Father Mavie

Chapter 819 Song of Sorrow

The arrest operation continued until the early morning of the next day.

When the first ray of light rose, the Royal Navy reluctantly stopped their actions.

The nobles on the arrest list were fat men. In the process, it was tacitly accepted to get some benefits. No one would say anything, and Ma Wei turned a blind eye.

Ma Wei knows best about the nature of urine in the Royal Navy.

Generally speaking, the 'awareness' of this army is not high enough.

It is difficult to maintain discipline in the face of huge interests, which is the direct reason why Ma Wei can instigate them.

The cold morning wind blew through, and the residents cautiously walked out of the door. They were frightened by the corpses hanging on the street lamps and screamed. The distance between each street lamp was 15 meters, and a short street was 150 meters long, which could exactly hang twenty nobles.

Of course, there are not many corpses hanging on street lamps in East London, South London and North London. They are not the main residential areas of the aristocracy. West London and the Central District are the worst, because there are not enough street lamps, and some street lamps have to hang two corpses. Just fine.

Even so, there are still thousands of nobles who have been arrested and have not had time to be convicted and tried.

The history of the British island is measured in thousands of years, and there are countless nobles. There are already a lot of normal fifth-class titles. Add in the barons and knights who belong to the poor nobles and other upper-class people who have gained honors and reputations. The aristocracy has already approached six figures.

In Trafalgar Square, in the morning sun, Mavey was wearing a coat, sitting under a towering stone pillar, elegantly sipping hot tea. Hundreds of Royal Navy soldiers were busy building a gallows, and the trial continued here.

All residents can come and watch, and the square is completely open to the public.

"Nicholas! Do you want to kill all the nobles of the Kingdom of Windsor?!"

Baron Frederick was also among the nobles being escorted. He struggled and rushed towards Ma Wei, but was dragged back after a few steps, shouting at the top of his lungs: "Your Majesty trusts you so much! But you betrayed him! You are a traitor! You betrayed Rhodes IV and the second prince!!!"

"There are too many nobles in the Kingdom of Windsor, so many that they have affected the development of the country."

Ma Wei put down the tea cup and biscuits, patted the biscuit crumbs from his hands, and said calmly: "Is the Glorious Revolution really glorious? The word glory is just a title given by the nobles, because the nobles had no casualties and received benefits, so I feel honored.”

"In fact, the shortcomings of the Kingdom of Windsor have never been solved, and the revolution is not thorough and resolute enough. Is an incomplete revolution called a revolution?"

"Three hundred years ago, when you launched the land enclosure movement and began to occupy farmers' land, causing countless people to be displaced, you should have understood that judgment would come sooner or later."

The enclosure movement refers to the ruling class using the law to legally occupy the land of civilians. Wool is valuable, so nobles raise sheep. But raising sheep requires large tracts of pasture. Where does the pasture come from?

in the hands of civilians.

The legend of sheep eating people also started to spread from that time.

In the past 100 years, Congress has passed 300 laws, enclosing more than [-] million acres of land, displacing countless civilians and entering the city to become cheap labor.

"Plundering civilian real estate, stealing public land, defrauding state-owned land, and using brutal and terrifying expropriation methods to convert personal property and feudal property into private property. This is the source of your original capital."

Mavey said: "100 years ago, the agricultural population in the Kingdom of Windsor accounted for 75% of the total population, and now only less than 16% remains. I admit that the emergence of cheap labor has brought economic benefits to national development and promoted technological development, but It was built on the flesh and blood of countless people.”

If we only talk about changes in traditional agriculture, the Kingdom of Windsor is definitely the most revolutionary country in the world, bar none.

In just 100 years, capital forcibly occupied real estate that originally belonged to civilians through plunder, causing a large loss of agricultural population and forcing them to move into cities to become cheap labor.

The appetite of capital is always insatiable. When a large number of laborers flow into the city, capital will raise the butcher knife to carry out the second harvest, starting from aspects of life such as real estate, forcing the common people to contribute their already pitiful wages and squeeze them again.

The enclosure movement harmed civilians, the industrial revolution also harmed civilians, and the ultimate victims of urbanization will still be civilians.

Civilians are blood bags. If you suck them dry, there will be another.

