Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 634: Going south to encircle Suzhou

Chapter 634: Going south to encircle Suzhou

Zhang Wuji drank a glass of water and wine dullly, and then asked: "Sister Su, is it true that we can't transport our food and grass?"

Su Mengqing, who was sitting at the bottom, replied: "That's not true, it's just that our grain and grass are transported by fleets, and in order for our grain and grass to reach here, we still need to pass through the river controlled by Zhu Yuanzhang. I'm afraid that if we have a large-scale If we transport grain and grass, then he will definitely notice that we are short of food. By then, he will definitely rebel if he doesn't."

Zhang Wuji touched his chin and said, "This is a difficult question."

After Zhao Min took a sip of the Mongolian liquor from her hometown, her fair face was already a little tipsy. She said: "Brother Wuji, this is not the fault of your wifely kindness. If you listen to us, we will directly Defeat Zhu Yuanzhang first, and now we must be standing on the tower of Jinling City. And after destroying Zhu Yuanzhang, we don't need to go north and then south, and go through such trouble to eliminate Zhang Shicheng."

Zhang Wuji said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do about this. Zhu Yuanzhang did not really rebel. It is this dormant poisonous snake that is the most troublesome. If I touch him, I will lose the hearts of the world. But fortunately we have already occupied We have acquired some land in Huainan and established a firm foothold. What we want is for Yuan Ting not to interfere and cut Zhang Shicheng's territory in two along the Yangtze River. It will be difficult for him to finish."

Zhao Pusheng said at this time: "Your Majesty, don't worry. You Chen's warships have blocked the river. I don't think Zhu Yuanzhang dared to make a mistake. Zhu Yuanzhang's warships are not as big as ours, and they are not equipped with artillery. I dare to take my own head. Guaranteed, absolutely foolproof.”

Zhang Wuji smiled and said: "I know this. Tomorrow we will go south to capture Suzhou. The matter of maintaining the stability of the river will be left to the Grand Governor. The next step for the Privy Council is to station [-] troops in the north of the Yangtze River and besiege Gaoyou and Yangzhou. , these two fortified cities on the border of Zhang Ding. After we capture Suzhou City, we will conquer them together and completely eliminate Zhang Shicheng."

Although everyone was worried about Zhu Yuanzhang, the celebration banquet ended successfully.

Early the next morning, Zhang Wuji personally led his troops south again.

Because of the defeat in Jiangbei, Zhang Shicheng's troops have now reduced their forces to the city.

Zhang Wuji's troops heading south easily landed ashore without encountering any decent resistance.

The first stop of the army was to occupy the prefectures and counties along the south coast of the Yangtze River.Because the Ming army is a heavenly army.Zhang Shicheng wanted to rely on Suzhou to contact Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhang Wuji for a fight.

Therefore, he reduced most of the troops in Jiangnan to Suzhou City.As a result, the peripheral defense was very empty.With the help of martial arts masters like Huo Jia, Zhang Wuji's army easily invaded these small towns.

Zhang Wuji's army entered the city without committing any crimes, and the people also loved the arrival of the heavenly army.Thanks to the support of the common people and some seizures, Zhang Wuji's troops were able to supply supplies on the spot, which solved the urgent need of food shortage.

Within a few days, Zhang Wuji's troops had arrived at Suzhou City.

Seeing the arrival of Zhang Wuji's army, they had already set up camp outside Suzhou City.Zhang Shicheng's heart felt cold.

Zhang Shicheng asked the people around him: "King Ruyang! Zhu Yuanzhang! What are they doing? Why hasn't Zhang Wuji returned to rescue?"

The envoy next to him hesitated and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, King Ruyang said that the Yuan army has no fighting spirit and needs time to rest and recuperate. Let us hold on for a little longer."

Zhang Shicheng yelled: "What about Zhu Yuanzhang! What is Zhu Yuanzhang doing!? Before, he tricked me into betraying Zhang Wuji and betraying Mingzun. He agreed to make an appointment with me to raise an army. Where is he now?"

The envoy was also frightened by Zhang Shicheng's out-of-control emotions.The messenger's legs were trembling with fear at this time, and then he replied tremblingly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Yuanzhang has sent troops."

