Father Mavie

Chapter 866: It’s difficult to advance and retreat, so it’s better to attack head on!

Chapter 866: We are in a dilemma, why not attack head on! (Two in one, please subscribe!!!)

"Why does your father tell you to eat more beef?"

Reading the letter home from William V, Mavey sent a soul torture to Daniel.

This was the first time he had read Daniel's family letters. Even though the family letters had to pass through his hands before being given to Daniel, he still did not open them privately.

Unless Daniel asked him to read it, like this time.

"The beef is fake! My father is telling me not to make the same mistakes I made before!"

"Mistakes you have made before. What mistakes have you made before?"

"a lot of."

Daniel frowned and thought, humans will make mistakes, who hasn't made mistakes since childhood?

As the first crown prince, he is no exception. He has made countless mistakes, even more than ordinary people. Serious mistakes that may make William V use the metaphor of "beef" must be fatal!

After so many years of creating charades, William V used the code word "beef" for the first time in a letter, which is enough to prove the seriousness of the situation!

There are certainly few serious mistakes like this, and they are unforgettable!

"The subject used by my father is in the plural, which means that the mistake he was referring to was not made by me alone, but by many people. I'm afraid it was a strategic decision-making error," Daniel said.

Now it was Ma Wei's turn to wonder again: "Has the Church of Truth ever made any major strategic mistakes?"

"It seems not. The strategic decisions of the church over the years have been made by you alone, teacher. Even if there is a mistake, my father will not use the plural subject to imply it."

Daniel thought for a while and said: "It should be a mistake in other aspects."

According to what Daniel said, Mawei summarized the collective mistakes made by the Church of Truth since its founding. This situation is actually very rare. There are definitely many more individual mistakes than collective mistakes.

First, the Church of Truth let go of Duke Ivanovich and other royal troops, giving them a chance to stand on their own, which had a destabilizing effect on Katerina's regime and almost led to the split of the kingdom.

Secondly, when heading to Jerusalem, Dambala, the God of Voodoo, took advantage of the loophole and swallowed the crystal tree core left in the Holy Land, giving him the hope of being promoted to the main god. This caused a lot of trouble to the church and almost caused the situation to collapse.

The last big mistake was probably calculated by Anatole, causing Nereida to return.

Each of the three huge mistakes may have plunged the Truth Church into an irreversible situation. Even today, the last two major mistakes are still affecting the development of the church, like a stuck in the throat.

If we trace it back to the root cause, the source of these three mistakes is actually Ma Wei.

Ma Wei is a typical survivor, pursuer, adventurist and striver.

It was he who led the Church of Truth into the Romanov Kingdom, supported Katerina on the throne, and forced Duke Ivanovich away.

The death of Paul I, although not much, was definitely related to him.

It was he who listened to Badji's advice and took the initiative to go to the Holy Land and break the seal, causing Dambala to swallow the crystal tree core.

Judging from the results, this may be Buggy's conspiracy, but it was Ma Wei himself who made this decision.

In the end, it was he who took the initiative to prevent the arrival of Nereida, trying to rescue Circus Sunshine while dashing Anatole's hopes. As a result, he fell into Anatole's trick. No one expected that Anatole actually created Using teleportation magic, he plotted against the Church of Truth.

If they hadn't forcibly summoned the Demon Gate and received help from the ancient gods, they might not have been able to come back.

Ma Wei is indeed indispensable for the Truth Church to be able to get to where it is today, but he also made many mistakes, leaving hidden dangers for the church.

But overall, the merits are still greater than the faults, far greater than the faults.

Mavi would rather make a mistake than do nothing, as opposed to someone who would rather do nothing than make a mistake.

Under his leadership, the overall policy of the Truth Church is to take the initiative and attack wherever directed.

Which mistake was William V referring to?

Is it warning that the Church of Truth may split, or is it creating a powerful enemy?

It was not stated explicitly in the letter.

William V was also under the supervision of the Judgment Church, especially after he sent Daniel to the Church of Truth. All the letters he wrote had to be censored.

In this case, William V still wrote a letter to remind him, which was really the most benevolent thing.

"In recent times, the Apocalypse God System has not made much action. They have just ended the war in the United States of America, and the spies we sent out have not sent back any information. Even if they have taken action, it should be a secret operation limited to high-level officials."

