Father Mavie

Chapter 481 James Morea

Chapter 481 James Morea (Please Subscribe!!!)
Under the leadership of the staff, Ma Wei and the others came to the No. 4 VIP room with bags of snacks.

Each theater has a high-rise small hall independent of the hall, which not only has a wide view, but also does not have to worry about being disturbed by others. If privacy is required, the curtain can be drawn to block the sight of others.

Of course, Ma Wei didn't need privacy. This time, they had to tell everyone that they were here. They were upright and upright.

Isn't sneaking around a thief?

What's the point of their coming if others don't know they're here?
As the most prestigious Royal Opera House in London, the prices around Covent Garden are not cheap. All kinds of handmade pastries are generally several times more expensive than other areas. It is more expensive, but these pastries are basically from the palace. The hands of the pastry chef - many court pastry chefs who retired from Buckingham Palace will take their apprentices to open a shop in central London, and the business is very hot.

As for the taste
The dim sum made by the palace pastry chef is indeed different from the small shops on the street. The sweetness is softer, the taste is also very layered, and the ingredients are the freshest of the day.

A theatrical performance usually takes 1 hour and 30 minutes - within 4 hours, tonight's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" is expected to perform for 2 hours, and the performance will officially start at 7:[-] p.m. Mavie took out his pocket watch , found that there are still ten minutes before the performance.

Marvie picked up the theater binoculars under the arm of the chair—a small telescope with an extra long stem, constructed somewhat like a monocle, except that the chain from which the monocle dangled was replaced by a stiff rod so that the guests would not My hands are sore.

Theater No. 1 is very spacious. Guests sitting in the private rooms on the second floor need to use theater binoculars if they want to see the facial expressions of the actors clearly.The No. 4 VIP room where Ma Wei is located is in the middle on the left. Other private rooms have guests seated one after another. Some guests close the curtain as soon as they sit down. They don’t know what they are doing. Chatting and laughing happily with the female companion beside him, he asked the waiter to bring a lighter and light the thick cigar between his fingers.

The first thing Mavi looked at was private room No. 1, where the curtain had been drawn for a long time. It was the exclusive private room reserved for him by Prince Charles. Only members of the royal family could enter private room No. 1 when they came to Covent Royal Opera House. Private rooms do not require tickets, it all depends on identity.

Today, the guest who is eligible to enter the No. 1 private room is naturally the fourth prince Arthur. No matter how unwelcome he is, he is also a legitimate prince. Rihanna, they were officially married a year ago, and Mavi was half a matchmaker.

Unexpectedly, Arthur was so high-profile that the waiter lifted the curtain so that everyone could see his figure. Through the telescope, Mavi saw him and Gulihana talking in a low voice.

I haven't seen him for a whole year, and Arthur is still the same, solemn and solemn black suit, with a white handkerchief standing upright in the breast pocket, dressed like this every day.

Gu Lihana's face has more charm, less childishness, and has become more beautiful. She even learned to make up, and she is becoming more and more like an upper-class lady.

Mavi has never forgotten the contract he made with Arthur. One of his goals is to assist Arthur ascend the throne when he returns to London this time, but unfortunately, it is not the time for them to recognize each other.

The Kingdom of Windsor is different from the Kingdom of Romanov. Here, the Church of Truth has no mass base, and it is difficult to develop believers. Therefore, Ma Wei can only adopt a method completely different from the "armed coup" to slowly stir up the big dye vat in London.

"Dad, this snack is so delicious, you should try it too!"

Junia, who stuffed cream puffs into her mouth, handed the box in front of Mavi, with some cream on her lips. After ascending to the gods, Junia actually does not need to obtain energy for survival through food. The faith provided by believers Power is her best food, and eating is just her personal hobby, it doesn't matter whether she eats or not—she chooses to eat.

Picking up a piece of puffs, Ma Wei looked at the No. 2 private room. Sitting there was a silver-haired old man in a suit and leather shoes. He was full of energy and piercing eyes. He didn't look like an old man at all, but looked like a 30-[-]-year-old young people.

In addition to the silver-haired old man, there is also a middle-aged man in private room No. 2, with a square face, a parted head, and a beard. His expression is slightly gloomy. .

