Father Mavie

Chapter 650

Chapter 650
The conversation ended badly.

Ma Wei didn't choose one of the options, and things haven't developed to that point. Of course, it is impossible to rush out Levin's soul, but just in case, it is necessary to try to contact the Witch God of the Voodoo Kingdom. .

Fortunately, Dino sent people to the Southern Continent to establish a subsidiary company two months ago. The name was to purchase local potion materials, but in fact, the potion from the Romanov Kingdom was transported to the Southern Continent, and then used to The cargo ship of the Kingdom of Terre was transported to the Kingdom of Windsor.

After changing hands many times, the origin of the potion can only be traced back to the subsidiary company of the Southern Continent at most, and Manstein Potion Company is not afraid of being involved in any accident.

The establishment of a subsidiary in the Southern Continent is bound to have contact with the local church. The Southern Continent is different from the Central Continent. Except for the Voodoo Kingdom, most of the ruling class exists in the form of tribes, and the development status is far inferior to that of the Central Continent. Many The place is still in primitive society.

The most powerful church in the Southern Continent, that is, the Witch God Sect of the Voodoo Kingdom, has developed their own system. Although it is not as developed as the Windsor Kingdom, at least they have the confidence to be independent.

Ma Wei plans to let Dino get in touch with the Witch God Cult in the near future. It is best to get acquainted with a few high-level church leaders, open up relationships, and look for the magic that can pull the soul away.

If the Witchcraft Cult is unwilling to hand over the magic that pulls out the soul and cannot make them compromise anyway, Mavi can only turn to Baji, or venture out to sea to find the 'Holy Land' of the Apocalypse Cult in the Dead Sea, where the With all the magical materials of the Apocalypse God Sect, the Witch God Sect is no exception.

With Baji's emergency plan in place, Ma Wei didn't panic at all.

The most important thing right now is the talks in Paris. Finding a way to deal with Axis for Levin is a later story. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so I need to take my time.

On April 4, the Dickey fleet returned to the waters of Bonaparte's First Empire, and was stopped by a cruiser fleet. After identifying themselves, it entered the Rhine River smoothly, and the other party even sent a warship to escort and lead the way.

Talks like this kind of official greeting are no different from diplomacy. Napoleon attaches great importance to it, firstly because of the current strength of the Kingdom of Windsor, and secondly because he has just been reborn and needs the support of other kings. If Windsor, Frederick, etc. If a powerful country does not recognize his position, the situation will only become more unfavorable.

It is not the first time that Mavi has entered the territory of the First Bonaparte Empire along the Rhine River. The last time he came, the First Bonaparte Empire was the Popang Kingdom where Ivan XIV ruled, that is, just after the Battle of Pereia. End that moment.

He was a prisoner then, and now he has become a key figure in facilitating the talks.

Outlines of towns occasionally appear on both sides of the river bank. The Rhine River is the largest river in the Central Continent. It flows through various countries and is the most famous international inland waterway. More than half of industrial products are transported by the Rhine River.

After entering the territory of Bonaparte's First Empire, the second prince and Archbishop Brandon were obviously relieved. They no longer had to worry about being in danger. The Church of Wisdom God sent people to escort them to ensure the safety of the representatives. It is the most basic demeanor of a big country.

Towards the afternoon, the Church of Wisdom, the church organization of the demon hunters in the Kingdom of Windsor, the Knights of the Holy Silver Cross, rode a steed to St. Valery, boarded a boat in the Somme River Valley, and were responsible for protecting the delegation from the Kingdom of Windsor.

According to them, the delegations from the Kingdom of Frederick and the Roman Republic arrived in Paris yesterday by train. Since the representatives from the Kingdom of Windsor did not arrive, the talks were temporarily postponed.

In fact, Archbishop Brandon arranged the timing just right. If they hadn't wasted two days and two nights chasing the mermaid, they should have arrived in Paris by now.

Fortunately, the journey was relatively smooth. Although some accidents occurred and several sailors and demon hunters were lost, the main personnel were not lost, and the goal of catching the mermaid was achieved.

During the period, the squad commander of the Knights of the Holy Silver Cross asked why the Dicky fleet was delayed for a few days, and Archbishop Brandon fooled the past in the name of being lost in the storm.

Believe it or not, Archbishop Brandon said so anyway.

A day later, the fleet sailed smoothly into the Seine along a tributary and arrived at the inland port of Paris.


