Father Mavie

Chapter 724 Strike

"Your Highness, Fourth Prince, please get out of the way! We don't want to hurt you!"

There were shouts of approval in the rainy night, wanting Arthur to leave and stop interfering in tonight's affairs.

Everyone knew that the Scotland Yard police were on their way, but water could not stop the fire. By the time they arrived at the scene, the irrational crowd had already rushed into the rich man's house.

As for the witcher.
Yes, they are lurking in the dark and have a panoramic view of everything, but they will not appear, let alone stop the crowd.

They belong to the church and are the sword of the church, and the sword of the church cannot be pointed at the people.

Because the three goddesses of fate are gods of faith.

Just as Umbly I had long been alerted to, the church cannot intervene in the affairs of the kingdom.

In this incident, no church members intervened from beginning to end. Ma Wei was an exception.

Not only is he a member of the church, he is also a member of the Kingdom. As long as he does not represent the church, there is no problem.

"I understand your needs and your original intentions, but have you ever thought that reckless behavior will not change the status quo, but will make the situation more serious!"

Facing the huge crowd, Arthur shouted with all his strength so that the people behind could hear his voice.

"We have nothing to lose!" someone shouted.

"You still have life! You still have family! These are all you have!"

Arthur said loudly: "Today, you rushed into the villa behind me, and you can only get temporary happiness! After one night, everything is still the same as before! And what will happen if you lose your family?"

"If you want to get back what you have lost, you cannot rely solely on violence! We have other better options now!"

The crowd seemed to be a little moved, bustling, and suddenly someone asked: "What choice do we have?"

"If you read the newspaper, you must have known that I founded the Labor Party, and the Labor Party is a party to safeguard workers' rights! As long as you make demands to the Labor Party, we will fight for you in Parliament! A few days ago, I asked the labor representatives The committee has consulted the workers’ opinions and needs, but you said you have no opinions, right?”

"Nonsense! No one asked us for our opinion!"

As he was talking, there was the sound of dense footsteps at the end of the street. Scotland Yard policemen wearing leather boots and holding batons arrived at the scene, blocking the way of the rich man's mansion and staring at the crowd vigilantly.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Your Highness, this place is dangerous, please step back."

Director Frank came to Arthur and wanted to cover his retreat: "You did a good job, we will deal with this mob."

"Mob? What mob?"

"Civilians trying to start a riot" Director Frank looked at Arthur suspiciously: "Your Highness, aren't they just a group of thugs trying to harm innocent people?"

"I didn't see any mob."

Arthur shook his head and asked loudly: "You said they were trying to launch a riot. I want to ask you, Director Frank, who did they hurt? What did they destroy? Is it illegal to enjoy the baptism of rain?"

Which gang are you from?
Director Frank was full of questions. He was here to suppress the riots, and it was his duty to protect the fourth prince. But how did he feel?
The fourth prince is refuting him?

Listening to Arthur's questioning, Director Frank could not give a specific crime.

after all
These so-called mobs haven't done anything yet.

As for the weapons, that’s even more ridiculous. The weapons in the hands of these mobs were simply picked up from the roadside. Some were stones, some were kitchen knives, and some were wooden sticks. There were all kinds of weapons. Compared with the firearms in the hands of the police, they didn’t count at all. Nothing.

At most, they would be arrested on the charge of 'illegal assembly'.

Seeing that Director Frank couldn't answer his question, Arthur turned around and said to the crowd: "Everyone, please go back first. I will send someone to bring you blankets and hot soup later. They will also guide you to the nearest orphans." The hospital will take a rest and the Labor Party will definitely give you an answer!"

The police arrived at the scene, and with some persuasion from Arthur, the anger in the hearts of the chilly people gradually dissipated, and they began to retreat.

Seeing this scene, Chief Frank felt relieved. He pressed his hand to signal the police behind him to put down their guns and weapons.

As director, Frank was no fool.

He clearly knows the truth that the contradictions that can be eased must never be intensified.

