Father Mavie

Chapter 755 The Island of God’s Blessing

Chapter 755 The Island of God’s Blessing (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
The current king is the second prince, Shukri I.

Everyone knows how the second prince came to power, and Mosley is certainly no exception.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of the second prince, the prime minister can only be Ma Wei, and no one else is qualified to replace him!

The Doomsday Party actually said they could get the king's support?

What a joke!
"We are preparing to negotiate with the king." Mr. Butler said, "We are [-]% sure about this."

Mosley shook his head: "If there is nothing certain, it's better not to use it as a bargaining chip. How about this? You go to negotiate with the king first. If the king agrees to support you, I will join you. How about it?"

"no problem."

the other side.
After the meeting, Mawei took advantage of his lunch break to find Arthur and asked him if Mosley had been here.

"Moxley came and he wanted to join the Labor Party, and I agreed." Arthur said: "He is very ambitious, like a dormant lion."


Ma Wei shook his head with a smile: "He is at most a poisonous snake, not a lion. A real lion should be a monarch like you."

"It's not easy to hear words of praise from your mouth, Father."

"I don't praise people less. I pay more attention to inner recognition than words."

After a pause, Ma Wei continued: "Moxley's ambition is different from yours. It's best to be more careful and don't let him come into contact with the inner circle. I will also send cats to keep an eye on him."

"Yes, I know."

"there's one more thing"

Ma Wei took out the Adam's Star and placed it gently on the table: "This is the key to the God's Blessed Island - the Kingdom of Avalon. I promised you to find the real Avalon, and now I have found it. "

Looking at the sapphires on the table, Arthur's palms trembled. He firmly believed that his mother's soul after death would enter Avalon to rest in peace, but when the key to Avalon was placed in front of him, he became nervous again.

"According to the information I received, the wizard Merlin who created Avalon was once the god of faith who controlled the Kingdom of Death. However, after the real era was banned by the Golden Age, the Kingdom of Death also escaped from his control."

Ma Wei told the news he got from Baggy: "To put it simply, Avalon is just like the current Garden of Eden. It is indeed the kingdom of God that attracts the souls of the dead. But that was a long, long time ago. What is inside? You won’t know until you enter.”

Arthur took a deep breath, suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Avalon is the faith of the Knights of the Round Table, and it is also my faith. If it is different from what I imagined, it will shake me. Father, Avalon How many times can I go?”

"Theoretically, it's countless times, as long as there is a divine white candle."

Only using the White Candle to communicate with the lost Kingdom of God, without any guidance, it will not cause the White Candle to burn. Ma Wei has discovered this a long time ago.

"Then I would like to ask you, Father, to take a look first. If the conditions inside will not damage my faith, then I can go in, okay?"

Belief and conviction are important pillars that support a person's spirit.

The fourth prince has been struggling so far, relying not only on hatred, but also on the longing for Avalon. He believes that the legendary God-blessed island Avalon is real, but he is afraid that it is different from what he imagined.

"That's fine." Ma Wei said, "I'll go to Avalon to explore the road first to avoid any danger."

In the name of inspecting the Royal Navy, Marvey left London.

He is the Lord of the Admiralty, so it is normal for him to inspect the Royal Navy station, right?

In addition to Junia and Levin, traveling with them was the First Sea Lord, Baron Frederick.

When interacting with Mavey in private, Baron Frederick did not show any hostility, but instead talked and laughed with Mavey.

"Nicholas, Stuart is getting married next month. You must come to attend then."

"Is Stuart getting married?" Mavey was surprised at first, but then thought it was normal. Stuart and Isabel had known each other for two years. Their families agreed, and their relationship was very close. It was almost time to get married.

"Yes, Smith can't wait." Baron Frederick smiled.

"I will definitely give you a big gift when the time comes."

Arriving at the naval headquarters in the Port of London, Baron Frederick officially took office and commanded the defense around London.

Since the army was transferred, the defense strength around London was immediately reduced. For this reason, the Royal Navy needed to fill in. Fortunately, with the Thames River, the Royal Navy could send additional troops at will.

As the Minister of the Navy, Mawei did not issue orders indiscriminately. He knew the Royal Navy very well, and it was precisely because of his understanding that he did not act arbitrarily.

