Father Mavie

Chapter 558 Goodbye with Jacob

Chapter 558 Goodbye with Jacob (please subscribe!!!)

The first applicant walked into the room, tall and thin, wearing a baggy linen jacket, with long trouser legs covering the ankles, and a fedora on his head. When he saw Ma Weiji, he took it off a little cautiously hat, looks very nervous.

"Please sit down."

Ma Wei motioned him to sit on the chair in the middle of the room, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Hunter Hunter Pearson."

"What kind of work did you do before?"

"Workers at the brewery."

"Can you make wine?"

"No." Hunter Pearson lowered his head, "I'm helping to carry the goods."

"Do you have any special skills?"


Ma Wei and Hunter Pearson answered questions sentence by sentence, speaking very fast. Abigail, who was sitting next to him, quickly recorded the man's name and personal information. While drinking coffee, Stuart heard that the man was just carrying goods. After the worker, he shook his head slowly, obviously not satisfied.

The Manstein Potion Company really needs porters, and any factory needs hardworking workers, but Hunter Pearson is too thin, with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a weight of more than a hundred catties at most. Meet Stewart's request.

"I'm done asking, Stuart, do you have anything to add?" After a brief inquiry, Ma Wei looked at Stuart.

"I have nothing to add," Stewart said.

"Then Mr. Hunter can leave. If you pass the interview, we will contact you." Ma Wei said.


Hunter Pearson stood up holding his fedora, and walked tremblingly towards the meeting room. As soon as he went out, Stuart said: "What does he think, the Potions Company must need skilled talents! At least You must also be a pharmacist who can dispense medicines! A worker who can only work hard. Want to receive a salary of 4 pounds a week?"

Ma Wei said suddenly: "I think he's not bad."


"Judging from his attire, he is obviously a poor man. He doesn't even have money to buy a suit of clothes that fit him. He must live in a very poor life. Although he is thin, a thin person is also powerful. At least I have seen it. Thin workers lift loads heavier than themselves."

"But with the same salary, we can recruit better workers!"

Finding something better doesn't mean finding someone as reliable as Hunter Pearson.

With this appearance, he must not be a spy sent by other forces!

"Tentatively, I didn't say that I must recruit him."

Mavie draws a circle on Hunter Pearson's name: "Next!"

One applicant after another entered the conference room, and soon it was approaching noon. After interviewing an applicant, Stuart stretched his waist and suggested, "Nicholas, are you hungry? Take a break and go to the opposite side Why don't you have lunch at the Wei Hotel and continue in the afternoon?"

"You and Abigail go, time is tight, there are still many people queuing up behind, try to get it done today."

"If you don't go, I won't go either. Let the waiter at Solway Hotel deliver the lunch."

Stuart left the room and came back in a short while, bringing back Junia, Levin and Daniel by the way.


Junia threw herself into Ma Wei's arms and said with a smile, "I want to eat cake!"

Ma Wei looked at Stuart, and Stuart hurriedly said, "I ordered cakes for her. When I was going out just now, I bumped into them. I knew they were here to look for you, so I brought them in."

The arrival of Junia and the others did not surprise Mavi at all. After moving a few chairs for them to sit down, they continued to interview candidates. This time, none other than Jacob Valentine walked into the room. .

It's been a long time since I saw him, but Ma Wei recognized him at a glance. He was wearing the old-fashioned gray woolen coat, with full beards and a rosaceous nose. He was fatter than a year ago, with wider cheeks and a round belly. Yes, if you don't look carefully, you really can't recognize it.

Looking at each other, Jacob did not recognize Ma Wei's identity. In the letter, Ma Wei just asked him to come to London and pay attention to the information, and the job advertisement published in the newspaper contained the hints given by Ma Wei.

Jacob, who saw the prompt, would of course come to attend today's interview.

"Sit down, what's your name?"

Ma Wei began to inquire as usual, without showing any surprise or joy.

"My name is Steven Thomas."

Jacob glanced over the faces of Mavi, Stuart, Junia, and Levin, and found no familiar faces, and said with some disappointment: "I'm afraid I looked in the wrong place, sorry."

"Cough." Ma Wei cleared his throat, "Mr. Steven Valentine, aren't you here for the interview?"

"Nicholas, you called the wrong name." Stuart reminded in a low voice, "His name is Steven Thomas, not Valentine."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I interviewed too many people today, and I accidentally confused them."

Smiling, Ma Wei looked up at Jacob Valentine who suddenly turned to look at him, and asked again: "Mr. Steven, didn't you come to our company for an interview?"

"Yes, yes! I'm here for an interview!"

Jacob's cheeks flushed slightly, and he seemed to be very excited. He suppressed his excitement, returned to his seat, and became more active: "I want to work in your company, what are your requirements?"

"Our Manstein Potion Company has just been established, and many positions are vacant, so it depends on the specific skills of the applicant."

The brush strokes hit the table, and Ma Wei asked, "Do you have any special skills?"

"I'm a mason and I can make wine!"

"Oh, Mason." Ma Wei nodded slowly, and recorded this information: "Are you literate?"

Among the applicants who came to interview, some came from reading the information in the newspaper by themselves, and some came through the introduction of others. They could read newspapers and be literate naturally, but those who were introduced by others were not necessarily.

Literate applicants can hold far more positions than illiterate applicants. You must know that even in the most economically developed Kingdom of Windsor, the literacy rate does not exceed 50%. The Romanov Kingdom is even worse, with a literacy rate of 10%. nothing.

"I can read newspapers," Jacob said. "I studied in the Sunday school of the church for a while when I was a child."

"Sunday school?" Stuart's eyes lit up: "Are you a believer in the church?"

"Yes, I, Steven Thomas, am a believer in the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate, and believe in"

Jacob shifted his gaze to Mavi, and Mavi quietly raised two fingers, and Jacob said knowingly: "I believe in Nande, the goddess of wealth."

Hearing this, Stuart was even more satisfied: "Yes, it can be seen that you are a devout believer, but it's a pity that you have too few skills and can take up many positions."

"He can go to work in the potion factory."

"He is a mason, what does he go to the factory for?"

"To make potions, in addition to knowing a lot of relevant knowledge, the most important thing is to have a steady hand and endure loneliness. Mixing potions is not an easy job. The mason is competent, so let him have a try." Mavie said.

"Is that so?" Stuart didn't know much about the process of making potions, and since Mavi had said so, he didn't have any objections.

Mavi put a check mark next to Jacob's name, indicating that Jacob passed the interview.

"Steven Thomas, you passed your interview."

Jacob knew that he would definitely pass the interview, but he still showed a very surprised expression: "Then when will I come to work?"

"Next Monday, which is tomorrow, report to No. 59 Wood Street, Havering, and someone will take you to the factory there."

Ma Wei introduced and said: "You will have a one-week internship period. During the internship period, the salary will be paid at 80% of the standard. After passing the one-week internship period, you will be converted into regular employees. At that time, Manstein Potion Company will provide you with accommodation, three meals a day, life insurance and sickness insurance”

"If you have a family, you can also choose to live in a rented house. If you rent a house, you can apply to the company for rent and transportation subsidies of 7 shillings per week."

After talking about the treatment, Ma Wei stood up and stretched out his palm to Jacob:

"Welcome, Steven Thomas."

(End of this chapter)

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