Father Mavie

Chapter 533 Gluttonous feast

Chapter 533 Gluttonous feast (please subscribe!!!)

Looking at the property appraiser who walked into the house, the nobles were obviously taken aback.

They did bring the contract of the property under their name, but they didn't expect that after sitting down and chatting for a long time, the second prince invited out the bank's staff and asked them to use their assets as collateral for a loan.

It's a big gamble.

If the assets were used as collateral, once the Manstein Potion Company failed to win the bidding, it meant that the investment might lose money.


It is bound to lose money.

Even if Ma Wei has proved his ability, he can get many potions from abroad through a wide range of channels, but without the support of the church, he cannot break through the upper limit.

Investing all of one's property in the Manstein Potion Company is too risky, and the consequences of failure are unimaginable, and it may cause the family to decline overnight.

On the contrary, you can earn a lot of money.

If the Manstein Potion Company wins the bidding and gets the support of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate, it is hard to imagine how much profit it can make with the size of the church and Mavi's channels.

Potion, after all, is a blank.

No one wanted to miss this opportunity, nor did they dare to bet rashly.

"Guys, you seem to be still hesitating."

The second prince, Shukri, was not in a hurry, and was not angry because of the hesitation of the nobles. Instead, he said with a smile: "It's not your fault, after all, you have never seen the potion made by Nicholas, so it is normal for you not to dare to invest. Smith."

"Yes, Your Highness."

Smith, who was sitting by the side, turned and left. After a while, he came back with a plate of sliced ​​toast.

"Sleepy toast, a product launched by Manstein's potion general store. I can guarantee that you will never find a potion product like it in London."

The second prince Shukri raised his hand to signal: "Try it all, Archbishop Brandon is full of praise for it."

The nobles picked up the toast suspiciously, not because they were afraid that the second prince would poison it, but because they were already tired of eating toast.

Faced with the second prince's determined tone, they were a little curious about the effect of the toast.

What kind of potion could make someone like Archbishop Brandon so full of praise?
There is always the first person to eat crabs. A nobleman took a small bite of toast. The cold toast was mixed with a faint milky aroma, and the taste was ordinary. For noblemen who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas, this is nothing unusual. Freshly baked toast is delicious.

The other nobles took a wait-and-see attitude, staring intently at the noble who ate the toast.

At first, the nobleman who ate the toast didn't respond. After half a minute, the scene in front of him suddenly blurred, and he shook his head. He closed his eyes, leaned back on the sofa, his frowning brows stretched out, and the corners of his mouth raised There was a faint smile, and he let out a groan in enjoyment.

The other nobles looked at each other, wondering what was wrong with him. After 10 minutes, the noble who had eaten the toast slowly opened his eyes, with a look that was still unfinished.

"What do you see?"

"I saw."

The aristocrat who ate the toast hesitated to speak, it was impossible for him to speak out the fantasy that appeared in his mind, just like Archbishop Brandon would not say that he became the Pope in fantasy.

There are some secrets that cannot be revealed.

"You will know once you taste it." The nobleman who had eaten the toast took another bite of the toast.

Seeing this, the other nobles also dispelled their doubts, and tasted the toast in their hands one after another. They all felt that there was nothing unusual and the taste was ordinary, but then
Like the first nobleman to eat toast, they closed their eyes.

All kinds of extremely real scenes appeared in front of my eyes.

ten minutes later.
The nobles opened their eyes one after another, some in disbelief.

The second prince Shukri took a sip of his cigar, exhaled a puff of gray smoke, and said with a smile, "Are you all satisfied?"

"This toast." Someone asked, "How much does it cost? What is the serving size?"

The original price of the sleeping toast was 10 gold pounds per pound, which was already very expensive, but the second prince was not satisfied, and doubled the price of the sleeping toast without Mavi's permission.

"20 gold pounds per pound, is this price expensive?"

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive!" Someone waved his hand, "A pound of toast can last for a long time, and if you eat it slice by slice, a pound of toast can last a whole day! This is much more cost-effective than cocaine!"

Dino has sold 50% cocaine solution. Mavi knows the price of cocaine solution in the upper class. A shot of 3% cocaine costs 3 gold pounds. After injection, the effect will last for more than an hour. Come to feel happy, but after waking up, there will be a strong sense of vomiting and dizziness.

Not only that, but injecting cocaine solution has certain risks. After all, the priests of the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate cannot stay by your side 24 hours a day. If you overdose, the consequences will be disastrous.

It is not uncommon for aristocrats to die from drug use.

In contrast
The sleeping toast launched by Manstein's Potion Store is much milder. Not only does it have a real effect, but there is no obvious discomfort after taking it, and the price is similar to cocaine.

More importantly, nobles cannot control their hallucinations when injecting cocaine. Sometimes the hallucinations created in their minds are extremely terrifying. Sleepy Toast does not have this kind of trouble, it only makes you see what you want to see.

Ma Wei didn't say anything about the second prince raising the price without authorization. Anyway, it's all about making money. They want you to earn more, so you can't get angry!

"Sleepy toast will definitely replace cocaine and become a popular potion commodity in London!" Someone concluded.

Among the aristocrats, there are many who sell cocaine, marijuana and other drugs through various channels. Once sleeping toast is promoted in London, it is very likely. No!
It will definitely affect the sales of drugs.

This is very important.

But if Sleepy Toast had a stake in them, the damage to drug revenue wouldn't matter so much.

"Even if the bidding fails, Nicholas will still sell all kinds of potion products in London." The second prince said slowly: "Among them is a potion called Mercury's Blood. Experiments have proved that Mercury's Blood can treat extraordinary Creatures produce paralysis and restraint effects, and with the blood of mercury, the church can capture more living organisms, which is another huge benefit."

The captured live bodies can be raised, or sold to other nobles as playthings. No matter what, the church makes money.

And how could the church, which relied on the blood of mercury to capture extraordinary creatures, not purchase the blood of mercury in large quantities?
At that time, will the Manstein Potion Company still have no orders?
This is the reason why the second prince summoned the nobles today.

Gold will always shine.

As long as the effect of the product is good enough, there will be no buyers!

This is the iron law of business!

"You must think clearly." The second prince said with a smile: "Today, Nicholas took advantage of my private fundraising. The opportunity is in front of you. If you miss this opportunity, wait until the company goes public and the stock price rises. You can’t buy as many shares with the same amount of money.”

The second prince can be said to have given Mavi enough face. In his opinion, the current Mavi is more important than any nobleman sitting here.

He has made a choice.

There is no turning back.

You can only do your best and give it a go.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Smith immediately took out a contract and said, "I will pay 20 gold pounds to buy [-]% of the shares of Manstein Potion Company."

The second prince valued Manstein Potions Company at 2000 million gold pounds. In other words, investors could only contribute money based on the valuation, and how many shares they could buy depended on the proportion of the capital corresponding to the valuation.

Smith's 20 gold pounds accounted for exactly 1%.

It doesn't seem like much, but this is a real share. If the Manstein Potion Company soars in the future and its total value soars, this 1% share will be more than 20 gold pounds.

Not only that, the monthly profit dividends will also be transferred to Smith's bank account.

After Smith and Mavi signed the contract, the second prince Shukri also took out a pen, delivered a certificate of deposit of 50 gold pounds in public, signed his name on the equity investment agreement, and obtained 2.5 yuan from Manstein Potion Company. % of shares.

Under his instigation, some nobles couldn't sit still, and called the bank's property appraiser to sign the contract while mortgaging the property, snatching this fleeting cake.

they are greedy,
Like a gluttonous feast.

(End of this chapter)

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