Father Mavie

Chapter 461 No. 221 St. Martin Street

Chapter 461 No. 221 St. Martin Street (Please subscribe!!!)

221 St. Martin Street, Fulham, West London.

The tip of the pen lightly slid across the paper, leaving curly and jumping characters on the yellowed blank space.

In the study with the back to the window, a middle-aged man with sideburns and blue eyes was writing something in a notebook. Sometimes he would stop writing, stroke Fangzheng's chin with one hand, and pick up the silver paper on the table with the other. Lighter, flick off the lid with a 'ding' sound, light the hand-rolled cigarette dangling from his mouth, and take a nice puff.

The cigarette was burning, and the quiet needle drop could be heard in the room. In the rising smoke, the middle-aged man looked at the opposite wall embroidered with basil patterns and fell into deep thought, as if recalling what happened not long ago.

"Holmes was... well."

Taking one last puff of the cigarette, the middle-aged man put out the cigarette, picked up the pen again, and was about to continue writing when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Watson." An old woman in a house apron entered the room: "There are guests looking for Holmes outside."

"Well, I see, Mrs. Hudson."

Watson put down his pen, and saw three young men who entered the room after Mrs. Hudson—brown hair, dark green eyes. They didn't look like Windsor people, and there was a little girl with braids, Something like Fredericks.
"Gentlemen, are you looking for Diloc Holmes?" Watson got up and asked.

Looking up and down at Watson, Ma Wei was quite interested in the middle-aged man in white shirt and gray velvet vest in front of him.

He stared at Watson for a long time, then suddenly took off his hat and put it on his chest, and said in a calm voice: "I heard that Deloitte Holmes has an assistant named Henry Watson, who can always help him at critical moments, presumably Your Excellency. By the way, my name is Nicholas von Manstein, and they are Felix, Jonas and Emma, ​​my brother and daughter."

"I am indeed Henry Watson, but I am not Holmes' assistant, but his friend, and occasionally I do some trivial favors at his request."

Watson looked at the old woman standing at the door: "Mrs. Hudson, could I trouble you to pour a few cups of tea?"

"Coming soon."

After the old lady left the room, Watson invited Ma Wei and the others to sit on the wide-backed sofa in the study, and asked aloud, "Is there anything you want?"

"Oh, we want to entrust Mr. Holmes to investigate the case." Ma Wei explained his purpose: "We have encountered a very difficult situation, and we want to ask Mr. Holmes to take action, and the reward is good."

Although Watson is Holmes' assistant and Holmes completely trusts him, after so long, Mavie is not sure whether Holmes is still 'waiting' for his return. Come on Holmes.
"It's a coincidence that Holmes has gone out. He has taken over a case, and I'm afraid he won't be back until evening." Watson took a pen and paper from the table, "You can tell me the case that needs to be investigated, and leave your address, I will truthfully pass it on to Holmes."

Ma Wei smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll wait for him here. If you don't mind."

".Understood, then please sit here for a while."

Watson did not refuse Mavie's request to wait for Holmes' return. In fact, after he and Holmes met, clients often came to the door. If Holmes was not there, these clients would usually patiently wait for Holmes to return.
Usually, patient clients have very important case commissions.

Mrs. Hudson brought hot black tea and freshly baked crispy biscuits, one was placed on the desk, and the other was placed in front of Mavic and the others.

Watson was writing something behind the desk, and Mavi and the others sat on the sofa and waited patiently. Junia couldn't bear it any longer. Mrs. Hudson.

While drinking hot tea, Ma Wei picked up the newspaper on the table and flipped through the news.

The newspapers were drawn in circles with pencils, like a patient with graffiti disease. Almost every page of news has a few lines of small words circled out.

Among them, Ma Wei discovered that in the news about the "fourth prince Arthur building an orphanage", the name of the fourth prince Arthur was circled by a pencil, and at the same time, the bottom of the orphanage was blackened with a pencil, like a bold marking line .

