Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 392 Unnecessary Mercy

Chapter 392 Unnecessary Mercy
While everyone was talking, Peng Yingyu walked up to the hall with a large group of women and children.

Hearing these women's terrified shouts, Zhang Wuji couldn't help looking at them.

After escorting them all to the hall, Peng Yingyu said: "My subject, Peng Yingyu, sees Your Majesty."

Looking at these women, Zhang Wuji also guessed their identities.

But right now Zhang Wuji doesn't care about them at all, he cares more about his capture and casualties this time, so he can estimate the combat effectiveness of his Ming army in the Western Regions.

Zhang Wuji asked: "Monk Peng, have we calculated our casualties?"

Peng Yingyu replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the master register under my minister has hand-picked all the casualties and seizures, and please read it by Your Majesty."

As she spoke, Peng Yingyu took out a memorial from her bosom and handed it to Dai Qisi.

Dai Qisi was about to pick it up, Zhang Wuji said: "Forget it, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Peng Yingyu heard the words and replied: "Yes! This time, 380 of our army were killed and 800 were injured to varying degrees. Most of them were casualties during the siege. A total of 730 enemy soldiers were captured this time. There were more than 30 people in the first place. The grain and grass seized were [-] shi, and there were more than [-] various weapons and ordnance. The gold, silver and money confiscated in various treasuries cannot be estimated. They can only be classified and weighed with scales.”

Zhang Wuji asked: "How much is that?"

Peng Yingyu happily replied: "A total of more than 33 catties of gold and more than [-] catties of silver. The rest of the jewelry cannot be evaluated."

Hearing this Yu Cui, Huang Shinu and the others all dropped their jaws in shock.But Zhang Wuji and Zhao Min were very calm.

Although this money sounds like a lot, it is actually not much.

The place they captured was the capital of a country, although they did not plunder the people and the rich.

But checking the treasury and getting such a small amount of money is really a bit of a shame for the status of the capital of a country.

After all, the market price of 33 catties of silver is only more than 500 million taels.The Qianlong of the later generations will have more than this amount of money next time in the south of the Yangtze River.

In the capital of a country, such a small amount of money was obtained after the treasuries of various yamen were searched, which is really a bit small.

However, the money is enough to expand his own armaments, Zhang Wuji ordered: "Very good! After everything is settled, reward the soldiers who have made meritorious service this time."

Peng Yingyu replied: "Yes! I will obey the emperor's orders."

Zhang Wuji asked at this time: "By the way, where did the ruling lord go?"

Peng Yingyu replied: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the ruling lord is now integrating the various government departments in the city to restore their functions. And many local Semu officials have announced that they have joined my Daming."

Zhang Wuji nodded silently after listening.

Peng Yingyu looked back at the female relatives, and then asked: "Your Majesty! The women behind me are all the concubines, princesses and princes of King Chagatai Khan. I don't know how to deal with them?"

Zhang Wuji glanced at these women and children.

Looking at his eyes, many children were clinging tightly to their mother's arms, they were very afraid of Zhang Wuji and the others.

Zhang Wuji said: "Let them all be released. Those who have somewhere to go will give them some money as money, and let them go to relatives. If there is nowhere to go, take them to the jurisdiction under our control and find a place to resettle them."

Hearing Zhang Wuji's answer, everyone stared at him with wide eyes.

Even Zhao Min and Huang Shinu looked at Zhang Wuji in surprise.

Zhang Wuji asked: "What's the matter? Is the order given by the deity wrong?"

Peng Yingyu hurriedly replied: "No! No! No! The minister takes orders!"

Just when Peng Yingyu was about to detain them all, Zhao Min hurriedly said, "Wait!"

Hearing Zhao Min's voice, Peng Yingyu waved for the soldiers to wait.

Zhao Min stepped forward and asked, "Brother Wuji, did you just let them go?"

Zhang Wuji asked strangely: "Otherwise? Kill them all? You Mongols did not kill women and children who were not as tall as wheels when they conquered the world. If I killed them, wouldn't I be more cruel than Genghis Khan?"

Zhao Min said: "But! They are not ordinary civilians, they are the princes and concubines of King Chagatai Khan! Besides, we Mongolians don't kill women, we just want to reward them for meritorious soldiers. To boost morale, and to increase our population. As for not killing children who are not as tall as a wheel, it is just unlucky. Right now, they are all trophies for you to show your victory, so you just let them all go?"

The woman in the yellow shirt also said: "I also think it's inappropriate to let them go so easily. They are all noble descendants of the Mongolian Khan. If they are recruited and used by people with ulterior motives, then they will become rebels against Wuji. Your big banner. Although I don’t approve of killing innocent people indiscriminately, they are not innocent. On the contrary, if they fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives, it will cause even greater disasters and more lives will be ruined. Wuji, you want to be a benevolent king, this I I understand. But for a king, too much kindness is not a good thing."

After listening to the woman in yellow shirt, although Zhang Wuji felt that it made sense, he didn't expect his sister Yang to make such a cruel suggestion.

But this is the understanding of the woman in yellow shirt. As she herself said, although she does not approve of killing innocent people indiscriminately, she is definitely not a good person from the heart of the Virgin Mary.

What's more, in the eyes of the woman in yellow shirt, these officials and officials enjoyed all the conveniences brought by their status, so they were no longer innocent.

The innocence in the eyes of the girl in yellow is just ordinary people who are honest and live their lives honestly.

For the other women, the woman in yellow shirt didn't have much concern.She was worried about the little princes in the arms of those concubines.

These people are the sons of King Chagatai Khan. If they escaped and were supported by others when they grew up, it would be another disaster.

The woman in yellow shirt had seen the cruelty of war with her own eyes in this siege.This time, the Ming army and the city defenders had nearly [-] casualties combined.

Which of these people was not raised by their parents?It's a pity that they are fighting for those in power, in order to protect the interests of those in power and their families.In the end, he died in a foreign country.

So who are the families of these soldiers to take pity on?What should they say about the innocent people who were implicated and suffered?

If these princes grew up, instead of being grateful to Zhang Wuji for letting them go and keeping them alive, instead of usurping them and triggering wars, then I don’t know how many innocent people will die and how many families will be broken.

Therefore, in the eyes of the woman in the yellow shirt, properly handling these people in front of her can eliminate a possible disaster in the invisible, and it is very worthwhile to exchange the lives of dozens of people in the field for the lives of thousands of people.

That's why the girl in yellow shirt stood up and asked Zhao Min to persuade Zhang Wuji not to have unnecessary mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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