Father Mavie

Chapter 750 The Death of the Great Prince

Chapter 750 The Death of the Great Prince (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
"Helena? Your Highness, aren't you going home?" the coachman asked.

"go home?"

The eldest prince smiled miserably: "My wife Rosanna is the second daughter of Duke Crowley. The Crowley family has betrayed me. Can I still go back?"

In the coup, the Crowley family, under the leadership of Touré, chose the second prince, who had the merit of being a diligent king.

This alone is enough to keep your family safe.

Even if Rosanna and the eldest prince have a son.

Since the Crowley family can protect their own bloodline, what reason does the eldest prince have to go back?
It's just adding trouble.

"But haven't you already severed your relationship with Miss Helena?"

"Where do you get so many problems? Drive! Get out of here if you don't want to drive!"

"As ordered."

The coachman shook the reins, turned the carriage around, and galloped under the night.

The coup failed, the streets were full of rioters, and army soldiers fleeing in panic could be seen everywhere. They suffered a disastrous defeat under the palace. The commander was killed on the spot by the Royal Navy. The organization was gone, and they could only run away to save their lives.

If you don't go, I'm afraid you won't be able to go.

Not long after, the carriage arrived in front of the small villa where Helena lived. There was a faint light in the living room. The eldest prince stepped out of the carriage, pulled out a revolver, and opened the door.


Helena, who was sitting at the table and staring at the candlelight alone, heard the sound of the door opening. She raised her head happily and looked towards the door.

But the figure that appeared at the door was not the figure she had longed for.

"Charles you."

Helena took a step back nervously and said in disbelief: "Why are you here?"

"Yeah, why am I here? Don't talk about you, I want to ask myself this question."

Charles held the revolver and walked into the house awkwardly, approaching Helena a little bit: "At this moment, I should be sitting on the throne, enjoying the wine of victory! The winner should be me! I should be the winner! it's me!"

"It's been more than ten years, it's been more than ten years! For the sake of the throne, I pretended to be elegant and tolerant, and endured the accusations of the untouchables! I am the eldest son! I want to set an example! I want to shoulder the honor of the royal family!"

The eldest prince roared hysterically: "For the throne, I married Roxanne. I don't love her! I don't love her! I endured the humiliation, swallowed my anger, and got to where I am today step by step! How much effort I have put in over the past ten years! I have made this How much effort! But what? Only half a year after Nicholas came to London, all my efforts were in vain!"

Taking three steps at a time, he rushed forward and grabbed Helena's shoulders. The eldest prince gritted his teeth and asked, "Why do you tell me? Just tell me!"

"You let me go!"

Helena struggled, how could she know the reason for the failure of the eldest prince?
All she knew was that Charles had finally taken off his disguise and revealed his true colors.

"Nicholas took away my throne, and I want him to lose something too."

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't be afraid, my dear." The eldest prince leaned into Helena's ear and said, "Where is Felix? It's so chaotic tonight. He's not with Nicholas. He must have come to you."

"You want to use Felix to get revenge on Nicholas?!"

"Nicholas said he was doing it to make money, but I know! He actually values ​​his family very seriously, and that is a feeling that cannot be concealed no matter what. To deal with such a person, killing him is actually a kind of mercy, because he wants to make him suffer. Just take away what he values ​​most!”

The eldest prince smiled cruelly and said, "Are you right? Helena?"

"Felix isn't here! You can't see him!"

"No, no. He will definitely come, I know, I just know."

The eldest prince fired a shot at the ceiling and laughed wildly: "Come out! Felix! I know you are here! Come out! If you don't come out, I will take Helena away."

"I told you he's not here! If you don't believe me, go look for him upstairs!"

Of course the eldest prince would not believe Helena. While holding Helena's thin arm, he pointed the gun at her chest and said something vaguely.

"I don't have time. If Nicholas comes, I won't even be able to kill you."

If we continue to delay, waiting for Nicholas and his people to arrive and allow the priest to expand the realm of eternal life, there will be no solution at all.

Knowing this, the eldest prince decided not to wait any longer. It was regrettable that he could not take revenge on Nicholas, but killing Helena was a little consolation.

