Father Mavie

Chapter 743 Emergency Plan


On the bed, Rhodes IV fell asleep again after receiving the doctor's diagnosis.

As soon as the doctor came out of the bedroom, he was surrounded by a crowd. The eldest prince couldn't wait to ask: "How is father's health?"

Although Pope Ubli I gave Rhodes IV a three-month deadline for his death, that does not mean that Rhodes IV has completely lost his ability to act. As long as he can still handle government affairs, there is no need to activate an emergency plan.


The doctor shook his head and sighed: "His Majesty's mental condition is on the verge of collapse. He is awake for no more than an hour every day. There is nothing I can do."

"Is there no other way?"


Hearing this, everyone was silent. The king was critically ill, which was not a good thing for any kingdom, and also meant the beginning of turmoil.

"Your Majesty has been poisoned." Archbishop Liviu suddenly said.

"What? Poisoned?!"

The eldest prince's face suddenly changed, and he quickly asked: "What's going on? How could my father be poisoned?"

"In His Majesty's food, we found a soul toxin that we have never seen before." Archbishop Liviu said: "The soul toxin is extremely difficult to refine, and the formula is even rarer. The church that can refine the soul toxin is very rare. The probability is that it is the Witch God Cult of the Voodoo Kingdom. I heard that they have a special magic potion called Soul Potion that can make the person who takes it die unconsciously."

"If my prediction is correct, what your Majesty took should be the soul potion. To be sure, I have sent people to extract the toxin and send it to the Witch God Cult for testing. The results will be available soon."

"Who is so bold! How dare you poison the king!" The eldest prince said angrily: "I must cut him into pieces!"

Archbishop Liviu smiled sinisterly: "Your Highness, don't worry. Poisoning the king is undoubtedly provoking the Holy See. We have hired Mr. Holmes to work with the Scotland Yard police and witchers to investigate the matter. All the servants accompanying this trip are Imprisoned and ready for investigation. The prisoner will never escape."

Hearing these words, the second prince couldn't help but glance at the eldest prince. The murderer was appointed by the eldest prince. In order to poison the king, of course he would accompany him closely. He would definitely be suspected. Holmes was a famous detective. If he was dealt with If done inappropriately, your behavior may be exposed.

Do you want to expose Charles' despicable behavior?
The second prince thought in his mind that if he came forward at this moment and exposed Charles' poisoning, the king would definitely be in his pocket.
He was just afraid that Charles would bite him back!
Just when the second prince was hesitant, the eldest prince coughed as a reminder.

The second prince, who realized that it was his turn to take action, exchanged glances with Ma Wei. Under the latter's encouraging gaze, he plucked up the courage to say: "Everyone, the king is critically ill and unable to govern. In order to ensure harmony, I propose to activate the emergency plan in the constitution and elect Make a new king!”

As soon as these words came out, Archbishop Brandon was obviously stunned, because according to the rules of the Kingdom of Windsor, after the death of the king or the activation of an emergency plan, the first heir is the eldest prince Charles, and the second heir is his second prince.
If we activate the emergency plan at this time, wouldn't we hand over the throne to someone else?

"According to the Succession to the Throne Act enacted last century, the order of succession to the throne should be determined by Parliament, not the king himself."

Mawe said: "In view of this, we should hold a comprehensive election and let the parliament decide who will become the next king."

"The Throne Succession Act?" The eldest prince sneered: "If you follow the rules of the Throne Succession Act, anyone born outside the Kingdom of Windsor, including naturalized persons, except those whose parents are Windsorians, will He shall not be a Counselor of the Privy Council or a Member of either House of Parliament, nor shall he hold any civil or military office, nor shall he or any person in his trust enjoy any land or hereditary property granted by the King.”

"Nicholas, if we follow the Law of Succession of the Throne, your status as a member of Parliament and Felix's title should not exist."

"Just delete this article." Archbishop Liviu said calmly: "Nicholas is a naturalized person licensed by the church. Their family should be treated equally and receive all citizenship rights. Since His Highness the Grand Prince has moved out of the "Act of Succession of the Throne", then Let’s change this rule, and I think the Pope will agree. Who is against it?”

There was silence in the hall.

