Through Yitian: Mingzun Zhang Wuji

Chapter 183 Zhao Min's Homecoming

Chapter 183 Zhao Min's Homecoming
After about two days of voyage, the ship finally docked along the coast.

As for where they are now, they don't know, anyway, just dock.

The location of Spirit Snake Island is in the East China Sea. They are not living on an unnamed desert island like in the original story. They are either in Qilu or Minyue.As for the specific location, you will know when you meet people.

After putting Zhang Wuji and his party down, King Pingping and others said goodbye to them and returned to Spirit Snake Island to join the other Persian fleet.

Everyone looked for Zhendian nearby, intending to inquire about its current location.

After traveling west for more than ten miles, they finally arrived at a coastal fishing village.After Yin Li inquired, he found out that they were currently in Pingyang County on the coast of East Vietnam.

After knowing where they were, everyone walked northwestward for another twenty miles and arrived at the county seat of Pingyang County.

Although everyone has not been overseas for a long time, they have not eaten any serious food for a long time due to their life at sea in the past few days.

Especially Xie Xun himself.This is Xie Xun's first return to the Central Plains after a 20-year absence.He has not eaten pork, sheep, chicken and duck for more than [-] years.

Even the barbecue I ate a few days ago was well-dried air-dried beef, which was heated up a bit.Now smelling the aroma of the food, I immediately started to feast on it.Zhang Wuji also thoughtfully ordered a jar of fine Shaoxing wine for his adoptive father.

Xie Xun is eating and drinking, very happy.

At the banquet, Zhao Min looked at Zhang Wuji, and then asked, "Brother Wuji, what are your plans next? Go back to Guangmingding?"

Zhang Wuji shook his head and said, "No, right now there are a lot of things going on in the Central Plains, and Guangmingding is far away, and I have to do many things myself. I won't be returning to Guangmingding for the time being. Right now, there are Fan Youshi and Sister Buhui at Guangmingding in the Western Regions. It is not necessary for me to go personally if you sit in town, sir."

Zhao Min showed a bitter expression, and simply said "oh".She knew that Zhang Wuji talked about many things, which was to unite all the rebels to fight against their Mongolian and Yuan courts.Although she knew the helplessness of different positions, she still felt a little lost in her heart.

Zhang Wuji knew what he was thinking, and he said, "Minmin doesn't have to be like this. Although you and I are friends, we belong to different positions. There is nothing we can do about it. Minmin has learned from the past and the present, so she must know what the current situation is like. , how can this manpower resist the sky?"

Zhao Min also nodded helplessly.

Seeing her distressed look, Zhang Wuji smiled and said, "Minmin, as long as you can persuade your father and brother to accept my proposal, then that is the way with the least sacrifice."

Zhao Min sighed, dragged his chin and said helplessly, "I'll do my best."

Zhang Wuji took a sip of the Shaoxing rice wine in his cup, and then said: "You can rest assured that you are not allergic. I have asked Yang Zuoshi to issue my strict order, and all rebels must order it. That is to follow the 'replacement' Do not harm the people, deceive the people, plunder the people's wealth, kill innocent people indiscriminately, and if there is a violation of the law, they will not be punished."

"So you ordinary Mongolian people in the Central Plains will be fine. The only ones who have trouble are those Mongolian, Semu people and Han officials who are domineering and oppressing kindness all day long."

After Zhao Min heard the words, the dark clouds between his eyebrows dissipated immediately, and then he said with a smile: "I didn't expect my brother Wuji to be such a kind-hearted person."

At this time, Dai Qisi with a slightly drunken face also answered the words: "I saw the attitude of the leader towards the King of the Treasure Tree before, and I still felt that he was the same kind of person as Huojia, but I didn't expect it." Speaking of this, Dai Qisi Only then did Si realize that she had said the wrong thing, she quickly came back to her senses and said, "Master! This subordinate is unscrupulous, please forgive me!"

Now Dai Qisi called out drinking for mistakes.But that was also why she was completely relaxed.Over the years, she has been terrified and has been avoiding the head teacher's pursuit.

The head teacher has come to Spirit Snake Island not once or twice.The few times in the past few years, she avoided it.She didn't expect to be caught by them this time. If Zhang Wuji hadn't been there, she might have been doomed.

Now after the catastrophe, she is in a good mood, so she drank two more glasses, but she made a slip of the tongue after drinking.

Looking at Dai Qisi with a slightly drunk face, Zhang Wuji said with a smile: "Dragon King doesn't have to be like this. Although I am not a kind person, I am not a narrow-minded person either. I treat all good people equally, regardless of Mongolian, Han, or color. I have been taught by my master for many years, and I will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"The Han people have always called the Hu people barbarians. It's not because they disagree. It's just because most of them are barbaric, cruel, violent, and they like to bully others. It's unreasonable. If they respect rituals and live in peace with us Han people, how can we Han people discriminate against them? What? If I kill good people indiscriminately, what is the difference between me and those barbarians who do not respect kings?"

Then Zhang Wuji looked at Dai Qisi's beautiful eyes and continued: "Before, I was strict with everyone in Baoshu King, just because they were such unreasonable barbarians. As soon as they met, they would show off their power and let foster father and I Killed by the Dragon King. 'The barbarians are afraid of power but not virtuous' I can only subdue them first and then reason with them."

Although the words are beautiful, this is not Zhang Wuji's true "kindness", but in his eyes, no matter Mongolian, Han, or Semu will be his "people" in the future.

As the subordinates who support him, the "subordinates" make no difference to him who they are.

Of course, Zhang Wuji doesn't want everyone. For example, in a certain continent, the aborigines with a particularly high crime rate, he doesn't want it.Because he doesn't grow cotton.

As the supreme ruler in the future, he naturally wants to make the situation bigger.

Xie Xun said with a smile, "Good! Good! Good! Although Wuji is a decisive person, he still has a benevolent heart. He is a great emperor, so he can sit well."

Zhang Wuji said with a smile: "Father-in-law is over-rewarding, the child is just practicing the chivalrous way of 'doing good and eradicating evil' taught by our Ming Dynasty."

After Zhao Min heard Zhang Wuji's words, the cloud in his heart dissipated immediately.

She is also very disgusted with those Mongolian soldiers who bully the good and fear the evil, and those corrupt officials. She is only worried about those innocent compatriots.

After all, when the Mongols entered the Central Plains, "the sky street was full of the bones of the princes, and the inner treasury was burned to splendor ashes."She was very afraid that Zhang Wuji would take the same cruel revenge on the Mongols.

Although the founding of the Yuan Dynasty was less than a hundred years old, the Mongols took control of the Central Plains after the fall of the Jin Dynasty. If this is the case, the Mongols have already occupied the Central Plains for more than a hundred years.

Moreover, after several generations of evolution, many Mongolian herdsmen have been completely Sinicized in order to integrate into the life of the Central Plains. They cannot speak Mongolian, let alone write Mongolian characters. For convenience, they even changed their names like Zhao Min. Chinese surname and Chinese name.

These people just followed the Mongolian army into the Central Plains, lived in peace and contentment, and did not do anything wrong.Zhao Min couldn't bear it if they suffered an innocent disaster.

But after getting Zhang Wuji's promise, Zhao Min was also relieved.

And it also strengthened her determination, this time she returned to Metropolis to persuade her father and brother, if not, she will assist Zhang Wuji wholeheartedly.Instead of letting the Mongolian tribe face the disaster of genocide, it is better to follow Zhang Wuji's idea and let them withdraw from the stage of the Central Plains and return to the grassland to herd sheep.

(End of this chapter)

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