Father Mavie

Chapter 716: Same rights for renting and selling

"Producing and plundering Shukri, your insights into business are beyond my expectations every time."

In the living room, the eldest prince lit a cigar and took an elegant puff. After signaling Ma Wei and others to do whatever they wanted, he said: "Sheep create wool and high-quality milk, which are plundered by humans. In the same way, humans can also plunder other products." the value created by the

"Not only the value, but also everything about them." The second prince said: "If there is no outlet, we will create an outlet. The world belongs to us. Most of the people at the bottom will not have a chance to stand up. They are waiting to be slaughtered." Lamb."

"Yes, a lamb to the slaughter."

"Charles, as long as you and I cooperate, we will definitely make a lot of money, even more than I have ever seen before!"

"Tell me this, you want my support, right?"

"You understand my purpose. If the bill is passed, all of this can be achieved."

The eldest prince did not give an answer immediately, but said: "I need time to think about it. Anyway, the bill will be resubmitted next month, so there is no rush."

"I trust you will make the right decision."

Seeing that Charles' attitude slowed down, the second prince did not continue to press, and got up to say goodbye with Marvey and Baron Frederick. After they left, the eldest prince smoked for a while, without looking at Arthur and Oss who were sitting beside him. Earl Ding and Gao Wen stared at the door intently, and asked after a long time, "Have you all heard?"

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince has great ambitions." Earl Austin said with emotion: "The idea of ​​using public schools to increase housing prices is really awesome. Even the terrifying ability of the Manstein Potion Company to attract money is probably not enough." Compared with the real estate industry, because land is the most primitive means of production, it is limited.”

"Do you think I should agree to Shukry's proposal? To cooperate with the Liberal Party?"

Earl Austin said with a smile: "Cooperation can lead to win-win results. This is not a bad thing for the Conservative Party. Who would think too much money?"

"But I always feel that things are not that simple." The eldest prince said quietly: "It's such a profitable business, he actually told me like this, it's really unbelievable."

"Only if the bill is passed, the second prince's vision can be realized, and we have 60% of the votes in our hands. Without our consent, the bill cannot be passed."

"But Shukri doesn't know this." The eldest prince said in a deep voice: "Even if Arthur is the ostensible help of the Conservative Party, what about Russell Benjamin? As long as it can get the support of Northern MPs and other small parties, the Liberal Party is still If you can pass the bill with a slight advantage, you don’t need to cooperate with us. But now Shukri didn’t even fight for it, and directly gave up the hope of gaining the support of northern congressmen, and came to discuss cooperation with me.”

Earl Austin thought for a while and said, "Maybe the Second Prince doesn't want to be so troublesome? If he wins the support of the northern congressmen, we will also receive news. As long as he blocks it, his plan will not be successful. Instead of wasting time, it is better Open the skylight and speak up."

"You have a point."

After thinking about it, the eldest prince looked at Arthur and Gawain: "What's your opinion? Arthur, your father has praised you for being smart since you were a child. You should speak first."

"You can agree, or you can disagree." Arthur said: "If you agree with Shukri's proposal and cooperate with them, then we will strive for the greatest advantage."

"go on."

"Shukry wants to make money by raising housing prices, so he must buy houses in advance. The current price is low. After the bill is passed, the housing prices will rise."

Arthur said calmly: "This one-month window period is also the time he leaves for himself to maneuver funds. Today's proposal is just to explore our opinions, and I think London's housing prices will definitely rise, but we can learn from it." Make trouble, dig a trap for Shukri."

The eldest prince asked curiously, "What trap?"

"Shukri wants to develop a school district housing system, that is to say, children in a region can go to school. The richer the region, the better the teachers, the better the education provided, and more people buying houses. Naturally high." Arthur said: "Theoretically, Shukry's plan is feasible, but he has ignored a crucial issue-whether it is necessary for the public to buy houses."

"If you don't buy a house, you won't be eligible for admission, right?" Earl Austin interjected.

"What if it is the same right for lease and sale?"

The eldest prince's eyes lit up suddenly, and he grasped the key point of Arthur's words: "Renting and selling have the same rights. It means that you don't need to buy a house, and you can give your children the opportunity to go to a good school!"

