Father Mavie

Chapter 797 The Spirituality of the Creator

Listening to the crazy singing of the golden gods mixed with laughter, Ma Wei fell into silence.

Ever since he came to Atlantis, he had a vague feeling that the mental state of the Golden Gods was worrying. Now it seemed that they had already fallen into madness after thousands of years of silence.

This seemingly normal but actually abnormal state is the scariest thing.

Atlantis didn't have the answers he was looking for.

The Golden Lord Clara was the only god who did not participate in the carnival. She was always sitting on the throne, staring at Ma Wei, and a wisp of golden flame suddenly appeared in his empty eyes.

"If you want to follow our example, then I advise you to give up."

Clara's voice made the other golden gods quiet down, and they all looked at Ma Wei in unison.

"We are losers."

“We have failed to comprehend the mysteries of alchemy and reach the realm of the Creator.”

"That is a path to ascension, and if we can cross that threshold, we will not perish."

"We failed."

"The path we have chosen is impossible to succeed. It was doomed from the beginning."

“In the realm of the Creator, there is only omniscience and omnipotence, and that is the real God.”

The more Ma Wei listened, the more confused he became: "What are you talking about? After crossing that threshold, you can reach the realm of the Creator? What do you mean?"

Clara said in a serious tone: "In the age of the ancient gods, Asis landed on land and defeated Belial and Arabi. She was also injured and fell into a deep sleep, leaving behind the seed of the Alchemy God Tree. This is reincarnation. start."

"In the era of the sacred tree, the ancient gods returned. Humans stole the fruits of the alchemy sacred tree, creating the first god of faith and opening up the second path to becoming a god. The god of truth, Baji, was unable to defeat the ancient gods and awakened Ah Shizu, this is the second stage of reincarnation.”

“The birth of God of faith is not an accident.”

Under Mavi's shocked eyes, Clara told the truth she knew: "In order to create the God of Faith and open up a second path to becoming a god, Asis sacrificed her body, using her body, Created the Alchemical Divine Tree.”

"The fruit of the Alchemy God Tree is the spirituality of Asis as the supreme ancient god. It was also Asis who beguiled humans to pick the fruit, created Bagji, and opened the way to believe in God."

"Baji only awakened the soul of Asis. He said that he sent Asis into the endless darkness, but in fact, all this was Asis's conspiracy. He used his body as a sacrifice to transform himself into a human being. He became the God of Faith, and he is the only ancient god who became the God of Faith.”

The other is Fate.

Mavi has long known that Asis and Neleida, the God of Apocalypse, are the same existence.

But he didn't know the secret Clara told.


"Why doesn't Buggy know, right?"

Clara chuckled: "Yes, He is the God of reality and knows everything that happened in the past. How could he not know about Asis's sacrifice of her body to create the Alchemy God Tree?"

"Don't forget how Buggy was born."

"You mean" Ma Wei swallowed: "Baji is actually the clone of Ashis? He is controlled by Ashis?"

"That's not the case." Clara said: "Although Buggy was born from the fruit of the Alchemy God Tree, he is an independent individual and is not controlled by Asis. It's just that he understands the reason why Asis did this. "

After a pause, Clara asked thoughtfully: "You have been to Buggy's Kingdom of God. If I guess correctly, He should be eager to return, right?"

"Yes, just like you."

"We are not like Him."

Clara smiled, and the other Golden Gods also laughed: "We want to return because we have embarked on a wrong path. We failed to lead humans to ascend, and we failed to stop Asis' conspiracy, so we must Correct this mistake."

"Baji wants to return because he must return. There must be a battle between him and Asis. If he cannot defeat Asis, he will be swallowed by Asis. He is very anxious, more anxious than us."

Asis wants to devour Buggy?
Ma Wei's heart trembled as he thought of an extremely terrifying possibility.

What is the most distinguishing characteristic of the Creator?
Omniscient and Almighty!

Baji is the god of truth and knows the past.

Nereida is the god of revelation and knows the future.

