Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 192 Wu Mu's suicide note

Chapter 192 Wu Mu's suicide note
Xiao Zhao's residence is also in this room.

The room where Zhang Wuji lives is the bedroom of the young master. Because of Zhang Wuji's arrival, King Yin Ye asked his two sons to move to the small building in the other garden behind the mountain.

First, Zhang Wuji, who came to the province, was upset seeing them, and second, Yin Li, who came to the province, was upset when he saw them.

After all, King Yin Ye can offend anyone now, but he can't offend his precious daughter.

In ancient times, the rooms of rich families were very unique, and the young masters had their own personal maids to serve them.The young masters all live in the bedrooms in the back room, while the maids live in the corridor between the back room and the living room, so as to serve the young master at any time.

Of course, if the young master is not married, the maids in the general room will basically sleep on the young master's bed.

Although King Yin Ye also arranged a residence for Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao always regarded herself as Zhang Wuji's personal maid, so she applied to live with Zhang Wuji.

Although Dai Qisi sighed, she did not express any objection.Since my daughter is willing, let her go.After all, Dai Qisi is not qualified to teach her daughter a lesson. Back then, she also eloped directly with Han Qianye. In the words of this era, it is "unmarried adultery" that is despised by women all over the world.

After Xiao Zhao yawned, he fell asleep.

And Zhang Wuji is seriously studying the peerless art of war left by Yue Fei.

Zhang Wuji carefully checked this Wu Mu's suicide note, and now he admired Lord Yue completely.

When reading the novel, the description of Wu Mu's suicide note in the novel is only a few words. As for how miraculous and invincible this book of war is, there is no mention of it.

After Zhang Wuji read it carefully today, this book is really wonderful.

The first part of this book of war written by Yue Fei is not much different from the thirteenth part of Sun Tzu. They both talk about some generals.

Most of them are "the major events of a soldier's country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival, which must be investigated!"

Seeing these contents, Zhang Wuji would have thought he was reading Meng De's new book if it hadn't been written that this was Wu Mu's suicide note.

Perhaps it is because the generals of ancient and modern times are all disciples and grandchildren of Sun Wuzi that they are so inseparable from their roots.

After reading the first part of the general outline, Zhang Wuji read the latter part.

The following content is mostly Yue Fei's experience in using troops, and it is also some experience in actual use of troops, such as what formation should be outflanked, what formation can defeat the enemy, what formation should be matched, where is suitable for camping, where to be careful, etc. .

It even includes some common sense of survival in the wild, such as where the water is drinkable and where the water is not, and even teaches how to place a suitable camp formation to prevent wind and keep warm during the march.

It also records several military formations used by the Song army when Yue Fei fought against Jin Wushu, including the "tiger wing formation" and "wild goose formation" in detail.

But these are nothing great in Zhang Wuji's eyes, and most importantly, he can't understand them either.

But what caught Zhang Wuji's eyes was the last chapter.

In the latter part, Lord Yue emphatically mentioned that "the unlucky weapon of a soldier should be used as a last resort."And it also said that "prospering people suffer, and dying people suffer."

He said that the highest state of the method of using soldiers is not some deceitful strategy, or other strategic strategies.

It is about the benevolence of the people all over the world.If you don't care about the common people and the people of Li, you only know about blindly militarism, or excessive expropriation, even if Sun Wu is resurrected, and Rangju returns, it will be difficult to win the battle.

The highest state of the way of using soldiers is to follow the "way of heaven".First of all, the most important thing is to attack the heart first, not to bully the people, not to harm the people, so as to gain the support of the people.

Moreover, his old man also mentioned that "water can carry a boat and overturn it", as long as you have the power of the people's ocean, then you will follow the way of heaven.Therefore, as a soldier, you must not harm the hearts of the people.

Zhang Wuji felt that Lord Yue was hundreds of years ahead of him with this kind of thinking and cognition.

And Lord Yue also clearly mentioned that the way of heaven is "people's hearts".As long as they follow the sky and respond to the people, then the soldiers under their command will have courage, vigor, backbone, and strict discipline, so that they can be victorious in every battle.

In layman's terms, this is to let soldiers know why they are fighting and why they are fighting.As long as the soldiers know this and empathize with it, they will fight to the death.

As long as every soldier has the determination to die, and the generals share the same hatred with the enemy, and have the will to die together with the enemy, then even the remnant soldiers can be powerful against thousands of troops.

But in the end, Lord Yue also mentioned one point, that is to remind those who use soldiers to learn more and use them flexibly. What the predecessors can give is only some experience.Soldiers are impermanent, situation and water are impermanent, and although the methods of using soldiers are ever-changing, the form of the battlefield is changing rapidly. Therefore, I specially ask the learners to learn and apply them flexibly, and never "talk about soldiers on paper".

After reading Wu Mu's suicide note, Zhang Wuji finally understood why Guo Jing couldn't defend Xiangyang City even with this masterpiece of war.

The biggest reason is that the court of the Southern Song Dynasty has been rotten, and the exploitation of the people for many years has made them lose the hearts of the world.Naturally, there is no way to condense into a rope, and then fight to the death with the Mongols.

And then why could Zhu Yuanzhang be able to set the Central Plains in the north after a hundred years?The reason for this is also very simple, that is, the Ming army in the Northern Expedition was a "rebel army", and they were able to succeed because of the words "expel the Tartars, restore China, establish guidelines and discipline, and rescue the people."

Zhang Wuji smiled and put away Wu Mu's suicide note, which is of no use to him right now.Because Zhang Wuji is a person who obeys the way of heaven.

People all over the world complained, and the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty's rule in the Central Plains has been shaken.

He has the destiny in his body, so it is not very important whether he has this book of war.Besides, he would not hand over this advanced military strategy to Xu Da, or anyone else.

Because this book of war is indeed a secret book for winning every battle, it is impossible for him to spread this book of war and let others have a chance to oppose him.

However, this is the essence of Yue Wangye, the eternally loyal soldier, Zhang Wuji couldn't bear to destroy it.After thinking about it, he put it in his own package, brought it back to Guangmingding and kept it.When I am dying in the future, I will pass it on to future generations, so that future generations can study it carefully and defend my hard-won country.

After Zhang Wuji put away Wu Mu's suicide note, he undressed and rested.

Early the next morning, Xiao Zhao came to wake Zhang Wuji up.

Zhang Wuji rubbed his eyes, and then asked: "What's wrong with Xiao Zhao? Woke me up this early in the morning?"

Xiao Zhao replied: "My lord, Sister A Li has come to see you too. And she is arguing to see you. I told you that you have not got up yet, and she will not let you go. Let me urge you to get up quickly."

When Xiao Zhao was answering, Yin Li broke in directly.

Yin Li stepped forward, looked at Zhang Wuji who was still under the covers, and said, "Get up soon! The sun is drying your ass!"

(End of this chapter)

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