After learning that Yunia had gained the power of the Creator, Mavey's mentality changed.

In the normal course of development, whether it is the journey to utopia or capitalism, the injured are civilians.

Progress requires sacrifice.

A country, no matter what its doctrine, needs a grassroots foundation.

As long as there is a lower base, there will definitely be suffering.

This is an irreversible fact.

But now, a shortcut is placed in front of Ma Wei.

The path of the Creator.

If this world was created by the Creator, then He can help humans directly enter Utopia and avoid suffering.

If the Creator is omniscient and omnipotent, then He can help humans know everything they want to know.

If the Creator is not willing, let a willing being be the Creator.

The opportunity has appeared.

The birth of Yunia brought new hope to Mavey.

Hope of life.

This is a brand new goal, something Ma Wei has never imagined before, but it is obvious that whether they are willing or not, they must become 'prey' and 'opponent' in the eyes of other gods.

Since there is no way to avoid it, then don’t hide.

"We did not initiate the enclosure movement! Why should we be judged!" Baron Frederick shouted unwillingly.

"Makes sense."

Ma Wei nodded slightly, called Tilde, and asked: "Are there any ancient souls in the Kingdom of Death?"

"Of course, what do you want to do?" Tilde looked at him strangely.

"Catch those who escaped by chance and put them on trial."


Tilde's eyes widened and she said in shock: "Are you crazy? The souls of the Kingdom of Death have already rested, why bother them!"

"Because this is my way of warning others."

Ma Wei glanced around and said loudly: "Death is not the end! If you have committed an unforgivable crime, you must accept trial even if you die! Open the Kingdom of Death!"

"What a lunatic!"

Tilde stamped her feet, gritted her teeth, summoned the Gate of Sin, and ordered the seducer to search for the soul who initiated the enclosure movement 300 years ago.

The death penalty is only a third-level punishment in Ma Wei's eyes.

The second level of punishment is the flogging of the soul after death until it disappears into ashes.

The first degree of punishment is confinement.

According to the crime, Mawei will turn the offender into a clay pot or other object without a mouth or nose, making it impossible for them to breathe, eat or drink, and then throw them into the underground without seeing the sun, without sound or light.

During this process, the realm of immortality will always be open, and the prisoner will not be able to die and will undergo endless torture until his sentence is completed, when he will be broken into pieces and killed.Holmes's hands trembled a few times when he heard the three execution plans given by Ma Wei. He looked at Ma Wei's calm profile and felt a little strange.

"You think I'm cruel, don't you?"

Feeling Holmes's gaze, Ma Wei said softly: "The punishment is cruel, but there is no prisoner sentenced to claustrophobia."

Holmes breathed a sigh of relief: "You mean, the highest level of punishment is just a shock?"

"Absolutely." Ma Wei smiled: "After all, we are the church, and the goddess is merciful. I will issue judgments in the name of the pope, and Yunia will come forward to forgive them and reduce the punishment. In this way, the goddess's followers will more and more."

"But your reputation will become worse." Holmes said, holding a briar pipe. "They will call you a tyrant and a cruel executioner."

Ma Wei said calmly: "Fame is the most useless thing. As long as we seek truth from facts, people will have a fair understanding of me. It doesn't matter whether it is good or bad. On the contrary, if someone deliberately discredits me, it shows the truth." The church has not succeeded or failed. If the Church of Truth fails, what good is my fame?”

"Being recognized by the enemy is an honor, but in most cases, enemy appreciation is not a good thing. We must be vigilant rather than complacent."

In less than half an hour, the manager of the Kingdom of Death, the Soul Educator, found Ma Weiyao’s soul. When the souls who died 300 years ago returned to the world, they were confused and had no idea what had happened. , during these 300 years of wandering, they have long forgotten their own memories. It doesn't matter, they will remember it after a few whips.

While wandering in the Kingdom of Death, souls will gradually lose themselves. When they completely become unconscious wandering souls, their souls will dissipate and their spirituality will return to the world. This is also the most important responsibility of the Kingdom of Death.

The stronger the soul, the longer the consciousness will exist. It is a miracle that Caesar can return. No one expected that he has not become spiritually dissipated, and Serafina also took the risk.

