Father Mavie

Chapter 529 The statue that came alive

Chapter 529 The statue that came alive (please subscribe!!!)
Judging from the shelves placed in the house, what Levin found should be a shop that sells statues of extraordinary creatures. The largest one is no more than half a meter high. It is a black dragon placed in the center of the shop. , very conspicuous.

Each statue is lifelike, with flawless textures and details, exquisite as a specimen, and a clockwork-like device stuck behind it.

The footprints that aroused Levin's alertness were at the entrance of the store. Among the thick layer of dust, a string of footprints was very obvious, thinner than the dust accumulated in the house, but also covered with a layer of dust.

This shows that the owner of the footprints has been here for some time.

The dwellings that Mavi found before have not been opened. It should be said that the city of Londinium has long been buried underground. Without the tears of the siren, who can arrive here before the arrival of Mavi and the others?
What is the purpose of the other party coming here?
"The footprint is small and narrow, not like a grown man, either a child or a woman."

Ma Wei compared it with his own soles and gave a preliminary guess.

It had been a while since the other party had come to Londinium, and there hadn't been a few months or even more than a year before the footprints left would not accumulate so much dust, which made Mavi feel a sense of crisis again.

Someone is one step faster than them!
They are not the first faction to discover the underground ruins of Londinium!

And the person who came to the ruins a few months ago can only come from two forces.

1. Church of the Three Goddesses of Destiny
2. Family of the Ancient Gods

For a while, Mavi couldn't be sure who discovered the ruins. Both the Church of the Three Fates and the family of the ancient gods were suspected. London will soon excavate the Metropolitan Subway. The Church of the Three Fates can use the gap in the subway to secretly mine Londinum remains.

And the family of the ancient gods.
They come and go, and Mavi is used to them.

Holding the kerosene lamp, Mavi stepped into the store and walked around the shelves. On the shelves, the statues with clockwork were covered with dust, lifeless, and looked a little dark.

It is impossible for the other party to come to this shop selling statues for no reason. Mavi needs to know what the other party has taken or left behind.

The accumulated dust can show him the way forward.

Ma Wei, who has seen the catalog of alien beasts, recognized the owners of the statues one by one. They are all extraordinary creatures recorded in the catalog of alien beasts, such as the abyssal beast Hegma with the head of a walrus, the whale ancestor Sai Theda and even Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea.

In front of the third row of shelves, Mavi stopped and found that behind the statue of Saisida the Whale Ancestor, the place where the statue of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, should have been placed was actually empty!

The statue of the Kraken Kraken is missing!
There was something there originally, just like the footprints, with a shallow circle of traces, also covered with a layer of dust.

The other party took away the statue of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea?
Ma Wei didn't dare to jump to conclusions before searching the shop. What if the statue placed here by the shop owner is not the Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, but another extraordinary creature?

"Felix, Jonas, find the Kraken statue! Quick!"

"Oh oh oh"

Levine and Daniel, who were also walking around the store, immediately started to act. Even Junia joined the search army. Together, the speed of a few people quickly increased. In less than 10 minutes, the shelves in the store were turned upside down. .

No Kraken.

Levin and Daniel, who have also read the book of strange beasts, know what Kraken looks like. Levin has also had close contact with Kraken. A big squid is very strange even if it is placed in an extraordinary creature. Of course, it is impossible to admit it. , there is indeed no one in the store.

To be precise, there are statues of all the extraordinary creatures recorded in the book of strange beasts in the store, except for Kraken!

While thinking, Ma Wei's eyes gradually lit up: "I understand. I understand!"

Levin and Daniel looked at each other: "Brother, what do you understand?"

"Not a few months, a year and a half ago, the existence that came here was the family of the ancient gods!" Ma Wei said emotionally: "It took away the statue of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea! Because Kraken is not a race created by the ancient gods , if you want to revive Kraken, you can only use another way!"

Seeing the expressions of Levin and Daniel who were still confused, Ma Wei explained: "After Junia ascended to the gods and became a real god, she untied the shackles that bound the gods, right?"


"Also from that day on, in addition to Anatole and the three Goddesses of Destiny, there are many superhuman races that have recovered. On the surface, there seems to be no problem, but have you ever thought that some of these recovered superhuman races are already Perishing!"

