Father Mavie

Chapter 451 Contact, dinner

Chapter 451 Contact, dinner (please subscribe!!!)

The guest rooms on the airship are not big, each one is only a dozen square meters, but the sparrow is small and well-equipped. The room not only has a full-length mirror, a tea table and a soft double bed, but also a wool carpet and a separate bathroom.

The boiler room equipped with a steam engine will continuously provide hot water 24 hours a day. Even though the airship has risen to a height of several hundred meters and a thin layer of mist has formed inside the glass, the room is still warm as spring, even a little hot.

"It seems that William still pays great attention to the customer experience."

Looking at the neat and clean independent bathroom, Mavi nodded with satisfaction. In fact, the owner of the William can completely reduce the size of the room, cancel unnecessary full-length mirrors and tea tables, and only leave the bathroom and double room in the room. bed.In this way, the William can free up more space and weight, and carry more guests.

However, the owner of the William obviously considered the distinguished status of the guests who would spend 50 pounds to buy a ticket. These people are either rich or expensive. In the eyes of the top nobles, a room of more than ten square meters is too 'narrow and shabby'.

This kind of person is not easy to serve, and they have wealth, power, and connections in their hands, let alone provoke them easily-for the owner of the William.

Ma Wei took off his coat, took off the black wool scarf around his neck, and lay down on the bed. Feeling the softness of the mattress and the soft and smooth sheets and quilt covers, he couldn't help but sigh: "What a wicked nobleman!" Life"

It's really cool, and the money spent is really painful.

Why does wealth move people's hearts?

Because it buys a life of ease and pleasure.

Ma Wei never thinks that money is a bad thing. It is not the currency that is guilty, but the people who use it. Now he has reached the pinnacle of power and can live more luxuriously than anyone else, but he like that
Is it still him?

Ma Wei, who was lying on the bed, was in a daze of consciousness. If the bell beside the bed didn't ring suddenly, he would probably have fallen asleep.

On the bedside of each room, there is a golden bell hanging on a string, which is connected to the captain’s room. When it’s time for meals or encounters important situations, Captain Ferdinand will ring the bell to notify all the guests in the room. .

Ma Wei sat up from the bed, tidied up the crumpled suit, stood in front of the full-length mirror and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the instrument, then dug out a bottle of lavender-scented perfume from the box, and wiped a few drops on the wrist and behind the ear.

He doesn't like to wear perfume, and he never uses these things on weekdays, but he has to admit that the upper class, both men and women, will wear perfume. If he makes an exception, he will be a maverick. Frederick', he was sure to imitate the behavior of the upper classes.

Perfume is one of them.

After spraying the perfume, Mavi pushed open the door, and happened to run into Junia and Levin who came out of the next room, and Fat Orange and Little Black were also there. This airship does not prohibit passengers from bringing pets, provided that the pets Really 'pets', not beasts of the forest.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Junia ran on tiptoe at the forefront, looking forward to the "first-class pastry chef" that Captain Ferdinand said. When passing by Levin, Ma Wei smelled a strong and pungent smell from him, and Very familiar.


Ma Wei turned to look at Levin with strange eyes: "What did you spray on your body?"

"Perfume!" Levin said confidently, "Didn't you spray it too?"

"I spray the bland lavender scent, what the hell are you spraying on?"

"Cinnamon pepper rose essential oil, Dino recommended it to me." Levin sniffed himself: "To be honest, spraying this stuff makes me smell like a grilled lamb chop, but Dino said that it is popular among high society now." This taste, I believe him."

"You" Ma Wei looked helpless: "Why do you trust Dino's taste? He is very good at business, but fashion has nothing to do with him!"

"Isn't the grilled lamb chops delicious?"


"That's it!" Levin was still stubborn, probably because he had learned the essence of Dino's stubbornness: "Perfume perfume, fragrance is enough!"

Ma Wei looked back at Daniel, who was holding back a smile with a rapier pinned to his waist, and asked suspiciously: "When Dino recommended perfume to him, why didn't you persuade him? You two stick together every day, so you must know."

