Father Mavie

Chapter 426 An Invitation Letter to the Extraordinary Race

Chapter 426 An Invitation Letter to the Extraordinary Race (Please Subscribe!!!)
At noon, Ma Wei woke up from a deep sleep, put on his clothes and walked out of the room, only to find Broca waiting outside the door.

"Broca, what's the matter?"

"Father, lunch is ready. I invited the best chef in the city to cook you delicious fish soup, meat pies, and grilled lamb chops," Broca said respectfully.

"You know I don't like to do this, Broca, we can't be as extravagant and lustful as the nobles of the old days."

Broca quickly said: "Of course, Father, don't get me wrong. This is not a luxurious meal, but just a daily meal in Pechora. Recently, because of the appearance of the undead, all the animals in the forest have run away. Come out, the residents caught a lot of prey."

The supply of meat in the Romanov Kingdom has always been sufficient. The vast land has given the kingdom excellent pastures and farms. In the past, serfs could not eat much meat because of the low wages they received, not because of the price of meat. high.

When Mavi and Broca came to the restaurant, they found that Junia was already sitting at the dining table waiting, with a small white napkin stuffed on her chest, a fork in her left hand and a spoon in her right, dangling her calves that couldn’t reach the ground, staring straight at her. The trays brought by the nuns.

After returning to Pechora last night, Junia immediately fell asleep, and Mavi stayed up until the morning, so she got up late.

"Father!" Seeing Ma Wei, Junia grinned smirkly, and she was clearly in a good mood after fully waking up.

"I'll give you a gift."

Ma Wei took out the mithril tag he got from the Bone Giant, strung a red rope and tied it around Junia's neck: "Don't take it off when you sleep, with it, we don't have to worry about being caught by others." The gods found out."

Mavi herself is an ordinary person, there is no extraordinary power in his body, and he will not attract the attention of the gods. Junia is different, she is the goddess of truth, and once she sets foot on the land of London, she may be killed by fate immediately. The three goddesses noticed.

The mithril tag can just solve this difficult problem.

"Broca, sit down and eat together."

"Yes, Father."

At the dining table, Mavi broke off a piece of bread and asked about the city of Pechora while having lunch. Taking this opportunity, Broca also put forward his own appeal, hoping that the Central Holy See could negotiate with the kingdom to build an additional road leading to the north. The railway, just when the two were discussing the railway issue.
Levin, Jailan and others are back.

Carrying a sack on his shoulders, he looks heavy and seems to have gained a lot, especially Jailan, with a bright smile on his face, went straight to the restaurant when he returned to the church, opened the sack eagerly, and took out a thumb-sized black spar from it , asked: "Father, take a look, is this a soul obsidian?"

Ma Wei wiped his hands, took the black spar, observed the slightly glowing surface, and the black mist-like stone seemed to surge inside, and said after a while: "It should be right, this is what you have never seen from the undead. Got it?"

"That's right!" Jielan said excitedly: "Sure enough, there are many undead knights patrolling in the forest, and these soul obsidian stones are taken from their bodies!"

The undead race that lost their leader has become a mess, and they can no longer organize effective resistance, and failure is inevitable.

It’s not that Mavi has never thought of using undead with low intelligence to replace human beings for physical labor, such as mining and farming. It should be said that low-level undead without much intelligence are natural labor, and it is true. , the bone giants drive them to build lairs, collect human and animal corpses and throw them into the blood pool for melting, and constantly create new low-level undead, and the cycle goes on and on.
If the Bone Giants and humans can coexist in harmony, Ma Wei is willing to teach them the truth, but the reality is that they don't want to cooperate with you at all, or they have never thought of cooperating with humans.

The missing hunters around the city of Pechora were all thrown into the pool of blood by the Bone Giant, who regarded humans as prey, which Mavi could not tolerate.

Even for the blood race back then, Mavi had repeatedly confirmed Edward's ideas before deciding to cooperate with them. Everyone should seek common ground while reserving differences, but in terms of the most basic outlook on survival and values, an agreement must be reached.

What's more, Edward has never killed human beings from the standpoint of the blood race. Its dependents, including Jielan, have not died, and the soul is still the same. Although there is some coercion in it, it is still a civil dispute , can be slowly mediated, the bone giant directly killed the hunter, Roland, and Joseph, and let them die completely. This is a criminal case through and through.

Mavi has no reason to cover the Bone Giant. The hunters who were killed, Roland, and Joseph are all believers in the truth and members of the church. If he can't uphold justice, how can he convince the public?
If there are other undead that are friendly to humans in the future, Mavi may consider cooperating with them.

"Put away these soul obsidian stones, give them to Father Broca, and send them back to Mosk."

Ma Wei threw the soul obsidian into the sack, clapped his hands and said, "By the way, tell Dino to let him collect information about other materials of 'Blood of Mercury' and report it to me."


Jielan ran out of the restaurant excitedly with the sack on his shoulders. He was most anxious now, and wished he could fly back to Mosk immediately, grab Dino by the neck and ask him to hand over information about other potion ingredients.
"Where's Edward?" Ma Wei looked behind Levin, but he didn't find Edward.

"It pays homage to Roland and Joseph in the forest." Levin sat down at the dining table, grabbed a piece of grilled lamb chops, stuffed it into his mouth, and muttered, "Boss, have you noticed that Edward's behavior is becoming more and more human-like?" ?”

"Isn't it bad to be human?"

"I mean, it seems to be imitating us." Looking around, Levine whispered, "This makes me a little awkward."

You don’t think you’re an ordinary, normal human being, do you? Mavi stared at Levin for a while, shook his head and said with a smile: “Edward’s imitation of human beings shows that it approves of the human way of life, or in other words, it It's a good sign when it comes to accepting human behavior."

Levin pouted: "Maybe."

Taking small sips of fish soup, Ma Wei thought about the extraordinary races, first the Seran race, then the night wolf race, and then the undead race.
On the land of the Romanov Kingdom, how many extraordinary races have awakened?
How long does it take to go through one by one?
Regarding Warsaw, Kiev, and Helsinki, Katerina has been using diplomatic and political means to delay. Formal negotiations will begin in a few days. At that time, all countries will send representatives to participate in this meeting. Katerina will not give up the sovereignty of the three regions. , but the other kingdoms want to split the Romanov Kingdom, and it is foreseeable that the negotiations will be deadlocked in the future. In order to break the situation, Mavi must go to London to implement the plan.

Time is very tight, the longer it drags on, the less friendly it will be to people in Warsaw, Kiev, and Helsinki. Duke Ivanovic and the others will definitely slander the Church of Truth and portray Mavi and others as terrible and vicious Eastern Demons, over time, may also lead to some historical issues.

"Huh?" Levin, who was drinking soup, looked up and looked at Ma Wei blankly: "What's wrong?"

"Notify the churches and monasteries in various regions. If they find traces of extraordinary races, they should report to the Central Holy See immediately, collect information about their behavior, and try to contact them, but they must ensure their own safety."

Ma Wei said in a deep voice: "Then send members of the Aurora Society to each city in a small team of three, and if they encounter an awakened extraordinary race, they will send an invitation letter in the name of the Church of Truth."

"Invitation letter?" Levin was stunned for a moment: "Boss, where do you want to invite them to?"

"To Moscow, of course."

Ma Wei leaned back on the back of his chair, with deep eyes: "The content of the invitation letter is very simple, please send representatives from the leaders of these extraordinary races to participate in the next Truth Conference and negotiate in a unified way."

"What if they don't come?"

"If they don't come, let's go, the goddess will come!"

(End of this chapter)

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