As soon as the ship landed, Stuart couldn't wait to rush out of the cabin, leaning on the side of the ship to vomit, he had been tortured badly these days, he was completely thin, his eyes were bloodshot, like a skeleton who had overdosed on drugs.

The God of Wisdom, who received the news in advance, evacuated the port workers in advance. On the empty pier, a group of ministers and clergymen of the kingdom stood. The boarding board had just been lowered. An old man in a blue archbishop robe walked out of the team with a scepter in his face. Greeting the Mavics who disembarked with a smile: "Welcome! Dear friends! On behalf of the God of Wisdom and the great Anatole, I would like to send you my most sincere blessings!"

"He is Archbishop Fay, an important figure of the Wisdom God Sect." The second prince secretly said to Ma Wei: "It is said that he is the most powerful candidate for the next pope, and he often stays with Anatole."

The situation of the God of Wisdom is different from that of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate. The Three Goddesses of Destiny stay in their own divine kingdom of Eden all day and do not show up. Anatole almost lives in Notre Dame Cathedral and often meets believers, so it is not mysterious at all.

And Fay is the archbishop who stays with Anatole all day long, and he is quite favored. Within the Wisdom Church, the clergy listen to Fay's orders more than the Pope.

Fay seems to have become Anatole's spokesperson, with a high status and can sit on an equal footing with the Pope.

The Wisdom God Sect sent Archbishop Fay to meet them, which is enough to prove that Anatole attaches great importance to this meeting.

In addition to Archbishop Fay, Napoleon also sent Minister of Foreign Affairs Bonova to welcome the delegation. Archbishop Brandon was in charge of dealing with Archbishop Fay, and the second prince met Bonova. The conversation was very enthusiastic, even if it was just the first We meet each other every day, and we are as close as glue to old friends we haven't seen for many years.

After getting off the boat, Stuart was still a little shaky when he walked. Everyone was like this. After staying on the boat for too long, he was used to the wind and waves at sea.

"Is this Herr Nicholas von Manstein?"

Under the introduction of the second prince, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bonova looked at Ma Wei in surprise, stretched out his hands and said, "I have heard of Mr. Nicholas for a long time! The representative of the Manstein Potion Company is in Paris." , we have been looking forward to your arrival!"

The translator translated Bonova's words into Windsor. After listening, Ma Wei smiled and said: "You are too kind, it is my honor to receive the invitation. I have long wanted to meet His Majesty Napoleon."

"Your Majesty has always wanted to have an in-depth exchange with you." Bonova smiled and nodded, suddenly remembered something, pointed to the carriage not far ahead and said, "By the way, Duke Chevalier is waiting for you in the carriage."


"Duke Chevalier." Bonova thought for a while and said, "Duke Maria de Chevalier of Paris is not Duke Freya de Chevalier of the Kingdom of Windsor. General Chevalier defected to the Kingdom of Windsor, while his brother Chrétien remained in Paris and inherited the title of duke."

Ma Wei looked at the second prince, and after the other party's explanation, he figured out the situation.

The Chevalier family has been inherited for hundreds of years and originated from the Popang Kingdom, and is the most loyal supporter of the king.

During the Hundred Years' War between the Kingdom of Windsor and the Kingdom of Popon, Duke François of the Chevalier family died of illness. He had two sons under his knees. The older brother was named Crude and the younger was named Chretien.

According to the usual practice, the title should be inherited by his older brother Crude. However, in the will left by the deceased Duke François, his younger brother Chretien was allowed to inherit the title. After hearing about this incident, Crude, who was fighting on the front line, In a rage, he led the army to defect to the Kingdom of Windsor. From then on, the Chevalier family was divided into two.

Although his elder brother defected, the king of Popang Kingdom at that time did not punish his younger brother Chretien, nor did he deprive him of his title. The surname Li does not recognize the legitimacy of the Chevalli family in the Kingdom of Windsor.

However, after such a long time, even if the two families have not reconnected, the grievances between the two families have dissipated long ago, and no one will pursue which Chevalier is the orthodox, especially the Chevalier family in Paris. Leah's generation.
The situation turned out to be the same as that of Freya. Her father and husband passed away one after another, leaving only one duchess.

"Based on seniority, Maria should be Freya's cousin." The second prince said, "The other party wants to see you, most likely because he wants to find out about Freya's recent situation, so you should go there."

