Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 506 Loyalty "Two Difficulties"

Chapter 506 Loyalty "dilemma"

"The sky moves. The earth. Turns, big-moving-moving-fa!"

After Zhang Wuji finished "singing", he waved his hands, and the great teleportation of the universe driven by the two forces of yin and yang in his body burst out from the whole body instantly.

Suddenly, a very powerful dragon spin appeared around Zhang Wuji.

Everything within a radius of tens of feet was attracted by this powerful cyclone.

Countless trees, sand and stones were beating on everyone like steel knives.Under this strong gravitational force, even a small stone can become an armor-piercing "bullet".

And some people close to Zhang Wuji were the most unlucky, they were all sucked in by the powerful cyclone Zhang Wuji unleashed.Then he was quickly drawn into the dragon's whirl, or was rolled into the sky, and then fell to his death, or kept spinning around Zhang Wuji with the strong wind, and was finally beaten out of human form by various sundries.

And Chen Youliang was also "lucky" to be involved.

At this time, there were no more soldiers rushing up to escort them, and when Chen Youliang's army saw this scene that was beyond their knowledge, they froze in fright and fled backwards without armor or armor.Now they only hate their parents for losing two legs.

As they ran, they shouted, "Monster! Monster!"

And Zhu Yuanzhang's army on the city wall was not much better. Several people were lying on the edge of the city wall to "watch the fun" and were swept down by the sudden hurricane.If it weren't for this old Zhang, who had seen Zhang Wuji perform this trick at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, with quick hands and sharp eyes, making everyone lie down or lean on the wall, they might all fall to their deaths like these unlucky people.

And Chen Jun, who was sweeping behind, also stopped attacking under the command of the general.

The vanguard general Zhang Dingbian came to Zhao Pusheng at this time, and he asked, "Brother Zhao, what is going on here?"

Fu Youde who was at the side thought of something at this time and said: "Ming Zun! It must be Ming Zun! I heard some friends in the Jianghu talk about it before. When Ming Zun was single-handedly defeated at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, This is also the trick."

Zhang Ding looked at the scene in front of him and murmured, "Ming Zun is not dead? Could it be that what Zhu Yuanzhang and the others said is true?"

And Zhao Pusheng sighed at this time and said: "It seems that it is. This kind of power that changes the color of the world, there is no one other than Master Mingzun. I didn't expect that Master Mingzun took action this time. We."

Ding Pulang also came in front of everyone at this time, and he also noticed this outrageous scene on the battlefield.Seeing everyone, Ding Pulang asked at this time: "What shall we do now?"

At this time, everyone looked at Zhao Pusheng.

Looking into the eyes of the other three, Zhao Pusheng asked, "What are you all looking at me for?"

Zhang Dingbian said at this time: "General Zhao joined the army with the former Lord, and his qualifications are the oldest among us. Everyone regards you as an elder brother. It seems that Chen Youliang really deceived everyone this time. But Chen Youliang also treated everyone in the past. Not thin."

"To send troops to rescue him now is to be an enemy of His Majesty Mingzun. If Chen Youliang is rescued, we will only be Hanchens and no longer Mingchens. But if we don't save him, then we will still obey His Majesty Mingzun. It's just that he failed Chen Youliang's respect in the past."

Fu Youde also said at this time: "Yes, although Chen Youliang lied to everyone this time, he did treat everyone well on weekdays. It's just that loyalty and righteousness have been difficult since ancient times. General Zhao is the elder in our army, just like the third generation in Jiangdong. Veteran Cheng Pu and Huang Gai are as respectable as Huang Gai. Whether it will be saved or not, how to proceed, I will listen to what General Zhao has to say."

Although Ding Pulang wanted to say something, he had no choice but to shut up when he heard that Zhang Dingbian and Fu Youde had finished speaking.Then he looked at Zhao Pusheng.

Zhao Pusheng looked around the three of them, in fact, he already understood everyone's thoughts.

Although everyone said that Chen Youliang treated everyone well in the past, in fact it was just lip service.If you really have the heart to save you, why do you need to mushroom here, what are you discussing?Everyone has military power in their hands, at least they can mobilize their own guards, if they want to go, they have already gone.