Hearing that Zhu Yuanzhang had sent out troops, the crazy Zhang Shicheng calmed down. He stared and asked with a smile: "He has sent out troops? So where is he? Where is he?"

The messenger wiped the cold sweat from his face, and then replied: "It's just that he went to attack Chen Youding and Fang Guozhen. Just before the villain came back, Chen Youding had been eliminated. Now only Fang Guozhen is still struggling to support him."

Hearing this, Zhang Shicheng sat down as if struck by lightning.Fortunately, the attendants around him supported him.He wouldn't fall to the ground.

After Zhang Shicheng was stunned for a while, he suddenly broke away from his attendants. He pointed in the direction of Jinling City and cursed angrily: "Zhu Yuanzhang, you bastard. I was deceived by this bastard! I held Zhang Wuji in front. But you are strengthening yourself behind the scenes!"

Then Zhang Shicheng said in despair: "Before, I laughed at Guo Tianxu for raising tigers. I didn't expect that now I would make the same mistake as Guo Tianxu because I trusted Zhu Yuanzhang. Retribution! Retribution!"

At this time, the ministers around Zhang Shicheng asked: "Your Majesty, in my opinion, we might as well surrender to Ming Zun. Your Majesty Ming Zun is kind, now we abandon the dark and surrender to the Ming. I think Ming Zun will not offend us. This way, Your Majesty can still be safe."

Zhang Shicheng was completely crazy now. He gasped and said: "No! I will not surrender! How can there be an emperor who has surrendered since ancient times! I am the emperor of Great Zhou! I am the emperor of Great Zhou! I still have Suzhou City, Suzhou There are still [-] soldiers and horses in the city, and enough food and grass to last for half a year. Previously, I was able to hold off the million-strong army in Gaoyou City that was riddled with old bastards. Now Zhang Wuji's troops going south only have more than [-] people, and his food and grass are restricted. I am determined. I can turn danger into safety! I can definitely turn danger into safety!"

Zhang Shicheng gasped and kept saying "Yes!"

When everyone saw that the emperor had gone "crazy", they did not dare to say another word, for fear that if they said anything wrong, they would be dragged down and executed by Zhang Shicheng.Now they can only pray that it is true as Zhang Shicheng said.

Now not only did Zhang Shicheng get the battle report that Chen Youding was killed, but Fang Guozhen was in danger.

In the Ming army camp thirty miles outside Suzhou City, Zhang Wuji also received these battle reports.

But these are not so much battle reports as they are letters asking for help.

This first letter is from Fang Guozhen, who is currently guarding the city in Hangzhou.Zhu Yuanzhang's offensive was very fierce, and his warriors risked their lives to send this letter for help.In the letter, Fang Guozhen scolded Zhu Yuanzhang for his shamelessness and undeclared war.Then he begged Zhang Wuji to save him.

The other letter was from Chen Youding, but Chen Youding's letter was more like a farewell letter.The letter also scolded Zhu Yuanzhang, and then expressed his regret for not being able to seek refuge with Zhang Wuji.He also said that if he was destined, he would be driven by Mingzun again in the next life.

Not long ago, Zhang Wuji received the news that Chen You had committed suicide in Dingcheng.

However, Zhang Wuji, instead of being anxious or sad about Chen Youding's demise and Fang Guozhen's imminent danger, just laughed out loud.

He really didn't know if Zhu Yuanzhang had lost his mind and actually attacked Fang Guozhen and Chen Youding.

These two people are actually a thorn in Zhang Wuji's side.Zhu Yuanzhang might as well help him get rid of them.

And most importantly, Chen Youding and Fang Guozhen's intention to surrender has been made known to the world.Zhu Yuanzhang attacked them without asking for permission, which was a violation of the oath made back then.

In this case, it would just give Zhang Wuji an excuse for war.

Zhang Wuji either didn't want to fight Zhu Yuanzhang, or he had a high-sounding excuse, and now the excuse came.How could he not laugh?
 It is expected that a new book will be released in the next two days. This time it is about Tian Long Ba Bu. The first draft has 1 words and is expected to be signed during the National Day.

  This book will really be finished around the [-]th this time.I hope everyone can still support the author's new book.

(End of this chapter)

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