"Your Highness, don't you think it's strange?" Ma Wei frowned and said, "How did things in London spread to Paris? Even if they were well-informed, why didn't Maria find someone who grew up with Freya?" Your Highness, you must find me? Obviously, Your Highness, you know Freya better than me!"

The second prince was stunned for a moment: "That's right, what does Maria want you to do?"

Recalling that the God of Wisdom asked Ma Wei to come to Paris in person as a representative, the second prince suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be that.
The God of Wisdom wants to backstab the Kingdom of Windsor and win over Mavi?
But the trick of seduction doesn't work at all!
Freya has personally confirmed that Mavi doesn't like this at all!
Who knows what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the God of Wisdom Sect!

"You'd better go and see him." The second prince pondered, "Be careful not to fall into other people's tricks, just call if you have something to do."

"Do not worry."

Picking up Junia, Mavi walked to the gorgeous carriage parked by the roadside. Just at this time, Archbishop Brandon and others also boarded the carriage, preparing to settle down in the center of Paris.

After knocking on the door, a clear and melodious female voice sounded from the carriage: "Please come in."

The moment the car door was opened, a faint strange fragrance came to my face, it was not pungent, and it would still be a little bit irritating after smelling it too much.
Junia quickly injected power into Ma Wei's body, and with the blessing of power, Ma Wei's slightly drowsy head suddenly became clearer and returned to normal.

play this trick.
Ma Wei took out a mint leaf and threw it into his mouth calmly, confusing the judgment of the people in the carriage, and immediately boarded the carriage and sat on the vacant cushion.

In the dark compartment, a woman wearing a black dress with a tight waist and even a mask is sitting opposite. The lace hat, necklace, and fan are all black, except for a tear mole in the corner of her bare right eye, with blue eyes Calmly looked at Ma Wei, as if observing his mental state.

Seeing that Ma Wei was not affected by the aroma, the masked woman bent her eyes and said with a narrow smile: "As expected of a famous potion dealer, she really has some tricks."

At this moment, the carriage drove forward, and the copper bell hanging in the corner of the carriage rang, and the rhythmic sound wave hit like a magic sound. Ma Wei raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer: "This kind of trick uses Once is enough."

"I was rude, please forgive me."

The woman raised her hand and took off the copper bell hanging in the corner, put it aside, took off the lace gloves, and handed her slender palm to Ma Wei: "Just call me Maria."

Why do you like to do this?
Ma Wei shook Maria's cold fingertips without kissing the back of her fingers, and said lightly, "Nicholas von Manstein, do you want to see me?"

"There are many people who want to see you, and I'm just one of them." There was a smile in Maria's eyes, and the water was rippling, full of charm: "Is my cousin, Freya, a good woman?"

"No, she's bad."

Maria's pupils shrank: "What's wrong?"

"That's what Emma said." Mavi shrugged and threw the question directly to Junia: "Freya is a bad woman, isn't she?"

"Ah?" Junia, who was observing Maria, was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Mavi, with her mouth wide open, unable to utter a word.

Under Maria's gaze, Junia nodded: "That's right! Freya is a bad woman!"

"why would you say so?"

"Intuition!" Junia said confidently: "My intuition is very accurate!"

"Is that so?" Maria nodded slightly, lowered her eyes, and asked again: "You shouldn't have come to Paris. If you come, you won't be able to leave."

"Is this a trap of the Wisdom God Sect?"

"That's right." Maria said, "Since you think Freya is a bad woman, I don't have anything to worry about."

After finishing speaking, Maria raised her hand and knocked on the carriage. After two muffled bangs, the carriage suddenly turned around at the intersection, left the convoy, and turned into another street.

Feeling the turbulence below him, Ma Wei lifted the curtain covering the window, glanced out, and asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Invalids, His Majesty wants to see you."

After a while, the carriage stopped by the Seine River. Several soldiers stepped forward and opened the door, and said with a blank face, "Mr. Nicholas, please."

Glancing at the soldier and then at Maria, Ma Wei took Junia out of the carriage, followed the soldier into the Invalides, and stepped on the stairs leading to the ground.

While the soldiers were not paying attention, Maria who was following behind him suddenly approached and said in a low voice, "Do you need me to write to Freya and ask her to find a way to rescue you?"

"Thank you, no need."


After being rejected, Maria raised her arm, stroked her neck, and said quietly:
"It seems you really don't like her."

(End of this chapter)

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