Once shots are fired tonight and cause casualties, it will be a serious violent conflict.

on the contrary
Everyone is happy with the peaceful resolution.

"Your Highness, thank you very much. Without you tonight, the situation will definitely become uncontrollable."

Frank stepped forward to express his thanks, but was interrupted by Arthur: "Director Frank, I will hold several meetings in the next few days. The formal application will be submitted tomorrow morning. Please approve it."

"Ah good."

When Arthur got into the carriage and left, he did not see the carriage in which Mavie was riding. Shortly after the crowd dispersed, Mavie left quietly.

The next day, the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

After a night, the sky was destitute. Early in the morning, Arthur took several Labor MPs to the railway union headquarters near King's Cross Station and met with the president, Rabiot Crisp.

The sudden arrival of the fourth prince caught Rabiot off guard. He quickly took several union members out to greet him, but Arthur didn't talk nonsense to him. He let him sit in the carriage and took him to King's Cross Station.

Backstage at the station, workers were working hard to carry goods. When they heard the noise behind them, they couldn't help but turn around.

Arthur led several Knights of the Round Table including Sean Rickman, that is, MPs from the Labor Party, walking in front, and Chairman Rabiot followed behind. His pale face was like white paper, and sweat was dripping from his forehead. Zhu, walked with a stooped waist, like an octogenarian old man.

Picking an open space, Arthur stood still and rang the bell hanging under the eaves. This is an emergency bell, and it will only ring under special circumstances. The railway workers who thought there had been an accident ran quickly, and The companions looked at Arthur blankly.

"Before I start."

Arthur glanced at Rabiot: "Your Excellency, do you have anything to say?" "Me, me."

Rabiot kept trembling. He was not only afraid, but also guilty.

"Rabio Crisp, I've heard of you."

Arthur suddenly said: "Who doesn't know the famous President Rabiot? During the most difficult period of the railway union, it was Rabiot Crisp who led everyone out of the predicament."

Waving his hand to the workers who were looking up and down, Arthur's tone became stern: "You are their leader! They trust you! What's the result? You betrayed them!"

"It was you who led them to the light back then, but now, you are the one who wants them to fall back into the darkness!"

Rabiot's body was shaken, and he suddenly recalled the memory of more than ten years ago. At that time, he dared to face the gazes of many workers because he was upright. Now, the gazes of the workers seemed to have turned into hot flames, almost burning him to death. ash.

The workers also discovered that President Rabiot had changed. He had become older and haggard, and his eyes were no longer as firm as before. Instead, he shrank, like a rat man who was afraid of the light.

They don't know what happened.

Arthur did not give Rabiot a chance to repent, which he should have done, but pardon and pardon were a workman's business.

"Rabio Crisp, he"

In front of the railway workers, Arthur told the story of Rabiot's deception and forgery of public opinion polls. After a brief silence, the workers burst into angry abuse.

Many of them were displaced due to high rents and had to live in almshouses and be separated from their wives and children. Originally, all this could have been avoided - if Rabiot had not forged public opinion polls.

The angry workers threw stones at Chairman Rabiot. One stone hit his forehead, tearing a wound and causing blood to flow out.

Seeing this, Arthur quickly asked someone to take Rabiot down. Rabiot was at fault, but he couldn't let him bear the consequences alone.

"Everyone! President Rabiot Crisp was once your leader, but now he is helping the enemy to persecute you! You should be angry! Because you have been treated unfairly! Your efforts are not proportional to your rewards!"

As the workers shouted, Arthur opened his arms and shouted with all his strength: "Who stole your money? Who corrupted the originally great President Rabiot Crisp? Who wants to Slave you?!”

"Take back what belongs to us!" the workers shouted, waving iron tools.


Just when the workers were about to rush out of the station and start a riot, Arthur stood in front of them again: "Come out now, you are the mob! You will never be able to change the status quo! And as long as you obey the orders of the Labor Party, you will definitely get what you want. The desired result!”

Under the gaze of the workers, Arthur said loudly:
"Follow our orders and strike!"