The moment the eldest prince pulled the trigger, a long sigh sounded at the door.

"Oh, you are really a psychopath."

Turning to look at the door, the eldest prince's eyes gradually lit up and he laughed loudly: "It's you! I knew it! I knew it! Helena! I know your boyfriend better than you do! He's here!"


Helena looked at the figure appearing at the door, her eyes suddenly became moist, and she quickly shouted: "Go away! Go away! Charles is going to kill you!"

"You dare to leave! I will kill Helena!"

The eldest prince put a little more force on his hands and strangled Helena tightly. He was really afraid that the duck he had got would fly away.

If Levin turned around and ran away, his battle-damaged body would never be able to catch up.

"I won't run away, don't worry."

Levin, wearing coachman's clothes, slowly walked into the room, sat on a wooden chair at the door, crossed his legs, took out a silver flask and took a sip: "Don't be so nervous, relax a little, I just have something to say to you. "

"What do you want to say?"

The eldest prince looked Levin up and down. The moment Levin entered the door, he realized that the driver who drove him just now was Levin pretending to be a driver. However, judging from his voice and appearance, the two seemed to be very different.

"Put down your weapons and I will guarantee your safety." Levin said calmly: "Surrender without killing, these are my elder brother's exact words."

"Hahaha! Even if Nicholas doesn't kill me, your eldest brother, Shukri will not let me go! Your eldest brother is just a dog raised by Shukri!"

"That's the biggest reason why you failed."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the eldest prince said in a deep voice: "My failure was caused by your eldest brother!"

"It is indeed my eldest brother's fault, but in the final analysis, it is still related to your own behavior."

"My own actions?"

"You haven't seen through the essence at all." Levin smiled: "It's useless to tell you this. If you could see clearly, you would never be reduced to where you are today."

"I think you want to delay time!"

The eldest prince turned the gun and pointed it at Levin. Just as he was about to shoot, his body suddenly froze, as if he was half-controlled by something, unable to move.

Behind him, a pair of golden eyes appeared at some point, looking down at him.

Confused, Helena turned around and saw something golden behind her. Before she could see it clearly, her head became dizzy and she fell to the ground.


Levin cleared his throat and signaled Edward to release the control. The moment the golden eyes disappeared, the eldest prince felt a light on his body and he could move all over!
He took a few steps forward, looked back, and saw Edward leaning on the window sill. He was shocked: "You are Nicholas's butler! You are a transcendent!"

"You have discovered all this. You are so smart, Your Highness, the eldest prince." The sarcastic voice came, making the eldest prince angry. He pulled the trigger on Edward one after another, and shot bullets into his chest one by one, like a mud cow entering the sea. Not a ripple was made.

Edward looked at him coldly, expressionless.

The eldest prince staggered back, and just when he was about to hit the table, a furry paw touched his lower back: "Oh! Can you watch it! There is a cat behind you! Meow!"

As if he was electrocuted, the eldest prince was startled by the voice behind him and broke into a cold sweat. He turned around and saw a black cat squatting on the table and licking its paws. It was it that spoke.

"Why. Why a cat can talk!"

"Is it weird that a cat can talk?" Xiao Hei snorted: "What a fuss, meow!"

The eldest prince circled around and found that all escape routes were blocked. The only safe place might be the door where Levin was.

But the eldest prince had no intention of leaving. After a brief shock, he started laughing, his laughter became more and more crazier, and he burst into tears.

"Is it funny?"

"I was all deceived by you. Not just me, but also that idiot Shukri!" The eldest prince laughed: "You are not ordinary potion merchants at all! You are spies sent by the Judgment God Sect!"


"I know I can't live. If I reveal my identity as a transcendent, you won't let me live. Before I die, I want to ask a question."

"You said."

After knowing his fate, the eldest prince suddenly relaxed a lot: "Who are you? Even now, you still don't dare to show your true colors to others?"

"It's not that I don't dare, I'm just afraid that you'll be angry."

"Look at my current situation. What else can make me angry? I just want to clear up my doubts now."

"Well, since you insist on it."

