Father Mavie

Chapter 778 Bearded Woman

Siren's Tears can change the shape of an object, but cannot change its mass.

At least for the current Ma Wei, the true power of Siren's Tears cannot yet be exerted.

Following the caravan, the Mawis entered Baghdad near dusk.

If we trace back the known history, the history of Baghdad is at least 2000 years old, but Baghdad said that as early as tens of thousands of years ago, in the real era, humans lived here.

From a distance, this is a circular city built of yellow sand, located in the desert, like a raised sandbag, but if you get closer, you can see its grandeur.

Outside the city wall, which has been eroded by sand and dust all year round, there are rugged pits and an earthy yellow color. Occasionally, you can see mummified animal carcasses under the city wall. Alberts said that they are animals lost in the black sandstorm, and they cannot enter the city. He could only huddle under the city wall and survive, and was eventually killed by a black sandstorm.

What a black sandstorm is, Ma Wei has never seen it with his own eyes. When he was in the Royal Navy, he mostly traveled in the West Sea and rarely set foot in the interior of the Eastern Continent, so he knew very little about it.

"Black sandstorms are scary."

While watching the camel in front of him defecate thickly, Alberts raised his mask, scanned the surroundings with vigilance, and said in a low voice: "Black sandstorms will appear every month. About three days before they come, the sky will appear Red and black, merchants who make a living in the desert know what this means. If you are a foreign merchant, you must hire a local guide, otherwise you will be in danger."

In recent years, no, it should be said that the number of missing persons in the Kingdom of Alawi has been high since ancient times. There is no human habitation in the desert. It is not surprising that anything happens. Some are stung by poisonous scorpions, poisoned to death, and some are lost. , died in the black sandstorm, and some
He was killed by sand bandits.

Due to complex reasons of poverty and religion, the situation in this area is complicated. There are dozens of bands of bandits, large and small, operating in different areas. Unless you are lucky, you cannot avoid them.

The sand bandits are a group of executioners who kill without blinking an eye, but there is no need to be afraid. Caravans entering and exiting the Alawi Kingdom need passes issued by the local government. In the process, as long as you spend some money, you can get a route map. , you will not encounter bandits if you follow this route.

The road map will be changed regularly. There is no need to explain the secrets behind it. You can understand it.

"What a mess."

Daniel looked at the guard not far away with disdain and spat: "Even the government helps the bandits bully their own people. How can such a country be strong?"

"You'd better not speak other countries' languages ​​here."

Alberts looked at the strange gazes coming from all around, and quickly reminded: "Everyone knows that foreign merchants are rich, especially those who speak Windsor. In their eyes, they are fat sheep! There are many informants of bandits in the city. If you encounter If you fall in love with a fat man, you will die regardless of whether you pay the protection fee or not!"

See more, listen more, talk less and think more.

This is your guide to survival in chaotic areas.

Of course, what I’m talking about here is not looking around with your eyes wide open, but rather the subtle collection of information.
Taking out the identity certificates given to them by Alberts, Mawei and the others successfully passed the city defenses and followed the caravan into Baghdad. As soon as they entered the city, the sultry atmosphere hit their faces, the cramped space, the overcrowded streets, and the casual atmosphere. Street stalls and vendors pulling camels squeezed through the crowds.
The noise, bustle and sweltering heat were suffocating.

This is a stacked slum, surrounded by houses stacked with sand and stones. The tubes extend toward the sky. Looking up, they look like frogs sitting in a well.

Crowding has become the norm. After standing there for a while, Ma Wei was bumped on the shoulder by three or four people. Just hit him. The other person had to turn back and glare at you, as if to blame you for being like a fool.

Levin took off his sunglasses and took out a small silver flask and took a sip. As soon as he arrived here, his mouth felt dry and he had already finished drinking the water.

"Follow me and be careful of thieves."

Alberts was already familiar with the situation here. Although he grew up in the Qajar Kingdom, the countries in this area were all similar and their languages ​​​​could communicate with each other, so there was no barrier to communication.

Covering the face with a scarf, Mavey bent down and picked up Yunia, letting her carry the package and walk in the second position, followed by Daniel, Levin in the fourth, and at the end was Edward, with a cold look in his eyes. Don't let strangers in.

The vampires can see the blood in humans, which means that humans are bright in their eyes. Thinking about it this way, the overcrowded Baghdad should be a super huge incandescent light bulb in Edward's eyes.