Even though all the cabinet members were present, as well as many nobles in the House of Lords, no one dared to say a word no.

The eldest prince's face became gloomy for a moment, and then he quickly returned to his smile: "I agree with Archbishop Liviu's proposal. The Manstein family is our good friend, and we should accept them."

"Yeah yeah."

"Your Highness is right."

Amidst the chorus of agreement, no one mentioned the fact that non-Windsorians were not allowed to serve as MPs anymore, and it was highly likely that they would never be mentioned again in the future.

Bills are made by people, and breaking rules is of course also done by people. Ma Wei brought out the "Throne Succession Act" and demanded that the heir to the throne be determined through parliamentary elections. No one objected. The eldest prince wanted to object, but was rejected by Liviu from the beginning. The archbishop retorted.

The Manstein family was able to obtain citizenship of the Kingdom of Windsor because Mavey became the only potion dealer designated by the church. In the same way, Levin's knighthood was also meant by the church. The church could only use secular power to reward Manstein. The Tann family.

To question the legitimacy of the Manstein family is to question the church's decision, and Archbishop Liviu certainly cannot agree with that.

"Initiate the emergency plan. Does the cabinet have any objections?" Archbishop Liviu glanced at Winston and other cabinet members.

"His Majesty is unable to govern. Although the cabinet can act on his behalf, this is not a solution. Sooner or later, a new king will have to be elected."

Prime Minister Winston sighed: "It is not a bad thing to elect a new king while the old king is still there."

The situation is special and now is not the time to show loyalty. Even if the second prince doesn't say anything, the cabinet must consider activating the emergency plan.

As a member of the Conservative Party, Winston knows that it is in their best interest to activate the emergency plan at this moment. If it is delayed for three months, the situation will not yet know how it will change. The most important thing at the moment is to let the eldest prince sit on the throne as soon as possible.

"You can activate the emergency plan, but you have to wait until the church finds out who is behind it."

Archbishop Liviu smiled solemnly: "Of course we will not let the poisoner become the king. No matter who he is, he will have to pay the price!"

After saying that, Archbishop Liviu turned and left the palace. He was going to return to the Pope and report what had happened in the past half month. The old king, who had fallen ill on the bed and was still alive, had long lost his value and had nothing to do with death. The difference is that it is enough to send a bishop to guard it.

As soon as Archbishop Liviu left, Holmes arrived with the Scotland Yard police. The order they received was to investigate the poisoner, which was a piece of cake for Holmes.

The second prince who returned to Kensington Palace had been restless. He didn't know what was wrong. He was always uneasy and on pins and needles. Seeing his appearance, his wife said with concern: "Don't be sad for your Majesty. This is His life."

"No, I'm not thinking about my father. It's not the time to mourn now. The Pope said he still has three months." Scratching his head, the second prince said anxiously: "I always feel like I've missed something. It's crucial. thing."

The wife shook her head and returned to the house to rest with the child in her arms. The second prince sat alone on the sofa smoking and stayed up all night.

the other side.
"You said that the third prince has been acting strangely recently?"

At the grocery store, Ma Wei listened to Fat Orange's report and frowned: "Speaking of which, during the day, he was too insensitive to the sick old king, which is inconsistent with his straightforward personality."

"The third prince has been a lot lazy in the past half month or so."

Fat Jue said: "The third prince used to live in a military camp in the suburbs most of the time. He got up on time at 6 o'clock every day, drilled with the soldiers, and ate the same food as the soldiers. He was very prestigious in the army."

"But in the past half month or so, the third prince suddenly seemed like a different person. Not only did he live in a luxurious villa in London, he often indulged in drinking and sex behind his wife's back. His temper became irritable. He slept all day until noon and didn't wake up until noon. Even his son Edie was beaten by him for making a mistake, and his wife had a big fight with him."


Mawei narrowed his eyes. Of course he remembered the third prince's son Edi. At the beginning, the third prince wanted Edi to marry Yunia.

The third prince loved his son very much. Even the potion company he established was named after Edie. There must be something fishy in his sudden change of temperament.

"When did the specific changes begin?"

"Starting from the night you three discussed poisoning the king at Clarence House."

"Could it be that the third prince gave up on himself because he was too sad because his two brothers conspired to poison his own father?"

