Father Mavie

Chapter 747 Breakout

"The Crowley family is willing to help me?!"

Upon hearing the news, the second prince could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

You know, the Crowley family is married to the eldest prince!
Roseanne Crawley not only married the eldest prince Charles, but also gave birth to a son, who was also the eldest prince’s only son!
It is no exaggeration to say that if the eldest prince takes the throne, after a hundred years, the child with Crowley blood will succeed him!

The temptation of the throne caused the eldest prince and the second prince to start a fierce battle. However, the Crowley family was actually willing to give up the honor that was easily available to help him?
The second prince couldn't figure it out. He couldn't figure it out no matter what.

"Your Highness, this is enough to prove the loyalty of the Crowley family!" Ma Wei said: "They are loyal to the Kingdom of Windsor! Only an absolutely wise monarch can get their wholehearted assistance!"

Looking at the autographed letter in his hand, the second prince was not only moved but also touched. A friend in need is a friend indeed. He never imagined that at such a critical moment, the people who helped him would be the Crowley family, which he had always regarded as his enemies!
The world is impermanent.

Of course, the second prince believed that the Crowley family, including Ma Wei, had selfish motives. Wasn't it all selfish to help him?
Being able to help in the most difficult moments is enough.

If you have any questions, we have to wait until the coup is over. Now everyone must work together to overcome the difficulties!
"Nicholas, I accept the loyalty of the Crowley family. Where are they?"

Taking out his pocket watch and taking a look, Mavey said: "They should still be in London Port, waiting for our signal. I have a signal gun here. As long as it is fired, the Royal Navy will attack the location of the signal."

"Then what are you waiting for! Launch quickly!" Baron Frederick said impatiently.

"Launching it now may not be able to turn the tide of the war."

Looking around at the nervous members of Congress, Ma Wei said with a serious expression: "The Capitol is not a place for long-term fighting. It is too easy to be captured. The only advantage is that it is backed by the Thames River. The Royal Navy can respond from the river. But the problem is "

"The Houses of Parliament have been surrounded by Scotland Yard police. If we hold on to the building, the London Army is likely to arrive faster than the Royal Navy. This is one." Arthur suddenly said: "Second, the Royal Navy is a hidden card. At present, Charles probably doesn’t know the news about the Royal Navy’s betrayal, and if he takes advantage of this information gap, he might be able to reverse the situation.”

"Reverse the situation?" The second prince swallowed: "There are 2 people in the London Army. They are all elites! They are equipped with the most advanced weapons in the Kingdom of Windsor! How to reverse the situation?"

"In order to establish the situation as quickly as possible, the army chose to take a train into the city and first controlled various stations before marching towards the city center. They could not carry heavy artillery and could only carry light and simple equipment."

Arthur asked someone to bring a map of London, pointed to the location of the Houses of Parliament and the Thames River, and said: "On the other hand, the Royal Navy has the advantage of the river. As long as the warships arrive, they can bring half of London into the bombardment range, including Buckingham Palace!"

"If you just retreat, you will be surrounded by the oncoming army. Although the Thames is wide, it cannot accommodate the narrow warships to turn around. The warships may not be able to retreat as fast as the army can run. By then, you will not be able to leave even if you want to."

The second prince panicked for a moment: "Then what should we do?"

"Now that all of London is occupied by the Army, it is impossible to sneak out quietly. I suggest retreating to Buckingham Palace."

Ma Wei pointed at the location of the palace: "Buckingham Palace has many salute guns and a thousand soldiers from the Windsor Guard. If we refuse to defend there, we should be able to hold on until the Royal Navy arrives."

"We have to defeat the Army to escape?"

"Yes, Your Highness, this battle can only be won, not lost."

"Why does the fourth prince want to help us?" Baron Frederick looked at Arthur, a little strange.


Arthur said calmly: "If Charles wins, do you think he will let me go?"

Arthur, who betrayed twice in a row, was a thorn in the side of the eldest prince. If it weren't for Arthur, the eldest prince would not have to launch a coup.

Sighing, the second prince said: "Arthur, just retreat to Buckingham Palace with us. You will be safer there. As for the others"

There were at least several hundred members in the council chamber. The more people there were, the more inconvenient it would be to move around. It was impossible to take them to the palace.

"There are only two people who need to take refuge in the palace, your highness, you and the fourth prince." Ma Wei said: "Everyone else is a burden. Staying in the Congress or finding a place to hide is the best option."