No matter where you go, it's like someone is shining a flashlight on you.

It's weird to be in a good mood!

After passing through the crowded crowd, Ma Wei and the others finally escaped from this extremely crowded area and came to a square. There was a fountain in the center of the square. There were still many people, but they could finally take a breath.

The houses on both sides had signs hanging on them, which were written in complicated Semitic language that looked like ghost symbols. Among the group of people, only Alberts could understand it.

"There's a hotel there." Alberts pointed to a house with a curtain on the front right and asked Mavey's opinion: "Should we stay here or go to the inner city? The inner city is safer and more expensive. It takes almost half an hour to ride a camel.”

Baghdad is a ring-shaped city, divided into two cities: an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is a slum, and the inner city is a wealthy area. The environment is much better than the outer city, and the threshold is also high. You need to go through an audit before entering, and the poor will be guarded. Blast away.

Alberts brought a large number of local currencies, including the Kingdom of Vodou, and the currencies in the Mediterranean region were unified, including gold coins dinars and silver coins dirkhams.

1 gold dinar can be exchanged for 10 Windsor silver shillings and 22 dirkham silver coins, which is 0.5 gold pounds.

There is no such thing as 0.5 for a gold pound, and it would be troublesome to keep converting it. Ma Wei thinks that he can just remember that 1 gold pound can be exchanged for 2 gold dinar coins.

In addition to the dirhan silver coins, there is also a copper currency in the Mediterranean region. The front is the portrait of the king of the Alawi Kingdom, and the back is printed with the words Allah Supremacy. It is called the Allah copper coin. The exchange ratio with the dirhan silver coins is 1:10. .

Adams was generous. He didn't know what kind of trouble the Mawei people would encounter, and he couldn't deprive the Pope and the goddess of anything. Based on this principle, he prepared 1000 gold pounds of gold coins, silver coins, copper coins and 4000 gold pounds worth of coins. Cairo Khalifa Bank Universal Ticket
It was all packed in Alberts's luggage, which he kept covering as he walked.

"What do you mean, do you want to live here?"

Mawei asked Yunia and several people in Levin.

Levin seemed very indifferent: "I'm so tired and my throat feels like it's on fire. As long as it's clean, I can live anywhere!"

This is quite true. With their strength, they are not afraid of thieves at all.

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Ma Wei made the decision: "Let's live here."

"There may not be any vacancies. The black sand storm is coming, and the number of people in the city will increase sharply."

Alberts scratched his head, opened the curtain and walked into the hotel. The owner of the hotel was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and a beard. He was eating rice. When he saw the guests coming, he quickly put down the plate, wiped his mouth and asked:

"Brother Handsome, Bilashka?"

After some exchanges with the bearded man, Alberts frowned, walked out of the door, and said to Mavey: "There are still rooms, but the price has increased."

"how much is it?"

"One gold dinar a night." Alberts said: "This bearded man is so evil! In the past, it only cost 1 silver coins!"

"Brother Handsome! Brother Handsome!"

Just as Alberts was complaining, the bearded boss chased him out, waving his hands and spitting, and pretending to be innocent.

"He said that the price is still the same now. The black sandstorm is coming. All other stores are full. He only has three vacant rooms here. He will have to sleep on the street when it gets late. He will definitely eat a mouthful of sand when he wakes up in the morning."

To rip off customers is definitely to rip off customers.This bearded man was obviously taking advantage of the opportunity to rip off customers and cheat those wealthy businessmen.

When the black sandstorm comes, all the surrounding businessmen rush to Baghdad and settle down. The city is overcrowded. If prices are not raised at this time, when will they be raised?
Crows are as black as crows in the world, and they are the same everywhere.

Just when Ma Wei was hesitating, the bearded man started to puss again, which translated means that breakfast and dinner are included in the hotel, plus a pot of hot water.

Thinking that the hotel is close to the city gate and the market, it is convenient to pack luggage, and Levin and others are already very tired, Ma Wei agreed to Big Beard's price, but the requirement is that the room must be clean and tidy.

"Clean, clean, must be clean!"

The bearded man rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

"Do you speak Windsor?" Levin was stunned for a moment.

"Welcome and send you off, how can you do it if you don't know a foreign language?" The bearded man patted his chest and said, "My teacher is a Windsor man, he is from London! I am grateful to him! Windsor people are my friends! Friends! Handsome Dick!"

