Father Mavie

Chapter 850 Living Sacrifice! Eyes, the frightened Meda wizard!

Chapter 850 Living Sacrifice! Hundreds of eyes, the frightened Meda wizard! (Two in one, please subscribe!!!)

With the help of Mok and Adan, the Church of Truth has successfully gained a reputation. Everyone knows that the Church of Truth is coming, and as long as the people are curious and want to know more, like-minded people will always appear.

"Landmere, right? He lives at No. 33 Stone Street. Uh-huh. No donation is required."

Landmere looked shocked when he heard that there was no need to pay a donation. You must know that the wizard requires them to hand over one-tenth of their income every week. In the name of worshiping the gods, in fact, it all goes into the wizard's own pocket, allowing them to He can afford gold skull necklaces and various magical instruments, and can even sleep with a young and beautiful psychic.

After understanding the teachings of the Church of Truth, Landmere resolutely chose to join despite the opposition of his family. This was a very bold move, but Landmere really couldn't stand the oppression of the wizards. Although they were not slaves, they were nothing like slaves. the difference!

The most important thing is that the wizard Meda actually asked his wife to become a psychic, saying that she was chosen by the gods.

Of course Landmere disagrees!

"You only need to pay taxes to the kingdom. As for the church, it all depends on your personal wishes."

Yevgeny wrote down Landmere's name and asked Adan to translate: "Normal confession, regular mass, and distribution of Holy Communion do not require payment, all are free."

"All free?" Landmere asked in disbelief: "If all are free, how can the church survive?"

"The church has its own property, and with the donations from some believers, there will be no problem with funds. Bishop Dino is good at budgeting, so don't worry."

When he heard about the donation, Landmere quickly took out his pocket, took out a small bag of coins and put it on the table. After opening it, he found that it was full of copper coins and silver coins.

Yevgeny took a look at Landmere's clothes. They were no different from ordinary believers. They had no patches and were very clean. This proved that there was no problem with food and clothing, but he was definitely not rich. He suddenly spent so much money.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to donate!" Landmere said: "Donate to the church!"

"I'm asking you for your reasons for donating."

“Do you need a reason to donate?”

Landmere was even more surprised. Do we need a reason to donate? It was the first time he had heard of such a ridiculous thing. There was a threshold for the money delivered to his door. It was really...

You know, those wizards will never ask you for the reason for your donation, they will only dislike you for donating too little.

"Of course you need a reason." Yevgeny said lightly: "The purpose of the church is not to make money, but to solve problems for believers. Because you believe in the goddess, the goddess gives you feedback. Without believers, where would the church be? If you have Please ask the church directly."

There is no need to ask for reasons for small donations. It may be a spontaneous donation by believers, but large donations are different. In order to prevent believers from having anything to hide, Ma Wei strictly ordered the following churches to ask for reasons for large donations, and each donation must be recorded. In the account, if it is unreasonable, it will definitely not be collected.

Landmere had never seen anything like this before, and it really had an impact on his worldview. He suddenly began to yearn for the outside world, wondering what kind of land it was that could support a church that cared so much for its believers.

"Actually. In fact, Wizard Meda fell in love with my wife. He said that my wife was chosen by the gods, so he made her the new psychic."

"Oh, psychic."

Yevgeny nodded and looked at Adan: "What does a psychic do?"

"The psychic is the medium for the wizard to communicate with the gods. It usually refers to a person with divinity in the body, usually a young woman." Adan explained: "The wizard will let his soul enter the psychic's body to communicate with the gods. , On the surface, this is the case, but in fact, wizards often name some beautiful women to become psychics and have a relationship with them on the basis of praying to gods. The psychics are often changed."

Yevgeny's expression was extremely exciting. It took him a long time to regain his composure, and his cheeks were reddened: "This is too much!"

Adan smiled bitterly and said: "It's always been like this, everyone is used to it."

"Relying on the power in your hands to act arbitrarily, what is the difference between this and the serf nobles! I hate this kind of people the most!"

Yevgeny was born in a serf family and felt the same way. He knew who saved them and hated those serf nobles with hatred.

During the execution, he even threw a frozen apple on the stage and hit the other party's head so hard that it bled!

"I don't want my wife to be a psychic, so I want her to help in the Truth Church."