When it is known that Nereida is Asis, can swallowing Badji merge with Badji's godhead and spirituality to achieve the state of omniscience?
If omniscient
Is it possible to know the all-powerful method in advance?
"You have to understand that there is no God in this world. It is because the Creator created human beings that humans call the Creator God."

Clara said: "The power of the Creator was distributed to the three supreme ancient gods, and His spirituality was inherited by humans. This is also the fundamental reason why humans can open up a path to faith and become gods."

"Since the spirit of the Creator is in humans, why don't the ancient gods devour humans?"

"Spirituality is difficult to capture. It is not a godhead, but a treasure that appears through the operation of our thoughts." Clara shook her head slowly: "You have seen Odin, you should know that he is missing one eye and one side of his hearing."

"Fujin and Wu Ni." Ma Wei said: "The eyes and hearing turned into two crows."

"Yes, Fukin represents thinking, and Wu Ni represents memory. Have you ever thought about why Odin wants to take out his own thinking?"

"Because of spirituality."

"Yes, because of spirituality."

Clara smiled and waved her arms, and the walls in the hall immediately deflected. With the sun disk above her head, she suddenly returned to Atlantis tens of thousands of years ago.

A ray of golden sunlight shone into the hall. Ma Wei followed the light and saw human beings shuttled between the sun disks in small airships. They wore strange clothes and shuttled between the city and the sky. The clear water was flowing in the grooves of the streets. It flows in time and spurts out from the mouth of the statue. The sky is as blue as a wash. On the altar in the distance, a green giant metal tree sways in the wind, and its leaves make a gentle sound like wind chimes.

Perhaps, this is what Atlantis originally looked like.

Ma Wei was also surprised to find that countless rays of light of different colors converged towards the hall and flew into the bodies of the golden gods, just like Yunia did when she received new believers.

"This is spirituality, I have embodied it." Clara said: "Human spirituality will be transmitted through faith, and the transmission process will dissipate to some extent and scatter everywhere. So Odin sent Fujin and Wu Ni to all places. The world collects spirituality, which is the source of the power of belief in God.”

While thinking, Ma Wei asked the question in his heart: "How to become the Creator?"

This question may not be asked to a God, but only God can give him the answer.

"In the past, we wanted to lead humans to ascend through alchemy, but ultimately failed."

"It was also from that moment that I realized that only the appearance of the Creator can solve all the troubles."

"If you want to become a creator, you must inherit the legacy of the previous creator. To put it simply, it means swallowing other ancient gods, and then becoming a god that all humans believe in, integrating power and faith, and ascending to transcendence."

Ma Wei pondered: "Swallowing other ancient gods, do you mean the three supreme ancient gods?"

"It's them. Assis worked hard to break through the shackles of the Creator." Clara said: "No one knows the reason for the death of the Creator. That period of history has long been lost. Only by becoming the true Creator can we know the reason. In the eyes of Asis, there is no difference between humans and ancient gods, and he will even dress up as a 'savior god' in the eyes of humans in order to become the creator."

Perhaps Clara is the most sober among the Golden Gods, or perhaps she is hiding something. For example, the statement that she has no regrets about mankind is something Mavey absolutely does not believe.

If the Golden Gods had such a mind, how could they have fallen into this state and become such monsters that are neither human nor ghosts?

But the information they provide is indeed effective.Ma Wei knew a lot of things he didn't know.

"You should be wary of Buggy." Clara added: "Baji was betrayed by his companions and has always been resentful. Coupled with the threat of Asis, he has changed a long time ago and is no longer the one who was for mankind. Be willing to lay down your weapons and believe in God.”

"Then who should I trust?"

Ma Wei looked at the golden gods around him and asked, "Do you believe you? It's really hard to believe that you have become like this."

Clara moved, as if she wanted to stand up, but failed to get up and sat back down. Because of her huge size, Mavie could see his little movements very clearly. Under Clara's throne, there were countless tubes inserted deeply. Entering his body, constantly absorbing something.

"We became like this because of Atlantis, not because we hate humans." Clara's voice was very calm: "The operation of Atlantis requires a huge amount of energy, which is difficult for humans to Provided, it is for this reason that my followers created this cage to imprison us here, absorbing magic power day after day."

