Father Mavie

Chapter 643 The Church's Plan (2 in 1, please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 643 The Church's Plan (two in one, please subscribe!!!)
At noon, accompanied by the dull sound of the siren, the sailors quickly untied the fixed rope, put away the boarding board, and pulled up the anchor. Head to Haikou.

In order to ensure the escort mission, the Royal Navy sent a main cruiser, seven frigates, three destroyers, and more than 400 naval personnel, which belonged to a small fleet.

With the strength of the Royal Navy, sending more crews is of course nothing. It's just that in the age of magic, ordinary warships don't play much role. Instead of piling up troops meaninglessly, it is better to send a few more bishops.

On the Dickie, Mavi was allocated a nice room, located on the first floor, not only had a double bed, but also luxurious furniture such as a desk and a wine cabinet, second only to the captain's cabin.

The second prince, Archbishop Brandon and others were also allocated similar rooms. Although the second prince had a noble status, the captain was the captain. When sailing at sea, all crew members must obey the captain's orders, regardless of their official positions.

It is impossible for the experienced captain Joshua to let the second prince command the fleet.

With the sea breeze blowing slightly, Mavi stood at the bow of the ship, overlooking the wide waterway. This time, he did not take out the sextant to observe the azimuth and celestial phenomena. He knew Joshua and believed in the ability of the other party.

"Big brother."

After putting away their luggage, Levin and Daniel walked up to the deck, bypassed the busy sailors, came to Mavey, and asked in a low voice: "Joshua Ericsson is also a survivor of the Pereia naval battle, do you know him?" ?"

"I know." Ma Wei said without turning his head: "As early as four years ago, he was the captain of the frigate. At that time, the frigate he commanded was besieged by enemy ships and sunk by artillery fire. The No. [-] went to support him and fished him out of the water. As soon as he boarded the ship, a bullet flew past his face. Fortunately, he missed a direct hit. Unfortunately, his cheek and ear were smashed, and he also It became what it is now.”

Levin and Daniel looked at each other and asked, "Does he support you?"

"His position should be the firmest." Ma Wei said: "Don't look at his eccentric character, he was not like that before. Who doesn't know Joshua Eriksson, a handsome man in Sheffield? Back then he Just one face can captivate a dancer in a bar."

"Better handsome than me?" Levin raised his eyebrows, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Each has its own merits." Ma Wei said euphemistically, "You belong to the feminine type, while he is masculine. In addition, he has been in a high position all the year round, so he has a special temperament that you don't have."

Daniel poked Levine's waist: "Brother called you a sissy."

Levin stared, and before he had time to speak, Mavi said first: "I didn't say that. Yinrou is different from sissy. Yinrou is a man after all. Sissy already belongs to the category of monster."

"Dad, Dad." Junia said curiously, "Which rank is higher, the captain of the frigate or your lieutenant?"

"Of course the captain of the frigate is higher. Joshua was a major at the time, and I was a little lieutenant."

Ma Wei said calmly: "As a lieutenant, I can only be regarded as Captain Toure's deputy in a strict sense, not even the first mate, only the third mate."

"No, if you weren't the first officer, how could it be your turn to take over the command after Toure was shot and fell into the sea?"

"Because the first officer and the second officer fell earlier than Toure." Ma Wei said quietly: "At that time, we had already reached the boarding battle. Two enemy ships forcibly boarded the ship and fought us at close range. It was the enemy, there were gunshots everywhere, the second officer was the first to be shot and fell down, and then the first officer was beheaded with a saber."

Ma Wei's tone was indifferent, and he looked ahead, as if talking about a trivial matter: "My luck is good, a few bullets flew past my body, and I stayed with Toure, the enemy's attention Put it on Toure"

"The fleet is a very special organizational system. Although Joshua was the rank of major at the time, I was the third officer on the main ship, and all auxiliary ships must obey the orders of the main ship."

"After Toure, the first mate and the second mate fell into the sea one after another, I became the only remaining commander on the St. Martial. Fortunately, the St. Martial was loaded with hundreds of artillery pieces. We fought on board again. After dragging down the enemy, the gunners below sank the left and right enemy ships, rushed to the deck to help us deal with the remaining enemies, and I ordered Yang Fan to rush out."