Right now everyone is asking him to make up his mind and discussing with him, obviously no one wants to go.

At this time, Zhao Pusheng also said in a low-key manner: "Yes, since ancient times, loyalty and righteousness have been difficult to balance. Although our personal relationship with Chen Youliang is indeed not bad, but Confucius once said that 'heaven and earth are monarchs, relatives and teachers', and Chen Youliang is not a teacher of the Ming Dynasty. People, now we are taking the throne privately, which in itself is an act of treason, and there is nothing wrong with His Majesty Mingzun doing it himself."

"Furthermore, we vowed to expel the Hulu. Now His Majesty Mingzun is still here, and Chen Youliang is a rebel usurping the throne. Since loyalty and righteousness cannot be combined, we should abandon the kindness and righteousness of the past and be loyal to the king and the people. "

Hearing that Zhao Pusheng's words meant "do not save", Fu Youde also began to echo: "What General Zhao said is absolutely true. Loyalty and righteousness cannot be combined. I will wait for loyalty first."

Ding Pulang also expressed his opinion and said: "Yes. The ancient sages put loyalty to the emperor first, and the friendship of friends was on the side. Just like Shen Baoxu in Chudi back then. He and Wu Zixu were close friends. He let Wu Zixu go because of his friendship. When Wu Zixu led Wu soldiers into Chu for revenge, he abandoned his friendship out of loyalty and went to Qin to borrow soldiers. By crying for seven days and seven nights, he attracted his own soldiers to enter Chu Restoring the country. I, like a man, should also be loyal and righteous."

Zhang Dingbian has the best personal relationship with Chen Youliang, but he couldn't bear to hear everyone say that, but he could only agree with everyone.

But it's not that they have no loyalty and "betray the master for glory" in a few words.

If Chen Youliang was besieged by other people, they would have to rescue Chen Youliang even if they risked their lives.

Moreover, no one can survive such a powerful dragon spin. Chen Youliang is probably dead now, and it is useless for them to save him.

The most important thing is that the person who wants to kill Chen Youliang now is Mingzun Zhang Wuji.

Ming Zun was the co-lord of the world recognized by the princes of the world at the time of the Butterfly Valley Alliance.Moreover, when Zhang Wuji proclaimed himself emperor in Bianjing, their former lord Xu Shouhui came forward to congratulate him on paying tribute.They are Mingzun's courtiers both emotionally and rationally.

And Chen Youliang proclaimed himself emperor without authorization, which was already a treasonous act of breaking the covenant. At the time of the covenant, he once said, "Those who violate the covenant, the world will discuss it, and the world will attack it."

If Ming Zun is really dead, then it is reasonable for Chen Youliang to lead them to attack Zhu Yuanzhang, because the co-lord of the world is gone.But now that the co-lord is still there, their rebel army has begun to "fight among themselves".This has made them lose their title of righteousness.

Since ancient times, if there is no legitimate name for the military crusade, it will be difficult to calm the hearts of the world.

But these are not the most important two.

The most important thing is that Zhang Wuji has shown his own strength. He has proved that Mingzun is still alive with his strength.Most of the sergeants under Chen Youliang's command came for Mingzun's prestige.Even if they wanted to rescue him, all the soldiers would not dare to fight against Mingzun.

The morale of the army has been lost, and the army is defeated like a mountain.It's useless to try again.

In the end, it was Zhao Pusheng's own selfishness. He was the veteran who raised the army with Xu Shouhui.Moreover, he was also Xu Shouhui's best friend, and Xu Shouhui's death was unknown before.And Chen Youliang's position is also unclear.

Zhao Pusheng always suspected that Chen Youliang murdered Xu Shouhui.Otherwise, Xu Shouhui wouldn't be so stupid, blatantly proclaiming himself emperor.

Zhao Pusheng feels that all this is a conspiracy by Chen Youliang to want to be in charge.

But he never had proof.Moreover, Xu Shouhui's proclaiming emperor and being killed is also his own fault.And Chen Youliang treated him well, so this matter was put on hold.

Now Chen Youliang looked like he was dead, and he couldn't save him even if he wanted to, and Zhao Pusheng couldn't afford to offend Mingzun again because of him.So just let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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