Father Mavie

Chapter 812 Final Sonata

Dusk is approaching, the sun is setting from the horizon, and the sky is getting darker.

At off-duty time, the staff at No. 9 Downing Street gradually left after completing the work at hand, and there were fewer and fewer busy people.

In the office, David brought hot tea to Ma Wei. Seeing Ma Wei looking out the window in a daze, he asked curiously: "Prime Minister, your work has been completed today. Do you need me to call a carriage for you?"


Mawei turned around, looked at David and said, "You can get off work and go home. You have done a good job during this time."

David was stunned for a moment, feeling that there was something in Ma Wei's words. He suppressed his curiosity, put down the teacup, and left the office.

Before leaving the house, Ma Wei's voice came again: "Don't go out tonight."

Don't go out?

Why don't you go out?
David didn't know, but he knew that Ma Wei wouldn't remind him for no reason.


After David left, apart from the guards and clergy protecting No. 9 Downing Street, only Mavey and Yunia were left. The atmosphere in the room was silent. After an unknown period of time, Yunia suddenly said: "It's time for me to leave. "

"Is it time?"


Yunia stood up from the sofa: "She will wake up soon."

"Time flies so fast." Ma Wei lamented: "One month seems to have happened in the blink of an eye."

"This may be the last time we see each other."

If Yunia's personality merges with her godhead, both will disappear and a new Yunia will appear.

Will she still be the same as she was then?
Perhaps it was because of this fear that Yunia never awakened again.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will change." Ma Wei said calmly.

"how do you know?"

Because I have experience.

After merging with the original soul, Ma Wei did not feel any discomfort, and the memory would be integrated. Apart from some initial memory confusion, he would soon adapt.

"Time is up."

Feeling the fluctuations in her body, Yunia took a deep breath, as if she mustered up the courage, and seized the last opportunity to say: "You are a qualified pope. I recognize your leadership status. I am relieved to have you here."


"See you."

Closing her eyes, the golden glow in Yunia's eyes gradually receded. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes had become clear and simple.

"Dad!" Yunia said with a smile as she threw herself into Ma Wei's arms.

"Welcome back."

After rubbing his daughter's head, Mawei pointed to the snacks prepared in advance on the table and placed them in front of Yunia. Yunia's eyes lit up, she picked up her fork and started eating.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, celebrities began to take carriages to the Earl of Austin's home for the banquet.

At 6:30, most of the celebrities have arrived.

At 6:35, the newly appointed Chief Richard led the police to strengthen patrols in the name of patrol and placed officers on duty at various intersections.

At 6:40, several warships arrived at the Port of London, and countless sailors disembarked carrying boxes and were busy in the night.

At 6:45, many men with red ribbons on their shoulders appeared on the street, watching every move in the church.

At 6:50, several other naval generals were invited to the home of the old Duke Crowley. Turay Crowley arrived at the navy headquarters and took out the prime minister's warrant signed by Mawei to take over the navy.

At 6:55, the Royal Navy, which had been deployed in advance, had completed the siege of London. Signs were erected at stations and waterways to prohibit passage.

At 6:57, everyone took out their pocket watches in unison.

At 6:58, several muffled groans came from the roof of No. 9 Downing Street. Immediately afterwards, Edward and Yunia threw several unconscious demon hunters into the office and solved them as quickly as possible. clergy and guards.

At 6:59, Mawei opened the drawer and took out a flare gun. After checking the magazine, he opened the window.

At the same time, Rokin and Saka, who were far away in Mosk, launched a ritual to summon Badji, and the white candle was lit.

Anatole, Seokula, and Serafina, who felt the coming of the Kingdom of God, set off and rushed to Mosk.

The last moment is always long, the minute hand beats like a breathtaking bowstring, the unsuspecting residents are still enjoying dinner, the children are playing, and the couples are chatting at night.
The soldiers stood ready, holding their guns tightly, and their whole bodies tense.

7 o'clock sharp!

Mavey pulled the trigger, and a dazzling flash bomb flew into the sky, lighting up the night sky in the central area.

Seeing the signal flares flying up, Director Richard immediately issued an order: "Block the streets and prohibit anyone from entering or exiting!"

In the Port of London, Turay drank a bottle of Hercules' club and turned into a giant. He looked at the soldiers behind him and shouted:

"Brothers! Blow up the railway! Take the palace within an hour! Let's go!"

Although the Royal Navy is responsible for guarding London, the London Army is stationed more than [-] kilometers away. After receiving the news, they will come by train immediately.

Counting the damaged railway, the Royal Navy only had one hour left!
The battle started instantly, and before anyone else could react, the Royal Navy had already launched an attack. They went straight to the central area. The demon hunters who noticed the situation tried to stop them, but were attacked by the Aurora Society.

