Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 597 Conditions for reducing the vassal status

Chapter 597 Conditions for reducing the vassal status

After Zhang Wuji settled Lu Chang and Liu Bowen, he returned to the palace with Zhao Min.

The official appointment edict for the two of them will be announced in public at the court meeting in a few days.

Let the two of them go out to accumulate resumes first, and when the time comes, Zhang Wuji will arrange them in more suitable positions.

The next day, Zhang Wuji continued to summon the four "vassal kings" to continue discussing the "recruitment" matter.

Today's pattern is the same as yesterday, and both Chen Youding and Fang Guozhen agreed.

However, Zhang Shicheng and Zhu Yuanzhang were still "coquettish" and neither agreed nor opposed.

Both of them knew very well that if they agreed, they would be completely annexed. Although they would still retain their status as princes in the future, any attempt to become king and hegemon would be like a dream.

But if he didn't agree, then Zhang Wuji also revealed a threat in his words. If he didn't agree, he would directly issue an order to attack him.

So now the two of them can't get off the tiger, so they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

In the end, Zhang Shicheng couldn't stand Zhang Wuji's pressure, and immediately said: "Your Majesty's words make no sense. Back then, I and the princes of the world gathered in Butterfly Valley for an alliance. We recognized Your Majesty as the common master of the world and jointly attacked Dayuan. Now we are here Among the people, everyone except Chen Shuai did not attend. On that day, Prime Minister Yang announced His Majesty's decree, allowing us to split the soil and seal the territory. We also respected His Majesty's decree and neither betrayed the alliance nor overstepped His authority. Now His Majesty is here It is tantamount to crossing the river and burning the bridge. It is really chilling. Your Majesty has gone back on his promise. I wonder how your Majesty will face the people of the world in the future? What's more, if I hadn't defeated Tuotuo's million-strong army at the foot of Gaoyou City, would the situation be like today? "

Zhang Shicheng's accusation was very sharp.He planned to use the Old Testament as evidence to accuse Zhang Wuji of being "despicable and shameless, burning bridges across rivers".

If this reason is true, then Zhang Wuji will be labeled as carrying out a sneak attack against the alliance and lose the hearts of the world.

In the face of Zhang Shicheng's plausible words, Liu Futong, who accompanied the town to attend the meeting, said: "The words of King Zhou make no sense. When the alliance was held in Butterfly Valley that day, everyone jointly respected Ming as the co-lord of the world. This is indeed true, but everyone here, Do you really recognize that you are the king? You must know this in your heart. There is no need for this old man to say more. And the king of Zhou falsely said that he defeated the main force of the Yuan army? It is simply a big statement. "

"The soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty recruited by Tuotuo are just a mob. Although there are millions, there is nothing to be afraid of. Besides, when it comes to defeating the main force of the Yuan army, who among you here can compare with me? I made an appointment with Han Shantong to rebel against the Yuan Dynasty. Han Shantong After being defeated and killed, I took the land of Runan as my base and defeated the Yuan soldiers to regain the land of the Central Plains."

"If Zhao Jun hadn't used this guy to rebel for his own selfish interests, causing Qilu to lose, and I lost the defense on the flanks, how could there have been a great defeat in the Central Plains? And since His Majesty Mingzun returned, he led us to organize the troops again, Occupying Jingxiang and seizing Bashu has become a threat to the Yuan Dynasty. The restoration of our Han family is right in front of our eyes, but you guys ignore the righteousness of the world for your own personal gain. Isn't this a departure from the original intention of the alliance? "

Zhang Wuji was overjoyed when facing the tense situation between the two men. Then Zhang Wuji also said: "Yes, when it comes to the military exploits against the Yuan Dynasty, Marshal Liu is the most righteous in the world. Even I have to respect him. Although the King of Zhou has merit, but It’s a bit inappropriate to take credit and be so arrogant. And the King of Zhou keeps saying that he is my minister and serves me as the master. However, the King of Zhou does not obey my edict. Is this the courtesy of a minister? Since the King of Zhou does not respect me as my Lord, then the previous covenant in Butterfly Valley is of course innumerable to the King of Zhou."