"Yes, how many years does it take for a child to go to school? It's only six or seven years. In such a short period of time, of course it is more cost-effective to rent a house than to buy a house."

The money spent on renting a house for six years may not be as high as the bank’s loan interest. For many families, if renting and selling have the same rights, there are more choices.

The most frightening thing is that if the right to rent and sell is the same, the house that the second prince has painstakingly planned to buy in advance will most likely not be bought by anyone!

If the house purchased with a large amount of money cannot be sold, it will become a rope to trap yourself. In the short term, even the principal cannot be recovered!
This is really a poisonous plan!

At least it can hurt the Liberal Party!

"His Royal Highness the Second Prince will definitely cooperate with Thames Bank. If the funds in their hands are locked up, and then the news is released to create panic and make depositors scramble to withdraw money"

Earl Austin licked his lips, his pupils sparkled: "It is likely that the Thames Bank will go bankrupt!"

Once the Thames Bank goes bankrupt, bad debts will flood in. At that time, the nobles who borrow money from the Thames Bank to buy houses will also be implicated, which will eventually trigger a butterfly effect and directly affect the kingdom's economy.
It is not certain that the house price will collapse!
If housing prices collapsed, wouldn't the nobles who invested all their wealth in the housing market go bankrupt overnight?
Thinking of that scene, the eldest prince almost laughed out loud.

Making money is of course a good thing.

But it would be great if you could make money while digging a hole for your competitors.
Arthur's proposal was in the hands of the eldest prince. He thought it was a great idea. Shukri's expression must have been wonderful when the proposal was put forward by the same right to rent and sell!
"What good will this do to us?" asked Gawain.

"There is no need for benefits. The Liberal Party is our biggest competitor. To hold them back is to buy us time."

At this time, Earl Austin said: "Of course there are benefits. For example, after the bill is enacted, we can find those MPs who are willing to abandon the dark and turn to the open, give them support, and let them turn to the Conservative Party."

The beautiful vision seemed to be right in front of him, so the eldest prince acted decisively, adopted Arthur's proposal, and added a special item for renting and selling the same rights on the day the bill was proposed, so as to destroy the second prince's plan.

"Remember, this matter must be kept confidential. Except for you and me, no one else should know."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will keep my mouth shut."

The next day, the second prince's takeover operation started. The rich districts in West London were not in their consideration. The teachers there were top-notch, and the children of rich families went to private aristocratic schools. Learning is completely different, it can be described as a world of difference.

The houses that are really worth buying are the residential areas in North and South London. Compared with East London that is too poor and West London that is too rich, people living in North and South London often do not have to worry about food and clothing. They have a decent job and earn a lot of money. enough money to feed the family.

These people are the second prince's target.

Manstein Potion Company did not participate in this acquisition, and Ma Wei did not provide any help to the Liberal Party, so everything developed naturally.

While the Second Prince and the others were crazy about buying the house, the Eldest Prince was also holding a banquet. On the surface, it was celebrating the bill a month later, but in fact it was happy that the Second Prince and the others were about to step on the pit.

In order to deceive the public and avoid being discovered by the second prince, the eldest prince also sent his men to buy the house, but the purchase was only in the negotiation stage and a deal could not be reached—even if the seller was willing to sign the contract.

The second prince didn't notice the abnormality of the eldest prince, and was completely immersed in the scene of being loved by the people after the promulgation of the law.

The two people who had their own ghosts didn't pay attention to each other's thoughts.

A month flies by.

Crack. Crack. Crack.
On the second floor of the grocery store, Ma Wei took a knife and made a gap in the door frame to record Yunia's growth process.

Do gods grow like humans?

Mavi doesn't know about other gods, but Junia seems to be like this. When she set off from Mosk, she was only as high as Mavi's knees. Now, she is already a few centimeters higher than her knees.

According to Junia, this is not the growth of human beings, but the expansion after the growth of power, just like a storage container, the volume determines the capacity, and of course the volume must be increased if you want to store more power.

"So, the bigger the god, the stronger the power?"