The moment the signal flare was raised, Kovalev and others, who had been waiting for a long time, launched an attack on the church and the patrolling witcher. Because of Levin's relationship, they had obtained the witcher's patrol map. He learned the location of the witcher and launched an unexpected attack, successfully catching the witcher off guard.

At the same time, Wagga, the leader of the giant ape tribe, Yaga, the leader of the Chimora tribe, and Babas, the leader of the snake people, all led their respective tribes to rush out of the warship cabin, and under the guidance of the Royal Navy, rushed to the church and the demon hunter headquarters to intercept Reinforcements sent by the church.

On the roof of No. 9 Downing Street, Ma Wei climbed up to a high place and watched the extraordinary creatures rushing towards the central area in the cold night wind. He observed the movements of the surrounding churches and said to Edward: "You also go to help, the vampires should arrive."

Nodding, Edward spread his wings and jumped into the sky, where Jielan and other vampire family members were waiting for orders.

"What happened?!"

Hearing the noise outside the house, Pope Ubli I put on his coat and hurried out of the room. Just as a priest on duty in the statue room came to report to him: "Attack! Extraordinary creatures launched an attack on London! And the Royal Navy!" They rebelled!"


The attack of supernatural beings on London did not frighten King Ubli I. On the contrary, the news of the Royal Navy's rebellion nearly shocked him.

The Royal Navy is an army loyal to the government!

How could they rebel?

Could it be that the Windsor royal family rebelled? !

no no.
A name came to Ubli I’s mind—Nicholas von Manstein!

The second prince was able to successfully ascend the throne because Nicholas invited the Royal Navy!

It was not just the Royal Navy who rebelled, but Nicholas as well!
He really is Marv Enders!
Archbishop Brandon, who came in a hurry, was dumbfounded when he heard the news. Mavey's action was too sudden for them. No one expected that Mavey had secretly deployed so much strength in London. Scotland Yard, the Royal Navy , Gangs, Extraordinary Creatures, Aurora Society
The entire city's defense force was turned against him!
In an instant!
"Pope, what should we do! Those extraordinary creatures are attacking churches in various districts! The demon hunters are supporting but are being held back!"

News came one after another, none of which was good news. Ma Wei's arrangement successfully cut off the connection between the regions, making it impossible for the Church of the Three Destinies to unite and could only fight on their own.

There is nothing worse than this. Fighting on your own means that you will be broken up one by one sooner or later!

"Don't panic! We still have the goddess! This is London!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dark clouds suddenly gathered over London, and the shadow of a divine kingdom slowly appeared, colliding with the Garden of Eden above London.

boom! ! !
Amidst the loud noises, the two divine kingdoms began to forcibly merge, as if the realms and laws were repelling each other. The sounds of shattering and explosions were endless, and the saints who had just prayed to the goddess to gain strength became ordinary people again.With the emergence of the Kingdom of Lucca, the goddess herself cannot be protected!

Anatole, Seokula and Serafina, who were far away in Mosk, all felt the pressure of the Kingdom of Lucca. They knew that they had been tricked, but they had no choice but to block it.

If they don't stop Budge, Budge's Kingdom of God will come, and the situation then will only be worse than now!

Allah and the Three Phases rushed to London under Anatole's order to prevent Luca from coming.

Dambala, who was seriously injured, even yelled angrily, blaming all the blame on Serafina. If He hadn't lost the white candle, how could the Church of Truth summon Buggy and Luca?

After careful consideration, Dambala decided to stay in Mosk to stop Badji. The reason is simple. When Badji comes, he will definitely die. When Luca comes, he still has a glimmer of hope.

Seeing that the goddess could not stop Ma Wei, Pope Ubli I panicked for the first time. He found that Ma Wei was prepared and did not intend to give them any chance to fight back!

"Go to the treasure room! Go to the treasure room quickly!"

Ubli I roared: "Arm yourself with the sacred objects inside and repel your enemies!"

Surrounded by the clergy, King Umbry I and Archbishop Brandon came to the treasure room. They raised their arms and the gold ring glowed fluorescently, but the door did not open.

The magic has failed!
With a thump in his heart, Ubli I rushed up and pushed open the door manually. He happened to see Levin carrying a large bag of jingling things, stretching his arms to get the holy objects in the niche, and their eyes met.
Levin grinned, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The figure disappeared instantly.

Looking at the empty treasure room with only a few sacred objects left, Ubli I's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

"Thief! Damn thief!!!"

Amidst the roar, the Crown of the Cult fell to the ground, but Ubli I didn't even bother to pick it up. He took the scepter and shouted loudly: "Organize the strength and hold it until the reinforcements arrive! The Wisdom God Cult will stretch out their arms." Helper! Fowler Where is Fowler?"

"We meet again, Fowler."