Hearing this, Daniel and Levin were a little silent. They didn't understand naval battles, but from Mawei's description, they could already guess the tragedy of the time.

Even if a large main ship can win when surrounded by enemy ships, it will be a miserable victory.

"When I took over the command, the battle was coming to an end. The St. Martial fleet suffered heavy losses. All the frigates sank. Only two cruisers and twelve destroyers were still resisting. The sea was stained red with blood, and the sea was full of broken planks and fragments of limbs."

Ma Wei said calmly: "Surrender is impossible. Toure with a privateer license has fallen into the sea. We have no way out except to defeat the enemy. After I let the semaphore soldiers signal the captain to fall into the sea, All the crew members rushed towards the enemy like crazy, and their morale was unprecedentedly high. If it wasn’t for the large number of enemies, I’m afraid we would have been able to break out of the encirclement.”

"But Toure came back later." Daniel said, "He saved you from the execution ground, didn't he?"

"It was a miracle, knowing that Touré was shot into the sea before my eyes, and the bullet hit him in the chest."

Ma Wei pointed to the location of the heart: "It's here, I thought he was dead, who would have thought that the bullet was only half a centimeter away from the heart?"

At that time, Ma Wei couldn't think of any adjectives other than miracles.

According to common sense, even if Toure was not killed by bullets, he should have drowned in the sea. How could he survive?

After thinking about it, Mavi can only explain it with Toure's extraordinary physical fitness.

"Nicholas, what are you talking about?"

When Mavi and Levin were talking about the Pereia naval battle, the second prince, Stuart, and Smith boarded the deck. Smith supported the pale Stuart, and it seemed that something was wrong.

"Stuhl is seasick, we gave him some drowsy toast, and hope he will feel better." The second prince sighed, "Seasickness is a disease of a person's constitution, and the domain of immortality can't work. It looks like the next week Now, Stewart's going to be in bed."

"Sea sickness is normal, and giving him some lemon and ginger slices can relieve the symptoms."

Ma Wei looked at the waterway in front of him and said: "There is no wind and waves in the river, and the ship's shaking is not serious. When it goes out to sea, the situation will be even worse. It's still too late to go back. Do you want to let Stuer get off the boat and go back to London?"

The second prince shook his head slowly: "I told him, but he refused."

Then there was nothing to do, Mavi never got seasick, he didn't even feel the shaking of the hull, but some people were very sensitive to slight shaking, this was a physical problem and couldn't be solved.

Sleepy toast can slightly relieve the symptoms of seasickness. Stuart leaned on the side of the boat, gasped for breath, and didn't want to say a word.

"Colonel Joshua said that he will arrive in Paris in a week. It is expected to sail from the Strait of Pereia into the Rhine River, and then turn into the Seine River from a tributary to arrive in Paris."

The second prince looked around, asked Smith to take out a map, and whispered, "After passing through the Pereia Strait, the fleet will stay in the waters of the First Bonaparte Empire for two days. Look at this map."

The map is a standard map of the Central Continent, including all countries including the Kingdom of Windsor, the Kingdom of Frederick, the First Bonaparte Empire, and the Roman Republic. The Pereia Strait faces south, and the First Bonaparte Empire faces west The location of the sea is marked with a red pen.

"According to the church's eyeliner, some fishermen have seen mermaids on a small island west of Cherbourg." The second prince looked into Mavi's eyes and said, "Is the supplier who provided you with mermaid tears in the The mermaid caught here?"

"No." Ma Wei shook his head and said, "My supplier is not here, Your Highness, what do you mean we are going to catch mermaids near this small island?"

"The church has ideas about this, but it's not sure." The second prince said: "Mermaids are extraordinary creatures that do not exist in the Kingdom of Windsor. It is best to catch a few live ones and bring them back to the Kingdom of Windsor to raise them, so as to avoid being killed by humans in the future." Try using the mermaid as a handle, if you can't catch it, forget it."

Ma Wei estimated the time: "It's mid-March. It's indeed the season for mermaids to breed. In order to find a mate, the Sirens will go to the land near the mouth of the sea and wait there for the arrival of their mates."

"Yes! As long as your luck is not too bad, you will definitely meet a mermaid!" The second prince said with a smile: "Mermaids are very sensitive to light and sound. When the time comes, let's light a fire near the sea area where mermaids are infested, and then ring the bell." The siren must be able to lure them out!"