"Brother, second brother has his own preferences, you don't need to worry about him." Seeing Levin's gaze drifting towards him, Daniel quickly put away the smirk on his face and said solemnly.


Mavi nodded.

Cinnamon Pepper Rose essential oil fits Felix's personality, an idiot who desperately wants to imitate the upper class.

"I don't know what good wine the airship will provide." Levin licked his lips, looking forward to the meals on the airship just like Junia.

The guests who bought the tickets are free of food and accommodation, and do not need to spend extra money. The expensive price of 50 gold already includes these things.

Arriving at the restaurant on the third floor, square tables have been set up here. The tables are covered with white tablecloths and exquisite tableware. The trident-shaped candlesticks have been lit. In the evening, there is only the last touch of the setting sun outside the glass window, mixed with the golden afterglow With the darkness falling together, there are hazy clouds and mist above the head, which is as beautiful as a fairyland.

There are many dining tables, which are enough to accommodate 30 passengers. However, for the upper class who like to socialize, sharing tables is a very common phenomenon, especially for something worth talking about like taking an airship. If you don’t find some chatting friends, you will always feel lacking order something.

Ma Wei and the others came neither early nor late, and several guests with their female companions in their arms have already sat down at the dining table. Nobles who intend to make new friends will sit at the long dining table that can accommodate many people, and those who want to be with them Guests who are not disturbed by their female partners will choose a small table for two, with obvious intentions.

The appearance and attire of the Frederick nobles are different from those of the Windsor nobles, and they can be easily distinguished. Ma Wei, who wants to get acquainted with the Windsor nobles, swept his eyes across the restaurant, and soon noticed a man and a woman sitting at the central long table .

They were two young men and women. The man combed his shiny back hair, meticulously groomed, wearing a white suit and a purple silk scarf around his neck. The elegant temperament of a nobleman, judging from the family crest on his chest, he should come from a noble family.

Locking on the target, Ma Wei didn't go forward directly, but reached out his hand foolishly to make friends with the other party. That kind of behavior is too stupid, and it will make the other party despise you in the first place. A smart person should use a smart person's method.


Mavi patted Junia on the shoulder, "It's up to you."

"give it to me!"

Junia, who was wearing a white dress and hugging a puppet bear, nodded heavily, mixed among the waiters, and quietly touched behind the man and woman, without saying a word, just stared at them with big eyes, after a while
A man and a woman finally became aware of her presence.

The six eyes met, Junia blinked her eyes, stared straight at the woman's face, and suddenly said in Germanic: "Sister, you are so beautiful!"

The woman was slightly startled, and looked at the male companion beside her. The young man with the shiny back smiled and translated: "This little girl is complimenting you on your beauty."

"Oh!" The woman finally came to her senses, and responded with a smile, "Thank you."

At this moment, a pair of powerful arms suddenly hugged Junia, and the eyes of the men and women moved up with Junia, and saw Mavi who came to the dining table.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't like her for a while, and disturbed the two of you." Ma Wei's face was full of apology, and he spoke standard Germanic with a little southern accent.

The man glanced at Ma Wei's clothes, and found that each piece of clothing was custom-made, neatly cut, and made of exquisite materials rather than cheap goods mass-produced in a factory. The corner of his mouth raised a smile, and he responded in Germanic: " It's okay, she's beautiful and cute and doesn't bother us."

Ma Wei let out a sigh of relief, and said with a helpless smile: "The child's mother passed away just after she was born, and I was busy with business and traveling around, neglecting her education, and I am planning to send her to Eton College recently. "

"Eton College?" The man's eyes lit up. "I graduated from there. It is indeed a good school. It is definitely the best choice to send children to get in touch with real elites. There is no one."

Nonsense, more than 9% of the elites in the Kingdom of Windsor graduated from Eton College, where 20 prime ministers were trained, and only the top elites can study. Of course you are no exception.

I thought so in my heart, but Ma Wei didn't express it. Instead, he said with some surprise: "Your Excellency must know Eton College very well?"

"That's right, it's my alma mater."

"Great, I'm just trying to find out more. If you don't mind, how about we have dinner?"

"Of course." The man readily agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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