"Well, you can't say that." Yunia explained seriously: "There are always some gods who are naturally strong, such as Ailan, who is also a sunflower!"

Junia has already gained tens of millions of believers, almost on par with the followers of the three goddesses of fate, and even slightly outperformed, but since she only completed the first awakening, she is still not as good as the three goddesses of fate in terms of overall strength.

In any case, it is a good thing that Junia grows taller, otherwise she would eat so many snacks all day long, and she would not show any signs of gaining weight. If she does not grow taller, it would be a violation of the law of energy conservation.

Perhaps the world of gods does not respect the law of conservation of energy.
Junia, who has grown a few centimeters taller, will look a size smaller in her previous clothes. Children are like this. They may have to change clothes several times a year. Ma Wei decided to take Junia to order after the meeting in the afternoon For clothes, you can go to a clothing store to buy some ready-made clothes temporarily.

"Let's go, today is the day of the parliament, we can't be late."


Passing the little hand to her father, Junia stepped onto the carriage with the puppet bear in her arms, and came to the Capitol with Ma Wei.

Today's meeting is held in the House of Commons. The House of Lords and the Cabinet will not attend, but the hall is still full of people, even the auditorium on the second floor has many spectators.

Since it was a meeting of the House of Commons this time, the House of Lords and the cabinet did not participate. This also led to all parties except the speaker, the eldest prince, the second prince, Arthur, Freya, and even Baron Frederick and Earl Austin. None of the party leaders participated.

The only people who can participate in the meetings of the House of Commons are members of the House of Commons and those who observe.

For example, the second prince and others sitting in the gallery.

Restricted by the rules, they can only sit on the second floor.

Judging from the current situation within the Liberal Party, when the second prince and Baron Frederick did not attend the meeting, Mavey became the leader of the Liberal Party.

But this meeting is very important. The second prince came to the scene in person, even if he was sitting on the second floor, he had to direct on the spot.

When the time came, the speaker knocked on the pedestal and announced the start of the parliament. Congressman Girard was the first to take the stage to give a speech. After an impassioned speech, as expected,
There was an accident.

When Mr. Girard mentioned the nearby enrollment regulations in the "Education Reform Act", dissent was raised in the Conservative Party seat. One MP stood up and said: "For some families in need, it is obviously unfair to enroll nearby. Different regions , and the faculty is also different, if the nearby admission policy is enabled, I think the regulation of the same right to rent and sell should be added."


On the second floor, the second prince stood up all of a sudden, stared at the eldest prince opposite, gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead twitched violently: "Charles"

The eldest prince looked at him and nodded with a smile full of mockery.

Up to now, the second prince signaled Girard with his eyes to ask him to refute immediately. Girard responded quickly, and immediately refuted it on the grounds that 'renting will destroy the unity of the school district system', but helplessly, except for the Liberal Party , other parties don't care about adding a 'same rights for rent and sale' regulation.

Girard looked towards the second floor, asked the second prince with his eyes, and wanted to withdraw the proposal. The second prince pondered for a long time, glanced at Ma Wei, and shook his head under the latter's plain gaze.

Now it was the eldest prince's turn to be surprised. In such a disadvantageous situation, Shukri still refused to withdraw his proposal and continued?

Is this a fight to the death with him? Or is there another plan?

Turning his eyes, the eldest prince looked opposite. When he saw Shukri's face full of anger but mixed with a sneer, he realized something and stood up suddenly, wanting to remind the Conservative Party, but
The speaker's gavel has already fallen on the pedestal.




"According to the principle of majority, the "Education Reform Bill" proposed by the Liberal Party has passed the resolution of the House of Commons!"

According to the parliamentary order of the Kingdom of Windsor, after the resolution of the lower house is over, it needs to be sent to the upper house for a resolution. The upper house can block the resolution passed by the lower house for up to two years. After two years, the proposal will be forcibly passed.

Theoretically, the eldest prince still has room for mediation. As long as he orders the upper house to block the passage of the bill, he can break the plan of the second prince. However, when the lower house meeting started, the upper house also submitted an "Education Reform Bill".

Lord Frederick!

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