Father Mavie

Chapter 736 Conditions

Chapter 736 Conditions (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
"wheeze. wheeze"

The second prince's eyes were red, his nose was bulging, his throat made a sound like a bellows, and his breath was stuck in his chest, unable to go up or come down.

He was so angry. Originally, as long as he followed the plan and the bank provided loans to small businesses that were about to go bankrupt, and persisted for a month, he could break Arthur's blockade, but he didn't expect it.
These bankers actually took it upon themselves to annex small businesses that were in crisis of bankruptcy!

Don't they know that these small businesses can defect to the enemy at any time? !
Grabbing the sleeping toast on the table, the second prince was like a hungry wild dog, biting into it. It took a long time to calm down.

The sleepy toast calmed him down. As long as he closed his eyes, he could see the scenes he dreamed of, but now was obviously not the time to indulge in fantasy.

"More and more businessmen are joining the Fourth Prince. After the workers resume work, the pressure on the Labor Party will suddenly decrease. Our only position is London."

Baron Frederick pondered: "Your Highness, the matter has come to this, I think it is better to agree to the conditions of the Labor Party and continue to spend time with them, and there will be no advantage."

"No! There must be no compromise!!"

The second prince immediately shouted: "We must curb Arthur's momentum! Just one month at a time."

Baron Frederick, who had no idea about the soul potion, wondered: "Your Highness, what are you talking about? Hold on for a month? Why do you have to hold on for a month?"

Realizing the leak, the second prince quickly changed the subject, looked around and said, "Where is Nicholas? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ma Wei led Yunia into the living room. Seeing the broken glass and shards of vases all over the floor, he was stunned for a moment: "Your Highness, are you doing the decoration?"

Waving the maid to leave, the situation was urgent. The second prince had no intention of joking now: "Nicholas, do you know about the news that the small businessmen in the southern part of the kingdom compromised with Arthur?"

"They compromised?" Ma Wei pretended not to know: "How could this happen?"

"It's not because of those bankers who are greedy for money! They ruined my big business!"

When the second prince mentioned the banker, he became angry and cursed. Baron Frederic next to him tried to persuade him, but the second prince was furious and Mavey was not an outsider, so there was no need to stop him.

Compared to the betrayal of merchants, it was not a big deal for Rhodes IV to go to Frederick's Kingdom.

"It's not about money at all, but it's about the Liberal Party having difficulty suppressing the Labor Party. I heard that many MPs are already in contact with Arthur and want to join them."

The second prince looked ugly. He knew that he could not lose power. Once he lost power, the Liberal Party would scatter and be slowly eaten away by the Labor Party.

In fact, the Labor Party has begun to grow and develop. They have absorbed small parties and crossbench members in the parliament, becoming stronger and stronger day by day.

Fortunately, the election of the king in the emergency plan does not require a popular vote. As long as the upper and lower houses of parliament and the cabinet make a joint decision, the new king can be crowned.

This is also the last chance the second prince seeks.

Only by becoming king first can we eliminate all threats. By then, what if Arthur's Labor Party becomes stronger and stronger?
He is the king!
Unless the king dies, there will be no new king!

Unless there is revolution.

But how could there be a revolution in the Kingdom of Windsor?

The second prince was not worried at all about what would happen after he ascended the throne. He was now thinking about how to delay Arthur for a month and curb the speed of Arthur's expansion.

"Your Highness, the good news is that although the fourth prince controls the businessmen in the southern region of the kingdom, the MPs in those areas have not yet defected to the Labor Party. They are either members of the Conservative Party or the Liberal Party. The general trend is still on our side."

Ma Wei analyzed: "If everything goes well, then Your Highness should seek help from someone."



The second prince's eyes widened: "Freya, why should I ask the Democratic Party for help! You want me to ask the Democratic Party for help!"

"Yes." Mawei nodded and said: "The eldest prince is surrounded by the conservative party and the support of the northern parliamentarians. Now the Labor Party founded by the fourth prince is also growing. The only opportunity left to your highness is Freya's Democratic Party. If, Your Highness, you can win over Freya before the fourth prince, you can barely stabilize the situation and temporarily prevent the expansion of the Labor Party."

One month, the second prince only needs one month. One month can be long or short. As long as nothing unexpected happens, the Labor Party will definitely not be able to grow into a monster on par with the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party in one month.