The railway workers took off their hats, dropped their tools, and walked out of the station under the strange gazes of the passengers.

They went on strike, not in a riot.

Railway workers took the lead in launching a strike. In the afternoon of that day, various trade unions in coal mines, docks, and factories responded and elected new presidents and joined the strike team.

For a time, the huge machine in London came to a standstill.

The only industry that has not stopped is probably newspapers.

Countless newspapers are working overtime to print, and the bosses are willing to increase money to catch up with this wave of popularity. This is the largest strike wave in history!

And the initiator.
It was actually the fourth prince who founded the Labor Party less than half a month ago!
In the grocery store, Ma Wei chewed mint leaves and read the latest issue of the newspaper. Due to special circumstances, the newspaper did not have one copy in the morning and one in the evening in the past two days. Instead, the latest news would be published immediately. People who paid attention to this matter also Will buy them one after another.

Junia was sitting nearby, reading the news in the newspaper, and couldn't help but said: "Dad, is a bloodless revolution a good revolution?"

"Arthur wanted to carry out peaceful evolution, which was a good idea, but unfortunately he underestimated the ambitions of the nobility and capital." Ma Wei said: "We must admit that the productivity is barbaric and crazy under the capital system. To realize a utopia of material abundance, we need to The ambitions of the capital system, but capital must be under control.”

"A revolution that compromises with capital will one day be counterattacked by capital. Peaceful evolution is not about sharing the world with capital, but about completely controlling capital. Even so, we must always be wary of capital, the wolf that gnaws at our hearts."

"To control capital, we must use more powerful weapons."

Yunia asked curiously: "What weapon?"

After touching his daughter's head, Ma Wei smiled and said, "Religion."

"The essence of capital is thought. It is not single, but diverse. The source comes from the desire deep in the heart. It is almost impossible to eradicate it and can only be suppressed. The best way to suppress desire is to fight fire with poison and use thoughts. Fight desire.”

Speaking of this, Ma Wei breathed a sigh of relief: "However, the original intention of the establishment of the Church of Truth was not to suppress any capital, but to let the people live a better life. That's all. No matter what happens, we must not forget our original intention."

"If the people live happier lives under the capital system, then I don't think any truth is important. The happiness of the people comes first. You can't put the cart before the horse and use the truth for the sake of truth."

Yunia's eyes gradually lit up: "Dad, you can't give truth for the sake of truth. This seems to be the truth."

"Maybe." Ma Wei said softly: "One country has one country's national conditions. Arthur wants to implement peaceful evolution. This is a bold attempt. I support him. Even if he fails, we still have the bottom line."

"Practice!" said Yunia.

"Yes, this is Arthur's practice of truth. I hope he can pass the test."

The news of the strike soon affected the daily life of the people.

Without the railway, intercity transportation seemed to have been cut off. The originally bustling dock was even more lively now. Countless ships waiting to enter the port were crowded in the river, and no workers could be found to help.

Even the workers who deal with feces went on strike. Within two days, a strong stench emitted from the streets. The gas lights would no longer come on at night. Shops were out of stock. A large amount of supplies were blocked in the city. There was no one to transport them, and soon there was a shortage of bread.
There are very few industries that have not been affected. The Manstein Potion Company is one of them. No workers participated in this strike because the salary standards set by Mawei for them are enough to allow them to pay the rent and live with three meals a day. Live with meat.

They have no reason to strike.

Two days later, the situation intensified. The second prince could no longer sit still. In just a few days, the factory owned by the Liberal Party suffered serious losses!
The consequences of a one-day railway outage are too serious, and everyone is holding back their breath, waiting for a chance to vent.

at this time
Arthur's Labor Party applied to Congress for an emergency session.

The application submitted in the morning was approved in the morning. It seemed that everyone was waiting for Arthur to express his position and announce the meeting. In the afternoon, the members of the upper and lower houses rushed to the conference hall, with solemn expressions, waiting for Arthur's arrival.

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