Father Mavie

Chapter 721 Labor Party, Corrosion

Chapter 721 Labor Party, Corrosion (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
“Russell Benjamin is the new Chamber of Commerce President?!”

As soon as the voting results came out, not only Sir Dres, but everyone was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?
Aren't the majority of votes in the hands of the Liberal Party?
Why did Sir Derleth lose the election?
Marquis Bracken was astonished, and like everyone else he didn't know what was happening.


The old Sir Dres stood up suddenly, his beard trembling with anger: "There must be a mistake! How could I only have 35 votes?!"

The vice president who was responsible for counting the votes also felt that there was something wrong and quickly asked someone to re-count. Oh, it was indeed a mistake.

"Sir Derleth 34 votes, Russell Benjamin 38 votes!"

Upon hearing the re-statistical results, Sir Derleth's eyes darkened and he almost fainted from anger on the spot.

At this moment, he also realized that the voting this time was definitely not that simple!
First, a dozen Liberal Party businessmen did not show up and voluntarily abstained from voting. Originally, their votes should have been counted for Sir Dres. If they were present, the position of president would definitely still belong to him!
This is one of them.

Secondly, the businessmen who were supposed to vote for Sir Derleth, such as Dickert, Blissot and other eight people who relied on the Chevalier family for survival, most likely voted for Russell Benjamin!
And those West Island businessmen who had just joined the London Chamber of Commerce not long ago also supported Russell Benjamin!
All kinds of factors combined to create the current situation!
Sir Dres slumped on his chair, looking at the ceiling in despair, unable to speak for a long time.

After the results of the vote came out, the second prince and others soon received the news. When they learned that Russell Benjamin from the northern parliamentarian party had narrowly defeated Sir Derleth and was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce, they were so shocked that they could not close their mouths.

"How is this possible?"

"It's broken! Your Highness, we have fallen into a trap!" Smith, the jeweler, slapped his thigh and was the first to react: "The news we saw this morning may be false! The report about London house prices was to delay Stay with us!”

The second prince and others did not participate in today's vote. First, they felt that Sir Derleth was almost certain to be elected as the president, and most votes would go to him, so there was no need to be there in person.

The second reason is that today's "Daily Mail" published news about the mastermind behind the rise in housing prices. To be on the safe side, the second prince asked Ma Wei and others to discuss countermeasures.
The house was stolen.

Rather than stealing a house, it's more like being distracted!

The second prince never expected that Russell Benjamin could get Freya to vote for him!

What on earth does Freya want to do?
She just formed an alliance with the Liberal Party not long ago!

"Your Highness, Freya has never been of the same mind as us." Mavey said: "The reason why she supports the passage of the Education Reform Bill is because the bill allows women to go to school, and this does not mean that she and the Liberal Party wear the same pants."

The second prince raised his forehead and sighed: "Forget it, let Russell Benjamin be the president of the Chamber of Commerce for a few days. After half a year, I will start a vote to remove him."

The uncooked rice has already been cooked. Unless he violates the rules, the second prince cannot do anything to Russell Benjamin.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce sounds domineering, but in fact it is useless. It is a hard job. When encountering major issues, everyone still has to vote together.

Just when the second prince was about to continue discussing the negative impact of news reports and find out who was behind it
Suddenly a councilman rushed outside the door.

"It's not bad! Your Highness! The fourth prince submitted an application to Congress today to establish the Labor Party!"

"What are you shouting for?!"

The second prince almost jumped up from the sofa, and the cigar fell from his hand, burning a black hole on the expensive wool carpet.

"Arthur founded a new party?!"

"Yes, Your Highness! It's absolutely true!"

"What's his party platform?"

“Equal distribution of property, social status and political rights, improvement of human rights and wage demands.”

The second prince groaned, covered his head and squatted down. He had suffered enough blows today. First, the position of the president of the Chamber of Commerce changed hands, and Arthur led the West Island MPs to form the Labor Party.
The Labor Party, you can tell what kind of party it is by just hearing the name, plus the platform, it’s already clear what Arthur is going to do!

