are demanding."

"No, really not." Sun Hong said, "It's because I don't dare to find a boyfriend at all. This shitty job can only be done by a single dog."

"Why?" Sheng Chuncheng asked.

"You are a man, let me ask you, if you are a girlfriend, at least half a month a month, go out to socialize at night, come back drunk, drink with her, and there are some bosses, you will Do you mind?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said honestly, "It definitely will."

"Yeah, I would mind too, so that's why." Sun Hong said, "Besides, you don't know how wretched those men are. Let me tell you, if I don't handle myself well, I won't know for a month that I will lose my virginity." How many times, of course, my performance will climb up. But I don’t care, I don’t think it’s worth it, it’s a dog’s job, yes, but I’m not a fucking bitch.”

As Sun Hong spoke, her voice became high-pitched, and the stamina of the wine also increased, and she retched twice.Sheng Chuncheng quickly brought over a washbasin, placed it beside the massage table, helped Sun Hongtou lie on top of the washbasin, and stroked her back gently with his hands.

Sun Hong then retched a few more times, but she didn't spit out anything. She shook her head and said, "Forget it, I can't spit it out."

Sheng Chuncheng helped her lie down on the bed, and asked, "Do you want something to drink?"

"Coke, very cold cola, is that okay?" Sun Hong asked.

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, just wait a moment.

Sheng Chuncheng walked to the door, took off the phone installed on the wall next to the door, and told the other party to bring a bottle of ice coke over.

The waiter brought in a bottle of iced Coke. Sheng Chuncheng opened the cap and poured the Coke into the glass. Sun Hong looked at him and kept saying, more, more, not enough, not enough.

Sheng Chuncheng filled the cup, and Sun Hong had nothing to say. Sheng Chuncheng helped her up on the massage table, supported her back with one hand, and held the cup with the other, and fed her Coke.

Sun Hong giggled and said, "It's really like when I was young, I was sick when I was young, and my father fed me water like this."

Sheng Chuncheng smiled.

Sun Hong drank a couple of sips and felt that it was not satisfying, so she took the cup from Sheng Chuncheng's hand, gulped down a large glass of iced Coke, and said, "Why am I so thirsty, did I drink fake wine? "

A hiccup came up, and she fell into a coma again. Sheng Chuncheng put her on the bed, but she grabbed Sheng Chuncheng's hand and began to cry.

"You don't know, what I do is a dog day job, and I live a dog day life. Every time I go home drunk and dizzy, I fall on the bed, the sofa and the ground, and I feel almost uncomfortable. I'm dead, I'm dying of thirst, but there's no one who can take care of me like this, no fucking one..." Sun Hong cried out sobbing.

Sheng Chuncheng comforted her and said, "It will be fine, everything will be fine."

"No, no, I'm afraid I'll be old before I recover, and I'm 28 years old now!" Sun Hong shouted.

Sheng Chuncheng's heart shuddered, he remembered that Ding Huamei had also said the same thing, but there was a sentence "I'm two years older than you" before her.

Sun Hongxu babbled, sometimes sober, sometimes confused, when she was confused, Sheng Chuncheng couldn't hear what she was saying, but from the tone and tone, it could be heard that what she said was all sad things.

When she was awake, she kept apologizing to Sheng Chuncheng again, telling him, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you these things, it's all my own business.

Sheng Chuncheng looked at this woman who was three years older than him, feeling a little apprehensive and sympathetic. Living in this city is difficult for everyone.In the daytime, this woman is the vice president of the bank at a young age, and she probably walks with wind. No one would have thought of her life. There are sweet and glamorous days, but there are also bitter and unknown ones. .

If it wasn't for drinking too much, no matter how much suffering she had, no matter how sad she was, she would probably just chew it up and swallow it to the heart, bear it silently by herself, and would definitely not confide in others, just like Sister Chen.Only with the strength of alcohol did her teeth begin to loosen. These words couldn't be kept in her stomach, and flowed out continuously.

Just like that night, he and Sister Chen were sitting on the floor of their living room, with the help of wine and the endless darkness around them, Sister Chen could talk so much.

After completing a set of weight loss techniques, Sheng Chuncheng did not stop, but continued to massage Sun Hong, giving her a head massage.

Sun Hong's breathing gradually became even, her frowning brows relaxed, and she fell asleep.

Sheng Chuncheng took out a blanket from the cabinet, covered her up, turned up the air conditioner by two degrees, and walked out.

Seeing him coming out, Xiao An looked at his watch and asked, "So long?"

Sheng Chuncheng smiled wryly: "I drank too much, and finally put her to sleep. Don't arrange anyone in that cubicle. Let her have a good sleep."

Xiao An nodded and said yes.

Sheng Chuncheng walked outside the store, took out his mobile phone, and called Sister Chen. The phone was connected, and Sheng Chuncheng asked, "Sister Chen, how are you now?"

"Okay, now every day is very busy and fulfilling. I'm already tanned, and the winter sun here is still very poisonous. Xiao Sheng, my sister has already learned how to ride a horse. When it snows here, we will go to the pastoral area and Bianka , They all went there on horseback." Sister Chen smiled heartily, "By the way, I will take a picture of my sister riding a horse for you to see tomorrow during the day."

Sheng Chuncheng said yes, I really want to see it.As he spoke, he felt his eyes moisten.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets for Bacun Lemonade Research Institute, Fushifu 2, and Kuhaii!Thanks for all the votes and reading!I wish everyone good health!

(End of this chapter)

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