Father Mavie

第741章 281对281(2合1,求订阅!!!)

Chapter 741 281 vs. 281 (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
The conversation that took place in the cafeteria reached the ears of the nobles that day.

After hearing the speeches of the son of the Conservative Party Whip Earl Austin and the son of the Prime Minister Winston, all members of the Liberal Party broke out in a cold sweat!

What is liquidation?

Did the Conservative Party always want to completely kill itself?

No one doubts whether what Sibei and Robertson said is true. Everyone knows in their hearts that this is what they really mean.

Both the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party have cursed each other from the bottom of their hearts.

Who doesn’t scold his enemies?

But what the Liberal Party didn't expect was that the Conservative Party was so ruthless and wanted to liquidate them all!
"Father, Robertson and Xibei are just children. They don't understand politics. Can what they say be trusted?"

In the Ealing District, the residence of Baron Frederick's family, Stewart asked his father: "Is there any fraud here?"

"No, quite the opposite."

Baron Frederick held his pipe in his mouth and looked gloomy: "Children will be influenced by their parents. What Robertson and Sibey said today most likely came from the mouths of Prime Minister Winston and Earl Austin."

"Damn it!" Stewart cursed in a low voice: "Although we are hostile to the Conservative Party, we have never thought of killing them!"

"Essentially, the Liberals are businessmen and the Conservatives are politicians."

Baron Frederick said quietly: "The purpose of businessmen is to make profits. As long as there are profits, they don't care about anything else. Politicians not only want profits, but also your life!"

Stewart shuddered and said, "Father, what should we do?"

"What do you mean?"

“The Conservatives want to liquidate us, shouldn’t we fight back?”

"Liquidation is just a child's joke. Just listen to it. How can we really use this as a basis to start a war with the Conservative Party?"


Stewart looked at his father with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he meant.

"We don't need to react. Everything should be as before. Just continue to support His Majesty." Baron Frederick said: "There just happened to be some noise within the Liberal Party recently. It would be too coincidental for this matter to appear. I suspect .”

"Doubt what?"

"I suspect that this matter was deliberately planned from beginning to end!" Baron Frederick narrowed his eyes: "Looking at the origin to the end of this matter, the only ones who can plan and complete this matter are His Highness and Nicholas!"

Stewart was shocked: "How is this possible? These words were said by Robertson and Sibei! They are children of the Conservative Party and will not listen to His Highness and Nicholas!"

"Don't forget what Nicholas does."


After taking a puff of cigarette, Baron Frederick nodded slowly: "There are still many unknown potions that have not yet appeared. Nicholas always comes up with some treasures at any time. You never know how many trump cards he has. For example, last time He didn’t ask for the mermaid tears needed to refine the Obsessed Flower. Who knew he had it? He has been hiding such a precious thing!"

Stewart agreed with deep understanding: "Also during his trip to Paris, Nicholas received support from the Ocean Aquarium and the giant wolf. He actually got to know so many extraordinary races! Nicholas has never mentioned these secrets before!"

"Don't think of Nicholas as an ordinary potion dealer." Baron Frederick said: "If he was just a potion dealer, he would have died long ago. How could he climb to the top in just over half a year?" A high position in the church? And he also has the trust of the church!"

Having said this, Baron Frederic sighed, with a hint of solemnity in his frustrated tone: "Recently, the interaction between His Highness and Nicholas has been a little too close. No matter what he does, he has to ask Nicholas. He seems to regard Nicholas as a confidant. He is a confidant in the army, and even I don’t know about this action. I am His Highness’s father-in-law!”

Before Ma Wei came to London, the person the second prince trusted most was Baron Frederick.

In fact, the second prince now trusts Baron Frederick the most, but he dare not distrust Mavey.

Given how important Mavi is to him now
He had no way out and could only trust Ma Wei.

"After this incident, there will be no peace between the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party."

Baron Frederick sighed: "We can only have the power to assist His Highness in running for king. If the eldest prince is elected, the Liberal Party will definitely be liquidated!"

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Earl of Austin's mansion.

The trembling Sibei and Earl Austin stood side by side on the carpet. Opposite them sat a lady with heavy makeup and brows raised.

"It's all your fault!" The noble lady pointed at Earl Austin's nose and said fiercely: "I told you not to talk about these things at home! You have to tell me! Now it's better. All the scandals in our family are all It’s been spread out!”