Baron Frederic did have some intentions of knocking Toure out, and during the conversation, he tried to get him to restrain himself, both covertly and overtly.
Mavey did not want to intervene in the confrontation between Touré and Baron Frederic for the time being. He recommended Baron Frederic to become the First Sea Lord just to reassure the second prince and others. It seemed that he was shackled, but in fact he secretly Toure accumulates more strength.

More than half of the Royal Navy commanders who have recently been transferred to London are survivors of the Battle of Perea, and the officers at the next lower level are also their confidants.

As long as everything goes in a good direction, Ma Wei doesn't need to take action.

In the evening, the meeting ended. Ma Wei was not in a hurry to return to London. Instead, he stayed in the camp to attend the Royal Navy's celebration banquet. When the banquet was halfway through, he sneaked out of the banquet hall and found a secluded small room.

He left the team of demon hunters responsible for protection in the hall, drinking happily. Tule would hold them back. Taking this opportunity, Yunia launched the mithril field, and Ma Wei also took out the White Candle and the White Candle. Adam's Star.

Originally, Ma Wei wanted Levin to be on guard, but Levin said that he also wanted to go to the legendary God's Blessed Island, Avalon. It was an ancient legend spread in the Kingdom of Windsor. How could Levin, who had lived in the Kingdom of Windsor since he was a child? Not curious?

With no other choice, Ma Wei summoned Buggy and asked him to help guard them and wake them up immediately if they encountered trouble.

Buggy agreed immediately and reminded him by the way: "You have been to my kingdom of God, and your souls have the imprint left by me. Merlin and I were friends who talked about everything before. Now, I'm not sure if he will embarrass you." .”

"Merlin, is he an evil god of faith?"

"No, he is not evil in any way." Buggy emphasized a little more: "He is just too stubborn. He is a genius. In all these years, I have never seen a wizard smarter than him. He is a legend! "

"How about Bianatole?"

"Anatole claims to be wise, but he is actually just a god of creation! Apart from the ancient god Arabi, I think the only one who can bear the word wisdom is Merlin." "That's it."

Ma Wei thought for a while and said: "Since He is not an evil god of faith, I think he will not make things difficult for us."

He sat cross-legged on the carpet and let Yunia and Levin hold his arms on the left and right. Ma Wei held the white candle in his left hand and the Adam's Star in his right hand. He closed his eyes and began to call for Merlin's response.

A wisp of light blue flames suddenly rose up, illuminating the faces of Ma Wei and the others blue. At the same time, Adam's Star seemed to come alive, and the golden stars inside began to swim irregularly, bumping into each other. go.

His consciousness was ups and downs. When Ma Wei opened his eyes again, his spirit body had come to the endless darkness. After many experiences, he was no longer afraid of the darkness around him.

I moved the soles of my feet and floated forward as if swimming. I don't know how long it took, but a cyan light spot appeared in front of me. When I looked closer, I found that it was a mirror emitting cyan light. The mirror did not reflect light, but was transparent. , behind is a small island shrouded in mist.

Ma Wei stepped forward and stretched out his hand to touch the mirror. The place where his palm came into contact with the mirror sent out ripples. He passed through it easily. Feeling that there was no danger, Ma Wei stepped into the mirror.

Surrounded by dense gray fog, visibility was less than five meters. Ma Wei stretched out his hand and waved in front of him, trying to disperse the fog, but the fog was so thick that it could not be dispersed. Instead, it became deeper and deeper as he waved.

"Big brother!"

Levin, who also came to the island through the mirror, shouted and looked around: "Only a dozen people can stand on this island! It's too small! It can't be Avalon, the Island of God's Blessing!"

Ma Wei looked at his feet. The fog under his feet was lighter and he could see more clearly. Except for the deep and bottomless black tide, the island was like a lonely boat floating on the sea. He walked straight for a few steps and reached the end. It looks crowded even when lying down.

As Levine said, such a small island cannot be Avalon, the island of God's blessing. To say it is an island is to exaggerate it!
There were no plants on the island, only black land, and black tides in all directions. There was no access at all. After walking around twice to make sure that there were no mechanisms on the island, Ma Wei squatted on the shore and looked at the tide.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"See if there is anything under the water." Ma Wei said: "This is Merlin's kingdom of God. It is the world he created. There must be an exit."

