Father Mavie

Chapter 768 Attack

Mawei also felt that James Morea would not kill the man to vent his anger because his daughter was talking to another man.

Even if the other party is very close to his daughter.

Having said that, similar possibilities cannot be ruled out. After thinking about it, Ma Wei decided to let Edward replace Levin and go on duty disguised as Leon Angel, but Levin refused.

"I can handle them."

"you sure?"

"I feel that the real target of the Doomsday Party is not the Demon Hunter headquarters, it is just a feint attack." Levin said: "Where is the Demon Hunter headquarters? Not to mention it is heavily defended, and there is nothing valuable yet. What thief would run there? Police station stealing property?”

Using the thinking of a Phantom Thief, Levin speculated on the possible plans adopted by the Doomsday Party. It had not been a day or two since he had sneaked into the Demon Hunter headquarters. He knew everything about the situation inside. How could he not know whether it was valuable?
"The Doomsday Party will definitely launch an attack on the Demon Hunter headquarters."

Ma Wei has a different view on this matter: "The Doomsday Party wants to prove their strength to the second prince. The problem lies in the way of proof. In order to reassure the second prince, their actions this time must be effective. There is no better way than to prove their strength to the second prince." Taking over the Witcher Headquarters would be even more convincing.”

If the Demon Hunter headquarters is captured, it means that the defense system of the Church of the Three Destinies is in a state of collapse, and it also means that the Doomsday Party can kill anyone in London except the Pope and the three archbishops.

This is proof of strength.

The demon hunters who stayed behind that day usually did not end well.

But Ma Wei is not worried about Levin's safety. What Rose Phantom Thief is best at is escaping.

The next day, night fell.

When the sun sets, the last trace of warmth dissipates, and cold wind blows on the streets. Summer has passed and autumn has arrived.

The latitude conditions of the Kingdom of Windsor are similar to those of the Romanov Kingdom. It is cold all year round, but it is not as extreme as the Romanov Kingdom.

The most important reason is that the warm current from the West Sea just passes through the Kingdom of Windsor and reaches the north of the Romanov Kingdom. Because of this warm current, there is even an ice-free port in the northern part of the Romanov Kingdom.

The weather in the Kingdom of Windsor is very changeable. It may be sunny one second, rain the next, and then start blowing cold winds within 10 minutes. Ma Wei has heard a slang since he was a child - there is no climate in the Kingdom of Windsor. , only the weather.

Autumn arrived very suddenly, and the temperature suddenly became cold. People put on coats and wrapped themselves in clothes to speed up their pace. Coach drivers also took out felt blankets to cover their knees, otherwise they would feel pain again.

The lights came on at No. 9 Downing Street. Although it was already time to get off work, Mavey did not leave. He is the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister is not off work. He must be on call 24 hours a day.

Today he has to work overtime to process the report on the United States of America, and find a way to fool Napoleon and Caesar. Recently, they have sent people to inquire about the Southern Slave Army. It will be impossible not to reply.

Others were getting off work one after another. Except for a few people on duty, only Ma Wei and his assistant David were left in the office. The room was quiet except for the sound of the pen tip rubbing against paper.

"David, aren't you off work?"

"I am not in a hurry."

"I'll treat everyone to a late-night snack."

Ma Wei took out a few gold coins and put them on the table. He often entertained guests or gave small gifts to his subordinates, and everyone was used to it.

Soon, David ordered a late-night snack from the restaurant. He also brought a box of ice cream to Yunia. Everyone gathered around to enjoy it, listening to the chatter and laughter from downstairs. Even the person on duty at No. 9 Downing Street The priests all relaxed.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

In the office, Ma Wei asked without raising his head.

"We are not hungry." A deep response came from the rooftop.

The team of witchers responsible for protecting Mavi has finished their shift. Please have a late night snack, and of course they have a share. "Better eat some, it's getting cooler tonight."

At Ma Wei's invitation, the captain decided to divide into two groups, one group would eat, and the other group would continue to be vigilant to avoid loopholes.

the other side.
Witcher headquarters.

In the guard room, Levin put his legs on the table, humming a song and reading a novel. Since the last attack on the headquarters, the Witchers have added more night duty personnel. Who would have thought that someone would raid their headquarters? ?
Just like police officers don't expect thieves to visit their police stations.

The one on duty tonight is Leon Angel's team of demon hunters. They were supposed to have a rest tonight, but they were temporarily transferred to night duty. No one would be unhappy.

There are five people in the team, Levin stays in the watch room, and the remaining four people are divided into two groups to regularly patrol the headquarters. Together with the saint and the completely repaired magic circle, this place can be said to be impregnable.


Captain Jeff, who returned to the room, slammed his hat on the table, sat down next to Levin, grabbed the water glass, took a sip, and complained: "I should be in the theater right now! Caspar This guy must be taking revenge on me!"

Casper is the inspector at the headquarters and is responsible for duty arrangements. He is one level older than Jeff, but his relationship with Jeff is not good. Jeff thinks that Casper is deliberately making things difficult for him.

"I remember Inspector Avery was on duty tonight, not Casper." Demon Hunter Gray said.

"They are all in the same department, so just say hello!"

After complaining for a while, Jeff took out his wallet from his arms, thought for a moment, took out a few silver shillings and threw them to Levin: "Leon, go buy some pizza and come back with beer!"


Levin was stunned for a moment: "We are on duty now, captain, just forget about the beer."

"What kind of trouble can there be!" Jeff said disdainfully: "There is Saint Jessica upstairs! If it is a trouble that she can't solve, we certainly can't do anything about it. On the contrary, if she can solve it, why should we take action? ?Listen to me! Buy some beers and come back!"

Gray winked at Levin wildly and told him not to buy beer. Drinking while on duty was a big mistake. If you were caught, you would be punished. There was no need to get into trouble just for the sake of food and drink. Just get through the night.

"Okay, I'm going to buy pizza. Gray, remember to expand the realm of immortality. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst!"

"It'll be okay, what are you afraid of!"

"listen to me!"

“good good”

Weighing a few shillings, Levin hummed and went to a pizza shop on the corner of the street. Although it was already dark, the owner had not closed yet. Thin pizza from the Kingdom of Sardinia was baking in the oven. There were also a few customers in the shop. Next door The tavern is even more lively.

"Boss, come on! Three tomato pizzas! Double cheese! And bacon!"

"Leon, you're here again, no problem!"

Shaking his beard, the muscular boss kneaded the dough. He is an authentic Sardinian and has been making pizza since he was a child. Pizzas in the Kingdom of Sardinia are all thin-crust. A piece of dough is stretched into a pie shape, and fresh tomatoes are spread on it and mashed. The battered sauce is then sprinkled with two thick layers of cheese and the bacon Levin wants to add. Use a long plate to put it into a high-temperature oven. When the edges of the pizza swell, it will be ready in a few minutes.

This is authentic pizza, simple and convenient, the dough is crispy and flexible, the tomatoes are sour and sweet, the cheese is fragrant, and the taste is just right.

After paying, Levin greeted several regular customers who lived nearby, and walked out of the pizza shop with the box in hand. Just as he was about to walk back, he suddenly saw a pillar of fire rising from the Witcher headquarters and breaking through the roof. Straight into the sky.

"Damn it! It came too fast!"

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