Xibei lowered his head deeply and did not dare to say a word. Count Austin's expression on the side was also ugly. He never imagined that the person who stabbed him in the back was his own son!
They already know what happened. Xibei must have fallen into the enemy's trap, so he said some things that he shouldn't have said. Now, it is no longer a big deal to murder his brother together with his wife and family. At most, he will take the position of party whip. If he lets it go, the members of the House of Lords will still be his, and no one can take it away.

The key is that Sibei's speech completely angered the Liberal Party. There are some things that must never be said!

"I usually ask you to pay more attention to Xibei, but you are only busy with government affairs, but what are you busy with? At the end of the day, you still ask me to wipe your butt!"

The noble lady kept complaining, but Earl Austin kept silent. He was able to achieve what he is today thanks to the help of his wife's family. He didn't dare to talk back after being scolded.

dong dong!

Cursing, the housekeeper suddenly walked into the living room, bowed and said: "Madam, sir, the eldest prince and the prime minister are here."

". Got it, Austin, you go and greet him."


When Earl Austin followed the butler to greet the eldest prince and Prime Minister Winston, the lady playing with the gold ring on her ring finger whispered: "Sibei, come here."

"Yes, mother."

Xibei came to the lady tremblingly. The lady reached out and pulled out the ribbon from his collar, and broke a few buttons: "If you make a mistake, you should be punished, but mother doesn't want to punish you, and she knows you did it unintentionally." Yes, mother loves you, but you have to show up for the sake of the family, do you understand?"

Xibei gritted his teeth and said, "I understand, mother!"

"Okay, grit your teeth."

The noble lady raised her arm, used all her strength, and slapped Xibei backwards, causing her to fall to the ground.

Looking up again, the left side of Xibei's face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, bloodshot eyes flowed from the corners of his mouth, his pupils were red, and the corners of his eyes were torn.The eldest prince and Prime Minister Winston who walked into the living room saw this scene and subconsciously glanced at the lady.

The noble lady stood up and bowed to the two eldest princes with a straight face: "Your Highness, Your Excellency the Prime Minister, it is because of my lax upbringing that I have done something that is disgraceful to the family. No matter how you punish Sibei, the Austin family will not There will be complaints.”

The eldest prince and Prime Minister Winston looked at each other and forced a forced smile: "Madam, you are serious. What happened this time was not Sibei's fault. Nicholas must have given Sibei some kind of magic potion to make him If you can’t control yourself, you won’t be punished.”

"Yes, Robertson also told me that he couldn't control his mouth at the time. What he was thinking was one thing and what he said was another thing." Prime Minister Winston said.

The lady nodded and scolded: "Xibei! Why don't you quickly thank Uncle Charles and the Prime Minister?"

Xibei, whose face was swollen, expressed his thanks with a murmur of thanks, and was immediately taken down by the housekeeper to apply medicine.

"We are not here to investigate."

The eldest prince said straight to the point: "Things have happened and the results cannot be changed. We can only reduce the harm as much as possible."

Earl Austin sighed: "Your Highness, no one would have thought that the second prince would start with children. I have no idea what he wants to do."

"This must be Nicholas' trick." The eldest prince said, "Including the fights in the past few days, everything was done by Nicholas!"

"According to my discussion with His Highness, there should be a split within the Liberal Party. In order to unite the party, the second prince and Nicholas jointly planned this incident. The purpose is to make the Liberal Party hate us and support the second prince more firmly." Wen Ston said solemnly: "After this incident, I'm afraid members of the Liberal Party will not join us."

"so serious?!"

"The main reason is that our idea of ​​​​liquidating the Liberal Party has been exposed." The eldest prince said coldly: "The Labor Party defeated Shukri. The Liberal Party no longer has the arrogance it had before. Splitting is inevitable, but I didn't expect that Nicholas actually Damn it for trying to reunite the Liberal Party with this kind of damage!"

"Then what should we do?"

"It doesn't matter, even if we don't get help from the Liberal Party, we still have Russell Benjamin! The Conservative Party is still the most powerful at present. As long as the northern members are stabilized, Shukri and the others won't be able to make too big a splash!"

"Your Highness, you didn't go to the Duke of Chevalier's house a few days ago."

