Father Mavie

Chapter 494 Bid for Listing

Chapter 494 Bid for Listing (Please Subscribe!!!)
Ma Wei considered joining the Church of the Three Fate Goddesses, but he never thought about believing in Nande, the goddess of wealth.

The Manstein family came from afar. If they want to gain a firm foothold in the Kingdom of Windsor and gain the trust of others, they must first have a church background.

In the short term after joining the church, you don't need to believe in a certain goddess, just leave a name.

As for the divination crystal ball that Archbishop Brandon took out, Mavi felt that it was very likely that he was using divination to attract himself to join the church.

After all, the result of divination is vague, who knows what the black wolf represents?
Even Archbishop Brandon himself can't explain why!
But well.
It just happens to be counted.

"Archbishop Brandon, I am a person who wandered around in my early years. I have been to many kingdoms. I have seen big storms and crooked cults. Of course, I am not saying that your church is a cult, but in my heart, I am in awe of the church." Mavie said.

Archbishop Brandon nodded and said: "Your Excellency is a grocer. During the time of doing business, you must have seen a lot of customs and customs. On the southern continent, such as the Witch God Sect in the Voodoo Kingdom, in fact, in the eyes of our churches, it is not much like a cult. The difference is that their teachings are extremely cruel and bloody, and the tribes are primitive and uncivilized, and they are all a group of uninfluential natives, so it is normal not to want to join."


"Mr. Nicholas, our Goddess of Destiny Church is by no means a crooked cult. You may not know us well before. Our teachings believe that people are born with sins, so teaching believers to be kind and moral is fundamentally different from other sects."

Ma Wei listened silently, and asked calmly: "With the help of Archbishop Brandon, I am willing to get in touch with the teachings preached by the Goddess of Wealth Nande, but before that, I would like to hear from His Royal Highness the Second Prince. Opinion."



For Mavi who passed all the tests, the second prince Shukri would certainly not be stingy, he said very simply: "I have already discussed with Archbishop Brandon, Nicholas, we can give you the potion formula you need, but You have to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the church to ensure that the potion formula will never be leaked out."

"no problem."

"Also, in order for you to have access to potion formulas, you need to join the church. Archbishop Brandon will arrange for you to be an auditor priest, under the direct jurisdiction of Goddess of Wealth Nande, this is to protect you in the church rights are not infringed."

"no problem."

"In addition to these, you also have to conduct public bidding with other potions merchants." The second prince Shukri said hesitantly: "Although Archbishop Brandon is in charge of various business affairs of the church, the church is not his monopoly. , must be dealt with openly.”

Ma Wei asked curiously, "How to bid specifically?"

"The potion industry is the same as other industries. If you want to bid, you need materials such as technical bids, business bids, and credit bids. These are all included in the bidding documents. After the church issues relevant regulations, I will send you a copy."

After a pause, the second prince Shukri added: "To put it simply, Nicholas, you need to beat other bidders in the bidding. These bidders may be the potions merchants under Charles and Andrew. They have a strong financial chain and are definitely not A single company can match that.”

"Nicholas, you don't have to worry about your qualifications. Regarding the registered capital, company qualifications and other issues, I will find someone to guarantee it for you. The only thing you need to handle yourself is the business bid."

Commercial bidding document, that is, the overall plan provided by the bidder, including construction period, quality, budget, commitment and other conditions.

If you want to become the official potion distributor of the church, you must first have a sales channel, followed by various distribution methods such as the quality of the potion and the purchase price, so as to ensure that you can bring maximum benefits to the church.

All bids will be reviewed uniformly, and whoever provides the best and highest quality proposal will become the only potion dealer designated by the church.

This is also the reason why the three princes wooed Ma Wei frantically. Ma Wei showed a strong strength when he first appeared. He must have his own potion management channel. This alone has an innate advantage.

Ma Wei has just heard about the bidding, so it is not surprising to think about it carefully. The Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate must be strictly and meticulously screened, and the Kingdom of Windsor is the first country to complete two industrial revolutions. Prevailing, if you don't go through bidding, how can you choose the most powerful dealer?

"As a prince, I cannot provide you with direct financial support. However, you can set up a potion company. I will help you apply for listing on the London Stock Exchange. At that time, Smith and the others will subscribe for the shares released by your company. Provide financial assistance in this way."

The second prince Shukri said with a smile: "Based on my connections, it only takes one day to make you, Nicholas, the richest group of people in London. You don't have to worry about stock risks. My people will help you." Remove all obstacles in the way."

As a supporter of the Liberal Party in Parliament, how much capital flow can the second prince Shukri control?
Ma Wei didn't know, but the amount must be huge and beyond imagination.

He doesn't know much about stocks, but he does know one thing - you must have enough capital reserves to deal with the reputation crisis brought about by risk exposure.

Of course, the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate would not allow a company in bankruptcy crisis to be their potion distributor, so credibility is very important.

Ma Wei's current funds alone are not enough to take over such a large potion market in the Kingdom of Windsor and become an official potion dealer. The current economic situation in the Romanov Kingdom is tense, and they can't afford to help him. , choosing to list on the London Stock Exchange seems to be his last and only option.

Only in this way can Ma Wei obtain huge financial support in a short period of time to carry out the trade of potions between countries.

It is for these reasons that they seek refuge with the eldest prince, second prince, and third prince.

Generally speaking, Ma Wei, who has distribution channels, is like a technician who invented new technology, but he does not have enough funds to expand production. If he cannot quickly occupy the market, other similar inventions will rob him of the cake that should belong to him. At this time, Ma Wei, who has technology, will seek the intervention of big capital, and they will provide financial support to expand production and enter the core of the market.

In this process, it is inevitable to disperse the shares. Those who subscribed for a large number of shares will become shareholders of Manstein Potions and Grocery Store, and the profits will be distributed to them. It seems that the profits have decreased, but in fact the money in their pockets has changed too much.

As long as Mavi maintains a 51% shareholding, he can have an absolute right to speak on the board of directors. Generally speaking, going public is a good thing.

Using the listed Potion Group, Ma Wei can secretly feed back the Romanov Kingdom and help the Romanov Kingdom recover its economy. Yes, and took back all the dispersed equity.

Other people here can be the knights of the round table of the fourth prince Arthur.

Without too much hesitation, Mavi accepted the conditions proposed by the second prince Shukri. In terms of business, the second prince Shukri was much stronger than the eldest prince Charles and the third prince Andrew, so he was chosen as his partner , there is nothing wrong with it.

As soon as Ma Wei left, the second prince Shukri laughed heartily on his back, so excited that he couldn't control himself.

"Brandon Archbishop! We cooperated so well! Nicholas is finally willing to support me!"

"Cooperation?" Archbishop Brandon froze for a moment: "What cooperation?"

"Divination crystal ball!" The second prince Shukri was stunned: "Didn't you use the divination crystal ball to scare Nicholas into joining the church?"

"I didn't scare him, the divination result is true."


"I'm not joking." Archbishop Brandon held the crystal ball thoughtfully: "The black wolf is an ominous sign, but it's the first time I've seen a black wolf with blood and tears, and there is no similar result recorded in the classics. Strange. Strange."

The second prince Shukri, who had just been relieved, became nervous again: "Could it be that Nicholas really suffered a bloody disaster? If he dies, my efforts will be in vain!"

"About the divination results, I want to ask the goddess, maybe she can give me an answer."

Archbishop Brandon stood up, frowned and walked out the door:
"Nicholas is not protected by the gods. If he can believe in the goddess of wealth, Nande, the divination results may be different. I have to study how to do it. Don't come to me in the past few days if you have nothing to do."


(End of this chapter)

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