Chapter 388 The Eerie Silence

Everyone must have no doubts about Su Mu's judgment.

So I packed my bags and continued on my way.

If they wanted to cross the road in front of them, they had to pass through this muddy swamp.

Fortunately, the mud is slightly shallower next to the entrance to the Palace of the Queen Mother of the West.

But he still stepped down, and his entire foot was stuck in the mud.

It took a lot of effort to pull the foot out.

Fortunately, what they wear on their feet are professional marching shoes.

It can help them save some effort.

Otherwise, I might not be able to finish this road until dark.

The area of ​​​​the swamp is not large, and the straight-line distance is only about a hundred meters.

But for them, it is the most difficult 100 meters to walk.

It took everyone almost an hour to finally get out of the mud.

At this time, everyone was panting and exhausted.

Wu Jing was sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.

Couldn't help but complain.

"I feel like we, as a group, are like old mobile phones that have been used for several years."

"It takes five hours to charge, and only a few 10 minutes of standby time!"

"I can't survive, my battery is exhausted!"

After saying this, he wanted to lie straight on the ground, regardless of the mud on the ground.

However, at this time, Su Mu walked up to them and said something leisurely.

"I advise you to get up. Otherwise, take a closer look. What's in this mud?"

Wu Jing subconsciously looked to the ground.

Although the location they were in now was not like the swamp just now, the mud was so deep that it could reach the top of their feet.

But there is still a thin layer.

I didn't pay attention because I was too tired before.

After being reminded by Su Mu, Wu Jing saw that there was something squirming in the mud.

They are now covered in mud, and their original appearance cannot be seen.

Wu Jing plucked up the courage, put on his gloves, caught one from the mud and put it in his hand.

Push away the mud on it.

When the thing showed its true face in Lushan, Wu Jing was shocked.

"This, these are the bugs that got into our clothes and sucked blood!"

As soon as he said these words, several other people immediately became energetic.


"What bug, what bug! Where is it?"

Wu Jing pointed to the ground.

"Here, here they are all, they are all in the mud!"

Sure enough, I saw squirming insects in the mud at this moment. If you don't look carefully, they look like small bubbles in the mud.

"Ah! We have them on our feet too!" Reba yelled.

I saw that the mud on their shoes had reached their calves.

Underneath the silt, there are also the same "small bubbles" squirming.

Several people suddenly seemed to have stepped on a switch and began to stamp their feet on the spot.

Try to get rid of these bugs.

But with little success.

On the side, Su Mu still maintained a calm attitude, with an unknown smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, don't waste your efforts!"

"Even if you get rid of all these bugs, there are still more ahead!" "You can't escape after all!"

After hearing Su Mu's words, everyone looked forward.

At this sight, his eyes suddenly darkened.

As far as they could see in front of them, there was all mud, and there was no dry place at all.

In other words, there is no easy path ahead for them.

At the same time, they have to endure the threat of these bugs.

"Now I also want to be like Kelsang and faint directly, so that I don't have to worry about anything and don't have to think about anything!"

The four-character brother said quietly.

"You have a beautiful idea, don't think that you really fainted, I will carry you on my back!"

"We'll just leave you here and wait for the insects to suck your blood away!" Wu Jing said fiercely.

"No, I really didn't faint on purpose! I was really frightened! I couldn't control it!" Gesang's explanation seemed a little feeble.

Seeing everyone's despair, Su Mu said.

"Okay, it's actually not that scary. The materials of your clothes and shoes are very special, and these bugs will never be able to get in!"

"As long as you keep moving forward, they will not be able to climb up!"

"So overall, you're still safe!"

His words did not make everyone feel better.

"What you mean is that on this journey, we can only keep walking and cannot stop!" Wu Jing said.

"That's not true. Have you seen those big rocks in front of you?"

Su Mu said, pointing forward.

Sure enough, there were several huge rocks vaguely there.

But it was at least two to three thousand meters away from them, so it was hard to see clearly.

"As long as we walk to that place, we can rest on the rocks!"

Su Mu's words can be regarded as giving everyone some comfort.

No matter what you say, there is still hope.

"Okay, let's go then! In the worst case, walk slower!"

"I don't believe that we can't walk anywhere before it gets dark!" Wu Jing gritted his teeth.

So, everyone continued to move forward one step deeper and one step shallower.

In this rain forest, the air is extremely humid and very hot.

However, each of them can only wrap themselves as tightly as possible.

He didn't even dare to unbutton the collar.

The whole figure seemed to be wrapped in a thick layer of water vapor, making breathing extremely difficult.

At the beginning of the journey, Wu Jing would say a few words from time to time to divert attention and cheer everyone up.

But as we walked, no one made a sound.

With just a trace of willpower and the temptation of the stone, he moved mechanically.

However, after walking for a while, Yang Mi seemed to notice something was wrong.

"Do you, do you feel that this place seems a little too quiet?" Yang Mi said.

"Sister Mi, do you want to say that Brother Jing finally shut up, so he seems quiet?" said the four-character brother.

"No, it's not Brother Jing's problem! It's really quiet and weird here!" Liu Tianxian also said at this moment.

Everyone now pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Sure enough, this rainforest does seem a little too quiet.

There was no sound of wind blowing leaves, no footsteps of animals, no chirping of any birds.

There was only the sound of their footsteps.

It's like...a dead space.

And this deathly silence made them all feel a little uneasy!
This is so weird!

(End of this chapter)

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