The reason is very simple. The seats in parliament are fixed. If the Labor Party has one more supporter, the other parties will have one less member. Stabilizing the basic base will make the Labor Party unable to do anything!
The Democratic Party led by Freya is the target that the second prince needs to win over.

"Freya and I grew up together and have close contact. I will definitely get her support!"

"Strictly speaking, the three princes except the fourth prince all grew up with Freya. Although your highness has the best relationship with Freya, there seems to be a lack of communication and cooperation between you in recent times. ." Ma Wei said.

Since the election ended and Mavey's 'loyalty' was confirmed, the second prince indeed seldom communicated with Freya, especially after Freya established the women's union, they even reduced their private contacts.

If you want to become the king, you need the support of enough members. Although the Democratic Party led by Freya only has a few dozen seats, it is also a big boost. Now that Arthur has established his own business and is out of the control of the great prince, these votes will appear. Especially important.

"I'm going to visit Freya right now, Nicholas, you come with me."

"Why did daddy go to that bad woman's house!" Yunia grabbed Mavi's arm and asked reluctantly.

The second prince was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Yunia suddenly jumped out to stop him: "Because your father is Freya's friend. If I visit alone, I probably won't be able to see her."

"Emma, ​​listen."


After comforting Yunia, Mavie and the second prince took a carriage to Freya's house. When they arrived, they found that there were other guests at Freya's house.

Looking at the two acquaintances sitting opposite each other in the living room, the second prince's mouth twitched: "Charles Arthur, what are you two doing here?"

"Shukri, what are you doing here?" The eldest prince and Arthur asked in unison. With such a tacit understanding, it was obvious that a similar conversation had already happened once.

"I have nothing to do. Come and see Freya, can't you?" the second prince said harshly.

The eldest prince and Arthur looked at each other, nodded and said, "I have nothing to do. Come and see Freya. Do you have any opinions?"


Sitting on the sofa, the three of them had subtle expressions, smoking cigarettes, and paying no attention to anyone. The maid who brought tea was startled by the solemn atmosphere.

"So, when did you come?" After sitting for more than ten minutes, the second prince couldn't help but ask.

"Twenty minutes earlier than you." The eldest prince glanced at his pocket watch and said, "Arthur came earlier than me." "I'm only ten minutes earlier than you, Charles." Arthur took a sip of tea.

"In other words, it's been half an hour and Freya hasn't come out yet?"

The second prince frowned, feeling that Freya was too rude and asked the guests to sit there for half an hour. This was definitely not the way to treat guests. Although they were uninvited guests, they should not be treated like this.
"If you mind, you can leave first." The eldest prince exhaled a puff of smoke.

Of course it is impossible to leave. The three of them have their own plans in mind, and they must see Freya before talking.

After nearly half an hour, a maid walked into the living room and said, "Everyone, my mistress has to go out temporarily for something. Please come back tomorrow."

"go out?!"

The second prince, who had been waiting for more than an hour, raised his eyebrows, and his face instantly became gloomy. It was hindering the overall situation and he could not get angry, so he could only snort coldly: "Nicholas, let's go!"

After leaving the door, the three princes got on the carriage and left. Halfway through, Ma Wei suddenly asked the coachman to turn back.

"What's wrong?" The second prince, who was thinking about the problem, asked doubtfully: "Freya is not at home, what are you doing back? Did you leave something behind?"

"Freya must be at home. She has something to do temporarily. It's just her excuse." Ma Wei said: "Taking a step back, even if she is not here, we should wait for her to come back and show enough sincerity."

The second prince suddenly realized: "That's true, now is not the time to save face!"

Soon, the carriage drove through the gate of the villa again. The housekeeper looked at Ma Wei and the three people who suddenly turned back and smiled slightly: "My mistress said that whoever comes back first will be taken to see her."

"What is Freya doing?"

The second prince, who had always felt that he knew Freya very well, suddenly felt a little strange. Ever since the establishment of the women's union, Freya had shown ambition and her behavior was completely different from before.

When they came upstairs, Freya had been waiting in the study for a long time. When she saw Ma Wei, she said with a smile: "I knew it would be you who came back, Nicholas. Nobles have dignity. They will leave when they receive an eviction order and will never return. You are the only one who is shameless and will most likely come back.”

