Father Mavie

Chapter 406 Empire, Republic

Chapter 406 Empire, Republic (Please subscribe!!!)

The new king of Popon is Napoleon Bonaparte?
The new king of Sardinia is Caesar? !

How can this be?

"Didn't they die a long time ago?!" Levin yelled strangely: "Kovalyov, did you make a mistake?"

Kovalev licked his lips, also with a look of disbelief: "No. At first I thought I made a mistake, but I checked again and again, and found that it was right. Emperor Bonaparte and Caesar were reborn!"

Can the dead climb out of the grave?

Regarding this issue, Mavi had discussed it with Edward as early as in Tyumen City, and the conclusion was feasible.

As long as the gods are willing to pay some price, the designated person can be reborn!
Originally, this was just an exaggerated idea. Ma Wei never thought of realizing it, but now it happened.

Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor who came so close to conquering this continent, has returned.

Returning with him is Gaius Caesar, who is even more heavyweight, the founder of the Roman Empire, because he, the people of later generations, will regard Caesar as the title of emperor.

Rebirth of the former great emperor is a taboo magic, just like Pandora's box, once opened, others will follow suit.

Barbarossa Empire, Carlos Kingdom, Voodoo Kingdom, Windsor Kingdom, Frederick Kingdom
Will their gods imitate Anatole and recall long dead souls?

If so, who are they recalling?
Fortunately, in the history of the Kingdom of Windsor, there seems to be no great emperor who has the appeal like Caesar and Napoleon. Napoleon died only a few decades ago, and his prestige has not dissipated. As for Caesar
Caesar is a BUG, ​​and his communication power and influence can also be among the best among the great emperors.

Just one name is enough to make countless people surrender.

"Wait, don't you think it's strange?" Daniel frowned and said, "Since Napoleon and Caesar have returned and become kings again, why do the Kingdom of Popon and the Kingdom of Sardinia continue their previous titles?"

"It's already changing." Kovalev said: "After Napoleon Bonaparte ascended the throne, he restored the Bonaparte Empire. After Caesar ascended the throne, he changed the name of the country to Rome and opened the Republic!"

It is a bit surprising that Caesar did not claim the title of emperor himself, but when you think about it carefully, Caesar was never an emperor, he was the dictator of the ancient Roman Republic, who abolished the republic, proclaimed himself emperor, and claimed to be the "lord of all things". He is Caesar's nephew Octavian, nicknamed 'Augustus'.

In order to show that he inherited the Roman orthodoxy from Caesar, Octavian portrayed Caesar as a god-like figure, and this concept gradually became popular.

Whether it was Napoleon or Caesar, they did not launch foreign wars after they ascended the throne, but fell silent without much news, but the more this happened, the more uncertain Mavi felt.

There are many famous emperors in history, such as Alexander the Great who rose from Greece and conquered the Persian Empire, and Charlemagne, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire.
Every great emperor has left a strong mark in history and has had a profound impact on future generations. Now some of them have returned, and the rest may return. We must fight against these people
Ma Wei didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Can Katerina defeat Napoleon and Caesar?

If she can't, then who else does the Church of Truth need?
It is the fourth prince Arthur.

"This is the cold wind that Holmes said." The fat orange wearing a red short robe squatted on the table and said suddenly: "The cold wind will sweep the world, and the giant wheel of the times, no one can stop it. "

"What do you want to do with your mouth full of jingle?"

Looking at Fat Ju, Levin complained. From before, he felt that Fat Ju was not like a cat, but more like a decisive, intelligent and wise monarch. There might be a old soul
Fat Orange glanced at him, just about to have a fit, when he suddenly remembered that Levin was dying, put down his claws resentfully, and left the conference hall with his butt twisted, not wanting to talk to him.

"I'm going to the palace."

Standing in front of the window and hesitating for a while, Ma Wei felt that it was necessary to discuss with Katerina and ask her about the appointment of officials by the way.

"I'll go with you." Levin stood up and said, he was afraid that Mavi would enter the palace alone and accidentally meet the assassin.

"No, Edward just follow me. You can walk around the city with Junia. She has been calling out to go out to play these days."

"Okay, Daniel and I will take her to the theater."

Edward turned into a bat and landed on his shoulder, picked up the bowler hat on the table, and Mavie walked out of the meeting room.

The Pope's tiara is indeed magnificent, but it's too heavy, making it inconvenient to move. Ma Wei doesn't like to engage in formalism. He still wears a black priest's robe, and only changes into the Pope's costume on special occasions.

The guard in charge of guarding the gate of the Kremlin recognized Ma Wei at a glance, and quickly opened the door to let Ma Wei pass.