Daniel said: "Is it Nereida who wants Izne Bodje to become a god?"

"Impossible." Ma Wei shook his head resolutely: "I accepted Baji's suggestion and the soul of Izne Boji has been imprisoned. Even Nereida cannot bypass the request of the master of the Kingdom of Death. It’s impossible to take the soul and make Izhne Bodje a god!”

Gods resurrecting humans is essentially taking advantage of loopholes. When the gods with infinite life give part of their bodies to humans, that humans no longer belong to the category of death. This is equivalent to deceiving the rules of the kingdom of death, so they can save the other party. The soul is recalled.

The prerequisite for using this magic is that the other party's soul has not been annihilated in the years and has returned to the world as a spirit.

As for the reincarnation of Izne Boje as a god, the consent of the owner of the Kingdom of Death must be obtained.

The owner of the Kingdom of Death has the highest control over the Kingdom of Death. If he doesn't care, other gods can take away the other party's soul and start the reincarnation ceremony.

If the master of the Kingdom of Death imprisons a specific soul, the reincarnation ceremony cannot be started!

"Maybe that's where the problem lies!" Daniel slapped his thigh and said, "Think about it, teacher, Nereida wants Izhné Bodje to become a god. Why? Because Izhny Bodé is not only He The creator of the world, and he has an affair with Him! This bond is extremely powerful!”

"From the first moment we met Nereida, He did not want to kill us, but to give Izne Bodje eternal life!"

"If He finds out that he cannot recall Izne Boje's soul, he will definitely become angry!"

Daniel's speculation is not unreasonable.

Ma Wei, who has had close contact with Neleyda, can tell at a glance that Neleyda is not an emotionless, cold-blooded god, especially gods like the God of Faith who are born from faith. They often have corresponding creations. Whether it is Odin, the Golden Gods, or Bage, they all have creators.

The newly born gods are no different from babies. They also grow up step by step from their infancy. In this process, there must be a so-called 'guide', and the being who serves as this guide will definitely give these gods Very impressed!

The memory of the leader is unforgettable. The memory will be stored deep in the heart and be remembered suddenly on a certain day or at a certain moment, whether the memory is pain or happiness. If the gods are revived again in two thousand years, and if the Church of Truth still exists at that time, will Yunia find a way to resurrect Mavey?

It is not difficult to understand that Nereida would come up with the idea of ​​resurrecting Izne Bodje.

People always want the people closest to them to be with them at all times.

Death is never meant to punish the dead, but to torture the living.

What are the real thoughts of Caesar, Napoleon, and Saladin when they return from destruction?

The acquaintances and enemies of the past have all turned into dust, and the empire he built has long since collapsed.

What supports them to this day is not emotion, but obsession!

People with obsessions are the most terrifying. Failure can no longer shake them, nor can death!

"Baji mentioned to me that although the owner of the Kingdom of Death can imprison specific souls so that the gods cannot take them away, if the other party starts a resurrection ceremony and gives a part of his body to the other party, he can break the rules of the Kingdom of Death. , forcefully take away the soul and resurrect it!"

Before accepting the suggestion to imprison the soul of Izne Bodje, Badji had told Mavi about the precautions.

The masters of the Kingdom of Death are not omnipotent. They can use the rules of the Kingdom of Death to prohibit other beings from taking away souls privately, but they cannot stop gods who break the rules.

Tilde's control over the Kingdom of Death stems from the rules of the Kingdom of Death. Once the rules are broken, there is nothing she can do.

This is the reason why Belial, the ancient god of contract, was able to save Freya and other demons from his hands.

Belial broke the rules of death, which was not difficult for Him.

As long as you can escape death, there is nothing Death can do to you!

"What is needed for the resuscitation ceremony?" Daniel suddenly asked.

"The bones of enemies who were forced to sacrifice, the blood of immediate family members, the hearts of loyalists who voluntarily donated, and a part of the body that gods voluntarily donated. When these are combined together, the resuscitation ceremony can be started."

Ma Wei pondered: "If Nereida needs to resurrect Izne Berger, then he has only two ways. One is to take action against Tilde and deprive him of his power as the master of the country of death, and the other is to start the resurrection Ritual, breaking the rules and forcibly taking away the imprisoned soul of Izhny Bodje.”