Belief in gods will not die. They are immortal until they are devoured.

Immortality sounds powerful, but when faced with imprisonment, it turns into endless torture.

Hypocritical believers regard gods as endless magic power-generating machines and greedily absorb magic power.

"It turns out you haven't reached that point." Ma Wei suddenly realized.

"Which step?"

"Extremely materially wealthy."

"If it were just food, humans in the Golden Age would have become wealthy, but humans would still have new desires. Food is just the lowest need, just like climbing a mountain, but this mountain of desire will never end."

Clara raised her arms, the sun disk stopped rotating, and the outside world returned to deathly silence again: "Your time is up."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mavey felt his brain began to feel dizzy. This was a sign that his soul had reached its limit and he was about to leave Atlantis.

Before leaving, he heard Clara say: "Remember, don't trust Buggy or Odin. The ancient gods are more reliable than them."

"The Ancient God is the enemy!"

"They are enemies of the God of Faith, but not your enemies."


"Haven't you noticed yet?" Clara raised a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Your soul is full of the flavor of the ancient gods. It is only owned by the supreme ancient gods, and there are more than one."

Several other golden gods laughed: "I smell Belial's scent."

"And Arabi's."

"It's a mixed bag."

"It's almost time for the Twilight of the Gods mentioned by Odin"

Ma Wei opened his eyes and found himself lying on the lawn, with a full moon hanging in the sky, and Yunia stood aside and looked at him in the cold wind.

"Have you seen them?"


Ma Wei sat up holding his head that was almost split, his face was pale, and he was breathing heavily.

The feeling of overdraft of soul power is very bad, as if it is about to explode.

The last words of the Golden Gods caught his attention.

What does it mean that his soul is filled with the aura of the Supreme Ancient God?

Wasn't Asis the only supreme ancient god who appeared next to him?

Are Belial and Arabi also with him?

The reminder from the Golden Gods really startled Ma Wei. There is nothing more terrifying than having the enemy right next to you.

"Did you get the answer?" Yunia asked.


After a while, Ma Wei shook his head: "The Golden Gods are different from what I imagined. In fact, they have not reached the realm I imagined. I couldn't get the answer."

After not hearing an answer for a while, Ma Wei raised his head and found Yunia staring straight at him, with disbelief written all over her face.

".I did not lie to you."

"But you look worried."

"The Golden Gods said that my soul is filled with the breath of the three supreme ancient gods, but the only ones around me are Levin and Asis. Where did Belial and Arabi come from?"

There was no one else around, and Ma Wei didn't shy away from it, so he spoke calmly.

Hearing Ma Wei say this, Yunia breathed a sigh of relief: "Go back first, your soul is too consumed and you need to rest."

"No, let's go to Eton."

"What are you going there for?"

"Look for Daniel."

Seeing Yunia's confusion, Mavey explained: "Luka is our best choice at the moment."

Luca, the Bard God and the God of Freedom, has many names. He is content in his own kingdom of God and is also the second god of faith that Ma Wei has come into contact with.

Odin and Buggy both have evil intentions, and Mavi will not seek their help. Merlin and the Golden Gods have not yet come out of the shadows and cannot provide help. In comparison, Luca is the optimal solution.

God Geunia didn't know much about Luca, almost nothing. Even so, she activated the mud shadow magic at Ma Wei's insistence and rushed to Eton College.

It was late at night when we arrived at Eton, but Daniel was still awake, sitting cross-legged on the bed counting money.

While counting, he also licked his thumb to lubricate it, and he didn't look like the first crown prince at all.

"I rely on!"

Daniel was startled by Ma Wei and Yunia who suddenly appeared behind him. He was relieved when he found out that they were acquaintances: "Can you come and say hello?"

"What are you doing?"

"Count the money!" Daniel snorted: "I am now the number one potions dealer at Eton College, and I have made a lot of money! I can earn one or two hundred gold pounds a day!"

What about the pay?
Where is your pride as the first crown prince?

Are you convinced by one or two hundred gold pounds? !
With his lips moving slightly, Ma Wei resisted the urge to curse and took a deep breath:
"Lend Heimyuk to me."

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