"I think He is deliberately making things difficult for us!" Levin shouted: "Didn't Buggy say that? He and Merlin have a grudge. Merlin will definitely be unhappy if he senses that we have been to Buggy's Kingdom of God!"

Ma Wei did not answer, but stared straight at the water. The calm water had no ripples, reflecting his face. After staring for a long time, he actually had the urge to get in.

Shaking his head, Ma Wei felt that there was something wrong with the water. It was probably not an ordinary thing.

"Dad, something is moving underwater." Yunia suddenly said.


"It seems... like a human being."

Junia held Ma Wei's hand and transferred power into Ma Wei's body. With the blessing of power, the fog in front of Ma Wei suddenly faded. When he opened his eyes, he could see through hundreds of meters of fog.

There is nothing special in the mist, it is still a calm tide, but underwater.
There were countless black shadows twisting.

Just like Yunia said, those black shadows seemed to have hands and feet, twisting and intertwining together, and swarming towards the island, more and more, more and more
The black shadow huddled under the water, looking at Ma Wei and the three people on the island. The water surface was like a mirror that separated the two worlds.

Thinking of the mirror he had passed through when he first arrived, Ma Wei bent down and picked up a stone, raised his arm, and was about to throw it down when a woman's ethereal voice suddenly sounded in his ears:
"Don't disturb the souls of the dead. If the living don't enter this lake, the dead can't get out of this lake. If the lake surface is broken, disaster will happen."

"Who is speaking?"

Ripples appeared on the calm lake surface, and the black lake water rolled, and together with the surrounding fog, a woman's body was condensed. The woman was several meters tall, wearing a long cyan dress, and under her nice face, there was a pair of indifferent eyes. Eyes: "How did you get here?"

Hearing this, Ma Wei narrowed his eyes, looked at Levin and said, "You are not the legendary wizard Merlin."

"Of course I'm not, I'm Vivian." The woman in the green skirt said coldly: "The owner of the Lake of the Dead."

"The Fairy of the Lake?" Levin said in shock: "Are you Vivian, the Fairy of the Lake?"

"Have you heard my name?"

"Not only have I heard about you! I also know how many sisters you have! Their names are Nimue, Nini Anne, and Elaine."

As Levin read out one name after another, corresponding women also appeared on the lake. Although they were all wearing long cyan skirts, they had different looks. Some were cunning and sensitive, some were smiling, and some were as cold as ice. Frost.

There were nine fairies in the lake. Ma Wei counted them carefully and found that only eight appeared in front of them.

"Your beauty fascinates me. There are songs about you in folk songs. Everyone knows that the fairy in the lake is a goddess-like existence."

Levin's unstinting, disgusting and gushing praise impressed several lake fairies and won a lot of favor. Vivian waved, and a paddleless boat came out of the mist and slowly docked on the shore.

When they got on the boat, Levin did not forget to wink at Ma Wei, with an expression that seemed to say: 'Look, it will still be useful to take me with you!Without my mouth, we would all have to explain here today! '

The oarless boat moved on its own without needing to slide, moving through the mist. Vivian and the other eight lake fairies followed quietly behind without saying a word.

After a long time, the boat suddenly broke through the fog and came into the sunshine. Not far away was an island with lush flowers and grass. There was a huge castle in the center of the island. The outside of the castle was covered with creeping grass and morning glory. Outside the door was a flower garden, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. It's like a fairy tale world.

"This is" Levin was stunned: "The legendary island of God's Blessing - Avalon?!"

"This is indeed Avalon," Vivian said.

The boat docked, and Ma Wei and the other three stepped onto the bright and soft grass. In the natural growth environment, the vegetation was lush, and even the grass grew to ankle height. When the wind blew, it fell down in piles and covered with waves. Pass a wave.

"what is that!"

Yunia pointed to a long sword stuck in the mud exposed in front of her and shouted: "Why is there a sword?"

"Avalon is full of swords, swords left by the invaders." Vivian said calmly: "That day, Hines led the human army to invade Avalon. They failed. The sword stuck in the soil The sword is their weapon."

"Who is Hines?"

"One of the Golden Gods."

(End of this chapter)

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