Father Mavie

Chapter 434 Using barbarians to control barbarians

Chapter 434 Using barbarians to control barbarians (please subscribe!!!)
"Next, for a long time, the Three Goddesses of Fate will focus their attention on Anatole and have no time to take care of us."

At the end of the meeting, Ma Wei carefully put the oracle silkworm into a bottle and stuffed it into his arms: "I'm afraid this is our last and only chance for development. When they come back to their senses, or find a way to deal with other kingdoms of God, war It's about to explode"

The Church of the Three Goddesses of Destiny, the Sect of Judgment, the Sect of Fertility, and the Sect of Wisdom all want the key left by Nereida. This is related to whether they can be promoted to the main god. For the Church of Truth that ushers in the coming of the Kingdom of God, finding the key is the main goal of each church.

Ma Wei threw the suspense to Anatole, just to divert attention, but this method will not last long, and soon other churches will realize that the key is not in Anatole's hands.
They will definitely turn their guns around and continue to target the Church of Truth.

Tongshen Baizhu is a big killer, but it doesn't necessarily have no weaknesses. Only when you are strong can you get it done once and for all!
"Father." Katerina cast her gaze: "Are you leaving for the Kingdom of Windsor?"

"Well, I'm almost ready." Ma Wei nodded and said: "These days, I have been learning Germanic with Daniel, and I communicate with each other in Germanic every day, including language usage patterns in different situations such as written language and everyday language, If there are grammatical mistakes, he will correct me as soon as possible.”

In order to ensure that the disguise is perfect enough, in addition to Germanic, Mavie even learned Daniel's Windsor pronunciation, some dialects and behavior habits, such as Windsor people like to eat canned products, Friedrich people have to eat sauerkraut every day, Sausage, a wide variety of sausages have different names, what kind of meat is used, how long it is smoked, grilled or fried, all have their own standards.

in short.
Mavie is turning himself into a true Frederick.

"Who do you want to take to the Kingdom of Windsor?"

"Levin, Fat Orange, Xiao Hei, Daniel, and some members of the Aurora Society."

Needless to say, Junia, she will definitely go to the Kingdom of Windsor with Ma Wei, if she is not brought along, how can Ma Wei compete with the Kingdom of Windsor?

"Dino isn't going?"

"His position is very important. He not only needs to maintain the normal operation of the church, but also provides me with material assistance from the Romanov Kingdom, so he wants to stay." Ma Wei said: "Edward also wants to go with me, but I Still hesitating, wondering if I should take it or not."

In the contract signed between Edward and the Church of Truth, the first item is to help Edward retrieve his lost memory, and the demise of the blood race is related to the apocalypse gods, so Edward thinks that some clues may be found by going to London, but in Mavi's view
If Junia, Levin, Fat Ju, and Edward all left the Romanov Kingdom, wouldn't the Central Holy See be completely empty?

The top combat power is gone, if the enemy comes, who can defend?
Fortunately, most of the current high-level members of the Church of Truth are veterans single-handedly drawn out by Ma Wei, who are both loyal and reliable. Even if they leave, the monks below will not know that the Pope and others have left Mo sk.

As long as their whereabouts are completely kept secret, other churches will not dare to act rashly.

Not many people knew about Ma Wei's going to the Kingdom of Windsor, only Christopher and Selina knew about it, and the monks and priests who were separated from the core decision-making level knew nothing about it.

After listening to Mavi's plan, Katerina thought about it and asked, "When are you planning to leave?"

"On October 10th, we plan to sneak into the Kingdom of Frederick from the southern border, and from there take a carriage to the northern port of the Kingdom of Frederick, and take a boat to the Kingdom of Windsor. Although it's a detour, this is the safest and safest way. , even if the enemy traces it, they can only find out that we set out from the Kingdom of Frederick."

"Is it still half a month away?" Katerina frowned and looked into Ma Wei's eyes: "Father, the risk of going this way is too high. If you die unfortunately, the Church of Truth will be torn apart. I suggest "

"His Majesty."