"This" Zhang Shicheng didn't expect Zhang Wuji to use such strong words.

Yes, he keeps saying that he respects Zhang Wuji as the common master of the world, but then he doesn't obey his orders.This can be regarded as the princes who were the first to betray the alliance.Even if Zhang Wuji attacks them, it is reasonable.

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he stood up and said: "What your Majesty said is true. Since ancient times, if you let your ministers die, they will be unfaithful. Life and death are like this, not to mention that your Majesty wants to withdraw from the vassal. King Zhou just made a mistake, please forgive me. Sin. We are willing to abide by His Majesty's will to withdraw the vassal state."

Zhang Shicheng looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in surprise, but then he seemed to have thought of something, so he also saluted Zhang Wuji and said: "What the King of Wu said is true, but I just made a mistake. Please forgive me. I am willing to withdraw from the vassal state." Listen. As for the two of them, this time it was Zhang Wuji and Liu Futong's turn to be confused.Zhao Min, who had been hiding at the side door and listening, could not help but frown.

Although the three of them knew very well that the two people in front of them had ulterior motives, but now they were not sure what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourds.

However, Zhang Wuji still said to Po Xia Donkey: "Okay, okay! The two beloved ladies are really the pillars of the world's great cause."

After Zhang Wuji had just finished praising the two of them, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Your Majesty praises you. However, if you withdraw the vassal vassal, I also have some unkind requests. First, if I join your Majesty in raising troops, one is for the righteousness of the world. The other is just For the sake of fame, I ennoble my wife and son-in-law. Therefore, I would like to ask your Majesty to retain our title."

After Zhang Wuji finished listening, he looked at Liu Futong who was standing down and asked for Liu Futong's opinion.

After all, Liu Futong is the most righteous person in the world, and he also has the merit of following the dragon.Even he only made a hereditary duke.And Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to retain the king's title.

If Zhang Wuji did not consult Liu Futong for his opinion, he would inevitably have a grudge.

Although Liu Futong was indeed a little unhappy, after thinking calmly, he decided to focus on the overall situation and nodded immediately.

After receiving Liu Futong's reply, Zhang Wuji readily agreed: "Okay! Several of my beloved ministers put national affairs first and regard the justice of the world as their foundation. This request is not too much. I agree. Fang Aiqing and Chen Aiqing have also been promoted to the first level. , Chen Aiqing was granted the title of Nan'an County Prince. Fang Aiqing was granted the title of Dongping County Prince."

After listening to this, Fang Guozhen and Chen Youding both trembled.

The two of them stood up one after another and refused in unison: "I thank your majesty for your kindness, but I don't want to be the king, so I ask your majesty to take back my order."

After the two of them finished speaking, they both looked at each other in surprise.

Liu Futong was not surprised by the two of them's rejection.

Although Fang Guozhen is just a wallflower, he is always the smartest person and the one who can see current affairs most clearly.

Although Fang Guozhen believed that Zhang Wuji would keep his promise and really crown them kings.But there are lessons learned from the past such as Han Xin, Peng Yue and Ying Bu.Fang Guozhen did not dare to accept the title of king.

Fang Guozhen noticed that Zhang Wuji's heroes were not ennobled with princes. Even Liu Futong was only a duke.If he takes over the title of king, he will always feel like an old man who eats arsenic because he thinks he has a long life.

Fang Guozhen always seeks stability, and all he wants is the wealth of Fuyin's descendants.He doesn't want to die.

As for Chen Youding, the reason is even simpler.That is, he doesn't have much obsession with fame and wealth.And he also felt that this was a recipe for disaster.Now among the four princes, he is the weakest.If he accepts it, he may become a target in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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