It’s hard to imagine that Arthur, who was at a low point, would suddenly form the Labor Party!

"Does he have a popular base? If not, the Labor Party he founded will be a mirror image!"

The congressman who sent the letter swallowed and said: "It is said that the Fourth Prince officially established the Labor Representative Committee today and began to send people to contact the trade unions in various industries to unite the workers."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and the second prince wanted to curse.

Once workers unite, who will be injured?
They must be the bosses and farmers who pay them wages!
And aren’t these people exactly what the Liberal Party represents?

"Your Highness, we should strike first." Ma Wei suddenly said.

"Strike first?" The second prince turned around and asked doubtfully: "Arthur has already established the Labor Party, how can he take the lead?"

"No, it's still too late." Ma Wei said in a deep voice: "We should hurry up before the Fourth Prince to contact the representatives of the trade unions in various industries and win them over. They cannot be allowed to join the Labor Representative Committee. Even if they want to join, they should be our people. join in."

Baron Frederic said: "You mean to cut the link between the Labor Party and the workers right down the middle?"

"That's right, workers' opinions must be transmitted upward through the Labor Representative Committee, and conversely, the Labor Party's instructions must also be issued through the Labor Representative Committee. As long as we strangle the middle, won't we be able to block their lifeblood?"


The second prince looked at Baron Frederic and wanted to ask for his opinion, but Baron Frederic had never experienced anything like this and could not give any advice for a while.

Having said that, Ma Wei's proposal still moved the second prince's heart. He won over the Labor Representative Committee first, so that they would not lose anything. On the contrary, he could also gain insight into the next actions of the Labor Party, which could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Sending moles into the enemy camp is no longer a rare tactic.

After thinking for a moment, the second prince nodded heavily: "Okay! Just listen to Nicholas, Stuer, you go negotiate with those union representatives and bribe them!"


In the afternoon, Stuart brought his staff to South London, which is the headquarters of the railway union. Under the guidance of the staff, Stuart met the person in charge, Rabio Crisp, in the office.

"Mr. Rabiot, this is a small gift. I hope you can accept it."

At Stewart's signal, a gift box was placed on the table.Rabiot, who didn't know what was going on, glanced at the gift box, frowned and asked, "Mr. Stewart, why did you come to me?"

"In recent days, other people will come to you." Stewart said straight to the point: "They will invite you to join the Labor Representative Committee and convey the opinions of railway workers."

"You want me to say no?"

"No, I want you to agree." Stewart said with a smile: "After joining the Labor Representative Committee, I will take the initiative to contact you if there is anything. You just need to follow our orders."

Rabiot sneered: "Mr. Stewart, go back with your gift! The workers trust me and let me lead them. I will not betray them for a small profit."

"Ah ha, petty profit, this is not petty profit."

Stewart stretched out a finger to signal Rabiot to calm down, and then gently lifted a corner of the gift box. There were two books inside, which seemed ordinary, but when the cover was opened, they...
The golden reflection lit up.

Looking at the few gold bricks sandwiched in the pages of the book, Rabiot's pupils contracted and his expression became solemn.

"It's just a small meeting gift." Stewart said, "As long as you agree to my request, the same gift will be sent to you every month in the future."

"Every month?!"

"Yes, every month."

Stewart crossed his fingers, crossed his legs, and said calmly: "I know this is a difficult decision. You don't want to betray the trust of the workers. Yes, who would want to betray someone who trusts them?"

"I understand how you feel, Mr. Rabiot, but have you ever thought that as long as you endure this pain for a year, you will get more wealth than you can spend in a lifetime?"

"One year." Rabiot was a little shaken.

"That's right, one year." Stewart lowered his voice and said seductively: "One year will pass quickly. Think about your child. He will grow a lot taller in one year. Speaking of which, your child is already 6 years old this year. When he reaches school age, if he has good academic performance and is admitted to a good university, I think his future will be extremely bright."

His breathing gradually became heavier, and Rabiot's psychological defense collapsed a little bit. He was very entangled, and Stewart kept repeating the deadline.