Ma Wei snapped his fingers, called the waiter by the door, pointed to the No. 2 private room and asked, "Who are they?"

"Oh, the old man is Professor James Morea, an honorary professor of mathematics at Oxford University, and the younger gentleman is Guy Moran. Both of them like drama and often come to the Royal Opera House to watch performances." The waiter Said politely.

James Morea?

Eyes narrowed, Mavi had a little impression of the name.

Mavi was an orphan who was 'adopted' by the Crowley family during the Great Famine on the West Island. In order to ensure the safety of his son, the Royal Navy must bring a strong and loyal attendant. When he went out to play by chance again, Duke Crawley met Ma Wei who was on the verge of starving to death, that is, the original body.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, the Duke of Crawley had a good impression of the original body, and took him back to London. After training for a few months, the original body joined the Royal Navy with Toure Crowley. The original body is very good. When Toure was promoted to the commander of the Saint-Martil fleet, the original body was also promoted and became the deputy captain of the main ship. This was also to better protect Toure.

During their service in the Royal Navy, the original body and Toure Crowley fought through countless dangers, and slowly forged a friendship. In name, they are superiors and subordinates, but in fact they are more like friends. They talk about everything. And James Morea.
It was Toure Crawley's tutor during his studies at Oxford University.

Of course Mavi knew him, not only knew him, but even learned something about Professor James Morea from Toure.

Professor James Morea has taught many students. Most of the students who are eligible to study at Oxford University are children of nobles and gentry families. These elites enter all walks of life after graduation. As their mentor, James Morea is in London He is also well-known among the upper class, and is a well-respected gentleman.

If it's just these, it's not enough to make Ma Wei think about it, it's just that
Toure Crowley once mentioned a thing.

The honorary professor of Oxford University has an annual salary of only about 200 gold pounds. This salary obviously cannot afford the high ticket price of the Royal Opera House. Professor James Morea is not well-known. He was admitted by Oxford because of his excellent grades. The "special admission" of the university's exceptional admission, an academic paper published at the age of 20 shocked the mathematics world, which caused a lot of trouble at the time and successfully entered the academic world.

It is a pity that James Morea has not published any amazing academic papers since then.

How can an ordinary university professor afford a theater ticket of 35 pounds for a long time?
When Toure Crowley mentioned his mentor James Morea, he said more than once that this professor was very mysterious, and even Duke Crowley couldn't see through him.

Originally, Ma Wei didn't take him seriously, but now that he met him suddenly, he couldn't help but think of some old things.

"For all the guests in the private room, a bottle of 42-year-old Bordeaux red wine." Ma Wei took out two common coupons with a denomination of 50 gold pounds and handed them to the waiter: "If they ask, just say private room No. 4, don't mention it my name."


The waiter accepted the general ticket and slowly exited the private room. After he left, Levin couldn't help asking, "Brother, I can understand that you gave them wine, but why didn't you mention your name? Do you do charity?"

"What kind of charity." Ma Wei glanced at Levin, nodded and said, "I just want to attract their attention and let them take the initiative to investigate us and pay attention to our whereabouts."

"What's good?"

"After the performance, Miss Helena will receive roses from you, but she is backstage, and it is very common to send flowers to actors. These nobles and gentry may not be aware of it, but if we alert them in advance Note that the news that Felix von Manstein sent Miss Helena ninety-nine roses will spread throughout London's upper classes the next day."

Levin swallowed. He likes to talk to beautiful ladies, but that doesn't mean he likes to flirt with married women in a big way. If a husband finds out about this kind of thing, he will be shot.
Didn't Ma Wei do this to push him to the forefront?
"I just want everyone to notice you."

Ma Wei said in a calm voice: "Do you still remember how high-spirited you were when we first met? Show the confidence you had at the time, you can't be completely decadent just because of one failure, I hope to see the proud and conceited The Rose Phantom Thief, you can no longer suppress yourself, you have to get out of the shadows, and I will help you regain your lost confidence."

With that said, Ma Wei personally picked up the red wine bottle on the side and poured a glass of red wine for Levin:
"The stage is huge, you have to work hard."


(End of this chapter)

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