Upon hearing this, the congressmen immediately became unhappy and thought that Ma Wei was going to abandon them and kept making noises.


The second prince shouted sternly: "Charles's target is me! The rebels' target is me too! Why are you here to join in the fun! Do you have to let everyone die together?"

The parliament hall gradually became quiet. Members looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing what to do.

They didn't know for sure, but if they followed the second prince to break out of the encirclement, it would obviously be a disaster.

"How do we get to Buckingham Palace now that the Houses of Parliament are surrounded by Scotland Yard police?"

"The Scotland Yard police are just a bunch of losers. They can deal with street gangsters, but they can't stop us." Ma Wei narrowed his eyes: "The Scotland Yard police haven't taken action for a long time. Why are they besieging but not attacking? It can only be They dare not launch an attack! But they have already launched a coup, so what else should they be afraid of?"

"There is only one answer."

"What they fear is not Congress, but the church!"

Baron Frederick reacted instantly: "It's you! Nicholas! They are afraid of you!"

"Afraid of Nicholas?" The second prince was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Yes! Nicholas, you are the person the church wants to protect! There is a team of demon hunters beside you! The police outside are afraid of accidentally hurting you, so they dare not launch an attack !”

Ma Wei nodded and said in the surprised eyes of the second prince:
"What if we take advantage of this?"

London, Big Ben.

The eldest prince who left Parliament did not go far, but climbed onto Big Ben and watched every move in London.

In less than half an hour, the London Army took control of all the stations and blocked all the main roads. After leaving a small number of manpower to garrison, about 8000 people came towards the central district from four directions.
The Scotland Yard police who arrived first had already surrounded the Capitol and established a blockade. Seeing this, the eldest prince sneered on his lips.

"Let me see where you are running! The entire London, the army, navy, and police are my people! I am the king! The real king!"

The Marquis of Bracken next to him smiled and said: "As long as the church does not interfere, your highness will definitely succeed. Tomorrow morning at the latest, you will be able to sit in the palace and enjoy breakfast."

"Yeah. Huh?"

Halfway through his laughter, the eldest prince's face froze. He vaguely saw a carriage rushing out of the Capitol and heading straight for the blockade set up by Scotland Yard. He raised his binoculars to take a look.
It was Nicholas who was driving!

"What is he going to do? What is he going to do!"

Seeing Ma Wei, the eldest prince's heart skipped a beat. He was really scared. Every time Ma Wei made a move, he would ruin his good deeds. This time.
Under nightfall, Deputy Commissioner Nielsen, who was responsible for sealing off the Capitol, stood behind the blockade and paced back and forth, his face full of anxiety.

He was forced to come. The siege of the Capitol was a hot potato. It would be better if it succeeded, but if it didn't, it would be fine.
They will definitely be liquidated afterwards!
Nelson didn't want to get involved in the fight for the throne, but a fatal order was issued from above, telling him to guard this street and not even let a fly pass!
"It's really troublesome." "Director! A carriage is coming!"

Just when Nelson was having a headache, Mawei drove a carriage straight towards him. When he saw the driver clearly, Nelson's head hurt even more.

Who dares to stop a carriage that is already speeding?Use your body to stop it?

Set up roadblocks and let the carriage make money on its own?
Well, if you really do this and throw Nicholas out, you, the director, won’t be able to go to the Inquisition!
But the policeman around him didn't understand what Nelson was thinking. He had already raised his pistol, and it seemed that he planned to shoot as soon as the carriage entered the shooting range.

Nelson was so frightened that he raised his arm and swooped over. He slapped the policeman beside him and made him dizzy. At the same time, he shouted:

"What are you doing with your life for a few gold pounds a month! If you don't want your life, I want my life! Get out of the way!"

"No, no. Aren't you going to shoot?" The police around them looked confused. The order they received was to block the street and not let anyone pass. If anyone dared to break in, they would be killed on the spot.

"Open it! Of course you have to open it!"

Looking at the approaching carriage, Nelson's eyes widened, he pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it at the sky: "I will hit you as I please! Do you hear me?"


When the carriage approached and entered the shooting range, Nelson immediately pulled the trigger, spitting out tongues of flame from the gun and sending bullets flying high into the sky. When the carriage approached, he jumped aside to avoid the vehicle.

The surrounding police officers immediately followed the instructions, but one of them quietly pointed his gun at Ma Wei. Just as he was about to shoot, a figure suddenly stood in front of him.