"One year, just one year, you can get everything you want. If you agree, just nod."

Rabiot nodded, even if the movement was very subtle, Stewart caught this signal, showed a satisfied smile, stood up and put on his hat, this time.
Rabiot did not dare to look at him.

"Mr. Rabiot, I wish us happy cooperation."

After leaving the Railway Union, Stewart came to the Iron Ore Union and met the representative Kadir Ruth.

Unlike Rabiot, Kadir, whose face was full of soot, showed a vigilant look the first time he saw Stewart. After seeing the gold, he even yelled:

"Get out! Get out with your dirty gifts! Because of you, countless children die in dark mines every year! Your money is stained with their blood! Get out! Get out of here! I will definitely Will join the Labor Representative Council!”

When he hit the stubble, instead of backing down, Stuart shrugged helplessly: "Mr. Kadir, your son Josie is currently studying in a public school in Greenwich. If you love him, you should think about him , isn’t it?”

"What do you want to do!"

"What I want to do depends on what you want to do." Stewart said with a smile: "If something happens to your son, I think it is not my fault. If you want to blame it, blame yourself."


"Ah, before you say any dirtier, vulgar words, just picture that."

Stewart closed his eyes and told a picture: "Your son Josie is lying on the hospital bed covered in blood, dying. He was hit by a carriage and suffered multiple fractures all over his body. Even the best surgeon in London There is nothing you can do, your wife is crying on the side, at this moment, only the priest of the church can save him. If this happens, will you regret your choice today?"

Kadir glared at Stewart, and if his angry gaze could be turned into a sharp blade, he would definitely cut him to pieces.

Stewart didn't care, he just bowed slightly: "Thank you for your support."

Leaving the gifts behind, Stewart led his men and left the Iron Mining Union, walking quickly, as if he didn't want to stay in this dirty place for a second longer.

After being busy until late at night, Stewart returned to Kensington Palace and reported the situation to the second prince.

"Most of the trade union representatives we visited today agreed to our demands, and only a few stubborn ones refused to let go no matter what."

"It doesn't matter." The second prince nodded and said, "The Kore Brothers will deal with them."

The Corley brothers, the gangsters who control the East End of London, are thugs sponsored by the Second Prince. In the era of the advent of gods, gangsters can no longer have a fatal impact on those in power, but they still have no problem dealing with ordinary people.

Just when the second prince met Stuart, Mavey was also at Regent's Park Villa and met Arthur.

"Father, I don't understand what you are doing." Arthur said, holding a glass of whiskey with ice: "The Labor Representative Committee is the channel used by the Labor Party to communicate with workers, and there must be no problems, but you let Shukri Hands on them, it's really"

"Only in this way can we awaken the bloody spirit in the workers' bones." Ma Wei said calmly: "I want them to see the methods of capital and let them understand that struggle is the only way out."

“What about the union representatives who don’t want to surrender?”

"I have ordered the Aurora Society to protect them secretly. This is also an opportunity for screening." Mawei nodded and said: "By eliminating those scabs, the Labor Representative Committee can truly speak for the workers. Scabs are more hateful than enemies. They are traitors. Spy! He should be hung from a street lamp with a short rope!"

As he spoke, Ma Wei calmed down quickly: "Of course, some people are forced, and some are tempted by benefits. No matter what, they will be punished as they deserve. Maomao has been targeting them." They are under surveillance, and every move they make is under surveillance."

"Am I being watched by cats too?" Arthur asked.

"It's better to say it's protection than surveillance." Ma Wei said calmly: "Your Highness, if one day Fat Orange receives news that you are in danger, do you think it will come to me first to report, or... Shall I let Maomao inform you first?"

"If it's an emergency, of course you should notify me first."

"Yes, if there are no cats following you, how will Fat Orange know where you are?"

Ma Wei smiled and said: "If the price of failure is beyond our ability to bear, then we should not ask for special treatment. Only by treating everyone equally can we avoid any eventuality."

(End of this chapter)

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