Ma Wei interrupted her suddenly: "If I die, the Church of Truth will still have Junia, she is the goddess of truth, and I think she will be able to carry the banner."

Junia. Really?
Katerina looked at Junia, who had honey candy in her mouth and looked innocent and trouble-free, and was skeptical.

What Baji said is correct, in Junia's body, humanity firmly suppresses the divinity, and now she is just an ordinary little girl doted on by her father, even if Mavi taught her a lot of knowledge and experience, it is difficult Let her grow into a qualified goddess in a short period of time.

As for leading the church or something, it's even more difficult.

The gods are very powerful, but they are not omnipotent. Just like the god of truth, Baji, cannot predict the future, and the god of apocalypse, Nereida, cannot see through the fog of history. Gods also have shortcomings. If they can do everything by themselves, What else do popes and bishops do?

How many popes like Mawei are there in the world today?

This is the only family that has reached his level.

The Kaipai Pope is the most special existence in the church other than the gods. They are the founders of thought and the interpreters of the doctrine. Their most powerful thing is that the church is formed by them alone. One day, the cohesion of the church will be extremely strong, there will never be a split, and no one will question the authority of the pope!

Believers are not only following the goddess, but also the figure of Pope Kaipai.

"Before I leave, I will complete the unification of the Romanov Kingdom, gather all the extraordinary races scattered in various regions, sign contracts with them, and strengthen the authority of the central Holy See."

Ma Wei got up and put on his bowler hat: "Invitation letters from the Church of Truth have been distributed to churches and monasteries in various regions. All extraordinary races that can be naturalized will receive invitation letters to participate in the Truth Assembly seven days later."

This is the first Truth Conference held by Ma Wei after his victory. It is of great significance. At the annual Truth Conference, priests and bishops from all over the world will gather. They are all the heads of a certain diocese and gather together , to discuss the future policies of the church.

The last and the first Truth Conference was held in Tyumen City. At that time, there were very few people participating, only the early members such as Mavi, Levin, Edward, Dino, Fat Orange Black, Christopher, and Selina. The Church of Truth was still very weak at that time, and it is today.
The Church of Truth has grown into a colossus, with branch churches and monasteries all over the cities and towns of the Romanov Kingdom. The number of believers has already exceeded ten million, and the number of monks has also exceeded ten thousand a few days ago.

The money donated by the believers, the daily food and clothing expenses of the monks, and the salary difference. Such complicated finances are all on Dino alone. In a word, meetings have become one of the few breaks for him.

Compared with Dino, Mavi and the others are quite relaxed.

"Will all the extraordinary races who received the invitation come to Moscow?" Katerina thought for a while and said, "Will there be any danger? If they make a scene in Moscow"

"There will definitely be risks, but within our control, I have notified the Nightwolves and the Blood Clans to assist the Aurora Society in their inspection work, and the cats and cats all over the people are also operating secretly, Junia Sitting in St. Basil's Cathedral, if anything happens, you can respond immediately."

"Night Wolves? Didn't they just sign a contract with the Church?"

"This night wolf tribe used to be human, just like the blood tribe. Although they are no longer human, they still have a strong sense of identity and belonging to human society, so I recruited them and selected a few outstanding ones. Joined the Aurora Society."

Ma Wei looked calmly, and said softly: "It will be like this in the future. All extraordinary races that have signed a contract with the Church of Truth will select a few outstanding people to join the Aurora Society, and use barbarians to control barbarians. This will not only allow them to quickly integrate into human society, It can also let them come forward to deal with some special cases, so as to avoid arousing conflicts between humans and alien races."

"Sounds like the mercenary regiment system used in ancient Rome."

"There are some similarities in general, but there are still many differences in essence. Ancient Rome did not give mercenaries the status of citizens, and always excluded aliens, which made them dissatisfied. However, the Church of Truth gave aliens official identities from the very beginning, and has continued for a long time. If we change their thinking habits subtly and subtly, are we afraid that they will not contribute to the Church and the Romanov Kingdom in the long run?"

(End of this chapter)

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