According to Tilde's explanation, Caesar's soul should have dissipated long ago. However, in the past 2000 years, his followers have increased instead of declining. Even the king will be called Caesar. In a certain way, Caesar's soul has been nourished. Yes, this seems to be some way of harvesting the power of faith.

Even Rome is living a third life
This was originally meant to scare the monkeys, so it didn't matter whether the souls from 300 years ago had memories. With the help of Tilde's condensed soul whip, Ma Wei ordered the people to tie these souls to the stone pillars and began to whip them.

Seeing the whips hitting their ancestors one after another until their souls turned into spirits and returned to heaven and earth, the nobles were completely frightened. They also wanted to kidnap Ma Wei based on morality and bottom line, but Ma Wei did not accept this at all.

This is an opponent who doesn't follow the rules at all.

He is creating new rules!

A Royal Navy man ran over, holding a list in his hand. He kept looking at Toure behind him, obviously receiving instructions.

"what's up?"

"The nobles on this list," the soldier said hesitantly, "are the culprits who signed the food decree during the Great Famine in the West Island, preventing the import of foreign food."

There was dead silence in the field.

Even the bishop who was reading out the crime stopped.

In the cold wind, Ma Wei sat there like a stone sculpture, motionless, as if he didn't hear clearly.

The soldier asked cautiously: "The Great Pope? These prisoners"

Ma Wei stretched out his hand, and the soldier quickly handed over the list.

Looking at the name on the paper, Ma Wei felt a wave of heat surge from his chest and go straight to the top of his head.

He didn't know what his expression was like now, and he didn't care. He just wanted the soldiers to arrest these people immediately and torture them with the most terrible punishment!

wanna die?

It's not that easy!
Ma Wei will trap them on red-hot iron pillars, pile firewood at their feet, light a fire, and let them feel the pain of the flames burning their skin. He will immerse them in biting water and feel the power of suffocation and cold. Hot golden paste was poured from their mouths to cook their internal organs.
They deserve such punishment!

No matter how cruel you use to treat them, it's not an exaggeration!
Someone must atone for the millions of lives lost on the West Island!

Touré had already brought those people to the square without Mavey's order. When these nobles learned that Nicholas was Mavey, their legs were so weak from fear that they could not walk a step further.

Mavie Enders is from the West Island. His parents died in the famine. Everyone knows this.

One can imagine what kind of cruel punishment Ma Wei would use if he caught the criminals who made the famine worse.
They would be worse off than dead!
Anger had already surged to the top of his head. Ma Wei held his forehead and kept swallowing. His stomach spasmed as if he wanted to vomit out the overnight meal.

Those who could survive that famine all did devilish things.

He is also included.

The emergence of memories reminded Ma Wei of the feeling at that time again.

He said nothing and even lowered his head, but everyone could feel the murderous aura emanating from his body.

Levin and Daniel had never seen him like this before. It was an anger that no reason could suppress.

Just like when Arthur learned who killed Princess Sophia.

And Ma Wei obviously does not have the same psychological pressure as Arthur did to Rhodes IV.

The power in his hands allows him to do this.

As long as he waves his hand or signals with his eyes
The prisoner will be dragged down to carry out the most cruel punishment.

As long as he wants
Under everyone's gaze, Ma Wei stood up tremblingly, raised his hand tremblingly, and handed the list to Holmes.

"You conduct the trial."

"Is the punishment truthful?"

"The punishment is truthful."

"it is good."

Staggering down the stairs, Ma Wei left the square and walked aimlessly. Faces flashed before his eyes, all of them skinny and incomplete.

Among them is the scene of his parents being dug out of their graves and quartered.

He could be as happy as Arthur, and could use the most terrible means to retaliate against the nobles who signed the decree, but he refused.

As the Great Pope, his every word and deed will have an extremely far-reaching impact.

Up and down.

If he uses self-will as the standard of judgment today, countless imitators will appear in the future.

He has a heavier burden on his shoulders.

Hatred is his own, but justice belongs to everyone.

He must be rational, even in moments of complete emotional breakdown.

Maybe he was exhausted, or maybe he didn't want to leave. With his shoulders against the wall, Ma Wei slowly fell to his knees, covered his face with his hands, and cried loudly.

Yunia, who had been following behind, stepped forward, hugged her father's head, and hummed softly, a song of sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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