Turning his eyes, Ma Wei felt that it was not the case again.

Are soldiers who solve problems when they encounter them and give up when they encounter setbacks?
From his insistence on getting up early every day to train with the soldiers, it is easy to see that the third prince is a very smart person. He knows how to win over people's hearts and is not a simple-minded fool with well-developed limbs.

In that case
"Do you still remember the magical pills produced by Bracken Potions Company?" Ma Wei said.

"A magic potion that can allow people to leave their bodies in a short period of time, I remember." Fat Orange nodded: "A person with a strong soul can even control other people's bodies. Do you suspect that the third prince is being controlled?"

"I suspect that the third prince is controlled by the eldest prince!"

Ma Wei said solemnly: "On weekdays, the third prince would travel with his escort, but the conversation that night was extremely private. The third prince was alone and left first. During the time when he left the villa, no one was there. Knowing what's going on, there's a risk of being attacked."

"Is the eldest prince controlling him for the sake of the army?"

Fat Orange said in surprise: "The third prince has a very high prestige in the Army Group Southwest of London! He is responsible for guarding the security of the capital! He can mobilize the army!"

"Yes, those generals trust him and are willing to obey his orders." Ma Wei said solemnly: "If he is really controlled by the prince, it is most likely for the army around London."

Although London is protected by the Church of the Three Destinies, the Church will not easily interfere in secular affairs. As long as the current situation is stable and the people will not complain.

As for who becomes the king, the church does not particularly care.

If the eldest prince loses the election, will he control the third prince to mobilize troops into the city and forcibly occupy the palace?

If that's the case, will the Holy See help?

Ma Wei was unsure.

The second prince does have the support of Archbishop Brandon, but there are also people behind the eldest prince!
The Archbishop of Camberley is not a vegetarian either!

The strongest fighting force is undoubtedly the followers of the sin goddess Tilde, that is, the Archbishop Liviu faction, but the battle for the throne has nothing to do with the third prince.

The fighting power of followers of the goddess of wealth Nande is far inferior to that of followers of the goddess of health Wilder. They are not the type of believers in fighting gods!

Of course, the Pope will most likely not allow 'armed fighting' to occur within the church. If the Archbishop of Camberley stands still, the Archbishop of Brandon will certainly not be able to move. In this way, whether he lives or dies depends on his personal destiny.

Nowadays, the eldest prince not only has the London Legion of the third prince in his hands, but also has the help of the Crawley family and other navies. The army and navy are all under his control. Once a war breaks out...
What's the difference between a second prince who doesn't have an army and a little chicken?
"The second prince is so lucky."

Fat Orange suddenly said: "He is much luckier than the eldest prince."

"how do I say this?"

"The second prince has your help." Fat Jue said: "You want to support the second prince to ascend to power. When he becomes king, you will be reused. At that time, you will be able to break down the supporters of the Liberal Party and the first prince from within. .”

"If you compare the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party to two big fish, then you are a sharp knife, cutting off their flesh bit by bit and feeding it to the Labor Party that has not yet grown."

"When the Labor Party grows stronger and Arthur wins the hearts and minds of the people, you can stop pretending and overthrow the second prince's regime. Am I right?"

Mavi smiled, but didn't answer.

"In addition, in fact, the second prince cannot defeat the eldest prince at all. It was your arrival that changed the situation and gave the Liberal Party false prosperity. In fact, at the last moment, without you commanding the Royal Navy, the second prince would also face failure. In the ending, the eldest prince controlled the third prince, which helped you a lot."

Under the moonlight, Fat Orange's back was particularly strong, and his slender eyes were unwavering: "You want the Army to launch a coup. Only in this way can the Royal Navy naturally replace the Army and become the defense force to guard London."

"The eldest prince thinks he controls the Royal Navy. In fact, the backbone of Toure Crowley and others will obey your orders, not him."

"Once the coup breaks out, the Royal Navy will immediately attack behind the Army and completely destroy the First Prince's plan. In this way, the Royal Navy will be valued by the Second Prince, and the betrayed Army will lose the glory of defending the capital and be replaced by the Royal Navy. "

"When the Royal Navy takes over the defense of London, the whole of London will become a piece of fat meat that you can eat whenever you want!"

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