Now Mavi knew where the faint smell of kerosene in the warehouse was coming from.

It turns out that the church has prepared fuel and intends to ignite the sea surface to attract mermaids at night!

This method of catching mermaids is not very clever, but it is effective. In many mermaid legends, there are stories of humans meeting mermaids at night when they light up lamps, and mermaids seldom appear alone.

To be honest, Ma Wei didn't want to provoke the violent and cruel Sirens at sea. They were different from the water monster Seran, who had a stable temperament and could at least communicate. The Sirens who fought in the ocean monster room were cruel in nature and wanted It's hard to naturalize them
With the second prince and others around, Ma Wei didn't dare to let Junia take action. If something unexpected happens, can the saint and Archbishop Brandon handle it?
Seeing the excited and expectant eyes of the second prince, Ma Wei knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he didn't say anything more.

Two days later.

"Damn! Nicholas, why do you have four aces!"

In the warm room filled with the smell of smoke, the Second Prince wailed and wailed, and he slumped on a chair with a look of despair.

Sea voyages are boring, and there are no other entertainment items, only playing cards. At the kind invitation of the second prince, Mavi "reluctantly" sat at the card table.

In two days, the second prince lost about 1000 gold pounds, and he doubted his life every day.

"Your Highness, I told you a long time ago that gambling is a bad habit and you have to change it."

Ma Wei put the chips in front of him and asked, "Are you still here?"

The second prince gritted his teeth: "Come on! I don't believe it, your luck has always been so good!"

Mavi doesn't use magic, he just cheats.

Since the last time he lost a bad game with Edward and others, Ma Wei discovered a truth:
To play cards with these people, you have to show some 'skills', or you will lose.

Obviously, the second prince didn't understand this truth. He not only lost to Mavi, but also lost to Levin, Daniel, Archbishop Brandon, Smith and even Junia.

No matter who the opponent is, the winner is not the Second Prince.

Archbishop Brandon and Smith also cheated. The day before yesterday, the second prince found a whole pack of playing cards in the sleeve of Archbishop Brandon. However, he was the archbishop, and the second prince could only suffer from being dumb.

"Father, get up quickly, it's agreed to be one game per player! It's my turn!" Junia pushed Ma Wei, eager to serve the table, and she sat down as soon as Ma Wei got up.

"Your Highness, why don't you stop gambling?" Smith advised in a low voice, "You have lost 1000 gold pounds in the past two days."

"What are you afraid of, I have money!"

The second prince waved his hand disapprovingly. He is not stupid. He knows that the people sitting at the poker table have problems, and there is a high probability that they have cheated, but he still enjoys it.

Who is not one of you sitting at the poker table?
Although 1000 gold pounds is a lot, it is not a big money for him, a prince, and he can afford to lose.

The 1000 pounds can be exchanged for much more than winning cards.

Just when Junia was carefully looking at her hole cards, she heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the door. A sailor pushed open the door and said loudly, "We have arrived at the island!"

Putting down the poker in their hands, everyone immediately came to the deck, the sun was just right, and the vast sea was unobstructed. Not far away, the outline of an island was clearly located on the edge of the skyline. From the perspective, it was the destination of the fleet - Cherbourg West Island!
"The locals call this island Mermaid Island. The old people on the island say that there have been mermaids on this island. Not long ago, there were indeed mermaids in the nearby waters."

Joshua, who was wearing a captain's hat, put down the binoculars and asked, "Brandon Archbishop, what should we do next?"

"Mermaids are sensitive to light, so they seldom come up to the surface during the day. They rest in the deep sea and only come to the surface at night." Archbishop Brandon said, "Everyone rests where they are and waits until night to start moving."

Joshua nodded and signaled the semaphore soldiers to pass orders to several other warships. Soon, the fleet dropped anchor, sailed and stayed in place.

The sun was setting little by little, night fell, and the sky was full of stars. Everyone came to the deck and lit kerosene lamps. The sea below was as black as ink, reflecting their own faces.

"10 o'clock in the evening, almost."

Archbishop Brandon looked at Captain Joshua:
"Let the fleet get their nets ready and start dumping kerosene!"

(End of this chapter)

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