"Same for you." Ma Wei said calmly.

"Okay, let's talk if you have anything to say. What are you going to do with me?" Freya asked, "Is there any new proposal you want me to help with?"

This time is not a new proposal, but Freya is asked to lead the Democratic Party to support the second prince in the election of the new king. But how can you say this?
Did the second prince predict the old king's illness a month in advance?

He is a prophet?

Or did you get instructions from the goddess of fate?

Or maybe the old king's illness is related to him?

Freya is not a fool. If the second prince directly tells the story about the election of the new king, the poison will definitely be exposed.

If you can't say it clearly and you still want to get support, you have to find another way.

"His Highness hopes to form an alliance with you, Freya." Mavey said: "The Liberal Party needs your support. If you have any requirements, just say it."

"Now Arthur's Labor Party is at its peak, and the Liberal Party is losing again and again." Freya glanced at the embarrassed second prince beside her: "Everyone with a discerning eye knows that the Liberal Party will be completely defeated in this battle, and even the church will support Asia. Se, wouldn’t it be a recipe for death to form an alliance with you at this time?”

"The Labor Party is really difficult to deal with, that's why we came to form an alliance with you." Ma Wei said: "There is an election every five years, and the last election just ended, which means that there will be no new members of Congress within five years. The Labor Party has absorbed There are a lot of crossbench MPs and smaller parties, but he can't shake the foundations of the big parties."

"Today, there are only five major parties in the House of Commons, namely the Conservative Party of the First Prince, the Northern Party, the Liberal Party of the Second Prince, the Labor Party of the Fourth Prince, and the Democratic Party led by you."

"Among them, the Northern MP supports the Conservative Party and belongs to the eldest prince. If you are willing to support His Royal Highness the second prince, the fourth prince will have no way to go because there will be no more positions!"

Mavey stretched out a hand and waved it in front of Freya: "Five years, within five years, it will be difficult for the Labor Party to do anything. No matter how high the support rate is, it will not be able to control the parliament!"

Freya nodded: "Even if Shukri is given five years, what can he do? Failure is inevitable."

"Five years is enough to change a lot of things!" The second prince couldn't help but said: "My father's health is getting worse day by day! Now he needs Archbishop Liviu to protect him day and night. He will definitely not be able to survive five years!"

"It turns out that you want to drag His Majesty to death and use your influence in the parliament to run for king." Freya suddenly realized: "This is indeed a good way to break the situation, or this is your only chance. You should be glad that you got it. Nicholas’s support, otherwise this last glimmer of hope will cease to exist.”

Nowadays, when theocracy is supreme, electing a king is different from before. The so-called divine right of kings means that a king must receive the support of the church before he can officially ascend the throne.

Archbishop Brandon definitely supported the second prince, but before Mavey came to London, the Liberal Party could only barely compete with the Conservative Party. In terms of the church, the goddess of health had far more say than the goddess of wealth, especially during the war.

Without the realm of immortality, the recent invasion of the Romanov Kingdom would have cost countless soldiers casualties!

"Of course I know this!" the second prince said impatiently: "When I become the king in the future, Nicholas will have everything he wants! The key is you, Freya, I need your support so that I can stand out in future elections!"

Although the king's power is divinely vested, the church must also respect the decisions of the secular government. Only when the top and bottom are unified can we live in peace and harmony.

If you are separated from your heart and virtue, you are destined not to go far.

The church already had Archbishop Brandon and Ma Wei to help, and the second prince only worried about the parliament.

"If I don't support you, will you not be able to be elected king?"

"If you support me, I still have a chance. If you don't support me and support Arthur or Charles, the king must belong to Charles!"

The corners of Freya's lips rose: "I help you, what can you give me in return?"

"Everything!" The second prince said quickly: "As long as I become the king, you can have anything you want!"

"Actually, I don't have many demands. First of all, I will put forward various plans in the next period of time, and the Liberal Party must support me."

"no problem!"

"in addition."

Freya opened the drawer, took out a small square box, and pushed it in front of Mavey: "This is a gift that belongs to you. I hope you can accept it."


Mavie opened the box and found what was inside.
There was a ruby ​​larger than a thumb, embellished with gold, and a ring underneath.

(End of this chapter)

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