Seeing that Yevgeny was very angry, Landmere, who felt hopeful, quickly asked his wife waiting outside the door to come in. According to Yevgeny's aesthetics, Landmere's wife was not absolutely beautiful, and she was definitely the same as Katerina. It's incomparable, but she's pretty, with a waist as thin as a willow and a graceful figure. Wizard Meda has a pretty good eye.

You can doubt the wizard's character, but you can't doubt the wizard's vision.

"Father Yevgeny, we don't want salary, as long as you take her in, if you don't agree, Wizard Meda will send someone to pick her up tonight." Landmir begged.

"Don't worry! She will stay at the church!"

Yevgeny agreed without thinking. Landmere was overjoyed. After thanking him repeatedly, he threw the coins into the donation box no matter how much Yevgeny tried to resist. Then he said he would come to visit his wife in the evening.

"What's your name?" Yevgeny asked.

"Josephina," Landmere's wife whispered.

Yevgeny pointed to the bench next to him: "You sit there first and wait until I finish my work."


He continued to receive believers until the sun set and the last ray of light dissipated. When Adam lit the oil lamp, Yevgeny stretched out, moved his sore shoulders, closed the church door, and turned around to find Josephina. Sit on the bench and look at yourself.

"Eh? You!"

Yevgeny, who was too busy and accidentally forgot about Josephina, finally remembered what happened at noon. He had calmed down and suddenly felt uneasy.

He was so excited at noon that he left Josephina behind without even thinking about it. But for such a big matter, he should have asked Bishop Goncharov for permission!

It's good now, man, he has agreed to stay, and the bishop doesn't know anything yet!

What if the bishop disagrees?

After all, these are extraordinary times, and we must be wary of the possibility that Josephina is a spy.

Feeling that he had done something wrong, Yevgeny had no choice but to call Josephina and take her to Goncharov's study.

"Yevgeny, you came just in time. Is the list of believers completed?"

"Statistics completed"

Yevgeny handed over the roster he had written down by his own hand, but he hesitated to speak, which caught Goncharov's attention: "Go ahead."


"Yevgeny, we have been working together for a long time. Every time you show this expression, it means you have messed up something." Goncharov shook his head slowly.


"Why, didn't you cause a lot of trouble this time?"

"Is such that.

Yevgeny told the story about Landmere and Josefina, his voice became lower and lower as he spoke, and he lowered his head, preparing to receive Goncharov's reprimand, but...

"You did the right thing."

"Bishop, aren't you angry?"

"Why are you angry?" Goncharov looked at him doubtfully: "You helped a believer in need, isn't that what you should do? The only mistake you made was that you didn't have a clear understanding of your correct behavior. Cognition, what’s there to worry about?”

Yevgeny breathed a sigh of relief: "Then Josephina..."     "Give her a nun's uniform and let her be a priest, responsible for cleaning and other chores. Remember, don't let her cook."



Goncharov called to Yevgeny who looked happy and turned around to leave: "Record the time when she joined the company, and after a period of time, pay her the salary she deserves."

If you don't pay your salary in advance, you're afraid that others will find out and make up lies in order to make money.

Landmere entrusted the church with help, so he should be paid, but Josephina would not be less paid for working for the church.

One yard owned by a yard.

Yevgeny happily told Josephina the news and arranged a separate room for her. The nun's uniform still needed to be customized, so she was allowed to wear regular clothes for the time being. After getting familiar with the working environment, it was time for dinner.

During dinner, Josephina had been absent-minded and always looking in the direction of the door. Yevgeny knew that she was worried about her husband, so he comforted her and said: "Your husband said he would come to see you tonight, and he will definitely not break his promise. "

Josephina nodded and lowered her head to drink the soup. At this moment, Dorothy suddenly jumped out of the window, jumped on the dining table, and meowed a few words in Goncharov's ear.

"You said there is a wizard named Meda who wants to perform a human sacrifice?"

Goncharov looked up at Yevgeny, who was also looking at him. The spoon was frozen in the air, looking at a loss.

Landmere mentioned Meda Wizard at noon. He was originally going to greet Josephina tonight, but now it has become a living sacrifice.

Who is the sacrifice?

"A man named Landmere. The Meda wizard said that he betrayed the gods. He had to dig out his eyes, chop off his legs, and peel off his skin to appease the gods' anger." Dorothy said: "It is said that that man is the Church of Truth. Believer, really?”