Daniel sneered: "It's rare to find a good brother who deceives his friends like this."

"Hey! Business is business! Friends are friends! Friends' money is easy to make! Help with your friends' bags!"

The bearded man reached out to grab Ma Wei's backpack with a playful smile, but Ma Wei ducked out of the way.

"Take it or take it!" The bearded man said quickly: "We are friends, we trust each other!"

"lead the way."

“good good”

Following the bearded man, Ma Wei and others walked into the hotel and came to the south-facing room on the second floor. After looking around, Levin asked doubtfully: "Where is the bed? Why is there no bed?"

"There are no beds here." Alberts pointed to the mats on the ground and said, "They all sleep on the mats."

"Where's the table? Where's the chair?"

"No need to do that. We eat, sleep and play poker on the mat."

"Are the mats changed every day?"

"Mattons are generally not replaced unless they are worn out."


Looking at the cloth mat that had been stepped on and slept on by countless people, Ma Wei's face turned green, and Levin's face also turned green.

"Change hotels."


Seeing that the guest was about to leave, the bearded man immediately jumped out and said loudly: "Bed! There is a bed!"

There was indeed a bed, but it was a wooden bed in the basement that had accumulated a lot of dust. It would shake and creak when touched, and it must have been turned into powder by wood beetles.

Ma Wei was completely disappointed now. He no longer listened to the big beard's obstruction and left the hotel through the nearest back door, not wanting to stay any longer.

After losing his distinguished guest, the bearded man sighed and returned to the front desk to continue eating the pilaf, but this time it was not as fragrant as before. He sighed while eating, feeling frustrated and speechless.

Just when he was disappointed at losing his distinguished guest, the curtain was suddenly opened, and a woman in luxurious clothes, wearing a gemstone scimitar, and eyes as blue as the sky walked in and asked in Semitic language: "What happened just now?" What did they say to you?"

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, and then he was so ecstatic that he stretched out a finger before he could wipe the rice grains hanging on his beard.

The woman threw a gold dinar coin, but the bearded man shook his head:


Her blue eyes stared at the proud smile on the bearded mouth for a few seconds. The woman suddenly pulled out her machete and flashed it like lightning. The next second...
The outstretched fingers of the bearded man broke off with a snap, and the donated blood spurted out.


The bearded man let out a shrill scream and kept shouting: "Come here! Come here!"

Outside the hotel, several bare-chested men holding machetes heard the boss's call, but they did not dare to move.

In front of them was a group of masked Templar knights riding tall horses, with cold eyes and no emotion.

As long as they dare to move, their bodies and heads will be separated in the next second.

The war horse snorted, and the bearded man's heart gradually grew cold. His people hadn't come in for so long, and he knew something was wrong with his buttocks. He looked at the woman's clothes, and felt indescribable bitterness in his heart.

He was sitting just now and could only see the woman's face. He thought the woman was a bandit and was eyeing the distinguished guest, so he sat on the floor and raised his price.
Now I stand up and take a look, the bandits are obviously Knights Templar!
Are the Templars also in the business of robbing families and homes?
The employment situation is really grim these days.
"You have one last chance."

The cold scimitar was pressed against her neck, and the woman said in a cold voice: "What did they say to you?"

"They. They want a bed."

"Bed? What bed? Is it a code word?"

The bearded man covered his bleeding hand and almost cried: "I don't know either. They first said they wanted to stay in a hotel, so I opened a room for them. They said there was no bed, so I took them to the basement. Looking for a bed, they sigh when they find it, and then leave. I...I don’t know what a bed is."

Looking at the bearded man's extremely aggrieved expression, without any trace of lying, the woman sheathed her sword and threw out a few more gold coins: "Remember, I haven't been here today."

"Yes Yes."

As the woman walked out of the hotel, the bearded face turned gloomy. The fear and pain just now completely disappeared. As several bare-breasted thugs rushed in, he said viciously: "Brothers, a fat sheep has appeared. Holy The treasure that all the knights covet is definitely not a mortal thing!"

"Boss, that's the Templar Knight."

"You are a bandit with your head stuck in your trousers. What do you want if you don't want money? What kind of bandit do you want to be if you are greedy for life and afraid of death? Go home and feed the sheep!"

The bearded man picked up the severed index finger, clenched it hard, and said through gritted teeth:
"I must avenge this! Go and inform Mr. Simon! Without him, the Templars are nothing!"

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