"The first method is too risky. Tilde stays in London all day, with his two sisters. If you want to deal with him, you must deal with the remaining two goddesses!" Daniel shouted: "Nereida must be thinking Start the resuscitation ceremony!”

It should not be difficult to find the bones of enemies who were forced to sacrifice them. Izne Bodje has been in power for so many years. It is normal to have enemies, and bones are not that easy to rot. They can be easily found even in the past two thousand years.

As for the heart voluntarily donated by loyalists and a part of the body voluntarily donated by gods, these are not the key factors in the recovery of Izne Boje.

The key is

The blood of immediate family members!

Ever since he learned that Levine was from the Bojie family, Mawei has launched an investigation into the Bojie family. There are many documents in the past two thousand years, and most of the records about the Bojie family are stored in the classics of the Apocalypse Church. Fortunately, This part of the classics happened to be collected by Katerina.

The ancient books that Peter the Great did not burn back then were indeed of great help.

Looking through the history of the Berger family, Ma Wei discovered that Levin's lineage was the last bloodline of Izne Berger. All the other sons died. The last grandson died as a bishop when Peter the Great overthrew the Apocalypse Church. That night.

The last descendant of the Berger family is Levin!

Levin is also the key to the resurrection of Izne Berger!

Without him, Nereida's plan would not have succeeded!

If the Apocalypse God System planned to take action against Levin, then William V's prompt would perfectly fit the third huge mistake.

Once Levin falls into the hands of the Apocalypse God System, it will lead to Izne Boje becoming a god. Not only will there be a powerful enemy, but the Church of Truth will also suffer heavy losses!

At this time, Ma Wei remembered Buggy's advice that he should kill Levin as soon as possible to avoid future troubles.

He didn't listen then, and now

He doesn't regret it either.

"Teacher, do you have any idea?" Daniel said: "We can't let the Apocalypse God System succeed! I suggest that Levin be recalled immediately and protected closely!"

Where is the safest place to hide Levin?

It must be in the Kingdom of God.

Whether it is Yunia's Kingdom of God or Luca's Kingdom of God, as long as you hide in the Kingdom of God, you can learn about every move of the Apocalypse God System.

No matter how well Nereida could predict the future, she could not circumvent the absolute control of the gods over her kingdom.

"Do not worry."

Ma Wei signaled Daniel to calm down first, and then threw William V's family letter into the fire and burned it: "These are just our guesses. We cannot yet confirm that the target of the Apocalypse God System must be Levin."

Without waiting for the impatient Daniel to speak, Ma Wei added: "If we act too obviously, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of the Apocalypse God System, and then they will suspect that there is a mole around them. No matter what, your father is the most suspicious. If we act rashly, we will only harm your father."

With family on one side and friends on the other, Daniel was instantly entangled.

"Your father took the risk to remind us that we must not let him be suspected for this matter."

Mavis thought and said: "Maybe the target of the Apocalypse God System is Tilde. We should protect Tilde and Levin together without arousing the suspicion of the Apocalypse God System."

It is not easy to do this. If you want to stop the plan of the Apocalypse God System, you must plan it in advance. But if you plan it in advance, how can you not arouse the suspicion of the Apocalypse God System?

This seems contradictory.

"The safest way is to plan in advance. This can prevent the Apocalypse God System to the greatest extent, but this will put my father in crisis."

Daniel was very embarrassed and said: "If you want to choose the best of both worlds, you should let the Apocalypse God System succeed first, and then stop it halfway. This will clear my father's suspicion, but in this way, Levin will be in danger."

"Anatole created the teleportation magic circle. I think they will definitely play tricks on it." Ma Wei said: "Using the teleportation magic circle, people can be transferred from the Romanov Kingdom to Paris in an instant. This is It’s an instant process, and it’s almost impossible to stop it halfway.”

The Apocalypse God System posed a problem to Ma Wei. They handed him a double-edged sword. No matter which side Ma Wei held, his palm would be cut.

If you choose to protect Levin, then catch the mole first and then find a way.

To protect William V would put Levin in danger.

After thinking for a long time, Ma Wei still couldn't find a suitable method. He was so angry that he slammed the table and said angrily:

"If we don't give people a way to survive, then no one will survive! Let's take the initiative! Fight to Paris!"

(End of this chapter)

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