In the office, Katerina was holding a document that had just been delivered, with a serious expression on her face. Suddenly the door knocked, and Marussia walked in: "Your Majesty, Pope Mavi is here."

"Well, it's just in time."

Katerina took the document, sat on the sofa, looked at Ma Wei who entered the room and said, "Father, have you received the news? Emperor Bonaparte and Julius Caesar have been reborn."

"Just found out." Ma Wei took off his hat and sat opposite Katerina: "This incident sent a signal that the God of Wisdom and the God of Plenty have begun to strengthen domestic control. Emperor Bonaparte and Caesar The emperors are all extremely beloved monarchs, and their return will inevitably make the whole kingdom unite, which is not a good thing for the expansion of the church."

"How can they not be wary of us?" Katerina said: "There are more and more believers who follow the truth now. Once the kingdom has a different voice, it will shake the position of the church. Anatole must have seen it. This is what revived Emperor Bonaparte."

Ma Wei nodded: "Emperor Bonaparte returned from defeat in the Romanov Kingdom back then, so he probably wouldn't establish diplomatic relations with us. The import and export trade of the Romanov Kingdom will definitely be affected. We need to prepare early. .”

"Regarding this matter, the ambassador of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Romanov came to me this morning and said that he is willing to sign a 10-year trade contract with us to buy a large amount of our country's agricultural products and minerals, as well as the ambassador of the Kingdom of Frederick. , brought a letter from Chancellor Bismarck, with the king's signature on it."

Katerina took out a letter, put it on the table and pushed it to Ma Wei. Ma Wei picked it up and looked at it, and immediately knew what Frederick Kingdom wanted to do.

Restoration of diplomatic relations.

In the previous war, the foreign trade relations of the Romanov Kingdom were almost cut off. When Paul I and the Noble Faction were still there, the Popang Kingdom and the Barbarossa Empire were willing to purchase their foreign trade products. This trade route was also broken.

The Kingdom of Windsor has no news so far, and the Kingdom of Sardinia. It should be said that the Roman Republic is undergoing drastic reforms and has not resumed diplomatic relations for the time being. The Ruiwei United Kingdom is a typical neutral faction. Although they are willing to do business with the Romanov Kingdom, their population is too large. Less, can not solve the fundamental problem.

The Romanov Kingdom lost more than half of the way to export goods. There was a backlog of goods in the factory. The boss had no money, so he couldn’t pay wages. The workers didn’t have money, and the kingdom’s economy was sluggish. These are chain reactions.

In addition, the God of Wisdom put 8 million rubles in cash into the market, causing prices to soar, and it has not been suppressed so far. If the goods cannot be sold
"Father, to be honest, the situation in the Romanov Kingdom is very serious now, and it is on the verge of collapse." Katerina rubbed her brows, her complexion getting haggard day by day: "All countries are blocking us, and the Minister of Economy is looking for me every day. Crying, I want the central bank to bail out the market and lend money to those factories. There is also the issue of appointing officials. Christopher has come to me several times and asked me to send officials to various places to take office, but I really have no one in my hands. They were all sent out."

"Your Majesty, do you want to agree to the order of the United States of America?" Ma Wei heard Katerina's implication.

"Well." Katerina said: "If we can sign a 10-year large-scale trade order with the United States of America, it will effectively relieve the economic pressure on our country. We need to open things up as soon as possible, Father."

Located in the north, the Romanov Kingdom, which has an unfavorable geographical location, is far away from the core trade circle. The goods are indeed cheap, but the transportation costs are extremely high, and the cost can never be suppressed. It does not have much advantage in the international market.

Not only that, at present, all countries are intentionally or unintentionally banning trade with the Kingdom of Romanov. It is not easy for Prime Minister Bismarck and King William V to lend a helping hand at this time.

The trade order given by the United States of America at this time is more like aid than transaction.

"In the transaction order, the United States of Citigroup seems to want to include Alaska in the Far East of our country as the core area of ​​the transaction. It intends to lease Alaska for 1 years at the price of 99 million Citi General Gold Bonds. After the expiration, it is willing to invest 1 million Citi currency , buy that piece of land forever.”

"Is this a binding agreement?"


"There really is no such thing as a pie in the sky." Ma Wei sneered: "Alaska is an extremely important strategic region. With it, our army will cross the Bering Strait without hindrance and look down at the United States of America. Your Majesty , we must not sell the land of the kingdom for immediate benefits, otherwise we will regret it in the future."

Katerina frowned: "I really don't want to sell Alaska, but I hear what you mean, Father, and it seems that I want to launch a war against the United States of America in the future?"


Mavi laughed:

"That's right."

(End of this chapter)

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