Levin put away the flask, lightly snapped his fingers, and with a 'pop' sound, the gray linen coachman's uniform turned into a crisp suit, the soft hat turned into a top hat, and a walnut cane appeared. In the hand, coupled with the elegant sitting posture, it really looks like a gentleman.

"You are." The eldest prince's eyes widened: "Leven Berger! It's you! It's you! So, Nicholas is Marv Enders?!"

Levin did not answer, but the eldest prince seemed to have an epiphany and looked around blankly: "You are not here for the throne! You want to subvert the regime! Shukri is just your pawn!"

"Your Highness, look at me."

The eldest prince looked at Levin, not understanding what he wanted to do.

Levine did nothing but looked at him and threw a card.

On the back of the card, there is a rose flower printed on it.

Cardiac arrest.

The eldest prince looked at the roses blankly, his breathing became rapid and his eyes turned red.

Rose Phantom Thief!

Levine Berger is the Rose Thief!

In an instant, countless doubts that had troubled him were solved, replaced by anger.

The eldest prince felt that he had been greatly humiliated!
As early as two years ago, he had fought against the Rose Phantom Thief!

At that time, the Rose Phantom Thief stole the Siren's Tears, which he regarded as a treasure. Not only that, but he also made his underground love affair with Helena Sheffield public!
From that moment on, the eldest prince hated the Rose Phantom Thief and wanted to cut him into pieces!

Now two years have passed, and he who thought he would never interact with the Rose Phantom Thief has been tricked by the Rose Phantom Thief again!

This time, the Rose Phantom Thief took away his lover and destroyed everything he valued most!

How could he not be angry? !

Looking at the eldest prince's ugly face, which alternated between green and white, Levin sighed: "I told you that you would be angry, it's better not to know."

The eldest prince didn't answer, he just raised the gun, stuffed it into his mouth, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet penetrated the back of the head and splashed red and white on the wall.

The body fell on his back, making a muffled sound. The eldest prince looked up at the ceiling, his pupils were dilated, and he could no longer breathe.

He didn't even want to say a last word.

When Ma Wei and others arrived, only Levin and the body of the eldest prince were left in the room.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the body. No one thought that the eldest prince would commit suicide.

Even the angry second prince felt a little sad at this moment.

The eldest prince died, the coup was suppressed, and everything seemed to be moving in a good direction. The second prince felt that he should be happy. At sunrise tomorrow, he would be able to sit on the throne, be baptized by the church, and be crowned king.

But he really couldn't be happy.

In just a few days, his father was paralyzed in bed, his brother committed suicide by gunshot, and the good family was shattered overnight, just for a crown.

The second prince didn't want to say anything, couldn't say anything, waved his hand, got into the car exhausted, and handed the scene to Ma Wei.

After ordering people to clean up the blood and collect the body, Ma Wei walked to Levin and asked, "He refuses to surrender?"

"He was determined to die."

"Well, where's Miss Helena?"

"Sleep upstairs."

After patting Levin on the shoulder, Mavey turned around and walked out of the door, saying to Toure who was commanding the navy outside: "Thank you for your hard work tonight."

"It's good if it succeeds." Tu Lei glanced into the room: "The eldest prince is dead?"


"Then my second sister."

"Nothing will happen to your second sister, and nothing will happen to your second sister's child." Ma Wei said: "The eldest prince protected them with his own death, not to mention that Rosanna is a member of the Crowley family, you take the greatest credit tonight .”

"I don't want any credit, I just want to know."

Looking around, Tu Lei lowered his voice and asked: "Tonight is obviously the best opportunity, why not take the opportunity to kill the second prince? If the second prince and the third prince are killed together, wouldn't the throne belong to the fourth prince?"

"It is not necessarily a good thing to have the fourth prince on the throne now." Ma Wei shook his head: "We cannot let ourselves become the biggest enemy, otherwise the enemies will unite. Only when the second prince takes the throne can we use the Liberal Party to divide the conservative party and the northern MPs. , when you achieve this, it’s time to show your strength.”

There is one more thing that Ma Wei didn't say.

Yunia is not ready yet.

Now, she is still unable to compete with the three goddesses of destiny. Only by completing her second awakening can she be able to fight.

And this is one of the next things Ma Wei will do.

(End of this chapter)

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