"Freya? That bitch must have a physical collusion with Nicholas! A widow couldn't bear the loneliness and colluded with Nicholas! It's impossible to get her help! She chose to side with the Liberal Party!"

The eldest prince's face was gloomy, his tone was very unkind, and he didn't know how many times he scolded Freya in his heart, but this could not change the facts.

Fortunately, even if Freya chooses to help the Liberal Party, the number of votes will not exceed that of the Conservative Party, which has joined forces with the northern MPs. If the current situation continues, once the king's election starts, the prince who has the support of the cabinet will most likely win in the end. .

The only element of surprise.
"Labour is now the third largest party in parliament, with 20 crossbench MPs choosing to join them. Their numbers have surpassed the Duke of Chevalier's Democratic Party."

Prime Minister Winston asked: "Originally, I shouldn't say these things, and I shouldn't interfere, but who makes me a Conservative? Your Highness, you have to be careful of the fourth prince."

"Be wary of him? Why be wary of him? Will he support Shukri?" The eldest prince shook his head and smiled: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The Labor Party and the Liberal Party are mortal enemies. If you use your brain, you will know that the Labor Party can never support the Liberal Party. Their ultimate goal is to defeat the Liberal Party!
On the other hand, although the Conservative Party is the ruling party and the largest party in parliament and is the biggest stumbling block to the rise of the Labor Party, there is no direct conflict of interest between them and the Labor Party!

The old aristocrats own the most real estate, manors, and farms. They have their own economy and have nothing to do with workers!
Even if the Labor Party wants to liquidate them, it must first bring down the Liberal Party!

"I'm just afraid that the fourth prince will be desperate and would rather support the second prince than support you, His Highness."

As soon as Prime Minister Winston finished speaking, the eldest prince frowned.

If things really develop like that, the Conservative Party will instantly be at a disadvantage.

"So, I still have to talk to Arthur?"

"Better so."

Meanwhile, Kensington Palace.

The cork flew high and dense white foam burst out of the champagne bottle. To celebrate the success of the plan, the second prince opened the champagne on the spot.

"Nicholas, thanks to you this time, try it now!"

More than half a glass of champagne was brought to him. Ma Wei just touched his lips and said with a smile: "Your Highness, the person you should thank most is not me, but Jonas. Without him, the plan would not have gone smoothly."

"Of course! You are all one family. When I become king, I will have whatever I want! I will definitely give him a big land!"

The second prince looked at Yunia who was engrossed in eating cake, and added: "There is also the best pastry chef in the world!"

When it comes to piecing the pie, Ma Wei said that no one dares to claim to be number one if they are second. The Church of Truth rose by piecing the pie, but piecing the pie is not a bad thing, as long as it can be realized.

Yunia, who was eating cake, raised her head after hearing this and looked at the very excited second prince with curiosity: "Your Highness, what are you so happy about?"

"Your father helped me stabilize the party. I must be happy!"

"But you still don't have enough votes!" Yunia clapped her fingers and said, "Dad said last night that the Liberal Party has 216 seats in the House of Commons, plus the 65 seats of the bad women, it's just that."

"281." Ma Wei said.

"Yes!" Yunia nodded heavily: "There are only 281 seats! And the Conservative Party has 259 seats! Including the 22 votes of the northern MPs, the total is yes."

"Five votes."

"Yes! 281 votes! Huh?" Yunia blinked: "It seems to be a tie!"

The second prince was stunned for a moment, and quickly counted the votes and found that
It’s really 281 votes to 281 votes!
"There are actually other supporters of the Conservative Party."

A familiar voice came from outside the door. Baron Frederick opened the door and walked in, speaking quickly: "According to the news I received, the Unionist Party and three neutral parties have defected to the Conservative Party."

In the House of Commons, there are 10 members from the Fine Gael Party and 24 from the Center Party, 20 of whom have joined the Labor Party, and the last four have also joined the Grand Prince.

Don’t underestimate these 14 votes. They are nothing on ordinary days, but at critical moments, they can determine success or failure!
"If so."

The second prince fell down and lost the look in his eyes: "Am I going to lose to Charles?!"

"Your Highness, you have forgotten a foreign aid."


"Fourth Prince, Arthur!"

(End of this chapter)

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