"I just joined today."

Goncharov gave an affirmative answer.

"Landmere? Is it Landmere?"

Although Josefina couldn't understand what Dorothy and Goncharov were saying, she heard her husband's name and quickly asked Adan, hoping that he could help translate.

Adan was also in a dilemma, not knowing whether to tell her the truth or not.

After wiping his mouth, Goncharov stood up and walked towards the door. As soon as he moved, everyone immediately put down their tableware and chased after him.

"You stay here, don't be afraid, we will be back soon! Mok! Look at her!" Adan said loudly.

Mock, who was feeding his mother, agreed immediately, stopped Josefina, and watched Goncharov and others leave.

The target is of course Stone Street. Goncharov cannot watch the church believers being used as living sacrifices. He must stop the Meda wizard.

Halfway through, Goncharov suddenly stopped and looked back at the church under the night.

"What's wrong, Bishop?" Yevgeny was very anxious: "Let's go to Stone Street quickly! If we are late, it will be too late!"

"Dorothy, is it very lively on Stone Street?" Goncharov asked.

"It's very lively. I wasn't on Stone Street originally because I heard the news that Wizard Meda was going to perform a human sacrifice, so I ran over to observe the situation." Dorothy said.

Goncharov asked Adan again: "Does a wizard need to make a big publicity when he performs a human sacrifice?"

"No need. What's the point of promoting this thing? Living sacrifices happen often, it's not unusual. Even though the wizards are promoting it, people may not come to see it."

Listening to Adan's answer, Ulmit's eyelids twitched: "Bishop, does Wizard Meda want to lure us away from the church?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Goncharov thought and said: "To be on the safe side, Yaga, you can stay."

Yaga, the leader of the Chimora tribe, flew out of Goncharov's body, merged with the darkness, and quietly floated into the half-built church.

After solving his worries, Goncharov quickly came to Stone Street with Ulmit and others. By coincidence, the stage for the living sacrifice had just been set up. The Meda wizard was going to perform the living sacrifice in the middle of the road, and Landemir was tied up. , his mouth was gagged, his eyes looked in horror at the Meda wizard coming with a knife, and howled like a killing pig.

"Where's the Sheriff?"

Yevgeny looked around: "Don't they care?"

"The Sheriff can't control God." Ulmit said solemnly: "Bishop, can you save people?"

"Of course we have to save him, but we can't do it forcefully," Goncharov said.

"What's your plan?"

"I remember that Meda wizard said that Landmere betrayed the gods, so he must be punished, right?"

Dorothy nodded: "Yes."

"Then things will be simple."

Goncharov looked at the Meda wizard who was wearing strange clothes on the stage. He had already walked up to Landemir, clasped his eyes, and was about to strike: "Since it is God who wants to punish Landemir, then let's let Landemir Unscathed, in this way, Wizard Meda’s lies will naturally be self-defeating, Father Kurt, I’m begging you.”

Father Kurt, who believes in the goddess of health, Wilder, and recently joined the Aurora Society, nodded, sang in a low voice, and wore a gold ring on his middle finger that fluoresced.

The realm of immortality!

At the moment when the domain unfolded, the tip of the Meda wizard's knife also pierced Landmere's eye socket. Amidst the wailing sound that echoed through the sky, Landmere struggled violently, but he could not break free from the rope. The slender knife tip The eye sockets stirred, warm blood gurgled out, and with a pop, an eyeball popped out.

Wizard Meda held Landmere's eyeball high and showed it to everyone. Then he put it in the tray and turned around to attack the other eye, but...

Landmere was staring at him with two beady eyes, with traces of blood still remaining in the corners of his eyes.

With a thump in his heart, Wizard Meda took a step back in shock. He quickly realized that he must not retreat at this time!

Once he backs down, he will be ruined!

"Let me see how many eyes you have!"

With a ferocious face, the tip of the knife pierced the eye socket again, stirred it, and dug out an eyeball. Before he could take a breath, new eyes grew out. The unbelieving Meda wizard continued to dig out one, two, and three eyes.

When there were so many eyeballs that they overflowed the tray, Wizard Meda was not exhausted, but the onlookers had their lips trembling with fear and their faces turned pale. Finally...

Some people couldn't restrain their panic and screamed.

"Ah! He is a monster!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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