Wearing a green military coat and cold eyes, the demon hunter stared at the policeman in front of him who was about to sneak attack and shoot, kicked him over, asked the names of the people around him, and silently wrote them down in his notebook.

At the same time, the carriage also broke through the blockade and went straight to the palace.

Seeing this scene, Nelson happily put the empty gun back into his waist and raised his eyebrows at the shocked policeman beside him: "What am I talking about? We little people should not get involved in the affairs of the big shots. Don't think of yourself as the protagonist, otherwise you won't know how you will die! Climb, crawl slowly, you can get promoted again this time. Hey, it's finally my turn to be the chief."

"Long live Chief Nelson!"

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

On the top floor of Big Ben, the eldest prince smashed his telescope angrily when he saw the carriage rushing through the blockade, but he couldn't think of any other way to stop it.

Ma Wei was sure that they did not dare to do anything to him and used his body to escort the second prince to the palace. This was a conspiracy.

Does the eldest prince dare to take action against Ma Wei?

It's okay to find someone to assassinate you, but you don't dare to do it openly.

What's more, Ma Wei was protected by a team of elite demon hunters. The mole placed in the team wanted to make a sneak attack, but was caught on the spot. Afterwards, he would definitely be sent to the Heretic Tribunal, and his skin would be peeled off even if he died!
In an age where theocracy is supreme, can there be a good outcome if you go against the church that represents God’s will?

"I should have killed Nicholas long ago!!!"

"Hush! Your Highness, please don't shout so loudly! It will be troublesome if the church hears it!" Marquis Bracken quickly advised.

"Shukry must not be allowed to leave London! Use fishing nets! We must catch them!"

If you don't dare to shoot, then use fishing nets specially used for catching. A dozen large nets are spread in the middle of the road. As soon as the carriage comes in, the nets are closed immediately. Can't you catch the second prince unharmed?

The order was passed on, and the army also prepared fishing nets and laid them on the main roads everywhere, waiting for Ma Wei to fall into the trap. But what surprised everyone was
The carriage had no intention of leaving the city!Turn around and go to the palace!
After hearing the news, the eldest prince couldn't help laughing: "Do they still want to rely on the Windsor Guards formed by their father to make a comeback? What a joke! I have a well-equipped army!"

"They must have realized that they could not escape from London and planned to resist desperately." said the Marquis of Bracken.

"It's useless!" The eldest prince said with a cruel smile: "I have too many people. Even if I don't use weapons, one person's spit is enough to drown them all!"

"Yeah. It's just a fight between trapped beasts."

royal palace.

The Mawei people who arrived in a hurry wanted to take over the Windsor Guards, but learned that they did not have the authority to mobilize troops, and only Rhodes IV had the authority to mobilize them.

The second prince rushed to the king's bedroom. In addition to Rhodes IV lying on the bed, there was an elderly lady in the room. Seeing the lady, the second prince trembled with fright and said quickly: "Mother. "

"Your father is asleep, what's the matter?"

"Charles used the magic pill to control Andrew, dispatched the army into the city, and he launched a coup against my mother!" The second prince said in a tearful tone: "I need the help of the Windsor Guards to save me, mother."

"You are my child, and Charles is my child."

The old lady hugged the cat and said in a soft tone: "The palms and backs of my hands are all flesh, how do you want me to choose?"

"He is rebelling!" the second prince said anxiously: "I obviously won the election, but he wants to launch a coup to seize power!"

"You are brothers, why do you need to make trouble like this?"

"He's not my brother!"

With blue veins popping on his forehead, the second prince roared: "Is the brother who wants to kill me still a brother? If he wants to kill me, I will fight him tooth and nail!"

The shouting woke up the sleeping Rhodes IV. He opened his cloudy eyes. In just a few days, his hair had turned completely gray, wrinkles appeared, and his lips began to become chapped.

Raising his heavy arm, Rhodes IV pointed at the second prince, his lips moving.

The second prince quickly stepped forward and held his father's hand: "Father, what did you say?"

Rhodes IV said something in a hoarse voice, and the second prince's face suddenly changed. It took a long time for him to return to normal, and he stood up and said, "Thank you, father!"

After saying that, the second prince picked up the crown, walked out of the bedroom quickly, and said to the captain of the Windsor Guard standing outside the door:
"The king allows me to mobilize the guards! I order you to meet the enemy immediately!"

Herrera, captain of the Windsor Guards, glanced at the bedroom behind the second prince, hesitated for a few seconds, knelt down on one knee, and touched his chest with his right hand:

"Windsor Guards, at your command."

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