After Wu Jing said this, the four-character brother laughed out loud.

He said jokingly to Wu Jing.

"Brother Jing, what you said sounds like nothing wrong at first glance."

"But if you think about it carefully, it's full of loopholes!"

"If you want to use your brain, you have to be talented, right?"

Wu Jing: "..."

If he could, he really wanted to kick his four-character brother to the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

Just when they were fighting.

Su Mu has prepared the tools and is ready to start warming the ice.

Wu Jing was unambiguous and took the tools directly from Su Mu's vending machine.

Said the side.

"I'll do it, I'll do it. How can you, Su Mu, do this kind of rough work that requires hands-on work yourself?"

On the side, the four-character brother also said.

"Yes, yes, rough jobs have to be done by rough men."

"This job is most suitable for Brother Jing!"

Wu Jing was so angry that he directly picked up the musket in his hand and pretended to spray it at his four-character brother.

The four-character brother dodged left and right, his feet slipped, and he almost fell down.

"Brother Jing! You've gone too far. You're trying to kill me! We have such a big grudge!" the four-character brother said dissatisfied.

Wu Jing was just about to say something back to him when he heard a clicking sound coming from the ice under his hands.

He looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw that the ice was gradually melting after meeting the flames.

It actually cracked along a crack!

"Su Mu, look, it's working!" Wu Jing said hurriedly.

Su Mu hurried over to check and saw that there was indeed a crack of almost half a meter.

He reached up and pressed lightly, and the piece of ice instantly shattered.

The ice cubes fell down, and an ice hole appeared here!

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

"It's done! It's done!"

"Su Mu is indeed right. This piece of ice is curved, and the method of roasting it with fire is indeed effective!"

Wu Jing couldn't help but cheered.

"Shh, Brother Jing, keep your voice down!"

Wu Jing's voice got louder when he got excited.

Liu Tianxian was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped him.

At this time, everyone could already feel that the wind was pouring into the ice cave.

Everyone can't wait to see what the situation is like under the ice.

So they all squatted on the ground, shining the flashlight, and stretched their necks to see hard.

This time, everyone observed the shape of the entire ice layer from the inside, and it became more intuitive.

The entire dome is like a huge bowl, upside down on the mountain.

On the mountain rock, there are many wooden beams crisscrossing each other.

A building like scaffolding is formed.

These wooden beams are still covered with frost.

The whole look looks extremely shocking.

"I'll go. When I looked at it from above, I felt like the fetus was covered with thorns."

"I'm still thinking, could this be some kind of demon fetus? It's this kind of wooden beam!" Wu Jing suddenly realized. Everyone's eyes continued to move down from these wooden beams, and then looked at the main building under the entire dome.

It was the giant fetus they saw before!

It turns out that this is actually a hole that has grown into the shape of a fetus!

The dark hole was huge, almost as big as half a football field.

"Oh my god, I never thought that this was actually a cave." The four-character brother exclaimed.

"How did this cave happen to look like this? I don't know if it was naturally formed or man-made!" Lu Han said.

"Look at the buildings inside this cave!" Reba, with sharp eyes, pointed inside.

Everyone's attention was just attracted by the fetal-shaped hole.

At this moment, Reba reminded her and she looked inside the hole.

I saw part of the cornices extending out from the hole.

Although it is only part of it, it can still be seen that this is a palace-shaped building.

Most of the buildings are inside the cave entrance, so you can't see the whole thing.

But just from this part, you can also see how luxurious the palace was built.

At the same time, because only part of the building is shown, from their perspective, it looks like a castle in the air.

"It's so dusty down here that I can't see anything clearly, but even so, this palace looks so gorgeous. It's so awesome!" Wu Jing looked down, his eyes straightened.

"Yes, brother Su Mu, is this the burial tomb we are looking for?"

"Is there really a burial mausoleum, and will it be built like a palace?" Reba asked.

No wonder she questioned it.

After all, some of the ancient tombs they visited before were spectacular.

But after all, it still maintains the appearance of the ancient tomb, which is cold, gray and gloomy.

But this palace looks like a completely different style of luxury.

In response, Su Mu also shrugged helplessly.

"Yes, this should be the burial tomb."

"The palace you see now is called the Dragon Tower Palace!"

"It is part of the funerary mausoleum, and the real mausoleum is inside this cave and in the mountain!"

It turned out to be the case.

"The emperor of the Eastern Xia Dynasty is so good at enjoying himself. The tombs to be buried with him are built in such a grand style. I don't know how luxurious the real palace must be!"

"I can't wait to see it, it's a great experience!" the armed policeman sighed.

Hearing this, Su Mu's expression flashed strangely.

However, he quickly returned to normal, so no one noticed his subtle change.

They didn't notice it, but the viewers in the live broadcast room really noticed it.


"Have you noticed that Su Mu's expression was a little strange after Brother Jing said those words just now?"

"I saw it, I saw it, I thought I was thinking too much!"

"I felt something was wrong just now. What do you think Su Mu's expression means?"

"I guess it must have something to do with Genting Tiangong. After all, it was Brother Jing who wanted to see Genting Tiangong that made Su Mu's expression change!"

"Is it possible that there is something wrong with Yunding Tiangong? Isn't it very dangerous?"

"Danger is definitely dangerous, but which ancient tomb Su Mu and the others go to is not dangerous? Su Mu is definitely not the kind of person who is afraid of danger!"

"Yes, there must be other reasons, but what is it? I'm so curious!"

"Everyone, please stop guessing. Maybe we are just overthinking. Let's focus on the current issue!"

"That's right, I really didn't expect that the Kunlun tire we thought was actually a cave!"

"I think it's definitely not that simple. There must be some explanation for the fact that the tomb was built in this cave." (End of Chapter)

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