Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 321 Battle of Liwei

Chapter 321 Battle of Liwei
"Oh?" Miejue Shitai sneered.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing charging horn, the Mongolian soldiers shouted and killed.

Hundreds of Mongolian elite death squads rushed up quickly with swords and shields in hand.Although the morale of the Mongols is very low today, the real elite troops are the elite.When they rushed to kill, there was no trace of fear on their faces, and each of them took the lead bravely.

Zhang Wuji admires the bravery of these warriors very much, so he will give them the highest respect for warriors.He will not hold back, but will go all out.

Facing the surging Mongolian army, the officer in charge of the Lihuo Banner said: "Master, please move back to Luan. The Mongolian soldiers in the area should be resisted by the subordinates."

Zhang Wuji turned his head and turned sideways, and said to them: "Hehe, everyone has worked hard this time. Your deeds have recorded your achievements. If you want to be bloody, let's do it next time."

After saying that, Zhang Wuji turned his head and looked seriously at the Mongolian soldiers who rushed up.

The speed of these Mongols was so fast that it took only time to turn their heads to say a word. These Mongols had already reached a place twenty paces away from Zhang Wuji.

Moreover, their footsteps are very steady, and their pace and speed are not chaotic.

Zhang Wuji blinked, and these people were already ten steps away from him.

Zhang Wuji took another breath, and in the interval between these breaths, the Mongolian soldiers were already five paces away.The steel knives in their hands were already three inches away from the tip of Zhang Wuji's nose.

The Mingjiao people guarding the mountain, as well as the people from all the sects of the rivers and lakes looking out from the gate of Shaolin Temple, their hearts were in their throats.

And the women who cared most about Zhang Wuji even held their breath, not daring to take a breath.

At this critical moment, Zhang Wuji let out a breath, and then swung the long sword in his hand.

Zhang Wuji's sword was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the Mongolian soldiers who were about to reach him, whether it was the swords and shields in their hands or themselves.They have been cut in two by the Yitian Divine Sword in his hand.

Blood splattered on the mountain road of Shaolin Temple, as well as on Zhang Wuji's body and face.

Seeing this scene, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.Although the scene is cruel.

Zhao Min looked at Zhang Wuji, who was defending against the enemy on the mountain road. This scene was very similar to when he was in Dadu.

Zhang Wuji took his time and walked forward step by step.All the Mongolian soldiers who stood in front of him and rushed to him were beheaded by his sword.

Yitian's long sword flickered coldly, and blood kept sliding from the blade to the tip of the sword, and finally dripped to the ground.And the mutilated remains.

Seeing Zhang Wuji wielding the Yitian sword and killing the mountain road with blood flowing into rivers, Miejue Shitai couldn't help but feel a burst of fear.

The word "extinction" is her name.

Miejue Shitai thinks that he has killed countless people in half his life, and he is already worthy of the title of "Miezhijuezhi".In the first battle in Yixianxia, ​​countless Ming Cultists died under her Yitian sword.

But I didn't expect that Zhang Wuji's cruelty and bloodthirsty were especially superior to hers.

Miejue Shitai is fine, when the bloody smell from the mountainside floated up along the breeze, looking at the real battlefield scene in front of them, Bei Jinyi and others couldn't help but spit it out.

Abbot Kongwen and others couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw this.Then Abbot Kongwen looked at the back of the woman in yellow.Recite "Amitabha Buddha" in your heart.

Abbot Kongwen thought to himself: "Fortunately, this woman in yellow clothes interceded for us, otherwise we Shaolin monks would be like these Mongolian Tartars, being slaughtered and powerless to fight back."

There was a lot of wailing on the mountain road, and seeing Zhang Wuji's unstoppable and murderous appearance, even the elites of the death squad who had drunk Zhuang Xingjiu couldn't help being afraid.

When a person is fighting, once he becomes timid, he loses half of the battle.Because once a person is timid, his hands and feet will be involuntarily disobedient, and no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to exert himself.

The Mongolian soldiers who charged up were killed by Zhang Wuji throwing away their helmets and armor, and retreated down the mountain. If they were not wearing armor, they would have died by their own swords when they fled.

Seeing the bravery and invincibility of their leader, the Mingjiao people immediately cheered.The drummers in charge of boosting morale, under the command of their respective banner officers, beat the military drums together to cheer Zhang Wuji.

With the encouragement of the drums, Zhang Wuji became more and more courageous as he fought, and his speed of swinging the long sword became faster and faster.

Although he abided by the agreement with Zhao Min, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, did not kill or escape, or surrender.But many people who did not have time to put down their weapons and escape fell under Zhang Wuji's sword.

In just a short while, the winding and long Shaoshi Mountain Road was already full of Mongolian corpses.

And Zhang Wuji's robe was already stained red by the enemy's blood.

Seeing Zhang Wuji, who was covered in blood and looked like a Shura from hell, many soldiers in charge of supervising the battle couldn't help being frightened. They couldn't bear the fear in their hearts, they threw away the weapons in their hands, and ran back.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and with the supervisory team retreating, the Mongolian army's attacking troops were completely defeated in an orderly manner.

The crowd was in a mess, and many people had not died under Zhang Wuji's sword, but had already been trampled to death by their own people.

By the time Zhang Wuji reached the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple, the troops in charge of attacking the mountain had already fled completely.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes who stood on the hill and watched the excitement couldn't help being stunned.

Afterwards, He Taichong couldn't help showing his thumb and said, "Master Zhang is really a god descending from heaven, within five steps a hundred people are wrong, even Xiang Yu, the overlord back then, is probably nothing more than that."

Although Miejue Shitai always hated Zhang Wuji, she did not object to He Taichong's words this time.

After all, Zhang Wuji is indeed much stronger than her. If it is simply a matter of one against ten and one against a hundred, it is nothing to a master of Miejue Shitai's level.What's more, with the Yitian sword in hand.

But what Zhang Wuji was facing was hundreds of well-equipped and well-trained Mongolian soldiers in armor.

Although Miejue Shitai was a bit arrogant, she asked herself that she couldn't do this by herself.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Zhao Min used lightness kung fu and quickly headed towards Zhang Wuji.

Seeing Zhao Minfei leave, Zhou Zhiruo, Xiao Zhao, Yang Buhui, Zhu Jiuzhen, and Huang Shannv all followed.

Zhang Wuji had already killed the Mongol Tartars back down the mountain, so he couldn't see anything from this position.Many people with good deeds also followed, and then planned to continue to watch the "heroic appearance" of Zhang Jiaozhu.

In less than a moment, everyone had arrived in front of the mountain gate.

And Zhang Wuji stood in the open space twenty feet away from the mountain gate, alone with one sword.There is no shelter or hindrance in this open space, and he is the only one with a sword.There is also the Mongolian army in front of him like a tide, which can't be seen at a glance.

Although Zhang Wuji looks very stylish now, Zhao Min anxiously reminded: "Brother Wuji, you must not stand in front of them. Our Mongolian army is best at cavalry charge and salvo. You stand The place is too open and unobstructed. If they shoot arrows and the cavalry charge, you will suffer a big loss. Listen to me, you rush up to entangle them and get mixed up with the infantry .In this way, the cavalry and archers can't use their strength."

(End of this chapter)

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