"Dad, do you mean Brother Edward?" Junia asked.

"That's right! It's the blood race!" Ma Wei said: "The blood race was exterminated. Edward also admitted that it wandered in the kingdom of death for 2000 years. After waking up, it lost its memory. There are many extraordinary races like the blood race. There can't be only one, but the blood race is reborn! Who awakened Edward and let him return from the kingdom of death?"

"Who else can be, it must be the ancient god!" Daniel said without hesitation: "Besides the ancient god, why do other forces resurrect the blood race?"

"That's the problem!" Ma Wei said quickly: "The ancient gods buried history, and the reason they buried history was to tamper with what actually happened, that is to say, they had to make the world forget that the blood race had The fact of perishing, and then the blood race can be revived!"

Levin and Daniel looked at each other and asked a question: "2000 years ago, the blood race perished. Human beings may not remember this incident, but how could the apocalypse gods that rose at that time forget the existence of the blood race? Anatole is Know Edward!"

"The gods are sealed! Together with the demon gate! They are locked up and cannot have an impact on the real world. It is precisely by seizing this gap that the forces of the ancient gods have resurrected these extinct extraordinary races!"

"But the statue of the blood race is here!"

Junia held up a humanoid statue with wings on its back and said, "Look, Daddy!"

"I saw it." Ma Wei slowly shook his head: "The ancient gods can revive the blood race without statues of the blood race, because the blood race was originally created by the ancient gods, and the ancient gods know everything about the blood race, just like cooking. I can cook today." A pot of delicious beef can be made tomorrow!"

"But the Kraken is different. The Kraken is not an extraordinary creature created by the ancient gods. The whale ancestor Saisida said that the Kraken was raised by the Sea People. It has a deep affection for the Sea People and shoulders the mission of protecting the group. "

Mavi's face is solemn: "Kraken may have been just an ordinary squid before, but because of the sea people, it has grown into a behemoth today, or it may also be an extraordinary creature created by Ashis, but the forces of the ancient gods and Ah Sith is irreconcilable, without the help of Ashis, the forces of the ancient gods can only use the statues left by the golden age to revive Kraken."

These words were concise and thorough, and Levin, Daniel, and Junia all understood them, but they still had one doubt.

"Why did the forces of the ancient gods revive Kraken?"

"I do not know either."

Ma Wei picked up the statue on the shelf, looked at the clockwork behind the statue, hesitating whether to turn it or not.

These statues are definitely not as simple as they appear on the surface, and they can be valued by the ancient gods. The shop that made a special trip here definitely has its own merits.

Once these statues are wound up
what will happen?

To be on the safe side, Mavi didn't want to wind up these statues, but if he didn't wind them up, how would he know the wonders of these statues?

After much deliberation, Ma Wei decided to try it out. Anyway, Junia was by his side. He didn't believe that toys placed in a mere shop could bring them any danger.
If these statues were so dangerous, why would a golden age shopkeeper put them on the shelves for public sale?
The persimmons had to be picked softly. Of course, Mavi couldn't wind up the black dragon statue in the middle of the store. He picked and picked, and finally chose a Hegma.

The abyssal beast Hegma, among the extraordinary creatures, is the least threatening to humans. They live in the sea and are elves in the sea. They will avoid contact with humans as much as possible, and their strength is not strong. Levine Can hang it.

"I don't know if this clockwork can still turn after so many years."

Out of the shop and into the open space in the street, Mavi got Junia ready for battle, then grabbed the mainspring and turned it clockwise.

Galala. Galala.
Surprisingly, the mainspring is very smooth, without any sense of stagnation when turning, and it has not been damaged even after tens of thousands of years have passed.

Just when Mavi lamented that the quality of technology in the Golden Age was really good, the statue in his hand started to vibrate, and the clockwork rattled and twirled. Higma, who was originally only the size of a palm, suddenly began to swell in size and became heavier and heavier. Wei quickly threw it to the ground and took a few steps back.

Under the tense gaze of everyone, the statue swelled to the height of a person, its skin became soft and shiny, and its chest rose and fell slightly, as if it was breathing. It didn't take long
Hegmar, who was prostrate on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and turned to look at Mavey and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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