As expected of Sherlock Holmes, it seems that he is already doubting the purpose of the fourth prince Arthur's establishment of the orphanage.
After seeing each other for a year, Mavi still 'misses' Holmes. He hopes to draw Holmes into his camp. So far, Holmes is one of the few targets that perfectly fits the 'logical truth'. A talent like this cannot be wasted. up.

Levin next to him was a little restless, holding a silver wine jug, walking up and down the room, as if the whole space was filled with an aura that made him anxious and irritable. After half an hour, he couldn't help it anymore: "I'm going out Breathe."

Holding the walnut cane, Levin left the room without looking back. Ma Wei put down the teacup, knocked on the table in front of Daniel who was reading a book, and made a look.

".I'll go out to get some fresh air, too."

Sighing inwardly, Daniel put down the book, tightly grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, and followed Levin. In the blink of an eye, only Mavi and Watson were left in the room.

Looking at all kinds of weird ornaments placed on the fireplace, Ma Wei suddenly asked: "Mr. Watson, do you have any religious beliefs?"

Watson raised his head and stared at Ma Wei's back for a while: "No, why do you ask that?"

"Because I found that there are many exquisite gadgets in your study." Ma Wei bent down and carefully observed a wooden monster statue with two heads and four arms: "It's just a little curiosity, please don't mind. "

"These little gadgets were brought back by Holmes." Watson said, "He didn't have this habit before. About a year ago, he suddenly started collecting these weird things. Every time he left London to go out to handle a case, he would bring them back. A little bit, I asked him and he didn't say anything. Could it be that these things have something to do with religion?"

Watson, who has been with Holmes for many years, has already learned some of the essence of his friends, learning to observe things around him. Mavie first asked about his beliefs, and then observed various ornaments in the room. It is obvious that the two are related.

"Some have it, some don't." Ma Wei pointed to the two-headed and four-armed monster statue in front of him and said, "This is an indigenous totem of the Voodoo Kingdom, called Orgen, who is in charge of war and death, and the armor on his body is made of mud. One of the gods worshiped by the Witch Cult of the spirit and blood that is filled with sacrifices."

"Witchcraft?" Watson frowned. "What does Holmes collect these things for?"

Ma Wei smiled, but did not answer Watson's question, because even he himself was not sure of the answer, so he could only guess boldly.

During the year he went to the Romanov Kingdom, Holmes must have done many things and investigated many clues. If he was smart enough, he might be able to track down the news about the lost history and the Freedom Association. This is what Mavi thought. please him.

As early as after the incident of the Black Swan Dance Troupe, Ma Wei realized that it would be difficult for him to contend with the Freedom Society alone. The Freedom Society is not a new force. They have existed and lurked in this world for many years. They are puppets of the ancient gods. Deep rooted and ubiquitous.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and the Church of Truth needs a genius who fits the "logical truth" to contend with the mysterious Freedom Society and assist Ma Wei in investigating and solving the secrets of the lost history
This talent appeared a long time ago, but the Church of Truth at that time was weak and could not attract this talent to join. Now.
The Church of Truth has completely stepped onto the world stage, competing with other big churches on the same stage, and its strength is becoming stronger and stronger. It is no longer a small church that was at the mercy of others.

In the future grand plan conceived by Ma Wei, Sherlock Holmes is an indispensable part. When he came to No. 221 St. Martin Street, Ma Wei was in a very disturbed mood. He was afraid that Holmes had joined other churches and reneged on the agreement.

The answer to the question can only be obtained by actually seeing Sherlock Holmes.

In the evening, the white sky gradually dimmed, the sun set, and Levin and Daniel, who had gone out to breathe, had already returned. Junia somehow coaxed Mrs. Hudson to bake her a big cake, You know the cake is not easy to make, but Mrs. Hudson is very happy and doesn't mind at all.

Just when Levin was waiting impatiently, a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the door of the study:

"Watson, is there any visitor?"

(End of this chapter)

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