In the Church of Destiny, Fowler looked at Edward who appeared in front of him and couldn't help but take a step back.

"Nicholas is indeed Marv Enders!"

Instead of being scared, Fowler was proud of his judgment and laughed.

"You were supposed to die in Rosslare Port. Wilder saved your life. Today, I'm here to take away what you were lucky enough to keep."

"Take it!" Archbishop Fowler said nonchalantly: "I am already old and don't have many years to live! After I die, I will not enter the kingdom of death, but the goddess' Garden of Eden! Kill me , is my relief!”

Based on Archbishop Fowler's contribution to the Church of the Three Destinies, it is likely that his soul was accepted by the Goddess of Sin and entered the Garden of Eden.

Considering this, Edward's murderous intention gradually dissipated.

"Why don't you take action? Do you have anything else you want to say?"

"I'm not going to kill you anymore."


"Your loyalty to the Church of the Three Destinies makes you not afraid of death." Edward said word for word: "If you want to punish you, you should not be killed. Instead, you should be allowed to watch your faith collapse."

Archbishop Fowler's expression changed suddenly, and he waved his staff and shot out a fire dragon, trying to force Edward to kill him. However, Edward only took away his staff and did not take his life.

"This is the biggest punishment for you."

Edward said in his ear: "The teachings of the Church of the Three Destinies do not allow suicide. If you commit suicide, you will not be able to enter the Garden of Eden, so you must live and watch the Church of Truth eat away the things you value."

"Is this the truth? Is this the truth?!"

Archbishop Fowler struggled and shouted: "Kill me! Kill me!!!"

"I don't believe in the truth. I'm just cooperating with Marvey Enders. Your moral kidnapping has no effect on me."

Edward said with a smile.

Kensington Palace.

Listening to the sound of fighting in the distance, the second prince was not in a hurry. He sat on the throne and sipped red wine. The scarlet wine slid down his throat and into his belly, full of the taste of power.

it has started.

Just as he expected, it started.

He is not worried, but rather looking forward to the outcome. No matter who wins or loses, he will be the final winner.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty is not good!"

A Guardsman rushed into the hall, rolled and crawled in front of the second prince and said: "The Royal Navy. The Royal Navy has rebelled!"

"Well, I see."

"They are coming towards the palace!"

"This is also what I expected, please step back."

The second prince waved calmly. He lived in Kensington Palace and not in the palace. What was there to be afraid of?

But the shells falling on Kensington Palace shattered his illusions.

Amidst the violent explosions, the left wall of the first floor was blown down by artillery shells. They were warship cannons, which were extremely powerful and highly accurate.

The second prince was stunned. There was no target worth attacking around Kensington Palace. If he had to choose one, it would be the palace where he was.

The Royal Navy actually fired at the house where he lived? !

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

When they reached the door, the Guards heard the sound of cannons and rushed back, protected the second prince and shouted: "Let's go to St. Peter's Basilica to take refuge!"

"No, no. I want to see Nicholas, Nicholas! Nicholas, come out!!!"

"The enemy is coming soon! Your Majesty, hurry up!"

The second prince, who was almost losing his mind, calmed down for a moment, thought about it, and said quickly: "We can't go to St. Peter's Basilica! We can't get involved in extraordinary struggles. Otherwise, we will die without a burial place! Nicholas will not kill me, he will not kill me! Go to the palace! The palace! There are 3000 Guards there!"


A few minutes later, dozens of guards escorted the second prince's carriage towards the palace, on the other side.
The deafening cannons interrupted the waltz, and the nobles who were singing and dancing at the banquet stopped moving and gathered near the window, wondering what was happening outside.

Naval cannons were heard from afar, and the nobles were whispering. Even now, they still did not let go of their upper-class restraint and whispered softly. It was this action that made them hear the crisp sound coming from the corridor.

Da da da.
It was light and heavy for a while, like a melody played by a cane and a heel. Accompanied by the screams of the maid, the door of the banquet hall was violently opened, and a team of Royal Navy rushed in, raising their guns and aiming. The nobles.

"What are you doing!!!"

Earl Austin rushed out, pointed at the nose of the Royal Navy and roared: "Rebellion?!"

"Please don't get me wrong, this is not a rebellion."

Levine, who had regained his true identity, walked into the hall wearing a tuxedo, holding a walnut cane, and a top hat. He passed Count Austin and went to the stage. He took off his top hat and bowed to the aristocrats in the audience as if it were the curtain call for a performance, and then raised his head. He started and said loudly:

"Ladies on the left, men on the right, kids and dogs in the middle, move, move! We have limited time!"

The nobles did not move and looked at Levin inexplicably. Only then did Levin realize that he had not said the most important thing, so he cleared his throat:

"Ahem ladies and gentlemen, there's a revolution."

(End of this chapter)

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